Lets talks about the "media".


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
The anti white, antit cop thing, where did that come from magically? And nevermind most of that was taken out of context pushing an agenda? Forr instance : George Floyd. died from a fentanyl overdose not white cop racism knee on his neck. And Bryana Taylor, police where serving a legal warrant and actually knocked... Do facts matter anymore?
The anti white, antit cop thing, where did that come from magically? And nevermind most of that was taken out of context pushing an agenda? Forr instance : George Floyd. died from a fentanyl overdose not white cop racism knee on his neck. And Bryana Taylor, police where serving a legal warrant and actually knocked... Do facts matter anymore?
Yup, you have so much Privledge.
The anti white, antit cop thing, where did that come from magically? And nevermind most of that was taken out of context pushing an agenda? Forr instance : George Floyd. died from a fentanyl overdose not white cop racism knee on his neck. And Bryana Taylor, police where serving a legal warrant and actually knocked... Do facts matter anymore?
Cops seems to have a lot of people on the edge of death when they meet them.
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The anti white, antit cop thing, where did that come from magically? And nevermind most of that was taken out of context pushing an agenda? Forr instance : George Floyd. died from a fentanyl overdose not white cop racism knee on his neck. And Bryana Taylor, police where serving a legal warrant and actually knocked... Do facts matter anymore?
Yup, you have so much Privledge.
At least spell it right, its "privilege". When I see Black Somalians that can't speak English driving busses and then see black guys slaughter each other AND the media talks about racism and the tiny tiny white cops are the bad guy "racism is bad" crap instead...YEA, right.
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The anti white, antit cop thing, where did that come from magically? And nevermind most of that was taken out of context pushing an agenda? Forr instance : George Floyd. died from a fentanyl overdose not white cop racism knee on his neck. And Bryana Taylor, police where serving a legal warrant and actually knocked... Do facts matter anymore?
Cops seems to have a lot of people on the edge of death when they meet them.
No, not really. Just assholes with something to fear...
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This anti cop thing has been around since forever. Cops aren't the problem here. Poor black males are disposing of each other in huge numbers. White police officers are the least of the poor black communities problems. Which goes back to the MEDIA and how they have become adept at misrepresentation. Take say, Nicolas Sandman aka the Covington MAGA hat kid...
The anti white, antit cop thing, where did that come from magically? And nevermind most of that was taken out of context pushing an agenda? Forr instance : George Floyd. died from a fentanyl overdose not white cop racism knee on his neck. And Bryana Taylor, police where serving a legal warrant and actually knocked... Do facts matter anymore?
Cops seems to have a lot of people on the edge of death when they meet them.

It's not the cop's fault. A lot of people in this world deserve to be on the edge of death. I blame their parents for not teaching them a few manners.
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The anti white, antit cop thing, where did that come from magically? And nevermind most of that was taken out of context pushing an agenda? Forr instance : George Floyd. died from a fentanyl overdose not white cop racism knee on his neck. And Bryana Taylor, police where serving a legal warrant and actually knocked... Do facts matter anymore?
Cops seems to have a lot of people on the edge of death when they meet them.

It's not the cop's fault. A lot of people in this world deserve to be on the edge of death. I blame their parents for not teaching them a few manners.
Funny. BLM and liberals based their claims of racism and the democrats supported their claims of exagerated or false claims of racism based on a black guy died of a drug overdose, the other was selling drugs and the other was resisting arrest. That's it. They burned down cities over this.
The anti white, antit cop thing, where did that come from magically? And nevermind most of that was taken out of context pushing an agenda? Forr instance : George Floyd. died from a fentanyl overdose not white cop racism knee on his neck. And Bryana Taylor, police where serving a legal warrant and actually knocked... Do facts matter anymore?
Cops seems to have a lot of people on the edge of death when they meet them.
Things haven't changed so much. Just watched "It's a Wonderful Live"(1946) When George Baily slugged the cop Burt the cop and ran, the cop yelled at the crowd "Stand back!" and emptied his gun at the fleeing unarmed George. Didn't kill him though, because George was white and running in a snow storm. Go figure.:p
The anti white, antit cop thing, where did that come from magically? And nevermind most of that was taken out of context pushing an agenda? Forr instance : George Floyd. died from a fentanyl overdose not white cop racism knee on his neck. And Bryana Taylor, police where serving a legal warrant and actually knocked... Do facts matter anymore?
Cops seems to have a lot of people on the edge of death when they meet them.

It's not the cop's fault. A lot of people in this world deserve to be on the edge of death. I blame their parents for not teaching them a few manners.
Funny. BLM and liberals based their claims of racism and the democrats supported their claims of exagerated or false claims of racism based on a black guy died of a drug overdose, the other was selling drugs and the other was resisting arrest. That's it. They burned down cities over this.

That dope head George Floyd dying was just a dumpster fire out back the Reichstag. The real fire happened when China poisoned the world and the American Marxists made it look like Trump's fault.
William Randolph Hearst. The Media. The Muckrakers' Yellow journalism. And NOW all of a sudden, the media says you cant question the 2020 election? Because the media is ABOVE being tampered with.
Main stream media and the news people mostly told it straight on the 2020 election. It was ok to question, but once it was clear, trump had lost in what trump had previously called an elector landslide, the Klan of trump should have acted like patriotic Americans and not tried to overthrow the election, the will of the people and the government of the United States. Their actions and rabble rousing comments have been closer to a coup against the the government and democracy in a representative republic than anything seen in this country in living memory. Mainstream correctly media called them on it. Now the cry baby anti-American radical trumps and trump himself should STFU.
The anti white, antit cop thing, where did that come from magically? And nevermind most of that was taken out of context pushing an agenda? Forr instance : George Floyd. died from a fentanyl overdose not white cop racism knee on his neck. And Bryana Taylor, police where serving a legal warrant and actually knocked... Do facts matter anymore?
Cops seems to have a lot of people on the edge of death when they meet them.
And they're hard at work to further accelerate the death being dealt by Establishment doctors on the same block.
William Randolph Hearst. The Media. The Muckrakers' Yellow journalism. And NOW all of a sudden, the media says you cant question the 2020 election? Because the media is ABOVE being tampered with.

The Courts said you can't question the 2020 election legally. You can ask all of the questions you want. Nobody is obligated to listen to you.
Take say, Nicolas Sandman aka the Covington MAGA hat kid...
You seriously cannot be proud of that PRICK, Sandman,
You lose ALL cred with that.
POS white lil' boy pretending he was harmed. Fuck Nick Sandman.
This anti cop thing has been around since forever. Cops aren't the problem here. Poor black males are disposing of each other in huge numbers. White police officers are the least of the poor black communities problems. Which goes back to the MEDIA and how they have become adept at misrepresentation. Take say, Nicolas Sandman aka the Covington MAGA hat kid...

I think a lot of the problems and gangs would go away if all drugs were legalized. The underground selling of drugs would disappear and many of these people would have to actually go out and work for a living instead of selling drugs and killing each other over it.

But I don't think this will happen because a lot of black ops money is made by the Gov and CIA through the illegal drugs. Not to mention the whole prison system would lose out because they wouldn't have as many people to lock up.
The media are run by very, very, very sincere people who believe what they were taught by their college professors.

Most of them are privileged Caucasian people who live in nice communities and have little to do with the groups whom they champion.

The vast majority of ordinary Americans, however, are not so privileged as they.

So the majority of ordinary Americans who do actually come into daily contact with certain groups do not believe a lot of what the the media "report."

I have read that more and more "journalists" are losing their jobs as print newspapers fold, and even online & cable news websites are losing viewers, especially since the Resistance has won.
The anti white, antit cop thing, where did that come from magically? And nevermind most of that was taken out of context pushing an agenda? Forr instance : George Floyd. died from a fentanyl overdose not white cop racism knee on his neck. And Bryana Taylor, police where serving a legal warrant and actually knocked... Do facts matter anymore?
The Dems/Press purposely inflame racial tensions to get out the vote.
The Press treats White on Black Crimes as hate crimes, and they never make Black on White crimes a racial issue.
The actual annual murder ratio between Blacks and Whites is more than 2 to 1.
A policeman is much more likely to be murdered by a Black suspect than a Black suspect to be murdered by a Policeman.
The Dems/Press are Racist Demagogues who use hate and fear as their political weapons.
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The media in this country is part of the democrook criminal syndicate. They should be sued for malevolent malpractice.

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