Let's Take A Poll Of Minimum Wage Workers In Here

Do You Currently Work For

  • Minimum Wage

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Less Than Minimum Wage

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Barely More Than Minimum Wage

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • What's Minimum Wage?

    Votes: 10 83.3%

  • Total voters
I don't eat fast food.... the food sucks and 90% of the workers are insufferable, braindead trolls.

Fer real.....

Stop by a Fast Food place and tell me how those idiots deserve $15 an hour.

Bunch of disinterested, indifferent, rude, mouth-breathing retards.

It was different 15-20 years ago when people still tried to instill a work ethic in their kids. You could get some decent quality individuals.

Today? At minimum wage, they're WAY overpaid

I will have to say, here were I live, many of the Subway's are owned by Indians... Mom works there, dad works there.. the kids. Usually very good service and always polite and clean.

I can understand that.

Funny how immigrants LOVE the American Dream while our homegrown idiots just don't get it.

There's a lot of friction where Haitians have moved to because they're fairly hard-working individuals and the indigenous Blacks can't stand them for being successful.

Another whiny ass crybaby response from a right winger who seems to think they control the world by there "tough guy" talk and your big scary avatar.
Try again to scare me okay. That, like your posts are utter failures.

He forgot another choice.
Do you work for a corporation that will exploit the hell out of you.
Troll Thread again by this person.

Eat shit.

You don't like it? Stay the fuck out.

The world doesn't revolve around you, cupcake

I only post in about 1/4 of the threads that get started on this board. If that.... :dunno:


I just took a count...... Of the 25 threads on the front page, I've posted in exactly four. On the weekends I hardly post at all. Some, but not much.

Please don't stop by to tell us how uninterested you are in a thread.

Get a fucking life, douchebag
Another whiny ass crybaby response from a right winger who seems to think they control the world by there "tough guy" talk and your big scary avatar.
Try again to scare me okay. That, like your posts are utter failures.

He forgot another choice.
Do you work for a corporation that will exploit the hell out of you.
Troll Thread again by this person.

Eat shit.

You don't like it? Stay the fuck out.

The world doesn't revolve around you, cupcake

I only post in about 1/4 of the threads that get started on this board. If that.... :dunno:


I just took a count...... Of the 25 threads on the front page, I've posted in exactly four. On the weekends I hardly post at all. Some, but not much.

Please don't stop by to tell us how uninterested you are in a thread.

Get a fucking life, douchebag

Translated - he hit a nerve with Boilermaker.

Think what you might but he is getting a little of his own medicine.
He cannot make him self tough guy so he has to do it here.
Like you!:eusa_whistle:

Another whiny ass crybaby response from a right winger who seems to think they control the world by there "tough guy" talk and your big scary avatar.
Try again to scare me okay. That, like your posts are utter failures.

Eat shit.

You don't like it? Stay the fuck out.

The world doesn't revolve around you, cupcake

I only post in about 1/4 of the threads that get started on this board. If that.... :dunno:


I just took a count...... Of the 25 threads on the front page, I've posted in exactly four. On the weekends I hardly post at all. Some, but not much.

Please don't stop by to tell us how uninterested you are in a thread.

Get a fucking life, douchebag

Translated - he hit a nerve with Boilermaker.

Another whiny ass crybaby response from a right winger who seems to think they control the world by there "tough guy" talk and your big scary avatar.
Try again to scare me okay. That, like your posts are utter failures.

Eat shit.

You don't like it? Stay the fuck out.

The world doesn't revolve around you, cupcake

I only post in about 1/4 of the threads that get started on this board. If that.... :dunno:


I just took a count...... Of the 25 threads on the front page, I've posted in exactly four. On the weekends I hardly post at all. Some, but not much.

Please don't stop by to tell us how uninterested you are in a thread.

Get a fucking life, douchebag

Translated - he hit a nerve with Boilermaker.


I think we could classify BM as 'needy'
Another whiny ass crybaby response from a right winger who seems to think they control the world by there "tough guy" talk and your big scary avatar.
Try again to scare me okay. That, like your posts are utter failures.

Eat shit.

You don't like it? Stay the fuck out.

The world doesn't revolve around you, cupcake

I only post in about 1/4 of the threads that get started on this board. If that.... :dunno:


I just took a count...... Of the 25 threads on the front page, I've posted in exactly four. On the weekends I hardly post at all. Some, but not much.

Please don't stop by to tell us how uninterested you are in a thread.

Get a fucking life, douchebag

Translated - he hit a nerve with Boilermaker.


Sounds like your translator needs a tune-up.

What is it with the big scary dark fantasy avatars anyway? Such bullshit. The people behind them are wimpy, white scared people.
Not true.


But you used to make $2/hr and could afford a new car?

New cars are lot more today. Of course people make a lot more than $2/hr too.

Thats the point

Everyone talks about how minimum wage is only meant to be a starter wage. But you cannot even get started today on what you make on minimum wage. Like I tried to point out, I could pay for college, get an apartment, buy a car based on that lousy $2.10 an hour I used to make

You can't do that now

Most states' minimum wage is higher than federal one right now. And I know fast food places around where I live pay more than the state minimum wage. Not much more, granted. But more.

My point is COSTS have gone way up.

It's like with a home. If my wife and I are working and we aren't making enough to make ends meet at the end of the month, I look at ways to reduce costs (namely her shopping and my car and beer habit). I look at cost first.

And I think by artificially increasing some standard wage up to a "livable level", we aren't doing anything to control costs and they are going to get outta hand. Imagine an apartment, car, college, etc after those cost increases. Guess we'd just have to raise the minimum wage again?

Our minimum wage has not gone up because Republicans have fought against it for the last 13 years

Forget about a living wage, our minimum wage does not even provide a decent starting wage. A worker can't pay for college, can't buy a car. can't afford an apartment. Can't do the basic things a worker needs to do to get started in life

I get tired of hearing about the plight of small business. Over the last 13 years their rents have gone up, supplies have gone up, taxes have gone up....the wage they pay hasn't

Costs have gone up and they have gone up for their workers also. Education, gas, car costs, rents....have all gone up
Wages haven't
Last edited:
Think what you might but he is getting a little of his own medicine.
He cannot make him self tough guy so he has to do it here.
Like you!:eusa_whistle:

Another whiny ass crybaby response from a right winger who seems to think they control the world by there "tough guy" talk and your big scary avatar.
Try again to scare me okay. That, like your posts are utter failures.

Translated - he hit a nerve with Boilermaker.


Uhm, how in any way am I being a "tough guy"?
Oh boomotherfuckinghoo...


Yeah, roll up to the window at McDonald's with that attitude and you really will have to wonder about the Secret Sauce on your burger.

I don't eat fast food.... the food sucks and 90% of the workers are insufferable, braindead trolls.

Really. So you've talked to 90% of them personally....Do you even KNOW anybody who works in fast food? I don't. So I can't make an incredibly prejudiced statement like yours.

I just know they get 20-30 hours a week if they are lucky and their take-home pay is shit....sort of like your brains.
Another whiny ass crybaby response from a right winger who seems to think they control the world by there "tough guy" talk and your big scary avatar.
Try again to scare me okay. That, like your posts are utter failures.

Translated - he hit a nerve with Boilermaker.


Sounds like your translator needs a tune-up.

What is it with the big scary dark fantasy avatars anyway? Such bullshit. The people behind them are wimpy, white scared people.

Wow.. we got us a racist here!!!!

Nice... real classy.

Yeah, roll up to the window at McDonald's with that attitude and you really will have to wonder about the Secret Sauce on your burger.

I don't eat fast food.... the food sucks and 90% of the workers are insufferable, braindead trolls.

Really. So you've talked to 90% of them personally....Do you even KNOW anybody who works in fast food? I don't. So I can't make an incredibly prejudiced statement like yours.

I just know they get 20-30 hours a week if they are lucky and their take-home pay is shit....sort of like your brains.

It isn't prejudiced if it is born out of experience... and no, why would I know fast food workers? The closest I get is an acquaintance that is a regional manager for Applebee's... and Melvin makes bank and also routinely works 50 - 60 hours a week.

And finally, if all you can muster is a shitty fast food job, then obviously you don't have much going on... just say'n.
I made minimum wage when I was a kid. Then I went to work every day on time, did my job, didn't complain or start drama and got some valuable references to my work ethic. In addition to working many hours to pay my bills, I went to school to learn a trade.

That was several years ago. Now, I made substantially more than minimum wage and enjoy a middle class existence in the greatest country in the world.

That's how it is supposed to be done. Anyone older than 25 and still making minimum wage has made some terrible personal decisions. You aren't supposed to be making minimum wage at 32 with four kids in diapers running around bitching about no child support from their baby daddies and how the government NEEDS to do this and this and this for me and how you are entitled to this and...

It's nice to see that the rightwing inmates around here have taken time out from bashing the poor who don't have jobs

to bash the poor who work for a living.

So much for the rightwing myth that it's not people with jobs that we hate.
Thats the point

Everyone talks about how minimum wage is only meant to be a starter wage. But you cannot even get started today on what you make on minimum wage. Like I tried to point out, I could pay for college, get an apartment, buy a car based on that lousy $2.10 an hour I used to make

You can't do that now

Most states' minimum wage is higher than federal one right now. And I know fast food places around where I live pay more than the state minimum wage. Not much more, granted. But more.

My point is COSTS have gone way up.

It's like with a home. If my wife and I are working and we aren't making enough to make ends meet at the end of the month, I look at ways to reduce costs (namely her shopping and my car and beer habit). I look at cost first.

And I think by artificially increasing some standard wage up to a "livable level", we aren't doing anything to control costs and they are going to get outta hand. Imagine an apartment, car, college, etc after those cost increases. Guess we'd just have to raise the minimum wage again?

Our minimum wage has not gone up because Republicans have fought against it for the last 13 years

Forget about a living wage, our minimum wage does not even provide a decent starting wage. A worker can't pay for college, can't buy a car. can't afford an apartment. Can't do the basic things a worker needs to do to get started in life

I get tired of hearing about the plight of small business. Over the last 13 years their rents have gone up, supplies have gone up, taxes have gone up....the wage they pay hasn't

Costs have gone up and they have gone up for their workers also. Education, gas, car costs, rents....have all gone up
Wages haven't

We share a concern for costs. That needs to be the focus, imo.

Raising minimum wage increases costs.

Wages shouldn't determined by the government. They should be determined by the market. The most an employer is going to pay someone is the least amount a person is willing to work in that position.

(wrote a bit more and was getting way off track, so erased)

I guess I have two questions:

1. If artificially (by artificial I mean government interfering in the free market) raising wages increases costs (which it will), how does that help?

2. Why not make the minimum wage $100/hr then?
I made minimum wage when I was a kid. Then I went to work every day on time, did my job, didn't complain or start drama and got some valuable references to my work ethic. In addition to working many hours to pay my bills, I went to school to learn a trade.

That was several years ago. Now, I made substantially more than minimum wage and enjoy a middle class existence in the greatest country in the world.

That's how it is supposed to be done. Anyone older than 25 and still making minimum wage has made some terrible personal decisions. You aren't supposed to be making minimum wage at 32 with four kids in diapers running around bitching about no child support from their baby daddies and how the government NEEDS to do this and this and this for me and how you are entitled to this and...

It's nice to see that the rightwing inmates around here have taken time out from bashing the poor who don't have jobs

to bash the poor who work for a living.

So much for the rightwing myth that it's not people with jobs that we hate.

I'm bashing poor decisions. That poor-person-with-a-job in my example there has made terrible decisions. I should not have to pay for someone's terrible decisions. And if you are 32 with four kids and four baby daddies and working pt at mcdonalds on min wage, I am paying for your bad decisions. So yes, I'll bash away.
I want to know what's driving this minimum wage debate.

Does anybody in here honestly work for Minimum Wage?

Be honest..... Anybody?

That's what I thought. dimocraps are just getting their marching orders from OFA and polluting this Board with their bullshit propaganda messages.

This from the guy who said the other day that all mass shootings in America were done by liberals.

Speaking on the topic of polluting the board with bullshit.
I made minimum wage when I was a kid. Then I went to work every day on time, did my job, didn't complain or start drama and got some valuable references to my work ethic. In addition to working many hours to pay my bills, I went to school to learn a trade.

That was several years ago. Now, I made substantially more than minimum wage and enjoy a middle class existence in the greatest country in the world.

That's how it is supposed to be done. Anyone older than 25 and still making minimum wage has made some terrible personal decisions. You aren't supposed to be making minimum wage at 32 with four kids in diapers running around bitching about no child support from their baby daddies and how the government NEEDS to do this and this and this for me and how you are entitled to this and...

It's nice to see that the rightwing inmates around here have taken time out from bashing the poor who don't have jobs

to bash the poor who work for a living.

So much for the rightwing myth that it's not people with jobs that we hate.

I'm bashing poor decisions. That poor-person-with-a-job in my example there has made terrible decisions. I should not have to pay for someone's terrible decisions. And if you are 32 with four kids and four baby daddies and working pt at mcdonalds on min wage, I am paying for your bad decisions. So yes, I'll bash away.

Don't waste your time with that idiot.

What he's doing is shitting on the thread, starting fights with anybody and everybody because he wants the thread moved.

Why? Because it's effective.

They're trying to turn the thread into a shit-throwing contest, then they'll PM the Mod and get it moved to one of the Boards that nobody goes to.

They do it every day.

You'd think the Mods would figure this out.... :dunno:
It's nice to see that the rightwing inmates around here have taken time out from bashing the poor who don't have jobs

to bash the poor who work for a living.

So much for the rightwing myth that it's not people with jobs that we hate.

I'm bashing poor decisions. That poor-person-with-a-job in my example there has made terrible decisions. I should not have to pay for someone's terrible decisions. And if you are 32 with four kids and four baby daddies and working pt at mcdonalds on min wage, I am paying for your bad decisions. So yes, I'll bash away.

Don't waste your time with that idiot.

What he's doing is shitting on the thread, starting fights with anybody and everybody because he wants the thread moved.

Why? Because it's effective.

They're trying to turn the thread into a shit-throwing contest, then they'll PM the Mod and get it moved to one of the Boards that nobody goes to.

They do it every day.

You'd think the Mods would figure this out.... :dunno:

I want to know what's driving this minimum wage debate.

Does anybody in here honestly work for Minimum Wage?

Be honest..... Anybody?

That's what I thought. dimocraps are just getting their marching orders from OFA and polluting this Board with their bullshit propaganda messages.

This from the guy who said the other day that all mass shootings in America were done by liberals.

Speaking on the topic of polluting the board with bullshit.

See what I mean?

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