LGBT scout leader admits to having molested boys

Poor wittle wiberals too afraid to acknowlege a deviant faggot pedophile was a cub leader and raped little boys. Gotta pretend it didn't happen! My special status groups can only do good things! bad news about them is hate speech!
Dear faggot liberals: would you want men as Girl Scout leaders? So why would you subject boys to fags?
You think homosexuals can't be pedophiles?
You think homosexuals can't be pedophiles?

The presumption of innocence places the burden of proof for that allegation on you. The onus is yours to provide irrefutable evidence that this pedophile is a member of the LBGT community.
You think homosexuals can't be pedophiles?

The presumption of innocence places the burden of proof for that allegation on you. The onus is yours to provide irrefutable evidence that this pedophile is a member of the LBGT community.


And even if the allegations are true, this individual alone is in no way representative of gay Americans overall, nor is it justification to seek to overturn Lawrence v. Texas, or deny same-sex couples their 14th Amendment rights.
Anatomy of a novasteve (a.k.a. "Tranny World Daily") post:

*thread title containing "Tranny," "Gay" or "Deviant"*


*You Libs blah blah Trannies blah blah blah Gay blah blah Deviants blah Faggots blah blah Main Stream Media blah blah :gay:*
Anatomy of a novasteve (a.k.a. "Tranny World Daily") post:

*thread title containing "Tranny," "Gay" or "Deviant"*


*You Libs blah blah Trannies blah blah blah Gay blah blah Deviants blah Faggots blah blah Main Stream Media blah blah :gay:*

Too bad the liberal faggots aids brigade provide so many stories.
Let me guess. The person thinks that just because they came forward and admitted their wrong doing, unlike other people in this world, they think that they will not have to serve any punishment for their wrong doing. Well in my opinion if what they did is bad enough, then they have the courage to deal with the repercussions if they have enough courage to come forward and tell the world that they did whatever it is that they did.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. If the person has no shame, then may they get whatever it is that they deserve. :mad: :mad: :mad:
You think homosexuals can't be pedophiles?

The presumption of innocence places the burden of proof for that allegation on you. The onus is yours to provide irrefutable evidence that this pedophile is a member of the LBGT community.


And even if the allegations are true, this individual alone is in no way representative of gay Americans overall, nor is it justification to seek to overturn Lawrence v. Texas, or deny same-sex couples their 14th Amendment rights.

If we find that a straight scout leader has molested children...can we paint all straights with the same brush?
If a scout leader is molesting scouts he's not straight

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