LGBT Rapists

I have been defeated by the facts? Are you fucking kidding me?
Nope. Not kidding you! You have absolutely been destroyed with basic facts (and the best part is - you know it).
You are a science denier. Not only do you not have a clue as to why people may be trans
Congrats on the dumbest sentence of the day on USMB.
  1. Literally everybody in the world knows why. It's a mental illness, you fuck'n idiot
  2. Secondly, who gives a fuck why? That is irrelevant to this conversation (keyword: this)
knowledge would undermine the basic premise you seem to hold dear- that they are just mentally ill cross dressers.
Hey faggot? Even the world-renowned Mayo Clinic officially cites Gender Dysphoria as a mental illness.
Gender dysphoria is a diagnosis listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), a manual published by the American Psychiatric Association to diagnose mental conditions
This is what we mean when we say you fuck'n leftists cannot accept reality (or science). It is not "my premise". Every professional in the world recognizes it is a mental illness. Sadly, some have allowed themselves to being intimidated into not admitting it though.
You are a bigot because you demean and ridicule people who are experiencing gender dysphoria,
I do know such thing. But you need that false narrative because you're on the wrong side of the facts. When one is on the wrong side of the facts, they are left with nothing but to lie :dunno:

The fact is, I think they should receive proper mental-healthcare treatment, rather than be exploited so that a sick fuck like you has some masturbation material.

You literally exploit these people for your own sick fucking sexual fantasies.
which, regardless of the cause, is very real and a very difficult thing to go through.
So is schizophrenia, you dumb-fuck. When the day comes that you demand society be forced to worship anyone who actually believes they are Jesus Christ, we can discuss gender dysphoria.

But you'll never demand that, because that doesn't excite you. Doesn't give you anything to jerk off to.

So sit down and shut the fuck up. Because this exposes you as disingenuous hypocrite.
These people deserve validation, respect and support.
The fuck they do. You do not "validate" mental illness. You treat it, imbecile.

Again, when you're willing to "validate" a schizophrenic who believes he is Jesus Christ, we'll talk. Until then, shit down and shut the fuck up. You've been exposed as a sick fraud with severe sexual deviance.
You on the other hand represent the type of person who drives them to suicide.
I drive them to treatment, asshat. You exploit them. When exploitation wins out over proper treatment, suicide is the best for everyone. They won't suffer, you won't have jerking off material at their expense, and society won't have to deal with left-wing assholes claiming we need to ignore society in favor of the mental ill.
You are accusing this trans WOMAN of rape when SHE was the victim of murder
He raped someone. When you rape someone, you put your life at risk as the law says that people are then permitted to use force against you - up to and including lethal force if necessary.

I'm betting you're so pissed about this because you too are a rapist. Most on the left are. And we saw how fucking gross you were in your previous profile pick, so there is no way in hell a woman is going home with you of their own free will. Which explains why you've resorted to men dressed as women.
And yes, you are phobic... if you do not fear the individual, you fear the changes in society that they represent. You fear that we are becoming more tolerant and accepting of people who are different. You fear changing norms and values and know that you are being left behind. Yes, you are phobic
Your false claims of "racism" and "bigot" and "phobic" have 0 affect on me. Zero. In fact, I literally tried to get "Proud Transphobic Here" hashtag trending on Twitter :laugh:

I will not allow dirt-bags like you to force society to deny science and reject reality, just because you need extreme sexual deviance to get you off. This is a losing battle that you cannot win. Ever. I'll pick up arms and start the second American revolution if that's what it takes. I'll beat the ever-loving fuck out of any faggot who tries to walk into the women's room at a public facility that I'm at.

You can't win this. Period. So find something else gross to get you off, pig.
You do not know shit about me, Nikki, or much of anything else and if you think that you do, ypu are even more of a fool than I thought
P@triot has a very peculiar obsession with transexuals.

There was no rape, but he keeps insisting there was. This has gone beyond the bizarre. There is something deeply psychological going on here.
Listen idiot. I said up front that it was a mistake for Nikki made a mistake by not being up front with the guy.
And I just said, "what does he have to be "up front about' if he is a woman", as you claim??? There would be nothing to "be up front about". Oops!!!

You accidentally admitted that you know he is not a woman. But you have to pay your juvenile little troll games.
But she had reason to be afraid- as all trans people do-since they get assaulted and murdered at a very high rate.
Then there is infinitely more reason to be upfront and honest about being a man. You can't get "murdered" and "assaulted" if you tell someone on the internet "I'm a man looking for men".

You're sitting here destroying your own arguments. And why? Because you're desperate to defend rape. Fucking rape. I said it was almost certain that you were a rapist. I think it's pretty clear now that I was correct.
Oh really? :th_believecrap:
The left's favorite tactic with this subject matter:
  1. Try to convince everyone to suspend reality and deny science
  2. When that fails, scream "phobia" at them
  3. When that fails, claim that deep down they have sexual desires for the gross deviants
How can you not laugh your ass off? On one hand, we're all "phobic" (fearing their existence). At the same time, we love them sooooo much, we desire them.

You do not know shit about me
That's not true. I may not know everything about you, but here is what I do know about you:
  1. You're an asshole (almost all leftists are)
  2. You exploit people with mental illness for your own sexual gratification
  3. You deny science and reject reality for your own sexual deviances
  4. You have no class, character, or decency
I know Nicholas was a man. His penis and testicles dictate as much. His X and Y chromosomes dictate as much. Reality dictates as much.
Nope. Not kidding you! You have absolutely been destroyed with basic facts (and the best part is - you know it).

Congrats on the dumbest sentence of the day on USMB.
  1. Literally everybody in the world knows why. It's a mental illness, you fuck'n idiot
  2. Secondly, who gives a fuck why? That is irrelevant to this conversation (keyword: this)

Hey faggot? Even the world-renowned Mayo Clinic officially cites Gender Dysphoria as a mental illness.

This is what we mean when we say you fuck'n leftists cannot accept reality (or science). It is not "my premise". Every professional in the world recognizes it is a mental illness. Sadly, some have allowed themselves to being intimidated into not admitting it though.

I do know such thing. But you need that false narrative because you're on the wrong side of the facts. When one is on the wrong side of the facts, they are left with nothing but to lie :dunno:

The fact is, I think they should receive proper mental-healthcare treatment, rather than be exploited so that a sick fuck like you has some masturbation material.

You literally exploit these people for your own sick fucking sexual fantasies.

So is schizophrenia, you dumb-fuck. When the day comes that you demand society be forced to worship anyone who actually believes they are Jesus Christ, we can discuss gender dysphoria.

But you'll never demand that, because that doesn't excite you. Doesn't give you anything to jerk off to.

So sit down and shut the fuck up. Because this exposes you as disingenuous hypocrite.

The fuck they do. You do not "validate" mental illness. You treat it, imbecile.

Again, when you're willing to "validate" a schizophrenic who believes he is Jesus Christ, we'll talk. Until then, shit down and shut the fuck up. You've been exposed as a sick fraud with severe sexual deviance.

I drive them to treatment, asshat. You exploit them. When exploitation wins out over proper treatment, suicide is the best for everyone. They won't suffer, you won't have jerking off material at their expense, and society won't have to deal with left-wing assholes claiming we need to ignore society in favor of the mental ill.

He raped someone. When you rape someone, you put your life at risk as the law says that people are then permitted to use force against you - up to and including lethal force if necessary.

I'm betting you're so pissed about this because you too are a rapist. Most on the left are. And we saw how fucking gross you were in your previous profile pick, so there is no way in hell a woman is going home with you of their own free will. Which explains why you've resorted to men dressed as women.

Your false claims of "racism" and "bigot" and "phobic" have 0 affect on me. Zero. In fact, I literally tried to get "Proud Transphobic Here" hashtag trending on Twitter :laugh:

I will not allow dirt-bags like you to force society to deny science and reject reality, just because you need extreme sexual deviance to get you off. This is a losing battle that you cannot win. Ever. I'll pick up arms and start the second American revolution if that's what it takes. I'll beat the ever-loving fuck out of any faggot who tries to walk into the women's room at a public facility that I'm at.

You can't win this. Period. So find something else gross to get you off, pig.
Holy shit Wipe spit off of your chin and get a grip. It is gratifying to see that I was able to elicit such and insane response. You are obviously agitated and I love it.!! You screed is classic Gish Gallop.

My work is do here but I will be around if you go back on your meds and are able to have a rational discussion

That's not true. I may not know everything about you, but here is what I do know about you:
  1. You're an asshole (almost all leftists are)
  2. You exploit people with mental illness for your own sexual gratification
  3. You deny science and reject reality for your own sexual deviances
  4. You have no class, character, or decency

I know Nicholas was a man. His penis and testicles dictate as much. His X and Y chromosomes dictate as much. Reality dictates as much.
There is that special ed. school yard bully coming across loud and clear!
This was clearly a case of rape. And only rapists deny rape and get upset when a fellow rapist is shot dead (or otherwise killed) for their sick fuck'n crimes.
They did not disrobe. There was no penetration. Not even the killer has claimed rape.

No rape, dipshit. You are seriously sick and deluded.
Then there is infinitely more reason to be upfront and honest about being a man. You can't get "murdered" and "assaulted" if you tell someone on the internet "I'm a man looking for men".

You're sitting here destroying your own arguments. And why? Because you're desperate to defend rape. Fucking rape. I said it was almost certain that you were a rapist. I think it's pretty clear now that I was correct.
There was no rape to defend . Nikki identified as a woman. However, as I said, she should have said that she is a trans woman. In any case she did not deserve to be murdered. The guy freaked out and overreacted in a fit of transphobic panic and rage. I have to wonder what you would do in that situation.
It is gratifying to see that I was able to elicit such and insane response.
Imagine your life being so insignificant and unfulfilled, that "eliciting insane responses" is "gratifying".


Tell me you're an internet troll without telling me you're an internet troll.
Make no mistake about it, David Bogdanov was raped by Nick Kuhnhausen. David didn’t want a man touching him. David didn’t invite a man to touch him. All of it was against his will.

That is the textbook definition of rape. It is time these LGBT sickos are properly charged with rape.

Oh, ButtPlug? How did Kuhnhausen threaten or force Bogdanov to have sex with her?
  1. Keyword here being accused. Unlike you fascists, I abide by "innocent until proven guilty" (especially when not a single damn accusation comes out until someone becomes a Republican)
  2. Oh sweetie. I didn't vote for Donald Trump in 2016 and I didn't vote for Donald Trump in 2020. In all of my years, I have never cast a single vote for Donald Trump for anything.
In fact, if you weren't so lazy, you would have done a search and seen that in 2016, I was screaming that Donald Trump was the most ignorant choice in Republican Party history (I was of course, proven wrong as he turned out to be absolutely fucking amazing).

A lawsuit accusing CNN anchor...
Oh, ButtPlug? How did Kuhnhausen threaten or force Bogdanov to have sex with her?
Make no mistake about it, David Bogdanov was raped by Nick Kuhnhausen. David didn’t want a man touching him. David didn’t invite a man to touch him. All of it was against his will.

That is the textbook definition of rape. It is time these LGBT sickos are properly charged with rape.


What's the matter? Why no answer? You finally figure out that's not rape?

A lawsuit accusing CNN anchor...
Exactly. An accusation.

And since the left is made up of people with very serious learning disabilities, I'm going to repeat this for like the 6,000x

1. Donald Trump (like Barack Obama) is a horrible fucking human being. Horrible. Total piece of shit.

2. But unlike Barack Obama, Donald Trump was an incredible President. Easily one of the five greatest of all time, and it's not even close. Can't be debated, disputed, or denied.

The left is too stupid to separate "I hate him" from "how did he preform his job".

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