If Joe Biden Was A Republican Would Democrats, The Media, & Snowflakes Still Defend Him?

Joe Biden is more or less an old school republican, but ppl who support the GOP today are so on the far right fringe that they believe anyone not with them is some far left liberal.
He either would have been forced to resign years ago, or be put in a "passive office" where he no longer held any power of any kind.
"If Joe Biden Was A Republican Would Democrats, The Media, & Snowflakes Still Defend Him?"

No, but Republicans sure would. Party is all that matters. It's stupid. It's destructive. But it's how we roll.
We didn't go after Trump because of his party, we went after Trump because his policies were wrong, and destructive.

What Trump policies were wrong for the US? Border security/stay in Mexico/wall, sanctions on Nordstream, numerous policies that led to cheaper energy in the US…which ones exactly?

They're not working for working people anywhere in the world, but the rest of the world isn't as stupid as the American conservatives, because the rest of us aren't blaming Joe Biden for it.

The rest of the world is still fighting for second place so naturally they are hoping to bring the US down to their level. Sheeple around the world, especially European sheeple, fall for it.

I support him because of his policies

Wow, scary.
I thought about asking if we suddenly switched Joe Biden's and Donald Trump's party affiliation would Democrats still be going after Joe Biden 6 years later and defending Trump so blindly...but we don't need to go there.

I decided to settle on thos instead:

If Joe Biden was a Republican, with nothing else changed - he who he was, did what he did, has done what he has done, and is still doing what he's doing plus everything else - would Democrats still embrace, praise, and defend him as they do now?


'As segregationists were dying off in the 1970s, you went out of your way to be pals with them, then bragged about it. You once called notorious segregationist Senator Strom Thurmond “one of my closest friends.” In 1988, when you were mounting a run for president that collapsed when your multiple acts of plagiarism came to light, you deployed a dog whistle when you bragged that the arch-racist former Alabama governor George Wallace had given you a leadership award in 1973. Also in 1988 you noted approvingly that the press would refer to you and Thurmond as the “marvelous marriage” and “the odd couple.” You later delivered a eulogy at Thurmond’s funeral in 2003.'

'You once told Mississippi senator John Stennis, a racist opponent of school desegregation, that you viewed him as a “hero” and were honored to take over his office after he retired. In 2010 you gave a eulogy at the funeral of Senator Robert Byrd, a former leader of the Ku Klux Klan whom you called “a dear friend.” As recently as 2008 you were still bragging that you had “deep personal relationships” with segregationist senators James Eastland, Stennis, and Thurmond, and said, “All these men became my friends.” As recently as 2016 you fondly recalled that you welcomed the assistance of Stennis in one of your Senate reelection campaigns even though Stennis once said, “Those who would mix little children of both races in our schools are following an illegal, immoral, and sinful doctrine.” Isn’t your record of supporting these avowed white supremacists disturbing, disgusting, and disqualifying?'

He said he did not want his kids growing up in a 'racial jungle', said black kids cod be / were smart as white kids, said if blacka did not vote for him 'you ain't black.

The 1st Lady ccompared Latinos to TACOS recently.

Democrats Love to call people RACISTS ... but they refuse to call the Bidens 'RACIST'... and the only reason I can think of why is because Biden is a Democrat.

If you claim the Democrats would have allowed the Trumps to have gotten away with any of that you are a bald faced LIAR.


If Biden was a REPUBLICAN, his son was a crackhead, getting paid over $800k a month for a crooked Ukraine power company working for a known criminal who is partnered with Putin and his son has no knowledge / expertise ... if his son is given a huge diamond ... is making shady corrupt deals with China, laundering money for Russian Oligarchs, would they still defend Biden?

If Biden were a REPUBLICAN and had said he never knew what his son's business partners yet there was a laptop out there with all the evidence he was lying, photos in the internet proving he is lying, State Department reps' testimony under oath proving he is lying, and Biden was getting 10% of everything, would they still defend him?

If Biden was a REPUBLICAN and evidence proved his son was screwing pole dancers he had a son with and aabandoned, was making incestupus porn films, sending links to Biden, and that Biden had been taking inappropriate sshowers with his little daughter., would Democrats still defend Bidrn?

If Biden was a REPUBLICAN and was still responsible for inflation, the horrific economy, supply chain crisis, foot shortage, the continuing baby food shortage, historic illegal invasion, massive crime spike, selling China US Strategic Oil Reserve oil on the brink of war,selling thousands of acres nect to strategic military / SAC bases, selling thousands of acres of US grain production land while Russia is preventing Ukraine from exporting any of its wealth of grain when we are on the verge of a food shortage, if Bidendragfed this nation into a recession as he has done ... would Democrats still defend Republican Biden?

If Biden was a REPUBLICAN and was negotiation the release of a Russian terrorist with an invading genocidal, torturing, murdering war criminal and terrorist would Democrats still praise and defend Biden?

If Biden was a REPUBLICAN and was kissing the ass of the CCP leader who released a disease that shut down the world's economy and killed millions, who threatened to allow millions more Anericans to die by withholding medicines Americans rely on to live every day, and was still selling them o from the depleted US Strategic Oil Reserves as we are on the brink of war with this nation, would Democrats still be defending him so?

If Biden was a REPUBLICAN, had called Saudi a 'Pariah' swore he would never shake hands with or meet with the Butcher of Khashoggi then flew to Saudi, begged for oil, fist bumped the Butcher of Khashoggi, lied about confronting the prince about Khashoggi's death, and was forced to endure the Saudis laughing at him as they asked 'the beggar' if he still felt like Saudibwas a 'pariah' ... would Democrats still be defending Biden so ardently?

If Biden was a REPUBLICAN and was obviously so mentally feeble, incompetent, dementia-ravaged that he needs cue cards to know when to walk, talk, sit, and leave, would Demo rays allow him to remain in office?

If Biden was a REPUBLICAN and had the 2nd lowest approval rating in US history with the country in the shape it is now, how many Democrats would still be praising and defending him?

Oh what the hell - let's ask the REAL question:



Trump would have been booted from office and in jail with the rest of his family by now.

Interesting how it's OK when Joe Biden, Democrat, does it, though...

are you saying you cant like someone with different views.

and are you saying Tramp never took money from Russia and China.
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Yeah, and left wing media is just Angels that report the truth with no slant is what you are suggesting…

Hate to tell you the left has CNN, MSNBC, DailyKos, Huffington Post, NPR, and much more and you whine about the FOX News and Talk Radio for the right?

Seriously are you that blinded by your hate you ignore you ain’t no different than those you whine and bitch about?

You will slam a President Kid if they are Republican, support Death Threats against Conservative Judges and would even support overthrowing the Government if Biden attempted it just because he is a Democrat and you will proclaim it is to save humanity from the Republican Party you consider to be the Fourth Reich…

So grow the hell up and realize you are a pathetic joke that only support one political party and believe if anyone disagree with your Democratic Socialist agenda then they must be silence and put down!

Truthfully you are a pathetic excuse of a Human and let be factual if Trump were a Democrat you would have voted for him seeing you are so much like him and if Biden were a Republican you would be writing about Hunter, Stolen Elections, Economy and weak and pathetic leadership, so let be factual you worthless hack!
What a total waste of time but towards the end I bet it felt pretty good.

If Joe Biden Was A Republican Would Democrats, The Media, & Snowflakes Still Defend Him?​

Well, I pointed out endlessly during the 2016 campaign that Donald Trump was a New York limousine liberal Democrat, and look how fiercely the tard herd defends him! All he had to do was change his D to an R, and the Orwellian factor hit 11.

Joe Biden is more or less an old school republican, but ppl who support the GOP today are so on the far right fringe that they believe anyone not with them is some far left liberal.
I'd like to add something, but I don't think I can.

You won the thread!
We didn't go after Trump because of his party, we went after Trump because his policies were wrong, and destructive. And because he's a lying criminal. He was in the middle of fraud trial when he was nominated.

The left doesn't support Biden because of his Party, they support him because of his policies which are working for the American people, and the economy.
Let me fix this for you.

You hated TRUMP! from the very beginning and hate him to this day.
You don't support Quid Pro, you tolerate him because he's not TRUMP!. It would be nice if his policies were actually working for the American people, but here we are...
I thought about asking if we suddenly switched Joe Biden's and Donald Trump's party affiliation would Democrats still be going after Joe Biden 6 years later and defending Trump so blindly...but we don't need to go there.

I decided to settle on thos instead:

If Joe Biden was a Republican, with nothing else changed - he who he was, did what he did, has done what he has done, and is still doing what he's doing plus everything else - would Democrats still embrace, praise, and defend him as they do now?


'As segregationists were dying off in the 1970s, you went out of your way to be pals with them, then bragged about it. You once called notorious segregationist Senator Strom Thurmond “one of my closest friends.” In 1988, when you were mounting a run for president that collapsed when your multiple acts of plagiarism came to light, you deployed a dog whistle when you bragged that the arch-racist former Alabama governor George Wallace had given you a leadership award in 1973. Also in 1988 you noted approvingly that the press would refer to you and Thurmond as the “marvelous marriage” and “the odd couple.” You later delivered a eulogy at Thurmond’s funeral in 2003.'

'You once told Mississippi senator John Stennis, a racist opponent of school desegregation, that you viewed him as a “hero” and were honored to take over his office after he retired. In 2010 you gave a eulogy at the funeral of Senator Robert Byrd, a former leader of the Ku Klux Klan whom you called “a dear friend.” As recently as 2008 you were still bragging that you had “deep personal relationships” with segregationist senators James Eastland, Stennis, and Thurmond, and said, “All these men became my friends.” As recently as 2016 you fondly recalled that you welcomed the assistance of Stennis in one of your Senate reelection campaigns even though Stennis once said, “Those who would mix little children of both races in our schools are following an illegal, immoral, and sinful doctrine.” Isn’t your record of supporting these avowed white supremacists disturbing, disgusting, and disqualifying?'

He said he did not want his kids growing up in a 'racial jungle', said black kids cod be / were smart as white kids, said if blacka did not vote for him 'you ain't black.

The 1st Lady ccompared Latinos to TACOS recently.

Democrats Love to call people RACISTS ... but they refuse to call the Bidens 'RACIST'... and the only reason I can think of why is because Biden is a Democrat.

If you claim the Democrats would have allowed the Trumps to have gotten away with any of that you are a bald faced LIAR.


If Biden was a REPUBLICAN, his son was a crackhead, getting paid over $800k a month for a crooked Ukraine power company working for a known criminal who is partnered with Putin and his son has no knowledge / expertise ... if his son is given a huge diamond ... is making shady corrupt deals with China, laundering money for Russian Oligarchs, would they still defend Biden?

If Biden were a REPUBLICAN and had said he never knew what his son's business partners yet there was a laptop out there with all the evidence he was lying, photos in the internet proving he is lying, State Department reps' testimony under oath proving he is lying, and Biden was getting 10% of everything, would they still defend him?

If Biden was a REPUBLICAN and evidence proved his son was screwing pole dancers he had a son with and aabandoned, was making incestupus porn films, sending links to Biden, and that Biden had been taking inappropriate sshowers with his little daughter., would Democrats still defend Bidrn?

If Biden was a REPUBLICAN and was still responsible for inflation, the horrific economy, supply chain crisis, foot shortage, the continuing baby food shortage, historic illegal invasion, massive crime spike, selling China US Strategic Oil Reserve oil on the brink of war,selling thousands of acres nect to strategic military / SAC bases, selling thousands of acres of US grain production land while Russia is preventing Ukraine from exporting any of its wealth of grain when we are on the verge of a food shortage, if Bidendragfed this nation into a recession as he has done ... would Democrats still defend Republican Biden?

If Biden was a REPUBLICAN and was negotiation the release of a Russian terrorist with an invading genocidal, torturing, murdering war criminal and terrorist would Democrats still praise and defend Biden?

If Biden was a REPUBLICAN and was kissing the ass of the CCP leader who released a disease that shut down the world's economy and killed millions, who threatened to allow millions more Anericans to die by withholding medicines Americans rely on to live every day, and was still selling them o from the depleted US Strategic Oil Reserves as we are on the brink of war with this nation, would Democrats still be defending him so?

If Biden was a REPUBLICAN, had called Saudi a 'Pariah' swore he would never shake hands with or meet with the Butcher of Khashoggi then flew to Saudi, begged for oil, fist bumped the Butcher of Khashoggi, lied about confronting the prince about Khashoggi's death, and was forced to endure the Saudis laughing at him as they asked 'the beggar' if he still felt like Saudibwas a 'pariah' ... would Democrats still be defending Biden so ardently?

If Biden was a REPUBLICAN and was obviously so mentally feeble, incompetent, dementia-ravaged that he needs cue cards to know when to walk, talk, sit, and leave, would Demo rays allow him to remain in office?

If Biden was a REPUBLICAN and had the 2nd lowest approval rating in US history with the country in the shape it is now, how many Democrats would still be praising and defending him?

Oh what the hell - let's ask the REAL question:



Trump would have been booted from office and in jail with the rest of his family by now.

Interesting how it's OK when Joe Biden, Democrat, does it, though...

Defend him?! That is one thing I haven't seen anyone do here. They are all to busy telling us of the evils of Trump. Or just maybe even these idiots see Joe as a total brainless fool.
I thought about asking if we suddenly switched Joe Biden's and Donald Trump's party affiliation would Democrats still be going after Joe Biden 6 years later and defending Trump so blindly...but we don't need to go there.

I decided to settle on thos instead:

If Joe Biden was a Republican, with nothing else changed - he who he was, did what he did, has done what he has done, and is still doing what he's doing plus everything else - would Democrats still embrace, praise, and defend him as they do now?


'As segregationists were dying off in the 1970s, you went out of your way to be pals with them, then bragged about it. You once called notorious segregationist Senator Strom Thurmond “one of my closest friends.” In 1988, when you were mounting a run for president that collapsed when your multiple acts of plagiarism came to light, you deployed a dog whistle when you bragged that the arch-racist former Alabama governor George Wallace had given you a leadership award in 1973. Also in 1988 you noted approvingly that the press would refer to you and Thurmond as the “marvelous marriage” and “the odd couple.” You later delivered a eulogy at Thurmond’s funeral in 2003.'

'You once told Mississippi senator John Stennis, a racist opponent of school desegregation, that you viewed him as a “hero” and were honored to take over his office after he retired. In 2010 you gave a eulogy at the funeral of Senator Robert Byrd, a former leader of the Ku Klux Klan whom you called “a dear friend.” As recently as 2008 you were still bragging that you had “deep personal relationships” with segregationist senators James Eastland, Stennis, and Thurmond, and said, “All these men became my friends.” As recently as 2016 you fondly recalled that you welcomed the assistance of Stennis in one of your Senate reelection campaigns even though Stennis once said, “Those who would mix little children of both races in our schools are following an illegal, immoral, and sinful doctrine.” Isn’t your record of supporting these avowed white supremacists disturbing, disgusting, and disqualifying?'

He said he did not want his kids growing up in a 'racial jungle', said black kids cod be / were smart as white kids, said if blacka did not vote for him 'you ain't black.

The 1st Lady ccompared Latinos to TACOS recently.

Democrats Love to call people RACISTS ... but they refuse to call the Bidens 'RACIST'... and the only reason I can think of why is because Biden is a Democrat.

If you claim the Democrats would have allowed the Trumps to have gotten away with any of that you are a bald faced LIAR.


If Biden was a REPUBLICAN, his son was a crackhead, getting paid over $800k a month for a crooked Ukraine power company working for a known criminal who is partnered with Putin and his son has no knowledge / expertise ... if his son is given a huge diamond ... is making shady corrupt deals with China, laundering money for Russian Oligarchs, would they still defend Biden?

If Biden were a REPUBLICAN and had said he never knew what his son's business partners yet there was a laptop out there with all the evidence he was lying, photos in the internet proving he is lying, State Department reps' testimony under oath proving he is lying, and Biden was getting 10% of everything, would they still defend him?

If Biden was a REPUBLICAN and evidence proved his son was screwing pole dancers he had a son with and aabandoned, was making incestupus porn films, sending links to Biden, and that Biden had been taking inappropriate sshowers with his little daughter., would Democrats still defend Bidrn?

If Biden was a REPUBLICAN and was still responsible for inflation, the horrific economy, supply chain crisis, foot shortage, the continuing baby food shortage, historic illegal invasion, massive crime spike, selling China US Strategic Oil Reserve oil on the brink of war,selling thousands of acres nect to strategic military / SAC bases, selling thousands of acres of US grain production land while Russia is preventing Ukraine from exporting any of its wealth of grain when we are on the verge of a food shortage, if Bidendragfed this nation into a recession as he has done ... would Democrats still defend Republican Biden?

If Biden was a REPUBLICAN and was negotiation the release of a Russian terrorist with an invading genocidal, torturing, murdering war criminal and terrorist would Democrats still praise and defend Biden?

If Biden was a REPUBLICAN and was kissing the ass of the CCP leader who released a disease that shut down the world's economy and killed millions, who threatened to allow millions more Anericans to die by withholding medicines Americans rely on to live every day, and was still selling them o from the depleted US Strategic Oil Reserves as we are on the brink of war with this nation, would Democrats still be defending him so?

If Biden was a REPUBLICAN, had called Saudi a 'Pariah' swore he would never shake hands with or meet with the Butcher of Khashoggi then flew to Saudi, begged for oil, fist bumped the Butcher of Khashoggi, lied about confronting the prince about Khashoggi's death, and was forced to endure the Saudis laughing at him as they asked 'the beggar' if he still felt like Saudibwas a 'pariah' ... would Democrats still be defending Biden so ardently?

If Biden was a REPUBLICAN and was obviously so mentally feeble, incompetent, dementia-ravaged that he needs cue cards to know when to walk, talk, sit, and leave, would Demo rays allow him to remain in office?

If Biden was a REPUBLICAN and had the 2nd lowest approval rating in US history with the country in the shape it is now, how many Democrats would still be praising and defending him?

Oh what the hell - let's ask the REAL question:



Trump would have been booted from office and in jail with the rest of his family by now.

Interesting how it's OK when Joe Biden, Democrat, does it, though...

Definite proves the point that having a (D) next to your name provides all sorts of license when it comes to views on race and sex. We actually saw the inverse of that with Donald Trump. Trump had years of affairs and womanizing and the Left had no problem with it because he was writing checks to Democrats and bashing Bush and Cheney. Then Trump decided he wanted to be President and the Left suddenly had all of these concerns and issues with Trump’s life.

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