LGBT Rapists

Wait, you mean yet another member of the left-wing LGBT community engaged in deeply disgusting sexual assault? Who could have possibly imagined? Color me shocked! Shocked, I tell you! Oh wait, that's right. I not only "imagined", I predicted. It's not normal for a man to desire to put on makeup or a dress or hook up with another man. When they do that, they are announcing to the world that they have a severe mental disorder.
Why is it you only seem to have a problem with sexual assault when it's dude on dude? You happily voted for DJT when he's been accused of sexual assault by numerous women.

That's okay because it's "normal"?
Make no mistake about it, David Bogdanov was raped by Nick Kuhnhausen. David didn’t want a man touching him. David didn’t invite a man to touch him. All of it was against his will.

That is the textbook definition of rape. It is time these LGBT sickos are properly charged with rape.

The mistake that Nikki made was that she concealed the fact that SHE was transexual, but she did not deserve to die for it. He freaked out in a fit of transphobc rage That is the sick part. What is also sick is that someone like you needs to twist this around and Bogdanov the victim. Transwomen are frequently the victims of violent crime and rarely the perpetrators

Have a good day, Sicko
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Why is it you only seem to have a problem with sexual assault when it's dude on dude? You happily voted for DJT when he's been accused of sexual assault by numerous women.
  1. Keyword here being accused. Unlike you fascists, I abide by "innocent until proven guilty" (especially when not a single damn accusation comes out until someone becomes a Republican)
  2. Oh sweetie. I didn't vote for Donald Trump in 2016 and I didn't vote for Donald Trump in 2020. In all of my years, I have never cast a single vote for Donald Trump for anything.
In fact, if you weren't so lazy, you would have done a search and seen that in 2016, I was screaming that Donald Trump was the most ignorant choice in Republican Party history (I was of course, proven wrong as he turned out to be absolutely fucking amazing).
The mistake that Nikki made was that she concealed the fact that SHE was transexual
Exactly. He concealed. Which is literally the textbook definition of rape.

Guess what? If I snuck into a house and fucked someone's wife under the guise that I was their husband (concealing that I was in fact Patriot), I would absolutely be charged with rape. It has happened.
, but she did not deserve to die for it.
Yes he did. The law states that you may resort to use of force while being raped or otherwise assaulted (up to and including lethal force) until such time as the threat has been eliminated.

Transwomen are frequently the victims of violent crime and rarely the perpetrators
I don't care about other cases. We are discussing this case. And in this case, he (the transman) raped someone. He was a disgusting piece of shit who got exactly what he deserved. When you commit heinous crimes, you increase your chances of being killed. That's just a fact.
The mistake that Nikki made was that she concealed the fact that SHE was transexual, but she did not deserve to die for it. He freaked out in a fit of transphobc rage That is the sick part. What is also sick is that someone like you needs to twist this around and Bogdanov the victim. Transwomen are frequently the victims of violent crime and rarely the perpetrators
Folks, count how many times here TheProgressivePatriot rejects basic science and denies reality.

The rapists was born with a penis and testicles and was named Nicholas by his parents. What does it say about a piece of shit leftist that they cannot accept reality? What does it say about a piece of shit leftist that they reject basic science?

This is what we are dealing with. A bunch of flat-earther fucking idiots who just cannot accept reality. If they don't like that a person was born a human woman, they will insist that it was actually born a male dolphin. :eusa_doh:
Folks, count how many times here TheProgressivePatriot rejects basic science and denies reality.

The rapists was born with a penis and testicles and was named Nicholas by his parents. What does it say about a piece of shit leftist that they cannot accept reality? What does it say about a piece of shit leftist that they reject basic science?

This is what we are dealing with. A bunch of flat-earther fucking idiots who just cannot accept reality. If they don't like that a person was born a human woman, they will insist that it was actually born a male dolphin. :eusa_doh:
Jesus fucking Christ. Wipe the spit off of your ignorant, bigoted chin and try to get in touch with reality. The transWOMAN was fucking MURDERED by a straight guy who freaked out on HER

The basic science that you refer to confirms that there are in fact trans people. Your reference to dolphins is as stupid as stupid gets/ You are the science deniers and flat earthers
Jesus fucking Christ. Wipe the spit off of your ignorant, bigoted chin and try to get in touch with reality. The transWOMAN was fucking MURDERED by a straight guy who freaked out on HER
Is there anything more ironic than a reality-denying, science-rejecting, leftist telling people to "get in touch with reality"? :lmao:

The transMAN (it was a fucking man who liked cross-dressing) raped someone, you sick fuck. And not only do you sit here trying to defend it, but you also insist that he wasn't even a dude.

Reality matters. Facts matter. Fuck you and your propaganda.
Your reference to dolphins is as stupid as stupid gets
Right? That's how fucking stupid you science-denying, reality-rejecting assholes are. Nicholas has a penis and testicles. He was a man by every metric of science and reality.

And you're so fucking sick, you can't bring yourself to accept it.
You are the science deniers and flat earthers
You're the fucking asshole claiming the dude with an X and a Y chromosome is a "woman"!!! Holy fucking shit. You're the flat-earth, science-denying, reality-rejecting piece of shit who is too fragile do just deal with reality.
This is what we are dealing with. A bunch of flat-earther fucking idiots who just cannot accept reality. If they don't like that a person was born a human woman, they will insist that it was actually born a male dolphin. :eusa_doh:
Your reference to dolphins is as stupid as stupid gets
Bwahaha!! Right on cue!! Exactly as I said. I'm DEAD!!! Dead. :lmao:

How humiliating for science-denying, reality-rejecting piece of shit, TheProgressivePatriot:

Is there anything more ironic than a reality-denying, science-rejecting, leftist telling people to "get in touch with reality"? :lmao:

The transMAN (it was a fucking man who liked cross-dressing) raped someone, you sick fuck. And not only do you sit here trying to defend it, but you also insist that he wasn't even a dude.

Reality matters. Facts matter. Fuck you and your propaganda.
Thank you for confirming just how ignorant and bigoted you really are.
Right? That's how fucking stupid you science-denying, reality-rejecting assholes are. Nicholas has a penis and testicles. He was a man by every metric of science and reality.

And you're so fucking sick, you can't bring yourself to accept it.

You're the fucking asshole claiming the dude with an X and a Y chromosome is a "woman"!!! Holy fucking shit. You're the flat-earth, science-denying, reality-rejecting piece of shit who is too fragile do just deal with reality.
I see. You have some way of knowing what HER chromosomes were? Did you do the autopsy?
Bwahaha!! Right on cue!! Exactly as I said. I'm DEAD!!! Dead. :lmao:

How humiliating for science-denying, reality-rejecting piece of shit, TheProgressivePatriot:

View attachment 598632

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per-article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources. Overall, we rate Daily Mail Right Biased and Questionable due to numerous failed fact checks and poor information sourcing.

And even if true, it is just plain stupid to think that this sort of thing is representative of LGBT supporters
Thank you for confirming just how ignorant and bigoted you really are.
Thank you for confirming that when you have can't accept reality, you deny it and just make up an alternate version.

Thank you for also confirming that when you've been thoroughly defeated by facts, you resort to screams of "racism" or "phobic" or "bigot". Sort of the standard tactic from the thoroughly defeated left.
I see. You have some way of knowing what HER chromosomes were? Did you do the autopsy?
As a matter of fact, we do have a way of knowing his chromosomes, you fucking high school dropout :lmao:

And yes, that rapist had an X chromosome and a Y chromosome. Which is why his own parents named him Nicholas.
And even if true,
Oh you know it's true. I guarantee you Google'd it hoping to "prove" it was a fake story. But when you saw it was 100% fact, you had to rush off to a propaganda site in hopes of attempting to discredit the messenger.
it is just plain stupid to think that this sort of thing is representative of LGBT supporters
Stop being an ignorant, knuckle-dragging bigot, mother-fucker. Women give births to dolphins and felines every day :laugh:
The mistake that Nikki made was that she concealed the fact that SHE was transexual
Folks, you want to see what failure looks like? Look no further than TheProgressivePatriot here contradicting himself, and thus literally defeating his own position.

If Nicholas was a "she" (as you insist because you're just too fragile to deal with reality), then what did he have to "conceal"? You're own word, science-denier!

Thank you for confirming that when you have can't accept reality, you deny it and just make up an alternate version.

Thank you for also confirming that when you've been thoroughly defeated by facts, you resort to screams of "racism" or "phobic" or "bigot". Sort of the standard tactic from the thoroughly defeated left.
I have been defeated by the facts? Are you fucking kidding me? You are a science denier. Not only do you not have a clue as to why people may be trans, YOU DONOT WANT TO KNOW because knowledge would undermine the basic premise you seem to hold dear- that they are just mentally ill cross dressers.

You are a bigot because you demean and ridicule people who are experiencing gender dysphoria, which, regardless of the cause, is very real and a very difficult thing to go through. These people deserve validation, respect and support. You on the other hand represent the type of person who drives them to suicide. You are accusing this trans WOMAN of rape when SHE was the victim of murder

And yes, you are phobic... if you do not fear the individual, you fear the changes in society that they represent. You fear that we are becoming more tolerant and accepting of people who are different. You fear changing norms and values and know that you are being left behind. Yes, you are phobic
Folks, you want to see what failure looks like? Look no further than TheProgressivePatriot here contradicting himself, and thus literally defeating his own position.

If Nicholas was a "she" (as you insist because you're just too fragile to deal with reality), then what did he have to "conceal"? You're own word, science-denier!

View attachment 598806
Listen idiot. I said up front that it was a mistake for Nikki made a mistake by not being up front with the guy. But she had reason to be afraid- as all trans people do-since they get assaulted and murdered at a very high rate.

And see post 97
Oh you know it's true. I guarantee you Google'd it hoping to "prove" it was a fake story. But when you saw it was 100% fact, you had to rush off to a propaganda site in hopes of attempting to discredit the messenger.

Stop being an ignorant, knuckle-dragging bigot, mother-fucker. Women give births to dolphins and felines every day :laugh:
ooooooh "Mother Fucker"! You just devolved into a 12 year old special ed. kid. On the other hand, you were already there

As far as the Daily Mail thing goes, I said that it does not matter if it is true. One kook is not representative of the views of rational people
As a matter of fact, we do have a way of knowing his chromosomes, you fucking high school dropout :lmao:

And yes, that rapist had an X chromosome and a Y chromosome. Which is why his own parents named him Nicholas.
View attachment 598805
You do not know shit about me, Nikki, or much of anything else and if you think that you do, ypu are even more of a fool than I thought

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