LGBT Vets With Other Than Honorable Discharges Will Get VA Benefits Under New Plan


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
This is very good news.

People who were forced out of the military just because they weren't straight never should have been forced out and never should have lost their benefits.

I'm so glad that the military will reverse this policy.

I remember this video about a Vietnam vet.

They drafted him in 1968, asked him if he was gay, he said he was. They didn't believe him. They thought he was trying to dodge the draft.

He found out he liked military life and he did very well, working his way all the way up to master sergeant.

They found out he was indeed gay, so they tried to kick him out of the military.

Eventually, it wound up in the courts and the court ruled that he never lied to the military so the military was wrong in kicking him out and denying him benefits.
This is very good news.

People who were forced out of the military just because they weren't straight never should have been forced out and never should have lost their benefits.

I'm so glad that the military will reverse this policy.

They never should of been in the military in the first place. We need soldiers not mentally ill people with guns. Do you think mentally ill people should have access to weapons?
I remember this video about a Vietnam vet.

They drafted him in 1968, asked him if he was gay, he said he was. They didn't believe him. They thought he was trying to dodge the draft.

He found out he liked military life and he did very well, working his way all the way up to master sergeant.

They found out he was indeed gay, so they tried to kick him out of the military.

Eventually, it wound up in the courts and the court ruled that he never lied to the military so the military was wrong in kicking him out and denying him benefits.
I wonder how many young people he tried to "impress" with his rank? I know if the guy was straight and tried to use it with women, he would be tossed out real quick with a dishonorable discharge...
This is very good news.

People who were forced out of the military just because they weren't straight never should have been forced out and never should have lost their benefits.

I'm so glad that the military will reverse this policy.

1. LGTBQ have MUCH higher suicide rates = mental problems
2. you never served so you don't know shit about being in the military
3. they are wasting YOUR tax $$$$$ HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH
This is very good news.

People who were forced out of the military just because they weren't straight never should have been forced out and never should have lost their benefits.

I'm so glad that the military will reverse this policy.

Makes us feel spec-fucking-tacular. Us being veterans who served honorably for many years and were discharged accordingly. My grandfather (USA): served 1940-1949; honorably discharged. His father (USA): 1912-1920; honorably discharged. My uncle (USN): 1968-1972; honorably discharged. My aunt (USA): 1980-1988; honorably discharged. A close friend (USMC) 1994-2012; honorably discharged. Myself (USA): 1991-2018; honorably discharged. So good to know "the system" still works. End sarcasm.
I remember this video about a Vietnam vet.

They drafted him in 1968, asked him if he was gay, he said he was. They didn't believe him. They thought he was trying to dodge the draft.

He found out he liked military life and he did very well, working his way all the way up to master sergeant.

They found out he was indeed gay, so they tried to kick him out of the military.

Eventually, it wound up in the courts and the court ruled that he never lied to the military so the military was wrong in kicking him out and denying him benefits.
I will never be a cheerleader for just any kind of person, but when a person is willing to make such a sacrifice, in my opinion, their service should be appreciated in some way no matter how things do or don't go for them where other aspects of life are concerned. I don't know how everyone else looks at this matter, but as for those who are willing to put on a uniform that will only mean that a life threatening target is then placed on their back, I thank them all.

God bless you and our service people who are still here always!!!

I remember this video about a Vietnam vet.

They drafted him in 1968, asked him if he was gay, he said he was. They didn't believe him. They thought he was trying to dodge the draft.

He found out he liked military life and he did very well, working his way all the way up to master sergeant.

They found out he was indeed gay, so they tried to kick him out of the military.

Eventually, it wound up in the courts and the court ruled that he never lied to the military so the military was wrong in kicking him out and denying him benefits.

I'm glad it ended up with proper justice for him.

Just because a person is gay doesn't mean they can't serve in our military.

I never understood the stupid rule against gay people.

It was totally ridiculous.
I'm glad it ended up with proper justice for him.

Just because a person is gay doesn't mean they can't serve in our military.

I never understood the stupid rule against gay people.

It was totally ridiculous.
So you are okay with mentally ill people having access to weapons of mass destruction?
This is very good news.

People who were forced out of the military just because they weren't straight never should have been forced out and never should have lost their benefits.

I'm so glad that the military will reverse this policy.

For those whom were forced out due to their orientation this is just. On the other hand gay people can get kicked out for other reasons

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