Liars Mueller & Weissman Caught Manipulating Transcript of Flynn Attorney Phone Call to Indict Trump


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Liars Mueller and Weissman Caught Manipulating Transcript of Flynn Attorney Phone Call to Indict Trump

Liars Mueller and Weissmann Caught Manipulating Transcript of Flynn Attorney Phone Call to Indict Trump
1 Jun 19 ~ By Jim Hoft
On Friday evening Deep State Federal prosecutors released the full transcript from President Trump’s attorneys to General Michael Flynn’s attorneys. Mueller and Weissman used the phone call as evidence that Trump was attempting to interfere with the special counsel Russia collusion witch hunt.... After the call was released several internet sleuths compared the call transcript to the transcript published in the Mueller report. Robert Mueller and his hitman Andrew Weissman manipulated the transcript and lied about the call.... This is more proof the deep state used any means possible including lying to get Trump.
Rosie Memos discovered the Mueller-Weissman edited the report to make it look more damaging.
Via Rosie Memos: Once again #MuellerReport edited messages to make them appear more damaging, full transcript of this phone call reveals Dowd’s message was pretty typical for a lawyer and he clearly states he’s not interested in any confidential info. What else did they manipulate.


The next time someone is telling you what a great guy Mueller is, remind them that he and Weissman sent three guys to death row in Massachusetts for a crime they didn't commit. When the state got rid of the death penalty, they went into gen pop doing life without. After about 20-years, total exculpatory evidence came to light and Mueller was against setting them free because it would damage the reputation of the F.B.I. Two of them were released, the third having died in prison.
For some asinine reason, Federal prosecutors and United States Attorneys carry some sort of super-duper immunity from prosecution for misconduct and obstruction of justice!
There was another real result of Mueller. Hillary couldn't do it. Putin couldn't do it. FBI/CIA & MSM couldn't do it. Mueller interfered (in our faces) with an election. Notice that Barr understood Obama/Deep State interfered exactly like any foreign gov. Mueller and his Dem Mafia raided, blackmailed and took the HOUSE by interfering in the election. Mueller went out with telling the HOUSE to use his manifesto to impeach.
According to Barr, Huber didn't do ANYTHING, that's why he's turned it over to Durham. He's wasted time for the Deep State to do it's work. Like Mueller. A "RINO" Huber was appointed by Obama.
Hopefully Durham won't do the same and can work with subpoena powers to the NSA if necessary to find out what was swept under the rugs?
It will take Trump's will and AG Barr's cojones to get it done. Cotes, Haspell and Wray are now the obstacles in the way of the truth. Time will tell.....
Busted......unelected scum trying to undo the 2016 election....
Liars Mueller and Weissman Caught Manipulating Transcript of Flynn Attorney Phone Call to Indict Trump

Liars Mueller and Weissmann Caught Manipulating Transcript of Flynn Attorney Phone Call to Indict Trump
1 Jun 19 ~ By Jim Hoft
On Friday evening Deep State Federal prosecutors released the full transcript from President Trump’s attorneys to General Michael Flynn’s attorneys. Mueller and Weissman used the phone call as evidence that Trump was attempting to interfere with the special counsel Russia collusion witch hunt.... After the call was released several internet sleuths compared the call transcript to the transcript published in the Mueller report. Robert Mueller and his hitman Andrew Weissman manipulated the transcript and lied about the call.... This is more proof the deep state used any means possible including lying to get Trump.
Rosie Memos discovered the Mueller-Weissman edited the report to make it look more damaging.
Via Rosie Memos: Once again #MuellerReport edited messages to make them appear more damaging, full transcript of this phone call reveals Dowd’s message was pretty typical for a lawyer and he clearly states he’s not interested in any confidential info. What else did they manipulate.


The next time someone is telling you what a great guy Mueller is, remind them that he and Weissman sent three guys to death row in Massachusetts for a crime they didn't commit. When the state got rid of the death penalty, they went into gen pop doing life without. After about 20-years, total exculpatory evidence came to light and Mueller was against setting them free because it would damage the reputation of the F.B.I. Two of them were released, the third having died in prison.
For some asinine reason, Federal prosecutors and United States Attorneys carry some sort of super-duper immunity from prosecution for misconduct and obstruction of justice!
There was another real result of Mueller. Hillary couldn't do it. Putin couldn't do it. FBI/CIA & MSM couldn't do it. Mueller interfered (in our faces) with an election. Notice that Barr understood Obama/Deep State interfered exactly like any foreign gov. Mueller and his Dem Mafia raided, blackmailed and took the HOUSE by interfering in the election. Mueller went out with telling the HOUSE to use his manifesto to impeach.
According to Barr, Huber didn't do ANYTHING, that's why he's turned it over to Durham. He's wasted time for the Deep State to do it's work. Like Mueller. A "RINO" Huber was appointed by Obama.
Hopefully Durham won't do the same and can work with subpoena powers to the NSA if necessary to find out what was swept under the rugs?
It will take Trump's will and AG Barr's cojones to get it done. Cotes, Haspell and Wray are now the obstacles in the way of the truth. Time will tell.....

Jim Hoft :lmao:
This is fake news.

Not according to the guy whose transcript was altered. Seems he has proof too.

Mewler is an unethical piece of shit. His actions in Boston, and against an innocent scientist during the anthrax attacks, where mewler tried to railroad the poor guy, even though he was presented iron clad evidence the man was innocent.

This is just more of the same. It's a shame you have your head so far up his ass.
This is fake news.

Not according to the guy whose transcript was altered. Seems he has proof too.

Mewler is an unethical piece of shit. His actions in Boston, and against an innocent scientist during the anthrax attacks, where mewler tried to railroad the poor guy, even though he was presented iron clad evidence the man was innocent.

This is just more of the same. It's a shame you have your head so far up his ass.

It's fake news. You have chosen to believe lies. And that's your problem.
This is fake news.

Not according to the guy whose transcript was altered. Seems he has proof too.

Mewler is an unethical piece of shit. His actions in Boston, and against an innocent scientist during the anthrax attacks, where mewler tried to railroad the poor guy, even though he was presented iron clad evidence the man was innocent.

This is just more of the same. It's a shame you have your head so far up his ass.

Sorry but Gateway Pundit


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Compare that to a former FBI director who is a Republican... Have to get a better source for us to comment...

Why do you have to use such tarnished sources... Can you accept that this source has told you many lies in the past... Where are there redactions?
You accept to being fooled which doesn't make the problem with the Gateway Pundit but with you.

What is it like knowing that the Gateway Pundit can produce any material it likes and you will believe it and pass it on... They consider you a useful fool, not even bright enough to know you been fooled...
No fake news here.....this cant be spun. The record of the conversation was altered.....Dershowitz last night called it " a very serious offense".

No worries....Durham will be all over this. Of course, now it is clear why Mueller pulled the press conference stunt.....shit....if you are a conservative, you got a bunch of tingles running up your leg this morning!!:spinner::spinner::spinner:
No fake news here.....this cant be spun. The record of the conversation was altered.....Dershowitz last night called it " a very serious offense".

No worries....Durham will be all over this. Of course, now it is clear why Mueller pulled the press conference stunt.....shit....if you are a conservative, you got a bunch of tingles running up your leg this morning!!:spinner::spinner::spinner:

So one of Trump's ex-lawyers doesn't like it... Is this lawyer going to jail or another one...

But this guys has a great track record in defending O. J. Simpson, Jeffrey Epstein & Harvey Weinstein....

So it is fitting he have Trump as a client too...

Is this honestly your best defence?
No fake news here.....this cant be spun. The record of the conversation was altered.....Dershowitz last night called it " a very serious offense".

No worries....Durham will be all over this. Of course, now it is clear why Mueller pulled the press conference stunt.....shit....if you are a conservative, you got a bunch of tingles running up your leg this morning!!:spinner::spinner::spinner:

So one of Trump's ex-lawyers doesn't like it... Is this lawyer going to jail or another one...

But this guys has a great track record in defending O. J. Simpson, Jeffrey Epstein & Harvey Weinstein....

So it is fitting he have Trump as a client too...

Is this honestly your best defence?

Nah.....heres my best defense.....

5 Things to Know About John Durham—Barr's Pick to Probe Root of Russia Investigation | Connecticut Law Tribune


s0n.....stock up on some KY while it's still on the shelves!

Whats the issue... A few lines were left out that really don't amount to anything...

The report was already 100s of pages long and they released the raw transcripts...

There was no hiding, the general concept of coercing a witness is there...

Simply put, this is why you don't talk to Flynn in this case... Any half decent lawyer could tell you that...

For an Ordinary Joe this is obstruction of Justice... The Lawyer committed, not Trump in this case...
No fake news here.....this cant be spun. The record of the conversation was altered.....Dershowitz last night called it " a very serious offense".

No worries....Durham will be all over this. Of course, now it is clear why Mueller pulled the press conference stunt.....shit....if you are a conservative, you got a bunch of tingles running up your leg this morning!!:spinner::spinner::spinner:

So one of Trump's ex-lawyers doesn't like it... Is this lawyer going to jail or another one...

But this guys has a great track record in defending O. J. Simpson, Jeffrey Epstein & Harvey Weinstein....

So it is fitting he have Trump as a client too...

Is this honestly your best defence?

Nah.....heres my best defense.....

5 Things to Know About John Durham—Barr's Pick to Probe Root of Russia Investigation | Connecticut Law Tribune


s0n.....stock up on some KY while it's still on the shelves!

Please explain what you investigation will be about...

The investigation was about Russian Interference in the Election... That was well found and proven...

Sop your pissed that a lot of those lead led to the Trump Campaign.
Ever ask why did they all lead to the Trump Campaign?
Ask why a number of senior staff then lied about it?

The dossier didn't start this investigation. It was a drunk Trump staffer and other intel
resources. Why do you want to surrender to a foreign enemy?

Oh I forgot, you still believe in the Gateway Pundit.
Liars Mueller and Weissman Caught Manipulating Transcript of Flynn Attorney Phone Call to Indict Trump

Liars Mueller and Weissmann Caught Manipulating Transcript of Flynn Attorney Phone Call to Indict Trump
1 Jun 19 ~ By Jim Hoft
On Friday evening Deep State Federal prosecutors released the full transcript from President Trump’s attorneys to General Michael Flynn’s attorneys. Mueller and Weissman used the phone call as evidence that Trump was attempting to interfere with the special counsel Russia collusion witch hunt.... After the call was released several internet sleuths compared the call transcript to the transcript published in the Mueller report. Robert Mueller and his hitman Andrew Weissman manipulated the transcript and lied about the call.... This is more proof the deep state used any means possible including lying to get Trump.
Rosie Memos discovered the Mueller-Weissman edited the report to make it look more damaging.
Via Rosie Memos: Once again #MuellerReport edited messages to make them appear more damaging, full transcript of this phone call reveals Dowd’s message was pretty typical for a lawyer and he clearly states he’s not interested in any confidential info. What else did they manipulate.


The next time someone is telling you what a great guy Mueller is, remind them that he and Weissman sent three guys to death row in Massachusetts for a crime they didn't commit. When the state got rid of the death penalty, they went into gen pop doing life without. After about 20-years, total exculpatory evidence came to light and Mueller was against setting them free because it would damage the reputation of the F.B.I. Two of them were released, the third having died in prison.
For some asinine reason, Federal prosecutors and United States Attorneys carry some sort of super-duper immunity from prosecution for misconduct and obstruction of justice!
There was another real result of Mueller. Hillary couldn't do it. Putin couldn't do it. FBI/CIA & MSM couldn't do it. Mueller interfered (in our faces) with an election. Notice that Barr understood Obama/Deep State interfered exactly like any foreign gov. Mueller and his Dem Mafia raided, blackmailed and took the HOUSE by interfering in the election. Mueller went out with telling the HOUSE to use his manifesto to impeach.
According to Barr, Huber didn't do ANYTHING, that's why he's turned it over to Durham. He's wasted time for the Deep State to do it's work. Like Mueller. A "RINO" Huber was appointed by Obama.
Hopefully Durham won't do the same and can work with subpoena powers to the NSA if necessary to find out what was swept under the rugs?
It will take Trump's will and AG Barr's cojones to get it done. Cotes, Haspell and Wray are now the obstacles in the way of the truth. Time will tell.....
whether or not this is true - they break a major rule of journalism by calling them lairs in headlines. this puts the entire article to emotional cry-baby shit to me. i hate it when ANY side does this shit. stick to the news and stop telling people how to feel.

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