Let's take a look at our last five Democrat Presidents

Trump provided the regular guy with historic prosperity
Trump raised unemployment before he couldn't handle defeat and incited his goon to attack Congress.

Under Trump, the economy lost 2.9 million jobs. The unemployment rate increased by 1.6 percentage points to 6.3%.

During the reign of trumpery,

The U.S. trade deficit in goods and services in 2020 was the highest since 2008 and increased 40.5% from 2016.

The number of people lacking health insurance rose by 3 million.

The federal debt held by the public went up, from $14.4 trillion to $21.6 trillion.
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Trump raised unemployment before he couldn't handle defeat and incited his goon to attack Congress.

Under Trump, the economy lost 2.9 million jobs. The unemployment rate increased by 1.6 percentage points to 6.3%.
You are using covid shutdown numbers.... Pre Covid/China virus bio attack...Trump had the best economy in my lifetime...especially for middle and lower middle class workers....now we are back to a near recession....
Trump raised unemployment before he couldn't handle defeat and incited his goon to attack Congress.

Under Trump, the economy lost 2.9 million jobs. The unemployment rate increased by 1.6 percentage points to 6.3%.

During the reign of trumpery,

The U.S. trade deficit in goods and services in 2020 was the highest since 2008 and increased 40.5% from 2016.

The number of people lacking health insurance rose by 3 million.

The federal debt held by the public went up, from $14.4 trillion to $21.6 trillion.
Name one democrat former living president that can beat Trump in 24....when you realize there are none that should tell you something....
1. LBJ - Prosecuted a disastrous war and condemned African Americans to lives of welfare slavery.
2. Jimmy Carter - Gave away the Panama Canal, abrogated our treaty with Taiwan and undermined our military.
3. Bill Clinton - Personally corrupt, sold military secrets to China for campaign contributions.
4. Obama - Racist America-hater who negotiated with terrorists & gave $billions to Iran for a phony nuclear deal.
5. Biden - Crooked shake-down artist who would start a new war if he thought it would benefit him politically.

Quite a lineup, eh? It is a wonder that we haven't collapsed already. Or have we?

That's quite the pile of bovine excrement you've posted there, Rusky.

1. LBJ - signed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act, and Medicare/Medicaid. HIs War on Poverty reduced the rate of poverty in the USA by more than 15%. Johnson is rated 11th of the 44 Presidents of the USA. The only Republicans ranked higher than Johnson, since WWII are Eisenhauer and Reagan.

2. Jimmy Carter - The Panama Canal didn't belong to the USA in the first place, so no, Carter didn't give it away.

3. Other than Republican lies, there is no evidence that Bill Clinton is corrupt. None of more than 25 investigations of the Clintons found ANY evidence of corruption. He's never been charged with a crime and nobody sold military secrets to the Chinese. Russian propaganda is a hard sell to anyone with common sense and critical thinking skills.

4. Obama's score as President is nearly as high as Reagan's, and he's ranked #10 - right behind Reagan who is #9. Barack Obama saved the world's economy and restored American prestige around the world. It kills you racist pigs to hear that but he had the most successful economy in American history.

5. Your Russian progaganda and lies about Joe Biden are noted.

Name one democrat former living president that can beat Trump in 24....when you realize there are none that should tell you something....

Even Carter could beat Trump, old as he is. Obama in a landslide. The only reason Obama isn't still President is the statute of limitations. Clinton could beat him too.

No one wants Donald Trump back. He was a total disaster as President.
Name one democrat former living president that can beat Trump in 24....
His weird worshipers venerate their God Emperor as being invincible, but they still wallow in pathological denial of his having been clearly defeated in the last election. He lost the national popular vote twice, and lost the GOP the House and Senate as well.

Subsequently, his having attempted to overthrow democracy by inciting his goons to attack Congress in fanatical authoritarian egomania, is off-putting for most normal Americans, albeit instilling passion in a deranged cult.

A practical consideration is that, if the party out-of-power does well in the midterms as is customary, that empowers the traditional conservative Republican establishment, then operating from a position of strength, to drive out the invasive RINOs of Trumpery who are befouling their Party.

Few candidates want to be forced to run with a pantload of blatant lies, and ongoing investigations are only exposing more of the truth, and further invalidate the litmus test that demands a candidate must embrace of those lies.

Even fanatical ideologues will regard DeSantis as an authoritarian with fewer political liabilities.
You are using covid shutdown numbers....
Actually, I am using the approval and disapproval numbers of Presidents at the times they completed their terms of office.

Excuses can always be contrived, but Trump had proclaimed that he had the pandemic "totally under control" from the beginning, so it can't now be evoked as an excuse for his dismal performance.

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March 24, 2020
Actually, I am using the approval and disapproval numbers of Presidents at the times they completed their terms of office.

Excuses can always be contrived, but Trump had proclaimed that he had the pandemic "totally under control" from the beginning, so it can't now be evoked as an excuse for his dismal performance.

March 24, 2020
The poll numbers have always been wrong when polling Trump...and the end of Trump's term was during covid...but the economy was better then...covid had not killed as many Americans as under Biden and there wasn't a full scale fucking war in Europe...and we didn't leave Afghanistan that caused thousands of deaths of innocent Afghans and 13 dead Marines.... what will it take to shed your TDS...wake up and think of others not just yourself....
His weird worshipers venerate their God Emperor as being invincible, but they still wallow in pathological denial of his having been clearly defeated in the last election. He lost the national popular vote twice, and lost the GOP the House and Senate as well.

Subsequently, his having attempted to overthrow democracy by inciting his goons to attack Congress in fanatical authoritarian egomania, is off-putting for most normal Americans, albeit instilling passion in a deranged cult.

A practical consideration is that, if the party out-of-power does well in the midterms as is customary, that empowers the traditional conservative Republican establishment, then operating from a position of strength, to drive out the invasive RINOs of Trumpery who are befouling their Party.

Few candidates want to be forced to run with a pantload of blatant lies, and ongoing investigations are only exposing more of the truth, and further invalidate the litmus test that demands a candidate must embrace of those lies.

Even fanatical ideologues will regard DeSantis as an authoritarian with fewer political liabilities.
You failed to name a living former democrat president that could beat Trump in 24.....

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