If Joe Biden Was A Republican Would Democrats, The Media, & Snowflakes Still Defend Him?

The need to convert to a clean / reuseable energy source is still needed ... in The next 100+ years.

To end American production, to attempt to completely end reliance on / usage of fossil fuels - when our entire economy is based on fossil fuels - as quickly as turning off a light by flipping a light switch ... an admitted failed agenda / policies ... is and has proven to be disastrous for our economy and Americans who have lost businesses / jobs overnight.

Biden and the radical leftists who have forced this extremely painful / costly and immediate 'transition' have wrought unnecessay pain and destruction on our economy, our citizens, and this country.

A much slower, well thought / planned out transition was / is needed.

Biden has proven such a drastic transition has been a complete failure AND that we can not live / survive without fossil fuel use.

Biden has set monumental deadines for the end of US oil dependency in 2030 & 2035, but he has proven the US can not survive without fossil fuels and ouriwn energy production.

After declaring he and Democrats were imposing this paunful transition to end fossil fuel dependency Biden immediately, after shutting down tge fossil fuel-based industry, yelling people to get used to a nation without foss fuels, Biden then began begging orher nations, our enemies for oil.

Despite declaring he is cutting Americans and US businesses off from foss fuels he admitted the US can not survive without fossil fuels by emptying the strategic oil reserves and begging other nations for resources we have a plethora of.

Biden is begging nations that have less fossil fuels than we do to pump more oil and sell us with energy.

As the Saudis pointed out to Biden and Democrats, if you need oil so badly WHY DID YOU SELL PART OF YOUR STRATEGIC OIL RESERVES TO THE CHICOMS?

Biden abd Drmocrats proved by doing this that not only cutting fossil fuel usage 'cold turkey' is a failed policy but how they are trying to go abot it is stupid.

One of the DIMBEST f*ing ideas is Biden / Democrats telling Americans struggling to survive during Bidenflation / recession if they can't afford gas (or rent, food, etc...) they should just go out and buy a $60k+ EV!

Such a comment shows a total disconnection to reality and with the American people struggling right now.

Very few people can afford to buy an EV. Replacement batteries for EVs are amost like printer cartidges for your PC, having to replace them is almost more expensive than buying a new PC / EV. And EV owners down in Florida are learning if sea water gets into your EV the damn things can / will / are catching on fire / blowing up.

When AOC declared tge Green Cult wanted to replace fossil fuel energy with wind, solar, hydro-electic energy (which produces a fraction of what we need) AND an 'ENERGY SOURCE THAT HAS NOT BEEN INVENTED YET intelligent people believed this drastic change would not happen UNTIL that alternate energy source had been discovered / invented. NOT!

AOC was warning us what was coming in the next few years if the Dems took the Presidency and control of Congres.
Inflation is high all over the world, but you blame Joe Biden for it. That takes a special level of stupid to look at inflation being high all over the world and to conclude that it's Joe Biden's fault.

When it comes to world inflation

Belgium 11.27
Canada 7
Denmark 10
Euro Area 10
European Union 10.1
Finland 8.1
France 5.6
Germany 10
Ireland 8.2
Italy 8.9
Mexico 8.7
Sweden 10.8
United Kingdom 9.9
United States 8.2
What you forget is Democrat governor's shutting down their states putting HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS out out of work.
You know that other countries did a much better job because their central government actually managed the crisis, instead of leaving it up to the 50 different states to try and manage it on their own.

Think of COVID like fighting a war, and the commander in chief telling his 50 generals, there was no plan, no coordination, not even a common goal, and they had to scrounge their own supplies.
And that is the crux of your problem with President Donald Trump

No, the problem we have with Donald Trump is that he is an incompetent criminal who tried to overthrow the government.

The man has no morals, no character, and no discernible management ability. He was the world's biggest loser before the election and will go down in history as the World's Greatest Conman, and rightfully so, but the reason why 81 million people voted for Joe Biden as President is that he is NOT Donald Trump.
When it comes to world inflation

Belgium 11.27
Canada 7
Denmark 10
Euro Area 10
European Union 10.1
Finland 8.1
France 5.6
Germany 10
Ireland 8.2
Italy 8.9
Mexico 8.7
Sweden 10.8
United Kingdom 9.9
United States 8.2
And inflation under President Donald Trump:
U.S. inflation rate for 2019 was 1.81%, a 0.63% decline from 2018. U.S. inflation rate for 2018 was 2.44%, a 0.31% increase from 2017.
Inflation is high all over the world, but you blame Joe Biden for it. That takes a special level of stupid to look at inflation being high all over the world and to conclude that it's Joe Biden's fault.

Biden is not escalating the war, Putin is, but you blame Biden. Once again, something that only real idiots would conclude.

YOUR brain has failed, completely if you believe this shit.

I'm fairly certain that you being an incel has warped your brain. I am spot on about him and you.
What you forget is Democrat governor's shutting down their states putting HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS out out of work.

Whenever you talk about the pandemic and the economy, you only ever mention the effect of lockdowns on jobs and businesses. What about the costs of testing and treating the sick and dying????

Canada shut down the entire country for two long years and we had 1/3 of the death and disease you've had. Our economy didn't crash, and we save hundreds of millions of dollars because our hospital system was NEVER overwhelmed.

Our government didn't deal with the pandemic in a partisan manner. 7 of our 10 provinces have Conservative governments, and the Liberals hold the federal government, and all right/left squabbling ended the day we started shutting down. EVERY level of government put the Canadian people ahead of partisan politics and spoke as one voice, and that was the voice of Justin Trudeau.

Trudeau held up his end of things too. Our hospitals never ran out of PPE, nor were there refrigerator trucks holding our dead. We have so much vaccine it's embarrassing and we're 80% fully vaccinated. Much of the costs of the pandemic were related to testing and treating the sick, and since 1/3 of our population didn't get the disease, all of our costs were much lower than yours.

When you parse all of the numbers, Florida and Texas LOST more money testing and treating the sick, and those losses were GREATER economic losses than the jobs and businesses both states claimed to have saved.
And inflation under President Donald Trump:
U.S. inflation rate for 2019 was 1.81%, a 0.63% decline from 2018. U.S. inflation rate for 2018 was 2.44%, a 0.31% increase from 2017.

That's because working people had no money under Donald Trump and couldn't afford to buy anything. 8 million people fell into poverty when Donald Trump was in office. The average life expectancy for Americans declined in every year Trump was in office, and over 1 million have died from covid.
Inflation is high all over the world, but you blame Joe Biden for it. That takes a special level of stupid to look at inflation being high all over the world and to conclude that it's Joe Biden's fault.

Biden is not escalating the war, Putin is, but you blame Biden. Once again, something that only real idiots would conclude.

YOUR brain has failed, completely if you believe this shit.
Inflation is high in countries that think and do the same as Biden. Go back to Trump's energy policies and this will be sovled.
Canada shut down the entire country for two long years and we had 1/3 of the death and disease you've had.

You have 1⁄10 our population, spread over a larger area. So, if you've had ⅓ the death and disease that we've had, then that means that per-capita, you had it three times as bad.
Scrubbers are an apparatus that cleans the gases passing through the smokestack of a coal-burning power plant. Due to Clean Air Act regulations, most scrubbers in U.S. coal plants are used to remove sulfur emissions from coal and lessen the formation of acid rain.Apr 30, 2021

Those things have been around forever. When Trump campaigns on "clean coal" we all know the dumb shit he's talking about. He's referring to actually taking pieces of coal and physically cleaning them, lmao. It's always funny seeing his cult following doing mental gymnastics to defend him :laugh: :laugh:
Lol, we had cheap energy under Trump, until your pedophile took over.

Did it not occur to you that energy, as in oil and gas, was cheap across the globe during the pandemic and has been steadily rising ever since? That's what happens when there's no demand. Yes, gas rose under Trump and continued to rise under Biden. I know you hate facts but Trump didn't create any miracles regarding energy, unless those same miracles also affected every other country on the planet.
Did it not occur to you that energy, as in oil and gas, was cheap across the globe during the pandemic and has been steadily rising ever since? That's what happens when there's no demand. Yes, gas rose under Trump and continued to rise under Biden. I know you hate facts but Trump didn't create any miracles regarding energy, unless those same miracles also affected every other country on the planet.
Mexico has cheap gas.
Perhaps you are too stupid to understand the question:

If Biden was doing the same exact thing under the same circumstances, would Democrats, leftist media, and snowflakes syill ve supporting and defending him right now?

Need me to type it slower for you?
Stupid questions deserve a stupid answer, no.
All Republicans are a threat to the totalitarian wanna be Democrat party. They hate competition. That's why the education system and the MSM they control are so dangerous to our country. They don't understand that when you destroy competition, you destroy the American dream. Or maybe they want it that way.
I thought about asking if we suddenly switched Joe Biden's and Donald Trump's party affiliation would Democrats still be going after Joe Biden 6 years later and defending Trump so blindly...but we don't need to go there.

I decided to settle on thos instead:

If Joe Biden was a Republican, with nothing else changed - he who he was, did what he did, has done what he has done, and is still doing what he's doing plus everything else - would Democrats still embrace, praise, and defend him as they do now?


'As segregationists were dying off in the 1970s, you went out of your way to be pals with them, then bragged about it. You once called notorious segregationist Senator Strom Thurmond “one of my closest friends.” In 1988, when you were mounting a run for president that collapsed when your multiple acts of plagiarism came to light, you deployed a dog whistle when you bragged that the arch-racist former Alabama governor George Wallace had given you a leadership award in 1973. Also in 1988 you noted approvingly that the press would refer to you and Thurmond as the “marvelous marriage” and “the odd couple.” You later delivered a eulogy at Thurmond’s funeral in 2003.'

'You once told Mississippi senator John Stennis, a racist opponent of school desegregation, that you viewed him as a “hero” and were honored to take over his office after he retired. In 2010 you gave a eulogy at the funeral of Senator Robert Byrd, a former leader of the Ku Klux Klan whom you called “a dear friend.” As recently as 2008 you were still bragging that you had “deep personal relationships” with segregationist senators James Eastland, Stennis, and Thurmond, and said, “All these men became my friends.” As recently as 2016 you fondly recalled that you welcomed the assistance of Stennis in one of your Senate reelection campaigns even though Stennis once said, “Those who would mix little children of both races in our schools are following an illegal, immoral, and sinful doctrine.” Isn’t your record of supporting these avowed white supremacists disturbing, disgusting, and disqualifying?'

He said he did not want his kids growing up in a 'racial jungle', said black kids cod be / were smart as white kids, said if blacka did not vote for him 'you ain't black.

The 1st Lady ccompared Latinos to TACOS recently.

Democrats Love to call people RACISTS ... but they refuse to call the Bidens 'RACIST'... and the only reason I can think of why is because Biden is a Democrat.

If you claim the Democrats would have allowed the Trumps to have gotten away with any of that you are a bald faced LIAR.


If Biden was a REPUBLICAN, his son was a crackhead, getting paid over $800k a month for a crooked Ukraine power company working for a known criminal who is partnered with Putin and his son has no knowledge / expertise ... if his son is given a huge diamond ... is making shady corrupt deals with China, laundering money for Russian Oligarchs, would they still defend Biden?

If Biden were a REPUBLICAN and had said he never knew what his son's business partners yet there was a laptop out there with all the evidence he was lying, photos in the internet proving he is lying, State Department reps' testimony under oath proving he is lying, and Biden was getting 10% of everything, would they still defend him?

If Biden was a REPUBLICAN and evidence proved his son was screwing pole dancers he had a son with and aabandoned, was making incestupus porn films, sending links to Biden, and that Biden had been taking inappropriate sshowers with his little daughter., would Democrats still defend Bidrn?

If Biden was a REPUBLICAN and was still responsible for inflation, the horrific economy, supply chain crisis, foot shortage, the continuing baby food shortage, historic illegal invasion, massive crime spike, selling China US Strategic Oil Reserve oil on the brink of war,selling thousands of acres nect to strategic military / SAC bases, selling thousands of acres of US grain production land while Russia is preventing Ukraine from exporting any of its wealth of grain when we are on the verge of a food shortage, if Bidendragfed this nation into a recession as he has done ... would Democrats still defend Republican Biden?

If Biden was a REPUBLICAN and was negotiation the release of a Russian terrorist with an invading genocidal, torturing, murdering war criminal and terrorist would Democrats still praise and defend Biden?

If Biden was a REPUBLICAN and was kissing the ass of the CCP leader who released a disease that shut down the world's economy and killed millions, who threatened to allow millions more Anericans to die by withholding medicines Americans rely on to live every day, and was still selling them o from the depleted US Strategic Oil Reserves as we are on the brink of war with this nation, would Democrats still be defending him so?

If Biden was a REPUBLICAN, had called Saudi a 'Pariah' swore he would never shake hands with or meet with the Butcher of Khashoggi then flew to Saudi, begged for oil, fist bumped the Butcher of Khashoggi, lied about confronting the prince about Khashoggi's death, and was forced to endure the Saudis laughing at him as they asked 'the beggar' if he still felt like Saudibwas a 'pariah' ... would Democrats still be defending Biden so ardently?

If Biden was a REPUBLICAN and was obviously so mentally feeble, incompetent, dementia-ravaged that he needs cue cards to know when to walk, talk, sit, and leave, would Demo rays allow him to remain in office?

If Biden was a REPUBLICAN and had the 2nd lowest approval rating in US history with the country in the shape it is now, how many Democrats would still be praising and defending him?

Oh what the hell - let's ask the REAL question:



Trump would have been booted from office and in jail with the rest of his family by now.

Interesting how it's OK when Joe Biden, Democrat, does it, though...

If Joe was an R he would never have seen office.
Yeah of course they would support him if the policies were the same. Leftists don’t like republicans for their policies. That’s how it has always been.

That's because Leftists are Communists, pure and simple. This makes YOU vermin the enemies of America.

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