LGBT Rapists

Bwahahaha! You literally just proved that the intercourse was consensual. She told him to stop - she didn't say "no" to start. Bryant did in fact stop at that point. But came on her face without her consent.

And speaking of which, I just came on your face for like the third time in this thread alone. Better wipe that shit off, G-string. :laugh:
He did not stop. It does not matter if the sex was consensual at the beginning. If at any point a woman asks you to stop, you stop.

If you don't stop, then it becomes rape.

Kobe Bryant did not stop.

It's a simple as that, dipshit.

Now, do you want to QUADRUPLE down on your idiocy?!?! This is fascinating.
A man murdered a transgender person. There was no sexual penetration of any kind. Therefore, he was not raped. The claim by the creep who started this topic that the murderer had been raped has been thoroughly established to be complete bullshit.

End of story.
Yes, you did. It's right there for everyone to see: :lmao:

Why? Because you hate the fact I'm "focused on" exposing Democrats for the disgusting, sub-human, pieces of shit that they are? Sorry, not hear to appease Dumbocrats. If you're so ashamed of your party (and you should be), then you should re-examine who you align with.

What a disgusting piece of shit to refer to people like that. Half the population, they fought in wars for you, some died and paid their taxes yet you hate them with a passion because you hate their politics. Only a hypicritical godbotherer has hatred like that.
If that is the standard of hatred from Republican godbotherers, I don't want to be aligned with arsehole like that.
Yet you wonder why the country is divided. You are a hate filled brain filled low IQ typical American.
You wouldn't have the courage to say those things in public because you'd get a slap. But you hide behind some silly name to say it. Like all of you, you have no guts, only a big mouth.
What a disgusting piece of shit to refer to people like that. Half the population, they fought in wars for you, some died and paid their taxes yet you hate them with a passion because you hate their politics. Only a hypicritical godbotherer has hatred like that.
If that is the standard of hatred from Republican godbotherers, I don't want to be aligned with arsehole like that.
Yet you wonder why the country is divided. You are a hate filled brain filled low IQ typical American.
You wouldn't have the courage to say those things in public because you'd get a slap. But you hide behind some silly name to say it. Like all of you, you have no guts, only a big mouth.
Your one to talk you hate over half the US cause they believe in God and you hate republicans cause they dont vote your way.
Seriously folks, imagine thinking you "learned" that victims of rape actually enjoyed being raped. That one sentence right there tells you everything you need to know about the left and their disturbing minds. Everything.
That is not what I said, nor was the defendant who is now a convicted murderer raped according to all of the information made available during the news story and his testimony at trial.

Words have meaning and legal terms especially have specific meanings. You're using the term rape incorrectly to describe what you believe to have happened between Bogdanov and Nikki with no supporting documentation or evidence at all, even if you were using the right terminology, which you still are not, and even after having been provided with the proper legal definition according to the state of Washington.

The 48 Hours news story did mention how some were hoping that the "gay panic" or "gay rage" defense could be raised basically saying the same thing that you are alleging that the defendant went insane temporarily when he discovered he had been making out with a guy instead of a girl, but that didn't fly with the court apparently, so much so that they didn't even try to use that as a defense.

You don't get to kill people simply because they tricked you. And I find your description of the defendant disturbing trying to paint him as some decent guy who ONLY became a murderer when he found out Nikki was not female. Did you ever ask yourself what he was doing picking up what he thought to be a young possibly underage girl off of the streets?

Lastly, I was not describing rape victims as enjoying being raped especially since Bogdanov is not a rape victim. I was referring to guys who had considered themselves straight being at odds with their enjoyment of a same sex encounter irrespective of what activities they actually engaged in.
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Why is Kobe Bryant even being discussed in this thread when the topic is the sexual deviancy of homosexuals-pedophiles?
Because G-String incorrectly claimed that there cannot be rape charges without penetration. I used the Kobe case to prove he was wrong (as always).
You’re either illiterate or a troll desperate for attention.

I just explained it in the initial post. It wasn’t “willingly” at all. David didn’t want a man touching him. David didn’t invite a man to touch him. All of it was against his will.

That is the textbook definition of rape.
LGBT--as the PC goes ,are just sick fucks.
The topic of this thread is a murderer.
No, it’s not. Goddamn you people are so fucking illiterate it makes me want to take a baseball bat to your useless fucking skulls.

The topic of this thread is the LGBT community not being held legally responsible for their crimes. It couldn’t have been more fucking clear in the initial post.
No, it’s not. Goddamn you people are so fucking illiterate it makes me want to take a baseball bat to your useless fucking skulls.

The topic of this thread is the LGBT community not being held legally responsible for their crimes. It couldn’t have been more fucking clear in the initial post.
How would you like to see 'Nikki" held responsible for her alleged 'crimes' since she's now dead, having been murdered by Bogdanov? These are the two individuals you mentioned and are the subject of your thread, so how do you plan on doing this? Seeing that Nikki is held accountable?

And you're one to be calling others illiterate with your magic bag full of "alternative facts". And you should probably cool it with the threats of taking a baseball bat to anyone's skulls. That's a good way to find yourself hurt.
You’re either illiterate or a troll desperate for attention.
^ Projection.
I just explained it in the initial post. It wasn’t “willingly” at all. David didn’t want a man touching him. David didn’t invite a man to touch him. All of it was against his will.

That is the textbook definition of rape.
You are astonishingly ignorant, and should NOT vote, nor serve on a jury.
How would you like to see 'Nikki" held responsible for her alleged 'crimes' since she's now dead, having been murdered by Bogdanov?
  1. His name was not "Nikki". His name was Nicholas
  2. I'm not asking this dead asshole to be held accountable for his crimes. Karma got his ass. I'm talking about all others and future instances where these dirt-bag rapists are not murdered
You are astonishingly ignorant, and should NOT vote, nor serve on a jury.
Fascists hate it when people who don't embrace their ideology, get to vote. But unfortunately for them, the United States defeated Germany in World War II and We the People still get to vote. :dunno:
Wait, you mean a man wearing makeup was sadistic, sick, deviant rapist?!? Who could have possibly imagined? Color me shocked! Shocked, I tell you! Oh wait, that's right. I not only "imagined", I predicted. It's not normal for a man to desire to put on makeup or a dress. When he does either, he's announcing to the world that he has a severe mental disorder.
Fascists hate it when people who don't embrace their ideology, get to vote. But unfortunately for them, the United States defeated Germany in World War II and We the People still get to vote. :dunno:
^ Gold medal-level idiot.
Wait, you mean yet another member of the left-wing LGBT community engaged in deeply disgusting sexual assault? Who could have possibly imagined? Color me shocked! Shocked, I tell you! Oh wait, that's right. I not only "imagined", I predicted. It's not normal for a man to desire to put on makeup or a dress or hook up with another man. When they do that, they are announcing to the world that they have a severe mental disorder.

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