Levi Johnston Running for Mayor of Wasilla

He is a classy boy ;)

Sarah Palin is successful in no small part because she shaves her legs. You ought to try it sometime.


Rabbi, that is one of the dumbest posts I have read on this board. And I'm talking rdean dumb. Personal remarks about another posters physical appearance are - 99% of the time - more about the intellect of the one who makes it rather than the one on the receiving end.

*Disclaimer: There is a 1% who deserve personal remarks about them. Rinata, for example, who hides behind the PM rule to spout personal vitriol.
On the GOP ticket or does he really want to piss her off and run as a Democrat. She said on her Oprah interview that she wanted him back into the fold. Maybe this will help them mend fences.
The Palins are a classy lot.

What does Levi have to do with them? I mean other than marrying into them. Are your in-laws all so ay ay ay?
They're not married, but he fathered Sarah's bastard grandson.

Of all the childish petty whining in this thread, your post, along side the Rabbi's pathetic insult in post 2 really are the depth of idiocy.... you are both nominated for the 'Rdean Poster of the Month, August 2010' for 'the poster who will stoop to any level for partisan point scoring'.

You should be ashamed of yourselves - both of you. I very much doubt that you will be - either of you.
What does Levi have to do with them? I mean other than marrying into them. Are your in-laws all so ay ay ay?
They're not married, but he fathered Sarah's bastard grandson.

Of all the childish petty whining in this thread, your post, along side the Rabbi's pathetic insult in post 2 really are the depth of idiocy.... you are both nominated for the 'Rdean Poster of the Month, August 2010' for 'the poster who will stoop to any level for partisan point scoring'.

You should be ashamed of yourselves - both of you. I very much doubt that you will be - either of you.
What is idiotic about PoliticalJunky's post? What is untrue?
Sarah Palin is successful in no small part because she shaves her legs. You ought to try it sometime.

More "classy" comments from the sexist racist "Rabbi."

i don't see how shaving sarah palin's legs is going to make jillian any more successful. :confused:

it's seems kinda creepy, imo.

Apart from the glaringly obvious.... as jillian is already pretty successful... just imagine how dangerous she'd be if she was even more so. I like jillian but even I'm scared of where it might lead! :eek::eek:
They're not married, but he fathered Sarah's bastard grandson.

Of all the childish petty whining in this thread, your post, along side the Rabbi's pathetic insult in post 2 really are the depth of idiocy.... you are both nominated for the 'Rdean Poster of the Month, August 2010' for 'the poster who will stoop to any level for partisan point scoring'.

You should be ashamed of yourselves - both of you. I very much doubt that you will be - either of you.
What is idiotic about PoliticalJunky's post? What is untrue?

Did I say it was untrue? No. Try not to be a moron. Moron's are annoying. Clearly, I need to point out the fucking obvious to the terminally stupid.... Using the family members of another person - even a politician - to score cheap points is distasteful. I single out Junk because - as per usual - she manages to take a pathetic conversation and lower to the standard of a gossip column.
More "classy" comments from the sexist racist "Rabbi."

i don't see how shaving sarah palin's legs is going to make jillian any more successful. :confused:

it's seems kinda creepy, imo.

Apart from the glaringly obvious.... as jillian is already pretty successful... just imagine how dangerous she'd be if she was even more so. I like jillian but even I'm scared of where it might lead! :eek::eek:
Jillian could be the first Jewish and woman POTUS?
i don't see how shaving sarah palin's legs is going to make jillian any more successful. :confused:

it's seems kinda creepy, imo.

Apart from the glaringly obvious.... as jillian is already pretty successful... just imagine how dangerous she'd be if she was even more so. I like jillian but even I'm scared of where it might lead! :eek::eek:
Jillian could be the first Jewish and woman POTUS?

She has more executive experience than Obama.
She doubtless speaks well in front of a teleprompter.
She can beat down critics with charges they are motivated by bigotry.
She isn't George W Bush (as far as anyone knows).

Get shaving, honey!

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