Lib Fran Leibowitz suggests Biden “dissolve” the SCOTUS

Plus your whole idea falls apart when you simultaneously claim Biden has dementia, yet can remember what somebody told him to do.
Nope. His dementia is a given for any honest person who has seen the poor dotard trying to speak.

And he doesn’t need to remember. They tell him what he thinks. He believes he must believe what they have told him he thinks.

And he signs documents placed in front of him (unread by him, of course) to confirm that he has said what they have told him he believes.
Now, let’s say that the gibbering cackling hyena, Kamalalala, isn’t as far gone as President Potato.

They will take a few minutes to train her who is actually in charge. (It won’t be her.)

She will submit. Maybe out of fear for what a hidden cabal can do. Or maybe just to be allowed to retain all the perks of being President.
And he doesn’t need to remember. They tell him what he thinks. He believes he must believe what they have told him he thinks.

Without memory, Biden would have to be told at the moment what to think. So the "They" would have to be people in the room with him.

And none of the "they" you've hinted about, have been seen in the room with Biden.
I'm not a fan but she said this on Bill Maher, and got applause, as she's known to be a ..... provocateur.

The dems don' thave the balls. The gop with Trump does. And that's probably why Trump will win. BUT Biden could have defunded then entire fed court system with a veto.
Morons like you are told what to say and what to think. Some gasbag liberals tell you to maintain that the immunity decision is “bad,” so ignorant twerps like you mindlessly invoke that Chant.

They tell you (with complete dishonest) that the immunity decision makes a President a “King.” Mindless drones like you don’t question it — and you morons lack the ability to see for yourself that it’s not true.

It isn’t true. But you are a mindless twerp drone ignorantly repeating what you’ve been told to say.
It's better to be a moron than a Trump kiss-ass!
I'm not a fan but she said this on Bill Maher, and got applause, as she's known to be a ..... provocateur.

The dems don' thave the balls. The gop with Trump does. And that's probably why Trump will win. BUT Biden could have defunded then entire fed court system with a veto.
Defunding the court except for the supreme court is an executive action. No different than if there was a government shutdown, deciding if the courts were "vital employees", which by their nature, they are not, and thus could be shut down.

But the supreme court is specifically in the Constitution, as is their salary not allowed to be reduced, thus requiring they of all the courts, must get paid.
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You saying it doesn’t make it true.

As usual, you’re wrong. Brainwashed and stupid, as you are, you accept what you’ve been told to believe.

Assholes like you can’t even understand the words in the immunity decision. Odds are you never even tried to read it.
You're not even a good fiction writer!
Are we in America?
Court ordres are given to members of the executive branch, whether it's the federal bureau of prisons, the federal Marshalls, the FBI, DOJ, or other agency to carry them out.
Courts have very limited ability to wield power if the person refuses to comply.
Just admit you didn’t read the immunity decision. We all know you did not, in any event.

The President enjoys no immunity for his unofficial acts, and not everything the President does is official. The President is not above the law. But Congress may not criminalize the President’s conduct in carrying out the responsibilities of the Executive Branch under the Constitution. And the system of separated powers designed by theFramers has always demanded an energetic, independent Executive. The President therefore may not be prosecuted for exercising his core constitutional powers, and he is entitled, at a minimum, to a presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts. That immunity appliesequally to all occupants of the Oval Office, regardless of politics, policy, or party

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