Let's Take A Poll Of Minimum Wage Workers In Here

Do You Currently Work For

  • Minimum Wage

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Less Than Minimum Wage

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Barely More Than Minimum Wage

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • What's Minimum Wage?

    Votes: 10 83.3%

  • Total voters
I used to make minimum wage ($2.10 an hour)

I could buy seven gallons of gas on what I made in one hour
Now you can buy two gallons
Raising minimum wage will not raise anyone's station in life, it will not help them. It will most likely lower more peoples standard of living depending on how much the minimum is raised.

If you don't want to make minimum wage, then go to school, learn a trade, find a better paying job, it really is that simple.
OH, and I shouldn't have to pay for YOUR terrible decisions.
You only pay for your own bad decisions...

I work for free. My kids and wife get it all.


There isn't anyone on this forum getting minimum wage. All those people are working two or three jobs just to pay the rent, gas and food. They don't have time to sit on their ass and blabber.
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Raising minimum wage will not raise anyone's station in life, it will not help them. It will most likely lower more peoples standard of living depending on how much the minimum is raised.

If you don't want to make minimum wage, then go to school, learn a trade, find a better paying job, it really is that simple.

You are offering an individual solution to a problem that affects a whole segment of our population

The problem is that low wage earners do not make enough to support themselves on. Employers pay substandard wages and the taxpayer makes up the rest
Wouldn't raising minimum wage just raise the cost of everything?

So you'd be getting a few dollar more, but everything would cost more. How does that help?
Raising minimum wage will not raise anyone's station in life, it will not help them. It will most likely lower more peoples standard of living depending on how much the minimum is raised.

If you don't want to make minimum wage, then go to school, learn a trade, find a better paying job, it really is that simple.

You should get off your computer and go out in the REAL world.
Raising minimum wage will not raise anyone's station in life, it will not help them. It will most likely lower more peoples standard of living depending on how much the minimum is raised.

If you don't want to make minimum wage, then go to school, learn a trade, find a better paying job, it really is that simple.

Your corporate masters are pleased. Good dog.
OH, and I shouldn't have to pay for YOUR terrible decisions.
You only pay for your own bad decisions...

I work for free. My kids and wife get it all.


There isn't anyone on this forum getting minimum wage. All those people are working two or three jobs just to pay the rent, gas and food. They don't have time to sit on their ass and blabber.

They do when retired.
Wouldn't raising minimum wage just raise the cost of everything?

So you'd be getting a few dollar more, but everything would cost more. How does that help?

Costs have gone up over the years regardless yet minimum wage hasn't gone up with inflation. Why is that?
Wouldn't raising minimum wage just raise the cost of everything?

So you'd be getting a few dollar more, but everything would cost more. How does that help?

The cost of living will go up no matter what. Inflation is a basic effect of capitalist greed.
Wouldn't raising minimum wage just raise the cost of everything?

So you'd be getting a few dollar more, but everything would cost more. How does that help?

No, it wouldn't

Never has
I used to make minimum wage ($2.10 an hour)

I was able to pay my way through college just working summers. Why can't kids do that today?

Because the government via grants has driven up tuition.
Most students today are getting financial assistance. Most.
And many of these also get free room and board. and even living expenses.
And then they quit.
And then they bitch about minimum wage.

I used to make minimum wage ($2.10 an hour)

If I worked all year, I could afford a brand new car at the end of the year

Why can't a minimum wage do that any more?

Because wages have been stagnant for several years now. But the upper 10% earners have seen amazing - AMAZING - earnings increases.
What has your President done to change this? What has Democrats done to change this?...you realize that the top 7% have had a 28% increase in earnings with this administration while the rest of us is at -5%.
Bitch about that. It isn't Democrats and Republicans. It is an oligarchical system with central banks and corporations setting the policies. And how would you expect low wage earners to benefit in such a system?
Obama is no better than Bush. Get use to it.
Wouldn't raising minimum wage just raise the cost of everything?

So you'd be getting a few dollar more, but everything would cost more. How does that help?

Costs have gone up over the years regardless yet minimum wage hasn't gone up with inflation. Why is that?

That doesn't answer the question. Would raising the minimum wage just increase the cost of everything? If so, how does that help?

If a store has to pay Mike two dollars more per hour, where do you think those extra two dollars are coming from? Then when Mike needs some milk, Mike pays for those extra two dollars.

SO why not just make the minimum wage $1000/hour? Then we'd all be rich!
My advice is the same as the one my Papa gave me many years ago;

"You can work for someone else and make them money, or you can work for your self and make money for yourself.Learn a trade and start your own company."~H.C. Helm

I started my own business at age 23. I retired in 2013. At age 52.
He forgot another choice.
Do you work for a corporation that will exploit the hell out of you.
Troll Thread again by this person.

EXACTLY! Scum big shots in wife's company are getting bonus's ya know those making about 100k a year or so. What do her and the other CNA's get? Not shit. Oh actually she gets to work the day before and the day of Christmas. Ya know to hell with giving her the night off so she can be home in the morning when the kids want to open their presents...fucking hate her job...she already said she is leaving soon as she gets the license she needs...should be less than a month. 1 person she was in the class with already left went into private home care..much more money and less BS.

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