LGBT attacks Christian pastor helping teens with same sex attraction if you do not stop we will kill

Pastor Jeremy Schossau offered a Bible study for “sexually confused” teenagers. In response the LGBT attacked and threatened to burn his church down, burn his house down, kill him and then kill his family. If that was not bad enough, State government politicians Rep. Adam Zemke and Darrin Camilleri responded not by condemning the LGBT’s threats, but by now trying to pass a law to make helping teenagers with same-sex attraction a crime:

LGBT Attacks Christian Pastor Helping Teens With Same-Sex Attraction, They Say ‘If You Do Not Stop We Will Burn Your Church Down, Your House Down, Then We Will Kill You And Your Entire Family’ And State Government Politicians Side With The LGBT Against The Pastor

Aren't they so loving and tolerant, there is not one stitch of being selfish ignorant pigs now is there. That's all many leftist LGBT are selfish and greedy they are just part of the mental weakness class who are technically all in the same class mind sets hate america, hate freedom, rights, liberty, bring down America to a communist standard.

Problem is these are another bunch of loons who won't realize any of that until it's way to late.


View attachment 180292
Another stupid, hateful thread of yours!! We are talking about conversion therapy! We are talking about brain washing with guilt, shame and threats. We are talking about child abuse!! We are talking about putting children at risk of emotional turmoil and suicide because they are being told that their sexual and gender identity is invalid and that they will go to hell simply for being true to themselves. People who put this kind of horseshit out there and try to turn it into an LGBT against Christians are equal parts of stupid, hateful, and vicious

A Survivor Of Gay Conversion Therapy Shares His Chilling Story | HuffPost

Therapy practices can include methods such as talk therapy, electroshock therapy, treating LGBTQ identity as an addiction issue like drugs or alcohol, and more. While certain therapies, like talk therapy, are also legitimate forms of care for people who experience mental health problems, being gay is, of course, not a mental health disorder.

TC was subjected to conversion therapy in 2012 when he was 15 years old after his parents discovered he was gay. The conversion therapy practices took place in the basement of a church after school hours, and were explained to TC and his parents as having two separate components. He told The Huffington Post:

The first step ― which usually lasted six months ― [is] where they “deconstruct us as a person.” Their tactics still haunt me. Aversion therapy, shock therapy, harassment and occasional physical abuse. Their goal was to get us to hate ourselves for being LGBTQ (most of us were gay, but the entire spectrum was represented), and they knew what they were doing.... The second step of the program, they “rebuilt us in their image.” They removed us of everything that made us a unique person, and instead made us a walking, talking, robot for Jesus. They retaught us everything we knew. How to eat, talk, walk, dress, believe, even breathe. We were no longer people at the end of the program.

AS for your source:

Walid Shoebat Is A Fraud

He is a fraud who also pits Christians against Muslims .....just like you do

And there's always proof of counter acting what LEFTARDS try to push

View attachment 180468
All horseshit!

Like I said you zombies believe the FAKE BS LIES because you are easy to manipulate.........and haven't a clue as to why or how. NO matter what tools are handed to you.

YOU ARE BEING USED AS POLITICAL FOOTBALLS........... and when other gays, or trans call you jackasses out on it you attack them and all them uncle toms, or beat the crap out of them for not fitting into the take down Americana box.
What was it the couple wanted the bakers to write on their wedding cake?
That marriage has a "new" definition
Determined at a hearing where one of the Justices openly advertised how she would cast a month before it was heard. And at the same hearing where children the court said (in Obergefell Opinion, third tier of rationale) shared the marriage contract's conditions and terms with adults; where those children (all children of the US) had no representation briefing the court on the impact of a contract banishing them for life from either a mother or father.... required by the Infancy Doctrine in civil hearings where children have a weighty stake. They must have unique representation that is competent and briefing the court on a raft of outfalls that could possibly harm his clients.

Obergefell was a mistrial for at least those two reasons. And isn't worth the paper it's written on. ie: it's not binding federal law. No manifestly evident mistrial is.
Pastor Jeremy Schossau offered a Bible study for “sexually confused” teenagers. In response the LGBT attacked and threatened to burn his church down, burn his house down, kill him and then kill his family. If that was not bad enough, State government politicians Rep. Adam Zemke and Darrin Camilleri responded not by condemning the LGBT’s threats, but by now trying to pass a law to make helping teenagers with same-sex attraction a crime:

LGBT Attacks Christian Pastor Helping Teens With Same-Sex Attraction, They Say ‘If You Do Not Stop We Will Burn Your Church Down, Your House Down, Then We Will Kill You And Your Entire Family’ And State Government Politicians Side With The LGBT Against The Pastor

Aren't they so loving and tolerant, there is not one stitch of being selfish ignorant pigs now is there. That's all many leftist LGBT are selfish and greedy they are just part of the mental weakness class who are technically all in the same class mind sets hate america, hate freedom, rights, liberty, bring down America to a communist standard.

Problem is these are another bunch of loons who won't realize any of that until it's way to late.


View attachment 180292
Another stupid, hateful thread of yours!! We are talking about conversion therapy! We are talking about brain washing with guilt, shame and threats. We are talking about child abuse!! We are talking about putting children at risk of emotional turmoil and suicide because they are being told that their sexual and gender identity is invalid and that they will go to hell simply for being true to themselves. People who put this kind of horseshit out there and try to turn it into an LGBT against Christians are equal parts of stupid, hateful, and vicious

A Survivor Of Gay Conversion Therapy Shares His Chilling Story | HuffPost

Therapy practices can include methods such as talk therapy, electroshock therapy, treating LGBTQ identity as an addiction issue like drugs or alcohol, and more. While certain therapies, like talk therapy, are also legitimate forms of care for people who experience mental health problems, being gay is, of course, not a mental health disorder.

TC was subjected to conversion therapy in 2012 when he was 15 years old after his parents discovered he was gay. The conversion therapy practices took place in the basement of a church after school hours, and were explained to TC and his parents as having two separate components. He told The Huffington Post:

The first step ― which usually lasted six months ― [is] where they “deconstruct us as a person.” Their tactics still haunt me. Aversion therapy, shock therapy, harassment and occasional physical abuse. Their goal was to get us to hate ourselves for being LGBTQ (most of us were gay, but the entire spectrum was represented), and they knew what they were doing.... The second step of the program, they “rebuilt us in their image.” They removed us of everything that made us a unique person, and instead made us a walking, talking, robot for Jesus. They retaught us everything we knew. How to eat, talk, walk, dress, believe, even breathe. We were no longer people at the end of the program.

AS for your source:

Walid Shoebat Is A Fraud

He is a fraud who also pits Christians against Muslims .....just like you do
:clap: . A well trained Trump hater believes that. Congratulations you've passed with an A++++
Thank you for that brilliant and well thought out rebuttal. It shows how deeply you have delved into this important subject and have come away with a thorough understanding of the issue. You should be credited with raising the level of intellectual discourse on the USMB

LOL, facts aren't tolerated by those who choose to deny it. You believe what you want no matter how much it's propaganda . You choose to believe what you are told, not realizing how or what in the hell is used as psychological warfare to rein you all into the STUPID coral. and you dunces fall for it every time.

Some are so smart they're stupid....... YOU ALL ARE BEING USED FOR POLITICAL FOOTBALLS.... those bending over to appease all the wrongs to make them right, and kick out those who don't agree are going to sooner or later fall and be more resented than ever before. FORCING PEOPLE to accept doesn't last nor work well. Political morons using you all for that know this. Well most of them , many of them are to dumbed down to see the same happenings take place.

View attachment 180472

And now the gays.............. it's all being used against you not for you..
Pretty much describes YOU and your ilk
Pastor Jeremy Schossau offered a Bible study for “sexually confused” teenagers. In response the LGBT attacked and threatened to burn his church down, burn his house down, kill him and then kill his family. If that was not bad enough, State government politicians Rep. Adam Zemke and Darrin Camilleri responded not by condemning the LGBT’s threats, but by now trying to pass a law to make helping teenagers with same-sex attraction a crime:

LGBT Attacks Christian Pastor Helping Teens With Same-Sex Attraction, They Say ‘If You Do Not Stop We Will Burn Your Church Down, Your House Down, Then We Will Kill You And Your Entire Family’ And State Government Politicians Side With The LGBT Against The Pastor

Aren't they so loving and tolerant, there is not one stitch of being selfish ignorant pigs now is there. That's all many leftist LGBT are selfish and greedy they are just part of the mental weakness class who are technically all in the same class mind sets hate america, hate freedom, rights, liberty, bring down America to a communist standard.

Problem is these are another bunch of loons who won't realize any of that until it's way to late.


View attachment 180292
Another stupid, hateful thread of yours!! We are talking about conversion therapy! We are talking about brain washing with guilt, shame and threats. We are talking about child abuse!! We are talking about putting children at risk of emotional turmoil and suicide because they are being told that their sexual and gender identity is invalid and that they will go to hell simply for being true to themselves. People who put this kind of horseshit out there and try to turn it into an LGBT against Christians are equal parts of stupid, hateful, and vicious

A Survivor Of Gay Conversion Therapy Shares His Chilling Story | HuffPost

Therapy practices can include methods such as talk therapy, electroshock therapy, treating LGBTQ identity as an addiction issue like drugs or alcohol, and more. While certain therapies, like talk therapy, are also legitimate forms of care for people who experience mental health problems, being gay is, of course, not a mental health disorder.

TC was subjected to conversion therapy in 2012 when he was 15 years old after his parents discovered he was gay. The conversion therapy practices took place in the basement of a church after school hours, and were explained to TC and his parents as having two separate components. He told The Huffington Post:

The first step ― which usually lasted six months ― [is] where they “deconstruct us as a person.” Their tactics still haunt me. Aversion therapy, shock therapy, harassment and occasional physical abuse. Their goal was to get us to hate ourselves for being LGBTQ (most of us were gay, but the entire spectrum was represented), and they knew what they were doing.... The second step of the program, they “rebuilt us in their image.” They removed us of everything that made us a unique person, and instead made us a walking, talking, robot for Jesus. They retaught us everything we knew. How to eat, talk, walk, dress, believe, even breathe. We were no longer people at the end of the program.

AS for your source:

Walid Shoebat Is A Fraud

He is a fraud who also pits Christians against Muslims .....just like you do

And there's always proof of counter acting what LEFTARDS try to push

View attachment 180468
All horseshit!

Like I said you zombies believe the FAKE BS LIES because you are easy to manipulate.........and haven't a clue as to why or how. NO matter what tools are handed to you.

YOU ARE BEING USED AS POLITICAL FOOTBALLS........... and when other gays, or trans call you jackasses out on it you attack them and all them uncle toms, or beat the crap out of them for not fitting into the take down Americana box.
Pastor Jeremy Schossau offered a Bible study for “sexually confused” teenagers. In response the LGBT attacked and threatened to burn his church down, burn his house down, kill him and then kill his family. If that was not bad enough, State government politicians Rep. Adam Zemke and Darrin Camilleri responded not by condemning the LGBT’s threats, but by now trying to pass a law to make helping teenagers with same-sex attraction a crime:

LGBT Attacks Christian Pastor Helping Teens With Same-Sex Attraction, They Say ‘If You Do Not Stop We Will Burn Your Church Down, Your House Down, Then We Will Kill You And Your Entire Family’ And State Government Politicians Side With The LGBT Against The Pastor

Aren't they so loving and tolerant, there is not one stitch of being selfish ignorant pigs now is there. That's all many leftist LGBT are selfish and greedy they are just part of the mental weakness class who are technically all in the same class mind sets hate america, hate freedom, rights, liberty, bring down America to a communist standard.

Problem is these are another bunch of loons who won't realize any of that until it's way to late.


View attachment 180292
Another stupid, hateful thread of yours!! We are talking about conversion therapy! We are talking about brain washing with guilt, shame and threats. We are talking about child abuse!! We are talking about putting children at risk of emotional turmoil and suicide because they are being told that their sexual and gender identity is invalid and that they will go to hell simply for being true to themselves. People who put this kind of horseshit out there and try to turn it into an LGBT against Christians are equal parts of stupid, hateful, and vicious

A Survivor Of Gay Conversion Therapy Shares His Chilling Story | HuffPost

Therapy practices can include methods such as talk therapy, electroshock therapy, treating LGBTQ identity as an addiction issue like drugs or alcohol, and more. While certain therapies, like talk therapy, are also legitimate forms of care for people who experience mental health problems, being gay is, of course, not a mental health disorder.

TC was subjected to conversion therapy in 2012 when he was 15 years old after his parents discovered he was gay. The conversion therapy practices took place in the basement of a church after school hours, and were explained to TC and his parents as having two separate components. He told The Huffington Post:

The first step ― which usually lasted six months ― [is] where they “deconstruct us as a person.” Their tactics still haunt me. Aversion therapy, shock therapy, harassment and occasional physical abuse. Their goal was to get us to hate ourselves for being LGBTQ (most of us were gay, but the entire spectrum was represented), and they knew what they were doing.... The second step of the program, they “rebuilt us in their image.” They removed us of everything that made us a unique person, and instead made us a walking, talking, robot for Jesus. They retaught us everything we knew. How to eat, talk, walk, dress, believe, even breathe. We were no longer people at the end of the program.

AS for your source:

Walid Shoebat Is A Fraud

He is a fraud who also pits Christians against Muslims .....just like you do
:clap: . A well trained Trump hater believes that. Congratulations you've passed with an A++++
Thank you for that brilliant and well thought out rebuttal. It shows how deeply you have delved into this important subject and have come away with a thorough understanding of the issue. You should be credited with raising the level of intellectual discourse on the USMB

LOL, facts aren't tolerated by those who choose to deny it. You believe what you want no matter how much it's propaganda . You choose to believe what you are told, not realizing how or what in the hell is used as psychological warfare to rein you all into the STUPID coral. and you dunces fall for it every time.

Some are so smart they're stupid....... YOU ALL ARE BEING USED FOR POLITICAL FOOTBALLS.... those bending over to appease all the wrongs to make them right, and kick out those who don't agree are going to sooner or later fall and be more resented than ever before. FORCING PEOPLE to accept doesn't last nor work well. Political morons using you all for that know this. Well most of them , many of them are to dumbed down to see the same happenings take place.

View attachment 180472

And now the gays.............. it's all being used against you not for you..
Pretty much describes YOU and your ilk

No that would you , you just can't stand looking in the mirror.
Has ANY leftward here denounced the terror threats of the homo mafia? From what I read, only support for the homo mafia.
Pastor Jeremy Schossau offered a Bible study for “sexually confused” teenagers. In response the LGBT attacked and threatened to burn his church down, burn his house down, kill him and then kill his family. If that was not bad enough, State government politicians Rep. Adam Zemke and Darrin Camilleri responded not by condemning the LGBT’s threats, but by now trying to pass a law to make helping teenagers with same-sex attraction a crime:

LGBT Attacks Christian Pastor Helping Teens With Same-Sex Attraction, They Say ‘If You Do Not Stop We Will Burn Your Church Down, Your House Down, Then We Will Kill You And Your Entire Family’ And State Government Politicians Side With The LGBT Against The Pastor

Aren't they so loving and tolerant, there is not one stitch of being selfish ignorant pigs now is there. That's all many leftist LGBT are selfish and greedy they are just part of the mental weakness class who are technically all in the same class mind sets hate america, hate freedom, rights, liberty, bring down America to a communist standard.

Problem is these are another bunch of loons who won't realize any of that until it's way to late.


View attachment 180292
Another stupid, hateful thread of yours!! We are talking about conversion therapy! We are talking about brain washing with guilt, shame and threats. We are talking about child abuse!! We are talking about putting children at risk of emotional turmoil and suicide because they are being told that their sexual and gender identity is invalid and that they will go to hell simply for being true to themselves. People who put this kind of horseshit out there and try to turn it into an LGBT against Christians are equal parts of stupid, hateful, and vicious

A Survivor Of Gay Conversion Therapy Shares His Chilling Story | HuffPost

Therapy practices can include methods such as talk therapy, electroshock therapy, treating LGBTQ identity as an addiction issue like drugs or alcohol, and more. While certain therapies, like talk therapy, are also legitimate forms of care for people who experience mental health problems, being gay is, of course, not a mental health disorder.

TC was subjected to conversion therapy in 2012 when he was 15 years old after his parents discovered he was gay. The conversion therapy practices took place in the basement of a church after school hours, and were explained to TC and his parents as having two separate components. He told The Huffington Post:

The first step ― which usually lasted six months ― [is] where they “deconstruct us as a person.” Their tactics still haunt me. Aversion therapy, shock therapy, harassment and occasional physical abuse. Their goal was to get us to hate ourselves for being LGBTQ (most of us were gay, but the entire spectrum was represented), and they knew what they were doing.... The second step of the program, they “rebuilt us in their image.” They removed us of everything that made us a unique person, and instead made us a walking, talking, robot for Jesus. They retaught us everything we knew. How to eat, talk, walk, dress, believe, even breathe. We were no longer people at the end of the program.

AS for your source:

Walid Shoebat Is A Fraud

He is a fraud who also pits Christians against Muslims .....just like you do

And there's always proof of counter acting what LEFTARDS try to push

View attachment 180468
All horseshit!

Like I said you zombies believe the FAKE BS LIES because you are easy to manipulate.........and haven't a clue as to why or how. NO matter what tools are handed to you.

YOU ARE BEING USED AS POLITICAL FOOTBALLS........... and when other gays, or trans call you jackasses out on it you attack them and all them uncle toms, or beat the crap out of them for not fitting into the take down Americana box.
View attachment 180496:asshole::asshole::asshole:

Oh YES ASSHOLE.......:yes_text12::yes_text12::yes_text12::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole:


What was it the couple wanted the bakers to write on their wedding cake?
That marriage has a "new" definition
Determined at a hearing where one of the Justices openly advertised how she would cast a month before it was heard. And at the same hearing where children the court said (in Obergefell Opinion, third tier of rationale) shared the marriage contract's conditions and terms with adults; where those children (all children of the US) had no representation briefing the court on the impact of a contract banishing them for life from either a mother or father.... required by the Infancy Doctrine in civil hearings where children have a weighty stake. They must have unique representation that is competent and briefing the court on a raft of outfalls that could possibly harm his clients.

Obergefell was a mistrial for at least those two reasons. And isn't worth the paper it's written on. ie: it's not binding federal law. No manifestly evident mistrial is.
Which court held Obergefell a mistrial?
USSC, subject to reversal on challenge. A USSC Justice may not advertise before a Hearing how s/he will cast (Caperton v AT Massey Coal, 2009). And, Infancy Doctrine that says in weighty civil cases where children share contractual terms with adults (Obergefell Opinion, third tier of rationale), they must have representation at any such hearing which seeks to revise terms of the contract to their demise. Boys being deprived of a father for life or girls of a mother using a contract is changing terms to their demise. In the case of Obergefell, without their having any representation briefing the court on these key proposed revisions which impact them so very much.

Obergefell is worth less than toilet paper.
Last edited:
Has ANY leftward here denounced the terror threats of the homo mafia? From what I read, only support for the homo mafia.

THE fkrs are to stupid to realize that muslims will kill a gay in a heartbeat and yet you can't tell these stupid asses anything because they live in a gawd dam fantasy world created for them by their manipulated political gov. who fkn hates them to begin with. Look how many times so many of us have posted articles showing how gays are killed by Muslim countries........ fkrs are stupid beyond hope.
Pastor Jeremy Schossau offered a Bible study for “sexually confused” teenagers. In response the LGBT attacked and threatened to burn his church down, burn his house down, kill him and then kill his family. If that was not bad enough, State government politicians Rep. Adam Zemke and Darrin Camilleri responded not by condemning the LGBT’s threats, but by now trying to pass a law to make helping teenagers with same-sex attraction a crime:

LGBT Attacks Christian Pastor Helping Teens With Same-Sex Attraction, They Say ‘If You Do Not Stop We Will Burn Your Church Down, Your House Down, Then We Will Kill You And Your Entire Family’ And State Government Politicians Side With The LGBT Against The Pastor

Aren't they so loving and tolerant, there is not one stitch of being selfish ignorant pigs now is there. That's all many leftist LGBT are selfish and greedy they are just part of the mental weakness class who are technically all in the same class mind sets hate america, hate freedom, rights, liberty, bring down America to a communist standard.

Problem is these are another bunch of loons who won't realize any of that until it's way to late.


View attachment 180292

anyone who thinks they can pray away the gay isn't "helping". he's vile and dangerous.

you know, like conspiracy loons who spend their time on infowars

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