Levin: Let The Whole Damn Thing Collapse

I understand how difficult this is going to be; but I want you to take a good look at this moment captured in time.


This was the moment back in September that she had this spending bill crammed up her ass so no one would see it until now.
A strong woman speaker, who doesn't cry at the drop of a hat, like Boner.
huh? maybe you need to look at the unemployment numbers again....the previous administration left president obama with an 8.1% unemployment rate for his first month in office....where in the world did you get 4.8%??? Please explain!?

The previous administration also had a congress controlled by democrats. So what I want to know is what happen under the republicans watch? as in "under their watch"

can you tell me what legislation the democrats, who became the majority in january of 2007, passed and put in to place that made us go in to this recession by december of 2007, or what the newly elected dem majority did after they took control that caused the market crash, and bank fiasco and all the bailouts to take place that president bush requested? :eusa_eh:

The CRA Freddy and Fanny are the reason we are in this mess. It's time for you democrat leaner’s come to that realization. are you the type that blame everything on republicans all of bushes term?
I understand how difficult this is going to be; but I want you to take a good look at this moment captured in time.


This was the moment back in September that she had this spending bill crammed up her ass so no one would see it until now.
A strong woman speaker, who doesn't cry at the drop of a hat, like Boner.

Thats because she's a cold heartless bitch
can you tell me what legislation the democrats, who became the majority in january of 2007, passed and put in to place that made us go in to this recession by december of 2007, or what the newly elected dem majority did after they took control that caused the market crash, and bank fiasco and all the bailouts to take place that president bush requested? :eusa_eh:

Triple the deficit spending, before the bailouts, for starters. Locking down credit markets.

Triple the deficit before the bailouts...???


the Democrat's first fiscal budget was for 2008 and there were several bailouts requested by president bush that year, and also a stimulus bill that President Bush requested, so you seem to be spouting a bunch of bulloney Revere.

what did they do to "lock down the credit markets"? Link?

he thinks "facts don't matter". so not like you can expect honesty from the trollboy.
The previous administration also had a congress controlled by democrats. So what I want to know is what happen under the republicans watch? as in "under their watch"

can you tell me what legislation the democrats, who became the majority in january of 2007, passed and put in to place that made us go in to this recession by december of 2007, or what the newly elected dem majority did after they took control that caused the market crash, and bank fiasco and all the bailouts to take place that president bush requested? :eusa_eh:

The CRA Freddy and Fanny are the reason we are in this mess. It's time for you democrat leaner’s come to that realization. are you the type that blame everything on republicans all of bushes term?

1. The CRA was passed in the 70s, and it only applied to "Traditional banks," which consisted such a small percentage of the bad loans it's laughable.

2. Fannie and Freddie were mainly out of the picture during the bubble's most feverish periods; From 2004 onward, they were such margin players that they don't even warrant an honorable mention.

I know, those are your 2 favorite scapegoats, but unfortunately they played marginal roles at best.
Oh yeah those fiscally conservative Republicans are so upset about the pork and the national debts, right?

That's why they held out for the tax cut for billionaires extention that will cost this nation $720 billion/

Meanwile, the cost of extending those unemployment benefits (for 6 million American families) will cost an additional $80 billion.

That's a typical Democratic/Republican compromise... nine parts for a select group of very wealthy people and one part for the rest of America.
can you tell me what legislation the democrats, who became the majority in january of 2007, passed and put in to place that made us go in to this recession by december of 2007, or what the newly elected dem majority did after they took control that caused the market crash, and bank fiasco and all the bailouts to take place that president bush requested? :eusa_eh:

The CRA Freddy and Fanny are the reason we are in this mess. It's time for you democrat leaner’s come to that realization. are you the type that blame everything on republicans all of bushes term?

1. The CRA was passed in the 70s, and it only applied to "Traditional banks," which consisted such a small percentage of the bad loans it's laughable.

2. Fannie and Freddie were mainly out of the picture during the bubble's most feverish periods; From 2004 onward, they were such margin players that they don't even warrant an honorable mention.

I know, those are your 2 favorite scapegoats, but unfortunately they played marginal roles at best.

Jillians right facts don't matter to some the CRA had the democrat fingerprints and freddy and Fanny are democratic pet projects.

Freddy and fanny plaied a major role to the fall of the econoimy. You can conitue with your denial it will not change a thing, the economy sucks because of the give me government. The give me government is all democrat. It's honoable to want to help people but when you do not have the money it's very foolish.
The CRA Freddy and Fanny are the reason we are in this mess. It's time for you democrat leaner’s come to that realization. are you the type that blame everything on republicans all of bushes term?

1. The CRA was passed in the 70s, and it only applied to "Traditional banks," which consisted such a small percentage of the bad loans it's laughable.

2. Fannie and Freddie were mainly out of the picture during the bubble's most feverish periods; From 2004 onward, they were such margin players that they don't even warrant an honorable mention.

I know, those are your 2 favorite scapegoats, but unfortunately they played marginal roles at best.

Jillians right facts don't matter to some the CRA had the democrat fingerprints and freddy and Fanny are democratic pet projects.

Freddy and fanny plaied a major role to the fall of the econoimy. You can conitue with your denial it will not change a thing, the economy sucks because of the give me government. The give me government is all democrat. It's honoable to want to help people but when you do not have the money it's very foolish.

Yeah.. But.. No. They played a marginal role at best, as I stated.
1. The CRA was passed in the 70s, and it only applied to "Traditional banks," which consisted such a small percentage of the bad loans it's laughable.

2. Fannie and Freddie were mainly out of the picture during the bubble's most feverish periods; From 2004 onward, they were such margin players that they don't even warrant an honorable mention.

I know, those are your 2 favorite scapegoats, but unfortunately they played marginal roles at best.

Jillians right facts don't matter to some the CRA had the democrat fingerprints and freddy and Fanny are democratic pet projects.

Freddy and fanny plaied a major role to the fall of the econoimy. You can conitue with your denial it will not change a thing, the economy sucks because of the give me government. The give me government is all democrat. It's honoable to want to help people but when you do not have the money it's very foolish.

Yeah.. But.. No. They played a marginal role at best, as I stated.

Really? why is that when freddy and fanny needed a bailout everything came apart?
Cost of not raising taxes = $00000.00

Cost of extending unemployment extensions can be handled by cutting the earmarks from this massive spending bill that should have been written as 12 different bills and passed prior to 1 Oct 2010.

Yes it's as simple as that.
Grover Glenn Norquist (born October 19, 1956) is president of taxpayer advocacy group Americans for Tax Reform. Norquist is a member of the board of directors of the National Rifle Association[8], the American Conservative Union,[9] as well as the Advisory Council of GOProud[10], in addition to being the co-founder of the Islamic Free Market Institute.[11]
Barack Obama is not "the government."

He's a temporary condition.

Yes he is as is any president.

He was elected by the people you asshole.

Bringing down the government was talked about by this asshole long before Obama.

The right wants to bring down the US goverment not just Obama
Look people, There is plenty of blame to go around, liberals as well as fake ass conservative Republicans, but its the Dems that don't seem to want to want to bring spending under control, they don't want to reform entitlements, which is what is going to bankrupt this country as is happening in Europe. If Conservatives want to reform Social Security, "we want take money away from old people" Blah..Blah ..Blah look at all these stupid government agencies. The size of the federal government must be cut!! Get it?

agencies Administration for Children and Families (ACF)
Administration on Aging (AoA)
African Development Foundation
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
Agricultural Marketing Service
Agricultural Research Service
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (Treasury)
AMTRAK (National Railroad Passenger Corporation)
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Appalachian Regional Commission
Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board
Arctic Research Commission
Arms Control and International Security
Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Interagency Coordinating Committee
Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation
Bonneville Power Administration
Botanic Garden
Broadcasting Board of Governors
Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
Bureau of Industry and Security
Bureau of International Labor Affairs
Bureau of Justice Statistics
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
Bureau of Public Debt
Bureau of Reclamation
Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion
Chief Acquisition Officers Council
Chief Financial Officers Council
Chief Human Capital Officers Council
Chief Information Officers Council
Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee
Commission of Fine Arts
Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki Commission)
Committee for the Implementation of Textile Agreements
Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS)
Community Planning and Development
Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Corporation for National and Community Service
Council of Economic Advisers
Council on Environmental Quality
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Denali Commission
Department of Commerce (DOC)
Department of Education (ED)
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Department of Labor (DOL)
Domestic Policy Council
Economic, Business and Agricultural Affairs (State Department)
Economic Adjustment Office
Economic Development Administration
Economic Research Service
Economics & Statistics Administration
Election Assistance Commission
Elementary and Secondary Education
Endangered Species Committee
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Energy Information Administration
Environmental Management (Energy Department)
Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity
Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board
Federal Citizen Information Center (FCIC)
Federal Consulting Group
Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council
Federal Geographic Data Committee
Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight
Federal Housing Finance Board
Federal Interagency Committee for the Management of Noxious and Exotic Weeds
Federal Interagency Committee on Education
Federal Interagency Council on Statistical Policy
Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer
Federal Labor Relations Authority
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board
Federal Transit Administration
Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission
Financial Management Service (Treasury Department)
Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, National Commission
Fish and Wildlife Service
Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services
Foreign Agricultural Service
Foreign Claims Settlement Commission
Fossil Energy
Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board
Government National Mortgage Association
Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration
Health Resources and Services Administration
Helsinki Commission (Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe)
Indian Arts and Crafts Board
Information Resource Management College
Innovation and Improvement Office
Institute of Education Sciences
Institute of Peace
Interagency Alternative Dispute Resolution Working Group
Interagency Council on Homelessness
Inter-American Foundation
International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB)
Japan-United States Friendship Commission
John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries
Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies
Joint Fire Science Program
Lead Hazard Control (Housing and Urban Development Department)
Legal Services Corporation
Marine Mammal Commission
Marketing and Regulatory Programs (Agriculture Department)
Medicare Payment Advisory Commission
Merit Systems Protection Board
Migratory Bird Conservation Commission
Millennium Challenge Corporation
Minerals Management Service
Minority Business Development Agency
Mississippi River Commission
Multifamily Housing Office
National Agricultural Statistics Service
National AIDS Policy Office
National Bipartisan Commission on the Future of Medicare
National Capital Planning Commission
National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform
National Drug Intelligence Center
National Economic Council
National Endowment for the Arts
National Endowment for the Humanities
National Gallery of Art
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
National Institute for Literacy
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
National Labor Relations Board
National Science Foundation
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Northwest Power Planning Council
Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight
Office of Government Ethics
Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP)
Office of Science and Technology Policy
Office of Thrift Supervision
Open World Leadership Center
Overseas Private Investment Corporation
Pardon Attorney Office
Peace Corps
Policy Development and Research (Housing and Urban Development Department)
Political Affairs (State Department)
Postsecondary Education
Presidio Trust
Public and Indian Housing
Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs (State Department)
Radio and TV Marti (Español)
Railroad Retirement Board
Regulatory Information Service Center
Rehabilitation Services Administration (Education Department)
Research, Education and Economics (Agriculture Department)
Research and Innovative Technology Administration (Transportation Department)
Risk Management Agency (Agriculture Department)
Rural Business and Cooperative Programs
Rural Development
Rural Housing Service
Rural Utilities Service
Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation
Science Office (Energy Department)
Social Security Advisory Board
State Justice Institute
Stennis Center for Public Service
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Surface Transportation Board
Susquehanna River Basin Commission
Taxpayer Advocacy Panel
U.S. Trade and Development Agency
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
Vocational and Adult Education
White House Commission on Presidential Scholars
White House Commission on the National Moment of Remembrance
Women’s Bureau (Labor Department)
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

There are many more.:cuckoo:
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