LGBT History Month


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
The initiative will be officially launched next month at the start of “LGBT History Month” — an initiative to encourage teaching about lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual issues.

The lesson plans, spread across the curriculum, will be offered to all schools, which can choose whether or not to make use of them.

But critics last night called the initiative a poor use of public money which could distract from the teaching of “core” subjects.

Among the suggestions are:

Maths — teaching statistics through census findings about the number of homosexuals in the population, and using gay characters in scenarios for maths problems;
Design and technology — encouraging pupils to make symbols linked to the gay rights movement;
Science – studying animal species where the male takes a leading role in raising young, such as emperor penguins and sea horses, and staging class discussions on different family structures, including same-sex parents;
Geography — examining the transformation of San Francisco’s Castro district in the 1960s from a working-class Irish area to the world’s first “gay neighbourhood”, and considering why homosexuals move from the countryside to cities;
Languages — using gay characters in role play scenarios, and teaching “LGBT vocabulary”

This is in the U.K. Could've sworn they were talking about San Francisco.

Coming soon to the U.S.?
This makes me a tad uncomfy, chanel. It is true most straight people (for all I know, most GLBT people as well) are rather ignorant of the history of the Gay Rights Movement. How many people do you know who can link up gay WW II vets and modern "leather folk"?

But I dun see how such things can be taught in public schools without delving into the sexual practices of GLBT people. And not that I think all such practices are deviant -- in fact, I'd characterize hardly anything two consenting adults do as "deviant" -- still, it is outre' to many people and since it is not linked to reproduction, I dun see the necessity for it.

Mebbe I'm just being overly fussy. You dun actually need to understand the mechanics of gay sex to grasp the fundamentals of the Stonewall Riots. You dun need to grasp surrogacy to understand same sex parents. Etc.

It is nice of the UK to go first and get this all squared away before we Americans have to tackle it, I must say.
I fully support giving the LGBT movement. In fact, I think we should add a $3 bill to our currency and put the LGBT logo in place of a face on it. However, I am open to putting Elton John or RuPaul image on it as well.
The % of gays is less than 3% of the pop.

just how much catering do people need?

What about the left handed people? where's the stories about thier heroism?
Gapped teeth, the horrors of having a natural gap in your mouth
Big noses
ad nausium
And if it does, who cares. They won't force you to be gay that month, and it really won't affect your life any.
The % of gays is less than 3% of the pop.

just how much catering do people need?

What about the left handed people? where's the stories about thier heroism?
Gapped teeth, the horrors of having a natural gap in your mouth
Big noses
ad nausium

Stop it------people are unable to grasp the concept of not showing pity for every SOB in the world that they think got a raw deal. White guilt never ends.
My hope is that if it ever comes to the US they would also teach the history of HIV and AIDS. Only fair, isnt it?
"Gay and bisexual men — referred to in CDC surveillance systems as men who have sex with men (MSM)1 — of all races continue to be the risk group most severely affected by HIV. Additionally, this is the only risk group in the U.S. in which the annual number of new HIV infections is increasing. There is an urgent need to expand access to proven HIV prevention interventions for gay and bisexual men, as well as to develop new approaches to fight HIV in this population."

While they are at it, why can't they teach about the history of Zoophilia?
Zoophilia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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If they do teach the history of AIDS, should they mention lesbians have the lowest risk of infection, or just lambast gay men?
The % of gays is less than 3% of the pop.

just how much catering do people need?

What about the left handed people? where's the stories about thier heroism?
Gapped teeth, the horrors of having a natural gap in your mouth
Big noses
ad nausium

I do believe your numbers are wrong, Two Thumbs. I'd expect the percent is closer to ten or higher. When they begin legislating away the basic civil rights of gap toothed people, be sure to call me.
If they do teach the history of AIDS, should they mention lesbians have the lowest risk of infection, or just lambast gay men?

Why, do you think this is just "lambasting" gay men? The article is from the CDC, looks like they say it's where the most problem is with this disease. They teach safe sex in school, why shouldn't they teach that these people are most at risk along with LGBT history?

Hey, please, I'm not trying to "lamblast" someone personally, sorry if I come across that way. My agenda is more spiritual in nature than anything. And I'm the last person who should point a finger at someone else. My belief is that everyone falls short - we do things wrong, we struggle with things. But yes, my view is that being gay is not natural and its not right. I think it's wrong for us to say that it's "right", when in fact our very human bodies show it to be designed as woman and a man. If we all were gay, if not for technology, we could not pro-create. I believe there's a difference between saying, "I'm struggling with this, and also saying it's "ok." If its a sin, its a sin. From what I've learned, its rather a "struggle of the flesh" - basically - sin. So please don't think I'm a homophobe against people who struggle with it, or whatever they call it. I got my own things I struggle with myself.

Regardless of my views, the point here is that if they are gonna publically teach sex outside marriage is ok, and to keep it safe, teach about LGBT History, then why not teach about the risk of disease that accompanies it? And every other type of sex that people have?

The % of gays is less than 3% of the pop.

just how much catering do people need?

What about the left handed people? where's the stories about thier heroism?
Gapped teeth, the horrors of having a natural gap in your mouth
Big noses
ad nausium

I do believe your numbers are wrong, Two Thumbs. I'd expect the percent is closer to ten or higher. When they begin legislating away the basic civil rights of gap toothed people, be sure to call me.

We have had this conversation before - What percent of the world is gay
What percentage of the world population is gay ? - Yahoo! Answers

Check the links, you will see my average of 3% is acurate based off the ranges from the different tests.

You ever see a hairlip, someone that stutters, a gapped toothed person working in a jewelry store where they great the public?

My point is that there are for more people born homely to ugly than there are gay people.

And they don't get a parade :)
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Dun be hating, you two. I said above the idea of a GLBT History Month in public schools makes me uncomfy.
The % of gays is less than 3% of the pop.

just how much catering do people need?

What about the left handed people? where's the stories about thier heroism?
Gapped teeth, the horrors of having a natural gap in your mouth
Big noses
ad nausium

Where do you get that figure?
If they do teach the history of AIDS, should they mention lesbians have the lowest risk of infection, or just lambast gay men?

Why, do you think this is just "lambasting" gay men? The article is from the CDC, looks like they say it's where the most problem is with this disease. They teach safe sex in school, why shouldn't they teach that these people are most at risk along with LGBT history?

Hey, please, I'm not trying to "lamblast" someone personally, sorry if I come across that way. My agenda is more spiritual in nature than anything. And I'm the last person who should point a finger at someone else. My belief is that everyone falls short - we do things wrong, we struggle with things. But yes, my view is that being gay is not natural and its not right. I think it's wrong for us to say that it's "right", when in fact our very human bodies show it to be designed as woman and a man. If we all were gay, if not for technology, we could not pro-create. I believe there's a difference between saying, "I'm struggling with this, and also saying it's "ok." If its a sin, its a sin. From what I've learned, its rather a "struggle of the flesh" - basically - sin. So please don't think I'm a homophobe against people who struggle with it, or whatever they call it. I got my own things I struggle with myself.

Regardless of my views, the point here is that if they are gonna publically teach sex outside marriage is ok, and to keep it safe, teach about LGBT History, then why not teach about the risk of disease that accompanies it? And every other type of sex that people have?


Im finding it real hard to believe youre being honest when you post a link to Zoophilia in the same post.

Should we discuss priests too? Im not thinking you want to do that.
Bisexual guys should get their own month since they are so misunderstood by both
str8s and gays.
The % of gays is less than 3% of the pop.

just how much catering do people need?

What about the left handed people? where's the stories about thier heroism?
Gapped teeth, the horrors of having a natural gap in your mouth
Big noses
ad nausium

Where do you get that figure?

I looked at a number of sites, after someone insisted that the number of gays was 10%. since I've traveled, a lot, I have a number of places to reference and never was the number over a couple here and there. So I looked it up, and 3% is an average of the best resources I could find.

I disreguarded religious sites and the Kingle (?) study, since it was debunked, and the site that said it was over 20%, that was just comical.

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