Let's unpack some of the right wing's delusion and dishonesty. Is universal healthcare socialism?

We already have a government run health care system. It is the VA. It is better than any foreign socialized medicine system but falls far short of private health care in the US.

I could get health care free if I used the system but I don't want to put up with the bueracracy and inefficiencies.

Health care is too important to an individual to put in the hands of the non caring government.

Somebody would have to be an idiot to support any kind of government managed national heath care system.
non caring government?
Does that mean private insurance companies care?

No, but it does mean that they have a motivation to behave as though they do to a certain extent. Soulless corporation that they are, my health insurance provider gives far better customer service than any government agency I've ever dealt with.

The soulless VA killed a lot of veterans with substandard health care during the Obama administration.

Meanwhile I had three quality private health care facilities vying for my business when I had my cancer. The one I chose gave me excellent service in a very timely manner. Paid for by insurance that was was glad to provide service according to the contract I had with them.

I probably would have died of the cancer waiting for the stupid non caring government bureaucrats to fix my problem.

I trust companies providing quality service to me at a competitive price a lot more than I trust stupid asshole government bureaucrats that don't give a shit.
Private enterprise always beats government when it comes to service. Compare airline company waiting lounges to TSA.
We already have a government run health care system. It is the VA. It is better than any foreign socialized medicine system but falls far short of private health care in the US.

I could get health care free if I used the system but I don't want to put up with the bueracracy and inefficiencies.

Health care is too important to an individual to put in the hands of the non caring government.

Somebody would have to be an idiot to support any kind of government managed national heath care system.
non caring government?
Does that mean private insurance companies care?
If the costs behind the scenes goes up 10% a year while we get universal healthcare for a set price, how long will it take for us to wait several months for an operation?
We already have a government run health care system. It is the VA. It is better than any foreign socialized medicine system but falls far short of private health care in the US.

I could get health care free if I used the system but I don't want to put up with the bueracracy and inefficiencies.

Health care is too important to an individual to put in the hands of the non caring government.

Somebody would have to be an idiot to support any kind of government managed national heath care system.
non caring government?
Does that mean private insurance companies care?
If the costs behind the scenes goes up 10% a year while we get universal healthcare for a set price, how long will it take for us to wait several months for an operation?
The issue is the Leftists pushing this crap base their support on either their own experience or that of friends who spent time in some European country. They or their friends got the clap or herp or an ear infection or whatever, went ot the "free" public health care place and got it treated for free. And actually those systems do OK at delivering that sort of care. But where people get older or develop chronic conditiosn those public systems fall apart. Time to treatment, availability of the latest technology and drugs, and subsequently outcomes for serious events are all markedly worse in countries with socialized medicine.
We already have a government run health care system. It is the VA. It is better than any foreign socialized medicine system but falls far short of private health care in the US.

I could get health care free if I used the system but I don't want to put up with the bueracracy and inefficiencies.

Health care is too important to an individual to put in the hands of the non caring government.

Somebody would have to be an idiot to support any kind of government managed national heath care system.
non caring government?
Does that mean private insurance companies care?
If the costs behind the scenes goes up 10% a year while we get universal healthcare for a set price, how long will it take for us to wait several months for an operation?

Several months? In the UK, Canada, France and other places it can be years and that is only if some government weenie approves your procedure. They may not even allow you to get the procedure if they don't think you are deserving because of your age or race or whatever.

For seven years I lived near the Canadian border. We could never get an appointment with a doctor on Monday morning because of all the Canadians that would be in the waiting rooms. They would rather pay for American health care than get whatever the socialized medicine in Canada gave them for "free".
You'll often see conservatives argue that any social program is socialism and then in the next breath they'll say the Scandinavian countries are capitalist and not socialist when people point to how well they do over there. Well they have universal healthcare and very expansive social safety nets. Are those things socialism or not in your world view? You hypocrites can't have your cake and eat it too. Either the Scandinavian countries are socialist in your view or things like universal healthcare are not actually socialism. There are no Democrats arguing for the government to completely take over the private sector. They want universal healthcare and government funded universities like in the Scandinavian nations. At least get your shit straight and make a consistent argument.

The biggest mistake made was to infer that Obamacare was socialism when it was patently fascist.

Seems like they're going full throttle fascist now, and manipulating this covid thing for all it's worth in order to achieve a full-blown fascist healthcare system. They've always wanted to aquire the power to mandate all of the electorate's medical decisions. So the covid fear porn was the perfect problem/reaction/solution scenario to aquire that power. Same 'unity' horse pucky with selling the idea of vaccination certificates to participate in society that they used to scare people enough to let em fondle their balls at the airport after that 9/11 thing when Chertoff and that bunch made millions off their xray machines and other so-called 'security' infrastructure while working within government to mandate it. Just look at all of he tyrannical legislation that has followed ever since. Heck, they've basically put people on house arrest, they're making them wear face diapers that do nothing, that's all about submission, telling people to spread out, telling them who they can and can't have in their own homes, shutting down the rights of the electorate to their pursuit of happiness and the fruits of their labor, yeah they're going full fascist. Governors are blatantly invoking the old Cloward–Piven strategy in order to achieve their 'equitable' outcome. The helicopter kids who have all grown up, so to speak, the modern brown shirts, are empowering them every step of the way by participating in the coercion.

The Founders slit throats for less.
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Your turn at bat.

You ignored the point made in the OP. Address that and I'll address your deflection.
You cannot ignore, even as you try to, the social structure of a nation when discussing a social program.
A society based on common levels of success and ancestry cannot be compared to the US.

Considering that Sweden still has a Royal family - it's a constitutional monarchy - clearly it does NOT have "common levels of success and ancestry", by a long shot.

Your argument seems to be that the U.S. could not have a successful social services because we're racially and ethnically diverse. That's pure nonsense.
We already have a government run health care system. It is the VA. It is better than any foreign socialized medicine system but falls far short of private health care in the US.

I could get health care free if I used the system but I don't want to put up with the bueracracy and inefficiencies.

Health care is too important to an individual to put in the hands of the non caring government.

Somebody would have to be an idiot to support any kind of government managed national heath care system.
non caring government?
Does that mean private insurance companies care?

No, but it does mean that they have a motivation to behave as though they do to a certain extent. Soulless corporation that they are, my health insurance provider gives far better customer service than any government agency I've ever dealt with.

The soulless VA killed a lot of veterans with substandard health care during the Obama administration.

Meanwhile I had three quality private health care facilities vying for my business when I had my cancer. The one I chose gave me excellent service in a very timely manner. Paid for by insurance that was was glad to provide service according to the contract I had with them.

I probably would have died of the cancer waiting for the stupid non caring government bureaucrats to fix my problem.

I trust companies providing quality service to me at a competitive price a lot more than I trust stupid asshole government bureaucrats that don't give a shit.
Private enterprise always beats government when it comes to service. Compare airline company waiting lounges to TSA.

The quality of Airline's service since deregulation has SUCKED!!!!

It was way better before Reagan fucked it up!

Passengers are treated like cattle nowadays - they used to be treated like royalty.
We already have a government run health care system. It is the VA. It is better than any foreign socialized medicine system but falls far short of private health care in the US.

I could get health care free if I used the system but I don't want to put up with the bueracracy and inefficiencies.

Health care is too important to an individual to put in the hands of the non caring government.

Somebody would have to be an idiot to support any kind of government managed national heath care system.
non caring government?
Does that mean private insurance companies care?
If the costs behind the scenes goes up 10% a year while we get universal healthcare for a set price, how long will it take for us to wait several months for an operation?
The issue is the Leftists pushing this crap base their support on either their own experience or that of friends who spent time in some European country. They or their friends got the clap or herp or an ear infection or whatever, went ot the "free" public health care place and got it treated for free. And actually those systems do OK at delivering that sort of care. But where people get older or develop chronic conditiosn those public systems fall apart. Time to treatment, availability of the latest technology and drugs, and subsequently outcomes for serious events are all markedly worse in countries with socialized medicine.

Yes - the U.S. healthcare industry are experts at taking every last cent they can grab from elderly patients. Once they have the last penny they leave them to die.
We already have a government run health care system. It is the VA. It is better than any foreign socialized medicine system but falls far short of private health care in the US.

I could get health care free if I used the system but I don't want to put up with the bueracracy and inefficiencies.

Health care is too important to an individual to put in the hands of the non caring government.

Somebody would have to be an idiot to support any kind of government managed national heath care system.
non caring government?
Does that mean private insurance companies care?

No, but it does mean that they have a motivation to behave as though they do to a certain extent. Soulless corporation that they are, my health insurance provider gives far better customer service than any government agency I've ever dealt with.

The soulless VA killed a lot of veterans with substandard health care during the Obama administration.

Meanwhile I had three quality private health care facilities vying for my business when I had my cancer. The one I chose gave me excellent service in a very timely manner. Paid for by insurance that was was glad to provide service according to the contract I had with them.

I probably would have died of the cancer waiting for the stupid non caring government bureaucrats to fix my problem.

I trust companies providing quality service to me at a competitive price a lot more than I trust stupid asshole government bureaucrats that don't give a shit.
Private enterprise always beats government when it comes to service. Compare airline company waiting lounges to TSA.

The quality of Airline's service since deregulation has SUCKED!!!!

It was way better before Reagan fucked it up!

Passengers are treated like cattle nowadays - they used to be treated like royalty.

If the government ran the airlines you definitely would be cattle and the planes would be crashing every day.

I reward the airlines for their shitty service nowadays by not using them.
We already have a government run health care system. It is the VA. It is better than any foreign socialized medicine system but falls far short of private health care in the US.

I could get health care free if I used the system but I don't want to put up with the bueracracy and inefficiencies.

Health care is too important to an individual to put in the hands of the non caring government.

Somebody would have to be an idiot to support any kind of government managed national heath care system.
non caring government?
Does that mean private insurance companies care?

No, but it does mean that they have a motivation to behave as though they do to a certain extent. Soulless corporation that they are, my health insurance provider gives far better customer service than any government agency I've ever dealt with.

The soulless VA killed a lot of veterans with substandard health care during the Obama administration.

Meanwhile I had three quality private health care facilities vying for my business when I had my cancer. The one I chose gave me excellent service in a very timely manner. Paid for by insurance that was was glad to provide service according to the contract I had with them.

I probably would have died of the cancer waiting for the stupid non caring government bureaucrats to fix my problem.

I trust companies providing quality service to me at a competitive price a lot more than I trust stupid asshole government bureaucrats that don't give a shit.
Private enterprise always beats government when it comes to service. Compare airline company waiting lounges to TSA.

The quality of Airline's service since deregulation has SUCKED!!!!

It was way better before Reagan fucked it up!

Passengers are treated like cattle nowadays - they used to be treated like royalty.

If the government ran the airlines you definitely would be cattle and the planes would be crashing every day.

I reward the airlines for their shitty service nowadays by not using them.

The government used to run the airlines before Reagan deregulated them. The service was way better than it is now,
The biggest mistake made was to infer that Obamacare was socialism when it was patently fascist.

Most of the people calling it socialism don't know the difference.

Seems like they're going full throttle fascist now, and manipulating this covid thing for all it's worth in order to achieve a full-blown fascist healthcare system. They've always wanted to aquire the power to mandate all of the electorate's medical decisions. So the covid fear porn was the perfect problem/reaction/solution scenario to aquire that power. Same 'unity' horse pucky with selling the idea of vaccination certificates to participate in society that they used to scare people enough to let em fondle their balls at the airport after that 9/11 thing when Chertoff and that bunch made millions off their xray machines and other so-called 'security' infrastructure while working within government to mandate it. Heck, they've basically put people on house arrest, they're making them wear face diapers that do nothing, that's all about submission, telling people to spread out, telling them who they can and can't have in their own homes, shutting down the rights of the electorate to their pursuit of happiness and the fruits of their labor, yeah they're going full fascist. And the helicopter kids who have all grown up, so to speak, the modern brown shirts, are empowering them every step of the way.

I don't think the "fear porn" was intentional. I think people are just manic cowards so it got out of hand.

The Founders slit throats for less.

Their world was pretty simple compared to ours. Hopefully we don't have to resort to that.
We already have a government run health care system. It is the VA. It is better than any foreign socialized medicine system but falls far short of private health care in the US.

I could get health care free if I used the system but I don't want to put up with the bueracracy and inefficiencies.

Health care is too important to an individual to put in the hands of the non caring government.

Somebody would have to be an idiot to support any kind of government managed national heath care system.
non caring government?
Does that mean private insurance companies care?

No, but it does mean that they have a motivation to behave as though they do to a certain extent. Soulless corporation that they are, my health insurance provider gives far better customer service than any government agency I've ever dealt with.

The soulless VA killed a lot of veterans with substandard health care during the Obama administration.

Meanwhile I had three quality private health care facilities vying for my business when I had my cancer. The one I chose gave me excellent service in a very timely manner. Paid for by insurance that was was glad to provide service according to the contract I had with them.

I probably would have died of the cancer waiting for the stupid non caring government bureaucrats to fix my problem.

I trust companies providing quality service to me at a competitive price a lot more than I trust stupid asshole government bureaucrats that don't give a shit.
Private enterprise always beats government when it comes to service. Compare airline company waiting lounges to TSA.

The quality of Airline's service since deregulation has SUCKED!!!!

It was way better before Reagan fucked it up!

Passengers are treated like cattle nowadays - they used to be treated like royalty.

If the government ran the airlines you definitely would be cattle and the planes would be crashing every day.

I reward the airlines for their shitty service nowadays by not using them.

The government used to run the airlines before Reagan deregulated them. The service was way better than it is now,

Funny but I remember flying in private airlines in the 60s and 70s before Reagan was elected.

I must be mistaken, huh?
You'll often see conservatives argue that any social program is socialism and then in the next breath they'll say the Scandinavian countries are capitalist and not socialist when people point to how well they do over there. Well they have universal healthcare and very expansive social safety nets. Are those things socialism or not in your world view? You hypocrites can't have your cake and eat it too. Either the Scandinavian countries are socialist in your view or things like universal healthcare are not actually socialism. There are no Democrats arguing for the government to completely take over the private sector. They want universal healthcare and government funded universities like in the Scandinavian nations. At least get your shit straight and make a consistent argument.

If it isn't in the Constitution it shouldn't be in the US. See any sign of health care in the Constitution?? I think not.
Your turn at bat.

You ignored the point made in the OP. Address that and I'll address your deflection.
You cannot ignore, even as you try to, the social structure of a nation when discussing a social program.
A society based on common levels of success and ancestry cannot be compared to the US.

Considering that Sweden still has a Royal family - it's a constitutional monarchy - clearly it does NOT have "common levels of success and ancestry", by a long shot.

Your argument seems to be that the U.S. could not have a successful social services because we're racially and ethnically diverse. That's pure nonsense.
Your argument seems to be that the U.S. could not have a successful social services because we're racially and ethnically diverse. That's pure nonsense.
Go back to the OP because you're way out of context.
You'll often see conservatives argue that any social program is socialism and then in the next breath they'll say the Scandinavian countries are capitalist and not socialist when people point to how well they do over there. Well they have universal healthcare and very expansive social safety nets. Are those things socialism or not in your world view? You hypocrites can't have your cake and eat it too. Either the Scandinavian countries are socialist in your view or things like universal healthcare are not actually socialism. There are no Democrats arguing for the government to completely take over the private sector. They want universal healthcare and government funded universities like in the Scandinavian nations. At least get your shit straight and make a consistent argument.

If it isn't in the Constitution it shouldn't be in the US. See any sign of health care in the Constitution?? I think not.
Last time i checked, i pay for medical care for those 65 & over. (i.e. medicare)

see Helvering v. Davis
Your turn at bat.

You ignored the point made in the OP. Address that and I'll address your deflection.
You cannot ignore, even as you try to, the social structure of a nation when discussing a social program.
A society based on common levels of success and ancestry cannot be compared to the US.

Considering that Sweden still has a Royal family - it's a constitutional monarchy - clearly it does NOT have "common levels of success and ancestry", by a long shot.

Your argument seems to be that the U.S. could not have a successful social services because we're racially and ethnically diverse. That's pure nonsense.
Your argument seems to be that the U.S. could not have a successful social services because we're racially and ethnically diverse. That's pure nonsense.
Go back to the OP because you're way out of context.

No, my reply was an exact refutation of your post.
Your turn at bat.

You ignored the point made in the OP. Address that and I'll address your deflection.
You cannot ignore, even as you try to, the social structure of a nation when discussing a social program.
A society based on common levels of success and ancestry cannot be compared to the US.

Considering that Sweden still has a Royal family - it's a constitutional monarchy - clearly it does NOT have "common levels of success and ancestry", by a long shot.

Your argument seems to be that the U.S. could not have a successful social services because we're racially and ethnically diverse. That's pure nonsense.
Your argument seems to be that the U.S. could not have a successful social services because we're racially and ethnically diverse. That's pure nonsense.
Go back to the OP because you're way out of context.

No, my reply was an exact refutation of your post.
You think so because you’re a moron.
Not that that’s a secret.
You'll often see conservatives argue that any social program is socialism and then in the next breath they'll say the Scandinavian countries are capitalist and not socialist when people point to how well they do over there. Well they have universal healthcare and very expansive social safety nets. Are those things socialism or not in your world view? You hypocrites can't have your cake and eat it too. Either the Scandinavian countries are socialist in your view or things like universal healthcare are not actually socialism. There are no Democrats arguing for the government to completely take over the private sector. They want universal healthcare and government funded universities like in the Scandinavian nations. At least get your shit straight and make a consistent argument.

If it isn't in the Constitution it shouldn't be in the US. See any sign of health care in the Constitution?? I think not.
Last time i checked, i pay for medical care for those 65 & over. (i.e. medicare)

see Helvering v. Davis

And your point is supposed to be what?
You'll often see conservatives argue that any social program is socialism and then in the next breath they'll say the Scandinavian countries are capitalist and not socialist when people point to how well they do over there. Well they have universal healthcare and very expansive social safety nets. Are those things socialism or not in your world view? You hypocrites can't have your cake and eat it too. Either the Scandinavian countries are socialist in your view or things like universal healthcare are not actually socialism. There are no Democrats arguing for the government to completely take over the private sector. They want universal healthcare and government funded universities like in the Scandinavian nations. At least get your shit straight and make a consistent argument.

If it isn't in the Constitution it shouldn't be in the US. See any sign of health care in the Constitution?? I think not.
Last time i checked, i pay for medical care for those 65 & over. (i.e. medicare)

see Helvering v. Davis

No. They pay for themselves and have been every working day of their lives.


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