Let's take a look at our last five Democrat Presidents

Not really
Um…afraid YES

What happened to all the race riots under Trump?

Unarmed black men are still getting killed by the police, but the riots have stopped.
Democrats whined when president Trump offered to help.
Democrats said give them space to destroy.
Great Lineup

LBJ accomplished more than any President since FDR
Carter was a good man in a bad position
Clinton had the best economy in history
Obama saved us from a Republican Depression
Biden added the most jobs of any President in his first year

History considers Obama, LBJ and Clinton among the best Presidents

Lets see…

Trump LOST 2.5 million jobs in four years
Biden ADDED over 8 million jobs in a little over a year
Trump lost nothing democrats shut down the economy. Biden didn't add jobs people were taking back the jobs that were killed by the Democrat shutdown.
Trump bragged he would have a GDP of 5-6
Trump never delivered an annual GDP over 3

Biden delivered a GDP of 5.9 in his first year
Oh yes, I remember Trumps promises of a great economy. Where there would be so much growth, that he wouldn't just balance the budget, but he said he could pay off the national debt. And he would have 5-6 % annual GDP growth to do that.

Funny how people don't remember Trump promising that, and saying any president who couldn't deliver 3% annual GDP growth didn't deserve another term.

Let's take a look at our last five Democrat Presidents​

Let’s not, it invites a similar retrospective of GOPer presidents, who sucked equally each in his own unique way
Trump bragged he would have a GDP of 5-6
Trump never delivered an annual GDP over 3

Biden delivered a GDP of 5.9 in his first year
What ever you dream about but the economy was going strong until the democrat shut the economy down.

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