Zone1 Let's Talk About "Merit"

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Wow, man, what the fuck happened to you that you think that's what happened.

I mean, I have to ask, truly, that no one has this level of hate unless they've been wronged.
I know it is what happened.

You express your hatred for the most accomplished 0.2% of people in the world. What did Jews do to you?
Franklin Roosevelt had the sense to keep civil rights off of the New Deal Agenda. That is why he was re elected three times.

That's not true, either.

FDR created the Fair Employment Practice Committee
He ended Debt Peonage
He began the process of desegregating the armed forces and used black units in more prominent roles.
He appointed liberal justices to SCOTUS who made key rulings like "Brown vs. Board of Education" that dismantled segregation.

Poor whites and poor blacks usually respond differently to efforts to help them.

The New Deal turned millions of unemployed whites into a stable working class of people who obey the laws and pay taxes.

Not exactly. Despite the New Deal, the unemployment rate was still near double digits all the way up until Pearl Harbor. What changed everything was when the war started, all these industrial jobs were created, and it lasted well after the war because the post-war world depended on American industry. This is when millions of blacks left the south and moved to the North to take those good industrial jobs.

In fact, blacks were able to say after the war, "We did our part, how about fixing some stuff."

The Great Society turned millions of low income blacks into an unemployable underclass that lives off of welfare money and the gains of criminal activity.

That's not really true, either. First, most black people have jobs. Secondly, while black unemployment rose and dipped over the years, (often in tandem with the overall rate) it never exceeded 20%. The height was 1983, and that was when the fed intentionally caused double digit unemployment to fight inflation.


The National Welfare Rights Organization existed from 1966 to 1975. It encouraged Negroes to quit their jobs and go on welfare.

So it lasted less than 9 years, that tells you the idea didn't go over terribly well.
That's not true, either.

FDR created the Fair Employment Practice Committee
He ended Debt Peonage
He began the process of desegregating the armed forces and used black units in more prominent roles.
He appointed liberal justices to SCOTUS who made key rulings like "Brown vs. Board of Education" that dismantled segregation.
When Roosevelt died most Nagroes were not allowed to vote. Schools in the South were segregated. It was legal in the South for restaurant, bar, hotel, and motel owners in the South to refuse to serve Negroes.
When Roosevelt died most Nagroes were not allowed to vote. Schools in the South were segregated. It was legal in the South for restaurant, bar, hotel, and motel owners in the South to refuse to serve Negroes.
When I was a kid in Hot Springs Ark. in the 60's schools were segregated although I had no idea at the time.
When Roosevelt died most Nagroes were not allowed to vote. Schools in the South were segregated. It was legal in the South for restaurant, bar, hotel, and motel owners in the South to refuse to serve Negroes.

The same thing can be said about when Lincoln died, yet no one will deny Lincoln did great things.

Look, I'll give you that FDR didn't do enough, because he was too busy trying to save the world from Fascism.
The same thing can be said about when Lincoln died, yet no one will deny Lincoln did great things.

Look, I'll give you that FDR didn't do enough, because he was too busy trying to save the world from Fascism.
Franklin Roosevelt is my favorite president, followed by Abraham Lincoln.
Neither one of them would look at your "Race realism" with anything but disgust.
one of his debates with

Prior to World War II race realism, although the term did not exist at the time, was the consensus in the West.

In Marriage and Morals, published in 1929, Bertrand Russell, a noted leftist, wrote:

"In extreme cases there can be little doubt of the superiority of one race to another. North America, Australia and New Zealand certainly contribute more to the civilization of the world than they would do if they were still peopled by aborigines. It seems on the whole fair to regard Negroes as on the average inferior to white men, although for work in the tropics they are indispensable, so that their extermination (apart from questions of humanity) would be highly undesirable. But when it comes to discriminating among the races of Europe, a mass of bad science has to be brought in to support political prejudice. Nor do I see any valid ground for regarding the yellow races as in any degree inferior to our noble selves."

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one of his debates with

Prior to World War II race realism, although the term did not exist at the time, was the consensus in the West.

And it was wrong. Just like women belong in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant were wrong. You can watch some of these classic movies with their attitudes and just laugh at them today.

How did people live like this, being this ignorant?

Abe Lincoln fought to free the slaves, and FDR advanced civil rights by ending workplace discrimination and debt peonage.

"In extreme cases there can be little doubt of the superiority of one race to another. North America, Australia and New Zealand certainly contribute more to the civilization of the world than they would do if they were still peopled by aborigines. It seems on the whole fair to regard Negroes as on the average inferior to white men, although for work in the tropics they are indispensable, so that their extermination (apart from questions of humanity) would be highly undesirable. But when it comes to discriminating among the races of Europe, a mass of bad science has to be brought in to support political prejudice. Nor do I see any valid ground for regarding the yellow races as in any degree inferior to our noble selves."

And Bertrand Russell is not considered an important figure on the left today, is he?
And it was wrong. Just like women belong in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant were wrong. You can watch some of these classic movies with their attitudes and just laugh at them today.

How did people live like this, being this ignorant?

Abe Lincoln fought to free the slaves, and FDR advanced civil rights by ending workplace discrimination and debt peonage.

And Bertrand Russell is not considered an important figure on the left today, is he?
Bertrand Russell won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1950. He was active in the anti war movement during the War in Vietnam.

Women being in the kitchen bare footed and pregnant was a social convention.

Race realism is a number of scientific hypotheses. Most can be proved now. I have proved several on this website using facts I found on the internet. I am confident that the rest will be proved when more is learned about human genetics and human evolution.
Bertrand Russell won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1950. He was active in the anti war movement during the War in Vietnam.
So he was nobody important, then. I have to wonder how many people actually read the books that win these literature prizes, while people who actually sell books are looked down upon.

R.K Rowling, Steven King or James Paterson won't win a literature prize.

Back to my point, racism used to have a lot of pseudo-science behind it that has been subsequently debunked.

Women being in the kitchen bare footed and pregnant was a social convention.
So was racism.. that's the point.

Actually, they also used a lot of pseudo-science to try to rationalize gender discrimination. Women were too "hysterical" (a word derived from the Greek word for uterus) to hold down male jobs or serve in public office. You even watch a show like "I Love Lucy" to see how some of these attitudes prevailed until the 1950's. (Meanwhile, Lucille Ball herself was a savvy businesswoman who made a fortune and was a real power player in Hollywood in the day.) And letting women use birth control or have an abortion? That was just crazy talk back in the 1950's!

Race realism is a number of scientific hypotheses. Most can be proved now. I have proved several on this website using facts I found on the internet. I am confident that the rest will be proved when more is learned about human genetics and human evolution.

Guy, I hate to break it to you... most information on the internet is bullshit.

You can go on the internet and find "proof" that the Holocaust never happened, that Sandy Hook was a false flag operation, that Bigfoot is real, and that alien lizard people really run our government.

Do you know where you aren't going to find "Race Realism"? In any major university or institution of higher learning. Because people who do real science have realized this is bullshit.
So he was nobody important, then. I have to wonder how many people actually read the books that win these literature prizes, while people who actually sell books are looked down upon.

R.K Rowling, Steven King or James Paterson won't win a literature prize.

Back to my point, racism used to have a lot of pseudo-science behind it that has been subsequently debunked.

So was racism.. that's the point.

Actually, they also used a lot of pseudo-science to try to rationalize gender discrimination. Women were too "hysterical" (a word derived from the Greek word for uterus) to hold down male jobs or serve in public office. You even watch a show like "I Love Lucy" to see how some of these attitudes prevailed until the 1950's. (Meanwhile, Lucille Ball herself was a savvy businesswoman who made a fortune and was a real power player in Hollywood in the day.) And letting women use birth control or have an abortion? That was just crazy talk back in the 1950's!

Guy, I hate to break it to you... most information on the internet is bullshit.

You can go on the internet and find "proof" that the Holocaust never happened, that Sandy Hook was a false flag operation, that Bigfoot is real, and that alien lizard people really run our government.

Do you know where you aren't going to find "Race Realism"? In any major university or institution of higher learning. Because people who do real science have realized this is bullshit.
What have I ever posted about Negroes that is not true? Post it Let's discuss it.

Where is there evidence that Negroes tend to be as intelligent as whites, and that they have comparable rates of crime and illegitimacy?

People who do real science know that the assertions of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's Richard Herrnstein, Arthur Jensen and J. Philippel Rushton are valid. So do high school guidance counselors.
What have I ever posted about Negroes that is not true? Post it Let's discuss it.

Everything, and I've frankly gotten bored with it.

Where is there evidence that Negroes tend to be as intelligent as whites, and that they have comparable rates of crime and illegitimacy?

Sweet evil Jesus, how do you explain a 60% illegitimacy rate in France if illegitimacy is a "racial" thing? The French are whiter than I am. (because I'm 1/8th Native American, maybe!)

On that point, Humans have existed for 315,000 years, yet there's really no evidence of marriage ceremonies earlier than 2350 BCE. (Probably earlier than that, but that's the first recorded record of one.)

People who do real science know that the assertions of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's Richard Herrnstein, Arthur Jensen and J. Philippel Rushton are valid.

Guys who do valid science don't get denounced by their universities for unethical practices.


Contrary to Rushton 's postulates, aggregating large cohorts of methodologically weak studies leads to misleading conclusions. The review of his data shows that nonprofessional skull collections were included (race was possibly estimated from skull size) and the impact of factors, such as infant malnutrition and climate, on cranial or brain size was ignored. Statistical reanalyses of cranial data show that cranial size (a) is not a viable indicator of intelligence and (b) is similar in Negroids and Caucasoids from the same settings: It varies with the standard of living and climate (smaller crania are found in underdeveloped, warmer countries), not with race.

Here's what makes those guys bad scientists. Much like a "Creation Scientist", they start out with a conclusion and then collect (cherry pick) evidence to support it, as oppose to REAL Scientists, who collect data and then form conclusions.

So do high school guidance counselors.

Hmmm... you know, funny thing, we didn't have a HS guidance counselor at my school. I'm not sure how anyone could determine a kid's future based on a maybe 10-minute conversation with the kid.

Using the proven, trusted, and most reliable 80/20 Rule, 80% of all high school guidance counselors are near-to-useless. Most tell parents to simply fill out the forms. End of story.

Roughly 20% of guidance counselors are good at helping your student get into college based on personal relationships they’ve established with many college admission directors. But this kind of counselor, with increasing numbers of students and responsibilities that have nothing to do with college admissions, is becoming less available, particularly in public schools.

For the most part, these counselors have too much on their plates, with national student-to-counselor ratios averaging 457:1 at public high schools and 241:1 at private high schools. A 500:1 ratio is not unusual.
One of my clients had a son at a parochial school with a strict policy on handling all the paperwork for college. The school was suggesting that their son’s future would be placed in the hands of a guidance counselor who barely knew the student and was managing the paperwork for more than 50 other students. (That’s when you know the red flag of Murphy’s Law is waving triumphantly: if something will go wrong, it will.) I advised the client to tell the school where they could stick their policy (of course, in some round file), and that the parent had her own policy that would allow the school to send out only the transcript and letters of recommendation.

But I'm sure you read something on AmRen about some racist twit who claims to be a guidance counselor and knows how awful black kids are.
how do you explain a 60% illegitimacy rate in France if illegitimacy is a "racial" thing? The French are whiter than I am. (because I'm 1/8th Native American, maybe!)
Rates of crime and illegitimacy are more fluid than IQ averages. In the United States when rates of crime and illegitimacy were lower than now, They were still higher for Negroes.
Guys who do valid science don't get denounced by their universities for unethical practices.
That is obviously untrue in the case of Professor Rushton. His findings have been confirmed in China, as I have already posted.
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