It Would Behoove Right Wing Whites to Stop Complaining About Illegal Immigration

There were no laws against people moving to the Americas, so "illegal alien" does not apply. Perhaps, as with so much of our language, meaning is further being corrupted.
This, of course, is beside the point that what the European nations did was exactly the same thing that nations have been doing since the invention of nations. The strong invade the weak until the strong learn morals and humane treatment, such as liberating women and ending slavery as the Enlightenment culture of Europe did.
On May 4, 1493, Pope Alexander VI issued a Papal Bull titled “Inter Catera.” This Papal Bull issued 531 years ago impacts us right now.

The Inter Catera states that: any land not inhabited by Christians was available to be “discovered,” claimed, and exploited by Christian rulers and declared that “the Catholic faith and the Christian religion be exalted and be everywhere increased and spread, that the health of souls be cared for and that barbarous nations be overthrown and brought to the faith itself.”

This is what established the Doctrine of Discovery. It was this doctrine that Europeans used to claim land that really did not belong to them. This Doctrine was not agreed to outside of Europe, therefore all claims made by European descendants here about what they discovered are false and basically every European-American is a descendant of an illegal immigrant. I say this because not only did indigenous nations fight Europeans who invaded, there were also lawsuits filed against the American government as recent as 2005. In 2023, the Catholic Church finally decided to renounce the “Inter Catera” after 530 years.

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Bad analysis. Illegal immigration will hurt minorities worse than Whites. Illegals will take their jobs, drive their wages down and consume the government assistance that our poor citizens should be getting. Your picture of Indians should say, These people lost everything because they had bad immigration policies. We must learn from the Indians, my man. MAGA
On May 4, 1493, Pope Alexander VI issued a Papal Bull titled “Inter Catera.” This Papal Bull issued 531 years ago impacts us right now.

The Inter Catera states that: any land not inhabited by Christians was available to be “discovered,” claimed, and exploited by Christian rulers and declared that “the Catholic faith and the Christian religion be exalted and be everywhere increased and spread, that the health of souls be cared for and that barbarous nations be overthrown and brought to the faith itself.”

This is what established the Doctrine of Discovery. It was this doctrine that Europeans used to claim land that really did not belong to them. This Doctrine was not agreed to outside of Europe, therefore all claims made by European descendants here about what they discovered are false and basically every European-American is a descendant of an illegal immigrant. I say this because not only did indigenous nations fight Europeans who invaded, there were also lawsuits filed against the American government as recent as 2005. In 2023, the Catholic Church finally decided to renounce the “Inter Catera” after 530 years.

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where did they come from?
Bad analysis. Illegal immigration will hurt minorities worse than Whites. Illegals will take their jobs, drive their wages down and consume the government assistance that our poor citizens should be getting. Your picture of Indians should say, These people lost everything because they had bad immigration policies. We must learn from the Indians, my man. MAGA
The illegal alien/fake asylum seeker invasion hurts everyone indirectly

If not open borders advocates themselves then their future descendants as America declines
On May 4, 1493, Pope Alexander VI issued a Papal Bull titled “Inter Catera.” This Papal Bull issued 531 years ago impacts us right now.

The Inter Catera states that: any land not inhabited by Christians was available to be “discovered,” claimed, and exploited by Christian rulers and declared that “the Catholic faith and the Christian religion be exalted and be everywhere increased and spread, that the health of souls be cared for and that barbarous nations be overthrown and brought to the faith itself.”

This is what established the Doctrine of Discovery. It was this doctrine that Europeans used to claim land that really did not belong to them. This Doctrine was not agreed to outside of Europe, therefore all claims made by European descendants here about what they discovered are false and basically every European-American is a descendant of an illegal immigrant. I say this because not only did indigenous nations fight Europeans who invaded, there were also lawsuits filed against the American government as recent as 2005. In 2023, the Catholic Church finally decided to renounce the “Inter Catera” after 530 years.

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Then you pretend to be astounded that blacks are swinging over to Trump
Bad analysis. Illegal immigration will hurt minorities worse than Whites. Illegals will take their jobs, drive their wages down and consume the government assistance that our poor citizens should be getting. Your picture of Indians should say, These people lost everything because they had bad immigration policies. We must learn from the Indians, my man. MAGA
More racist bullshit. The Doctrine of Discovery has been denounced by the same church that created it. I'm sure your white ass would think llike you do if the same thing had been done to whites.
More racist bullshit. The Doctrine of Discovery has been denounced by the same church that created it. I'm sure your white ass would think llike you do if the same thing had been done to whites.
You obviously didn't understand anything I said. That's OK. And you have no idea about all the shit I got as a kid. But that's all water over the dam. I've moved on and that's exactly what you should do instead of wallowing in victimhood. There's a lot of good shit right up ahead, waiting for you and me to pounce. Get after it, Qdog.
We heard leftist nut jobs say there is no crisis, and ckaim it's a right wing exaggeration, yet it's even worse than the concerned citizens even realize.
Tell me this is good for the countries they are entering and even the countries they are leaving?

It would behoove America if we would finally do what we need to do which is to absolutely prevent any illegal immigration.
When whites like you stop trying to tell us how we should do as whitey, who actually didn't do what whitey tells us we should do, then I will stop. Because whites have been the fascists in this country, specifically racist whites such as yourself and others in this forum and in this thread.
Lil dude throwing a tantrum again.

Nothing else to see here, move along.
We heard leftist nut jobs say there is no crisis, and ckaim it's a right wing exaggeration, yet it's even worse than the concerned citizens even realize.
Tell me this is good for the countries they are entering and even the countries they are leaving?

This raises a few questions not adequately answered;

Are they really traveling hundreds to thousands of miles on foot? Or have they been given, or paid for themselves, transportation at least part to most of the way ???

These journeys suggest days to weeks traveling, so who is feeding them? How and why?
Where do they sleep and ... ?

They will need to do basic body functions like 'eliminate', so are these pathways covered in piss and shit? (Why aren't the environmentalists up in arms over this large scale pollution ???)

Where do they go to "disappear" once loose within our nation ? Who is helping them in this "disappearance"?
If things are so "bad" where they come from to seek "asylum" here, often traveling hundreds to thousands of miles across many other countries in their pathway, Does this not make those transited through countries also guilty of criminal support, aiding and abetting the illegal invasion across the USA borders ???

In which case, should the USA withdraw all aid we might be paying those nations ?

Should the USA impose sanctions and quarantines against those nations ?

Should the USA consider 'drafting' those young military age and capable young men into a form of 'foreign legion' to send back, armed and supported, to overthrow those repressive regimes they have fled and seek asylum from ???
After which the USA would help to restructure their government and economy so they can remain in their homeland without need to flee ?
Or are many of these illegal aliens intended to be a fifth-column of infiltrators to engage in guerilla warfare against the USA from inside our borders ???
This raises a few questions not adequately answered;

Are they really traveling hundreds to thousands of miles on foot? Or have they been given, or paid for themselves, transportation at least part to most of the way ???

These journeys suggest days to weeks traveling, so who is feeding them? How and why?
Where do they sleep and ... ?

They will need to do basic body functions like 'eliminate', so are these pathways covered in piss and shit? (Why aren't the environmentalists up in arms over this large scale pollution ???)

Where do they go to "disappear" once loose within our nation ? Who is helping them in this "disappearance"?
If things are so "bad" where they come from to seek "asylum" here, often traveling hundreds to thousands of miles across many other countries in their pathway, Does this not make those transited through countries also guilty of criminal support, aiding and abetting the illegal invasion across the USA borders ???

In which case, should the USA withdraw all aid we might be paying those nations ?

Should the USA impose sanctions and quarantines against those nations ?

Should the USA consider 'drafting' those young military age and capable young men into a form of 'foreign legion' to send back, armed and supported, to overthrow those repressive regimes they have fled and seek asylum from ???
After which the USA would help to restructure their government and economy so they can remain in their homeland without need to flee ?
Or are many of these illegal aliens intended to be a fifth-column of infiltrators to engage in guerilla warfare against the USA from inside our borders ???
yeah I noticed the first thing they did on coming off the boats onto shore in cali was disrespect us by littering their plastic rain jackets onto the beach and not one ocean polution nor rid plastic bottles, bags, and straws activist peeped one word of condemnation like I did in pointing it out.
There are voter pacs that interfered with the 2020 elections that set up what you speak of, I
mentioned it back then with this info:
"behind the voter registration effort, led by Immigrant Voters
Win PAC — a group of 30 community organizer groups dedicated to promoting illegal immigrants."

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