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Letter to Glenn Beck

Bunch of Right wingers pretending not to be. Where were you all the last 8 years?

Obviously, they conveniently forgot that Bush began the bailouts by throwing money at the white collars on wall street. Obama inherited a country on the brink. What was he supposed to do? Stand back and watch the US sink to 3 world status. Give it time. We will be back on top and the majority of the bailout money will be paid back.

But the pain will continue for some time, during which the party of "NO!" will continually spell doom and gloom.

Well, I guess you could also ask, where was the left wing congress when the bailouts were going through the house? But that question usually results in a personal attack rather than a reasonable answer.

I think you'll find that most Busch supporters didn't like his bailout plan very much, and I've read many here admit it.

You're correct. No company should have been bailed out, period. And the rush that was put on it! Chicken little crying the sky is falling and we'll all implode if we don't do this. Bullshit. It was a mistake for Bush to do it, it's a mistake that Obama is continuing to do it. If a company fails, it fails. Something better and stronger will come from it; or not.

As for the letter to Beck, it's real -- the woman was on his show today. There's a petition to send this letter to the powers that be. If you want a way for your voice to be heard, sign it.

Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - Glenn Beck: The Letter
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there was an election... "we the people" ARE being listened to.

LOOOOOOOOL.....yeah, thats exactly what you said when bush won twice....

you crack me up

Someday we will get to say it back to them too.. We have long memories.

Sit down and stfu
You are irrelevant
We won, remember?
Move over and let the grown ups lead :lol::lol::lol:

oh yes,, we remember it well.
You one by six points an election you should have won by twenty, and you act like you now have the right to do anything you please to this country. Sorry no. You've gone and done everything most of those voting for you were pissed at McCain and Bush over and you think the voters are ust goiong to bend over and take this shiot again from your side of the aisle?

Get real, the only way you hang onto congreess in 2010 is if the Reps screw the pooch big time and thus far they haven't.
Well let's see... ya have the Collective ownership of GM, Chysler and the pending legislation which would do the same for the US Financial industry...

In the case of GM and Chrysler, the Collective ownership of both, resulted in the absurd rejection of contract law... forcing TENS OF THOUSANDS of CONTRACT HOLDERS to forfeit their perfectly legal contracts, 'for the good of the PEOPLE...'


As with so many of your other similarly moronic posts, you again make an inaccurate statement. Nationalization itself is not a sufficient condition for socialism, and neither would the collective ownership of the entire auto industry. Nationalization is not sufficient if collective ownership and management is not implemented (which necessitates democratic control of the economy), and the collective ownership of one industry does not amount the collective ownership of the means of production.

Dumbass. :rolleyes:

ROFLMNAO... Oh GOD! That's precious...

Ya see kids? Everything is cool... it's not socialism, because, it's not communism... at least in theory, nothing ever happens in stages... and ya can't say 'socialism' until everyone is wearing bland grey wool with floppy little hats and calling everyone 'comrade'... got that?

LOL... and thats why these idiots are so damn dangerous to the culture... they're fools and nothing is worse than this breed of fool... the leftist LYIN' FOOL!
ROFLMNAO... Oh GOD! That's precious...

Ya see kids? Everything is cool... it's not socialism, because, it's not communism... at least in theory, nothing ever happens in stages... and ya can't say 'socialism' until everyone is wearing bland grey wool with floppy little hats and calling everyone 'comrade'... got that?

LOL... and thats why these idiots are so damn dangerous to the culture... they're fools and nothing is worse than this breed of fool... the leftist LYIN' FOOL!

GEt back to the grindstone Pubic...You're not a Big Picture kinda guy are ya?
I of course oppose government intervention in economic structure (and government existence, for that matter) more than any rightist here, but it's merely a necessary agent in the capitalist economy. For example, have a look at Yu's A new perspective on the role of the government in economic development: Coordination under uncertainty.

[The government] possesses some unique features that distinguish it from the firm. Such features allows the government to regulate competition, reduce uncertainty and provide a relatively stable exchange environment. Specifically, in the area of industrial policy, the government can help private enterprises tackle uncertainty in the following ways: first, locating the focal point by initiating projects; providing assurance and guarantees to the large investment project; and facilitating the exchange of information; second, reducing excessive competition by granting exclusive rights; and third, facilitating learning and diffusion of technologies, and assisting infant industry firms to build up competence. The history of developmental success indicates that the market and the state are not opposed forms of social organisation, but interactively linked (Rodrik, 1997, p. 437). In the prospering and dynamic nations, public-private coordination tends to prevail. Dynamic private enterprises assisted by government coordination explain the successful economic performances in the post-war Japan and the Asian newly industrialising economies. It is their governments' consistent and coordinated attentiveness to the economic problems that differentiates the entrepreneurial states (Yu, 1997) from the predatory states (Boaz and Polak, 1997).

However, inflaming crude fears about the illegals, the murderous ragheads, and the "socialist government" is a convenient way for the ruling class to keep the rabble in line, so it's not unexpected that we witness that.

"Enflaming"... LOL...

'Illegals' don't need a ton of 'enflaming'... given that they're ILLEGAL... The rag heads enflamed themselves with all of the murderin' they're doin... and this government is socialist... that they can't snap their fingers and take a thriving system and kill it all at once... doesn't change that.

ROFLMNAO... Oh GOD! That's precious...

Ya see kids? Everything is cool... it's not socialism, because, it's not communism... at least in theory, nothing ever happens in stages... and ya can't say 'socialism' until everyone is wearing bland grey wool with floppy little hats and calling everyone 'comrade'... got that?

LOL... and thats why these idiots are so damn dangerous to the culture... they're fools and nothing is worse than this breed of fool... the leftist LYIN' FOOL!

GEt back to the grindstone Pubic...You're not a Big Picture kinda guy are ya?

So you're still struggling wiht the inability to form a lucid, cogent, intellectually sound, logically valid argument, I see...

Which explains your continued support for the BOY King...
Odd that when the Republicans were expanding government none of these folks minded, isn't it?

And now that O is doing it, we note that others don't seem particularly alarmed.

Why its almost as though they don't really care about government, just so long as what they think is their team is running it, isn't it?

Hence the frogs in the pot continue to note that the water is getting hotter but some of them only want to blame one of the cooks
Odd that when the Republicans were expanding government none of these folks minded, isn't it?

And now that O is doing it, we note that others don't seem particularly alarmed.

Why its almost as though they don't really care about government, just so long as what they think is their team is running it, isn't it?

Hence the frogs in the pot continue to note that the water is getting hotter but some of them only want to blame one of the cooks


Gee... lets see... at every point where Bush expanded governemnt, Conservatives oppossed him... when he signed the largest expansion of welfare entitlements since LBJ; we oppossed him...

Where he tried to legalize illegal immigration; we oppossed him, where he signed TARP, we oppossed him...

Yet here's this cackling buffoon claiming precisely the opposite, as if there is no truth to history.

And this is yet AGAIN, another example of why moderate, centrist, indepentdents (leftists without the balls to commit) are the PROBLEM... and should not be allowed within 10 miles of a voting booth.
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I think I will be going to Washington for the 4th of July.
ROFLMNAO... Oh GOD! That's precious...

Ya see kids? Everything is cool... it's not socialism, because, it's not communism... at least in theory, nothing ever happens in stages... and ya can't say 'socialism' until everyone is wearing bland grey wool with floppy little hats and calling everyone 'comrade'... got that?

LOL... and thats why these idiots are so damn dangerous to the culture... they're fools and nothing is worse than this breed of fool... the leftist LYIN' FOOL!

GEt back to the grindstone Pubic...You're not a Big Picture kinda guy are ya?

Grump....what is the Big Picture? This is an honest question for everyone to understand where your coming from. I want to know where you stand with our politics?
Odd that when the Republicans were expanding government none of these folks minded, isn't it?

And now that O is doing it, we note that others don't seem particularly alarmed.

Why its almost as though they don't really care about government, just so long as what they think is their team is running it, isn't it?

Hence the frogs in the pot continue to note that the water is getting hotter but some of them only want to blame one of the cooks

Editec....I have to wonder why, when the spending was going on with the Bush admninstration the left was all over it like white on rice? Now with the Obama administration making Bush look like Scrooge with spending, the left can't get enough of the spending?
Please don't insult me with the "because of Bush we have to" excuse. This spending that's going on now has nothing to do with Bush.
Odd that when the Republicans were expanding government none of these folks minded, isn't it?

And now that O is doing it, we note that others don't seem particularly alarmed.

Why its almost as though they don't really care about government, just so long as what they think is their team is running it, isn't it?

Hence the frogs in the pot continue to note that the water is getting hotter but some of them only want to blame one of the cooks

Editec....I have to wonder why, when the spending was going on with the Bush admninstration the left was all over it like white on rice? Now with the Obama administration making Bush look like Scrooge with spending, the left can't get enough of the spending?
Please don't insult me with the "because of Bush we have to" excuse. This spending that's going on now has nothing to do with Bush.

Exactly. I find that many on the left refuse to see any flaw with Obama and his massive, massive spending spree; hell they even encourage it.

So I'll ask the left: if this were a republican president with a republican congress in control doing the exact same things that Obama is doing, what would your response be?
Odd that when the Republicans were expanding government none of these folks minded, isn't it?

And now that O is doing it, we note that others don't seem particularly alarmed.

Why its almost as though they don't really care about government, just so long as what they think is their team is running it, isn't it?

Hence the frogs in the pot continue to note that the water is getting hotter but some of them only want to blame one of the cooks

Editec....I have to wonder why, when the spending was going on with the Bush admninstration the left was all over it like white on rice? Now with the Obama administration making Bush look like Scrooge with spending, the left can't get enough of the spending?
Please don't insult me with the "because of Bush we have to" excuse. This spending that's going on now has nothing to do with Bush.

Exactly. I find that many on the left refuse to see any flaw with Obama and his massive, massive spending spree; hell they even encourage it.

So I'll ask the left: if this were a republican president with a republican congress in control doing the exact same things that Obama is doing, what would your response be?

There response would be :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:Hooray I get something for free yea yea yea. Thats what it all about don't ya know.
there was an election... "we the people" ARE being listened to.

Really Jillian? Can you honestly say that THIS is what you asked for?

Nobody gets everything they want from their party. There are shades of grey. However, the guy sitting in the big chair is a massive improvement on the fool that was there..

You are a wet dream for a rip off used car dealer in New Orleans. If someone can turn a cute phrase you are ready to get on your knees and perform a Monica on him...... what a joke you are.:lol::lol::lol:
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