Zone1 Let's Talk About Illegal Immigration and Assimilation Folks.


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Mar 11, 2015
First lets get the definition of assimilation.

the process of becoming a part, or making someone become a part, of a group, country, society, etc.
the process of becoming similar to others by taking in and using their customs and culture..

I have said that America was "founded" by people who would be considered illegal immigrants today, and in reality, that is true. Some will try arguing using the Doctrine of Discovery, but that doctrine is fake news because it was not internationally recognized. It was recognized only by Europe.

Doctrine of Discovery​

The Doctrine of Discovery is a policy enacted initially by the 15th-century Catholic Church proclaiming the right of Christian nations to take possession of the lands of non-Christians in the interest of saving their souls. Non-Christians were not recognized as legitimate landowners, and any lands 'discovered' by Christian explorers were claimed as the property of the discoverers' nation.

The Doctrine of Discovery (also known as the Discovery Doctrine) is articulated, first, by a papal bull issued in 1452, another in 1455, and the best-known in 1493, shortly after the 1492 expedition of Christopher Columbus and his 'discovery' of the so-called New World. The 1493 papal bull made clear the duty of Christian explorers to seize the lands of non-Christians for the purpose of Christianizing the inhabitants and bringing them within the folds of European Christian civilization.

The Doctrine of Discovery deprived the Native Peoples of the Americas of their land in the colonial era, was recognized as legitimate by the United States Supreme Court in 1823, and remains on the law books in the present day despite being repudiated by Pope Francis in March of 2023 and challenged by modern-day legal scholars. The Land Back Movement, initiated and led by Native Peoples of North America, is presently challenging the legality and morality of the Doctrine which, even though recognized as unjust and racist, still informs the policies of Canada and the United States in their recognition of Native American land rights.

So then whites who floated over here were ilegal immigrants. European law did not appy here, so the Doctrne of Discovery used as an excuse was and remains invalid. It doesn't matter what the supreme court says, because the SCOTUS is part of an illegal system created by violating the laws of the indigenous nations already living here when Europeans floated over here. I posted the definition of assimilation because while whites want everybody to assimilate into their belief system, they floated over here and refused to do the same.

We cannot go to another country today and expect them to allow us to break their laws based on laws made in America. But that is exactly what Europeans did with their bogus Doctrine of Discovery.
This is going to cost Biden the election and then Trump will start deporting any of them who fail to show for their asylum hearings... so it won't help the dems one bit in the future or today... what a waste... what a jackass move by Biden...
First lets get the definition of assimilation.

the process of becoming a part, or making someone become a part, of a group, country, society, etc.
the process of becoming similar to others by taking in and using their customs and culture..

I have said that America was "founded" by people who would be considered illegal immigrants today, and in reality, that is true. Some will try arguing using the Doctrine of Discovery, but that doctrine is fake news because it was not internationally recognized. It was recognized only by Europe.

Doctrine of Discovery​

The Doctrine of Discovery is a policy enacted initially by the 15th-century Catholic Church proclaiming the right of Christian nations to take possession of the lands of non-Christians in the interest of saving their souls. Non-Christians were not recognized as legitimate landowners, and any lands 'discovered' by Christian explorers were claimed as the property of the discoverers' nation.

The Doctrine of Discovery (also known as the Discovery Doctrine) is articulated, first, by a papal bull issued in 1452, another in 1455, and the best-known in 1493, shortly after the 1492 expedition of Christopher Columbus and his 'discovery' of the so-called New World. The 1493 papal bull made clear the duty of Christian explorers to seize the lands of non-Christians for the purpose of Christianizing the inhabitants and bringing them within the folds of European Christian civilization.

The Doctrine of Discovery deprived the Native Peoples of the Americas of their land in the colonial era, was recognized as legitimate by the United States Supreme Court in 1823, and remains on the law books in the present day despite being repudiated by Pope Francis in March of 2023 and challenged by modern-day legal scholars. The Land Back Movement, initiated and led by Native Peoples of North America, is presently challenging the legality and morality of the Doctrine which, even though recognized as unjust and racist, still informs the policies of Canada and the United States in their recognition of Native American land rights.

So then whites who floated over here were ilegal immigrants. European law did not appy here, so the Doctrne of Discovery used as an excuse was and remains invalid. It doesn't matter what the supreme court says, because the SCOTUS is part of an illegal system created by violating the laws of the indigenous nations already living here when Europeans floated over here. I posted the definition of assimilation because while whites want everybody to assimilate into their belief system, they floated over here and refused to do the same.

We cannot go to another country today and expect them to allow us to break their laws based on laws made in America. But that is exactly what Europeans did with their bogus Doctrine of Discovery.

Did native americans have laws that regulated immigration? If not, then our white ancestors broke no laws and your analogy fails.
It's just a racist talking point for whites. Whites can't name me a single place on Earth outside of the European homeland, where they have assimilated. They come in and try to impose. That's why I spit on the American flag an anthem as symbols of white identity supremacy. Rebel. Rebel. Rebel. With that said, as a Black American, I have the right to, indeed, spit on, and wipe my black ass with their symbols, but I have no inclination to go to another country and disrespect a country that took me in. That's precisely what these Hispanics coming over here do, waving their foreign flag of the failed country that they love, but did whatever it took to get as far the hell away as possible.
Did native americans have laws that regulated immigration? If not, then our white ancestors broke no laws and your analogy fails.
Silly. That's like saying that if they make murder legal, and I kill all the white people, that it, therefore, is not murder and genocide. Semantic nonsense. Saltines gonna saltine, though.
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Did native americans have laws that regulated immigration? If not, then our white ancestors broke no laws and your analogy fails.
We had no laws. Or criminals. Or jails. Or lawyers. You seem to not have any knowledge about our culture. All the evil we now experience was brought here by white people.
Silly. That's like saying that if they make murder legal, and I kill all the white people, that it, therefore, is not murder and genocide. Semantic nonsense. Saltines gonna saltine, though.

I assume that english is your second language but if homicide is made legal then it would not be homicide as that is a legally defined and varies by circumstance. No law=No crime.
I assume that english is your second language but if homicide is made legal then it would not be homicide as that is a legally defined and varies by circumstance. No law=No crime.
Ok cool. Let's do it! If it's not white homicide, Don't call it white genocide! hehe

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Did native americans have laws that regulated immigration? If not, then our white ancestors broke no laws and your analogy fails.
No it doesn't. Because that European Discovery Doctrine was what they used to try calling this theirs and that was not something recognzed or agreed to by the nations that were here. So America is basically an illegal occupation of indigenous lands..
It's just a racist talking point for whites. Whites can't name me a single place on Earth outside of the European homeland, where they have assimilated. They come in and try to impose. That's why I spit on the American flag an anthem as symbols of white identity supremacy. Rebel. Rebel. Rebel. With that said, as a Black American, I have the right to, indeed, spit on, and wipe my black ass with their symbols, but I have no inclination to go to another country and disrespect a country that took me in. That's precisely what these Hispanics coming over here do, waving their foreign flag of the failed country that they love, but did whatever it took to get as far the hell away as possible.
Frederick Douglass called it way back when. What to the Black man/woman is the Fourth of July? But many of those countries those Aztecs, Incas, Mayans, etc, are running from are where they are because of America.
No it doesn't. Because that European Discovery Doctrine was what they used to try calling this theirs and that was not something recognzed or agreed to by the nations that were here. So America is basically an illegal occupation of indigenous lands..
If you can't point to any law being broken then you can't in good faith call it "illegal". Immoral perhaps, but not illegal. The idea that something is defacto illegal unless specifically made legal is communist China logic at best. I have Mayflower people on one side of my family and much more recent Cherokee on the other, and I "occupy" Catawba land. It is trivia. Neither have anything to do with who I am or my life in any meaningful way except that I tan really quickly. That is what assimilation means in America. You become an American and not be a slave to ancient history. If I were a slave to ancient history and were black, I sure as heck wouldn't be outraged for native Americans. More of them supported the Confederacy than the Union.
It's just a racist talking point for whites. Whites can't name me a single place on Earth outside of the European homeland, where they have assimilated. They come in and try to impose. That's why I spit on the American flag an anthem as symbols of white identity supremacy. Rebel. Rebel. Rebel. With that said, as a Black American, I have the right to, indeed, spit on, and wipe my black ass with their symbols, but I have no inclination to go to another country and disrespect a country that took me in. That's precisely what these Hispanics coming over here do, waving their foreign flag of the failed country that they love, but did whatever it took to get as far the hell away as possible.
If whites do such a bad job of creating civilized communities, why do so many African Negroes risk their lives to cross the Saharan Desert and the Mediterranean Sea to move to Europe?
If you can't point to any law being broken then you can't in good faith call it "illegal". Immoral perhaps, but not illegal. The idea that something is defacto illegal unless specifically made legal is communist China logic at best. I have Mayflower people on one side of my family and much more recent Cherokee on the other, and I "occupy" Catawba land. It is trivia. Neither have anything to do with who I am or my life in any meaningful way except that I tan really quickly. That is what assimilation means in America. You become an American and not be a slave to ancient history. If I were a slave to ancient history and were black, I sure as heck wouldn't be outraged for native Americans. More of them supported the Confederacy than the Union.

Try not telling me about blacks when you don't even know your own history. The fact remains that 500 nations were here and they did have laws. None of them accepted the European Doctrine of Discovery. It was so invalid that last year the Vatican rejected it. It was a Catholic papal bull that created the Doctrine of Discovery, not an international agreement. So your ancestors assumed but assumption is not the law.

If you're not a slave to ancient history, stop celebrating July 4th. In other words thats a tired ass argumemt that whites use when they can't defend the wrongs they committed. Assimilation was not done by whites.

Read about the Gullah Wars (recorded by white historians as the Seminole Wars), before you try telling me about what I should think about Native Americans in the past again.
Try not telling me about blacks when you don't even know your own history. The fact remains that 500 nations were here and they did have laws. None of them accepted the European Doctrine of Discovery. It was so invalid that last year the Vatican rejected it. It was a Catholic papal bull that created the Doctrine of Discovery, not an international agreement. So your ancestors assumed but assumption is not the law.

If you're not a slave to ancient history, stop celebrating July 4th. In other words thats a tired ass argumemt that whites use when they can't defend the wrongs they committed. Assimilation was not done by whites.

Read about the Gullah Wars (recorded by white historians as the Seminole Wars), before you try telling me about what I should think about Native Americans in the past again.

I didn't tell you a thing about what you think. I said what I think. Other than another day off, I don't "celebrate" the 4th of July any more than I do Martin Luther King Day or any of the other excuses for a paid day off. The Vatican rejecting a doctrine 200 years later from their gilded city paid for by slavery and plunder means squat especially when it was built by slaves. It is just another political correct distraction from the pedo problem. They aren't giving their crib back. As for the Gullah "wars" they occupied Seminole territory and hide out until they were conquered. Power always wins and off to exile both your handful of runaway slaves and Seminole went defeated. Jim Crow and Reservations were quite the achievement by your Gullah victors :auiqs.jpg:
I have said that America was "founded" by people who would be considered illegal immigrants today, and in reality, that is true.
But you love illegal immigrants, just like your liberal masters tell you to. So, do you really believe that?

Truth is America was founded by explorers, settlers and conquerors. The Native Americans claim to any territory was only as good as their ability to defend that territory. That is the system by which Native Americans laid claim to any piece of land. Native Americans were at constant dispute with other Native Americans over territory for thousands of years before Europeans showed up. When the Europeans showed up, they defeated the Native Americans at that same system which Native Americans had always operated. The founders of America made a claim to territory through the same system and as valid as any Native American claim.
The Gullah wars didn't happen as you said. The fact is that the European Doctrine of Discovery was not valid here.
The Gullah wars didn't happen as you said. The fact is that the European Doctrine of Discovery was not valid here.
Gullah Wars, right, you mean the Gullah skirmishes. There were never more than a couple hundred Gullahs at any one time fighting with the far more numerous Seminole Indians. You might as well say that Francis Marion expelled the British from the Carolinas.
It's just a racist talking point for whites. Whites can't name me a single place on Earth outside of the European homeland, where they have assimilated. They come in and try to impose. That's why I spit on the American flag an anthem as symbols of white identity supremacy. Rebel. Rebel. Rebel. With that said, as a Black American, I have the right to, indeed, spit on, and wipe my black ass with their symbols, but I have no inclination to go to another country and disrespect a country that took me in. That's precisely what these Hispanics coming over here do, waving their foreign flag of the failed country that they love, but did whatever it took to get as far the hell away as possible.
As a modern black American you are very fortunate that slavery existed

You owe the white slave owners a massive debt of graditude

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