LIAR liar, pants on fire!

Can you give an example of any Fox reporting for which it should apologize?

We've seen this one, for example. Can you quote any part of it for which Fox should apologize? - Video Shows USDA Official Saying She Didn't Give 'Full Force' of Help to White Farmer

Yes, yes I can.

FoxNews took a video clip from Andrew Breitbart and ran it, on the air, without an kind of verification process, in a clear attempt to assassinate the character of Ms Sherrod.

They succeeded to the point where she was fired from her job and her reputation was scarred beyond measure.

That is, until the rest of the tape was pointed out to FoxNews by OTHER PEOPLE.

Fox should have done the research before trying to get someone fired. That's what's known as "GOOD REPORTING" or "JOURNALISTIC INTEGRITY".

Because they shamefully and eagerly participating in this blatant attempt at slander and character assassination, FoxNews DEFINITELY owes Ms Sherrod an apology, at the very least.

I agree with almost everything you wrote except for the part about the character assassination of Mrs. Sherrod. I think they were going after bigger fish than her. She was just the cream on the top of the pie. They wanted to smear the NAACP for hypocrisy and the administration with more accusations of hiring "undesirables".

They should have gotten the full video first, but had they, I doubt this ever would have been a story at all.

Can you give an example of any Fox reporting for which it should apologize?

We've seen this one, for example. Can you quote any part of it for which Fox should apologize? - Video Shows USDA Official Saying She Didn't Give 'Full Force' of Help to White Farmer

Yes, yes I can.

FoxNews took a video clip from Andrew Breitbart and ran it, on the air, without an kind of verification process, in a clear attempt to assassinate the character of Ms Sherrod.

They succeeded to the point where she was fired from her job and her reputation was scarred beyond measure.

That is, until the rest of the tape was pointed out to FoxNews by OTHER PEOPLE.

Fox should have done the research before trying to get someone fired. That's what's known as "GOOD REPORTING" or "JOURNALISTIC INTEGRITY".

Because they shamefully and eagerly participating in this blatant attempt at slander and character assassination, FoxNews DEFINITELY owes Ms Sherrod an apology, at the very least.

Fixed Lies failed to the most basic of rule of ethics in Journalism, verify the story before you run with that story.

Instead of finding before the fact if what one see's on that one piece of heavily edited tape was true, Faux Snooze ran with a story that was a complete and total LIE.

This is not the first time Fixed has LIED and it will NOT BE THE LAST TIME THEY LIE.

That people continue to watch Fixed is a mystery.
Can you give an example of any Fox reporting for which it should apologize?

We've seen this one, for example. Can you quote any part of it for which Fox should apologize? - Video Shows USDA Official Saying She Didn't Give 'Full Force' of Help to White Farmer

Yes, yes I can.

FoxNews took a video clip from Andrew Breitbart and ran it, on the air, without an kind of verification process, in a clear attempt to assassinate the character of Ms Sherrod.

They succeeded to the point where she was fired from her job and her reputation was scarred beyond measure.

That is, until the rest of the tape was pointed out to FoxNews by OTHER PEOPLE.

Fox should have done the research before trying to get someone fired. That's what's known as "GOOD REPORTING" or "JOURNALISTIC INTEGRITY".

Because they shamefully and eagerly participating in this blatant attempt at slander and character assassination, FoxNews DEFINITELY owes Ms Sherrod an apology, at the very least.

Fixed Lies failed to the most basic of rule of ethics in Journalism, verify the story before you run with that story.

Instead of finding before the fact if what one see's on that one piece of heavily edited tape was true, Faux Snooze ran with a story that was a complete and total LIE.

This is not the first time Fixed has LIED and it will NOT BE THE LAST TIME THEY LIE.

That people continue to watch Fixed is a mystery.

Same reason that people watch any News channel. Haven't you figured it out yet? They are a business, all of them are, they have to make a buck to stay in business. To make a buck they have to beat the other guy on some stories. They all lie and stretch the truth to fit in with their audience. And as much as you seem to hate Fox, they are still the number one rated News channel. And trust me, I will not watch MSNBC, simply not worth the time.
Can you give an example of any Fox reporting for which it should apologize?

We've seen this one, for example. Can you quote any part of it for which Fox should apologize? - Video Shows USDA Official Saying She Didn't Give 'Full Force' of Help to White Farmer

Yes, yes I can.

FoxNews took a video clip from Andrew Breitbart and ran it, on the air, without an kind of verification process, in a clear attempt to assassinate the character of Ms Sherrod.

They succeeded to the point where she was fired from her job and her reputation was scarred beyond measure.

That is, until the rest of the tape was pointed out to FoxNews by OTHER PEOPLE.

Fox should have done the research before trying to get someone fired. That's what's known as "GOOD REPORTING" or "JOURNALISTIC INTEGRITY".

Because they shamefully and eagerly participating in this blatant attempt at slander and character assassination, FoxNews DEFINITELY owes Ms Sherrod an apology, at the very least.

I agree with almost everything you wrote except for the part about the character assassination of Mrs. Sherrod. I think they were going after bigger fish than her. She was just the cream on the top of the pie. They wanted to smear the NAACP for hypocrisy and the administration with more accusations of hiring "undesirables".

They should have gotten the full video first, but had they, I doubt this ever would have been a story at all.

I highly doubt that Bigotbart and the FOXgossip channel didn't have the readily available full video all along. First of all neither has any credibility, and they both know that their CON$ervative audience will accept any lie they tell without question. For example, CON$ still say that Gore claimed that he "Invented the internet" even though it is well known that it is a GOP lie.
for example, con$ still say that gore claimed that he "invented the internet" even though it is well known that it is a gop lie.
algore said:
[FONT=trebuchet ms,bookman old style,arial]during my service in the united states congress, i took the initiative in creating the internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.[/FONT]
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for example, con$ still say that gore claimed that he "invented the internet" even though it is well known that it is a gop lie.
algore said:
[font=trebuchet ms,bookman old style,arial][size=2"]during my service in the united states congress, i took the initiative in creating the internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.[/size][/font]
Somebody pretends not to know the difference between the word "INITIATIVE" and the word "INVENT."
But thank you for proving my point!
for example, con$ still say that gore claimed that he "invented the internet" even though it is well known that it is a gop lie.
algore said:
[FONT=trebuchet ms,bookman old style,arial][size=2"]during my service in the united states congress, i took the initiative in creating the internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.[/size][/FONT]
Somebody pretends not to know the difference between the word "INITIATIVE" and the word "INVENT."
But thank you for proving my point!
why did you not bold also what i will bold in red
Yes, yes I can.

FoxNews took a video clip from Andrew Breitbart and ran it, on the air, without an kind of verification process, in a clear attempt to assassinate the character of Ms Sherrod.

They succeeded to the point where she was fired from her job and her reputation was scarred beyond measure.

That is, until the rest of the tape was pointed out to FoxNews by OTHER PEOPLE.

Fox should have done the research before trying to get someone fired. That's what's known as "GOOD REPORTING" or "JOURNALISTIC INTEGRITY".

Because they shamefully and eagerly participating in this blatant attempt at slander and character assassination, FoxNews DEFINITELY owes Ms Sherrod an apology, at the very least.

I agree with almost everything you wrote except for the part about the character assassination of Mrs. Sherrod. I think they were going after bigger fish than her. She was just the cream on the top of the pie. They wanted to smear the NAACP for hypocrisy and the administration with more accusations of hiring "undesirables".

They should have gotten the full video first, but had they, I doubt this ever would have been a story at all.

I highly doubt that Bigotbart and the FOXgossip channel didn't have the readily available full video all along. First of all neither has any credibility, and they both know that their CON$ervative audience will accept any lie they tell without question. For example, CON$ still say that Gore claimed that he "Invented the internet" even though it is well known that it is a GOP lie.

Then answer this simple question. Why would FoxNews purposely distort a story and have their number 2 guy, Beck, say wait let's hear the whole story first, then release the whole video? It makes no sense. If it doesn't sound true, then it probably isn't.
for example, con$ still say that gore claimed that he "invented the internet" even though it is well known that it is a gop lie.
algore said:
[font=trebuchet ms,bookman old style,arial][size=2"]during my service in the united states congress, i took the initiative in creating the internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.[/size][/font]
Somebody pretends not to know the difference between the word "INITIATIVE" and the word "INVENT."
But thank you for proving my point!
why did you not bold also what i will bold in red
Because that does not show Gore claiming to have "INVENTED" the internet either. As the next part, that YOU didn't highlight, makes clear he is talking about "INITIATIVES" he promoted and funded while in congress. Are you saying Gore is claiming to have "INVENTED" everything he promoted while in congress? :cuckoo:

God dang, you CON$ sure milk that Dumb Act to death!
STOP with the lies that FOX did not report on this until after Sherrod was asked to resign by the Dept of Agriculture head...

FOX news says themselves that they REPORTED IT FIRST.

The Agriculture Department announced Monday, shortly after published its initial report on the video, that Sherrod had resigned. - Video Shows USDA Official Saying She Didn't Give 'Full Force' of Help to White Farmer

Dive con..comments?
Synthaholic thanx


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