Lib Fran Leibowitz suggests Biden “dissolve” the SCOTUS

Not if that candidate either died or withdrew.

Read the rules.
Potato didn’t die. And we all know why he “withdrew.” Those internal Party coups are a bitch.

Are you always this stupid or did you bang your head real hard recently?
Potato didn’t die. And we all know why he “withdrew.” Those internal Party coups are a bitch.
And when a candidate dies or withdraws, then the delegates are free to choose somebody else.

Those are the rules.

You just don't like them.
Are you always this stupid or did you bang your head real hard recently?

Actually Biden/Harris carried out a classic "statue of liberty play"

While everybody was ganging up on Biden, thinking he was running with the ball, and suddenly they throw the ball to Harris, standing in the clear.
And when a candidate dies or withdraws, then the delegates are free to choose somebody else.

Those are the rules.

You just don't like them.
And when the winning candidate is ousted via a coup, the party honchos tell the “delegates” who the nominee will be.

Obumbler and his cabal ousted Potato via a coup and then also directed who the Party would “nominate:” an incoherent babbling cackling pantload in an otherwise empty suit.
And when the winning candidate is ousted via a coup, the party honchos tell the “delegates” who the nominee will be.
As people have been trying to drive into your single neuron of a brain. The delegates are free to choose whomever they want as a replacement.

They were on video conference, so there was no-one in the room with them to twist their arms.
Shy of someone as Constitutionally ignorant as, say, Donald Trump, no one believes the president has the authority to dissolve the Supreme Court. That includes Fran Liebowitz. That the lot of you are stupid enough to fail to recognize an obvious piece of sarcasm and satire says more about you than it does about Ms Liebowitz.
Her comments are not sarcasm. You obviouly did not see her interview with Bill Maher. You cannot deny she was dead serious!

Ok. So she’s a moron. And ignorant.

The problem is that so is Biden. And he might not realize that he has no such authority or power.
Oh yes he does! The President is a king now, thanks to the SCOTUS Immunity decision. You sleep in the bed you made.
Actually Biden/Harris carried out a classic "statue of liberty play"

While everybody was ganging up on Biden, thinking he was running with the ball, and suddenly they throw the ball to Harris, standing in the clear.
You applaud the Democrats for disdaining democracy.

But your analysis is false.

The brain trust of the Dims imagined that they could continue the charade that Potato was competent to do anything. Clearly, he is not. And if that hadn’t gotten so publicly exposed and so heavily noted, they would still be running him.

Let’s get real. They view their Presidential nominees and mere figureheads anyway. They have always told Potato what to say. Fuck it. They tell him what to think.

And they figure they can do the same with the empty headed cackling clown, Kamalalala.
Oh yes he does! The President is a king now, thanks to the SCOTUS Immunity decision. You sleep in the bed you made.
The president is immune for all presidential acts. And the president can order the treasury to stop paying the supreme court justices.

The irony of the courts is that their power is wielded through the executive branch.
Oh yes he does! The President is a king now, thanks to the SCOTUS Immunity decision. You sleep in the bed you made.
Morons like you are told what to say and what to think. Some gasbag liberals tell you to maintain that the immunity decision is “bad,” so ignorant twerps like you mindlessly invoke that Chant.

They tell you (with complete dishonest) that the immunity decision makes a President a “King.” Mindless drones like you don’t question it — and you morons lack the ability to see for yourself that it’s not true.

It isn’t true. But you are a mindless twerp drone ignorantly repeating what you’ve been told to say.
Let’s get real. They view their Presidential nominees and mere figureheads anyway. They have always told Potato what to say. Fuck it. They tell him what to think.

Who is "they", who are now more powerful than the most powerful man on earth.
Morons like you are told what to say and what to think. Some gasbag liberals tell you to maintain that the immunity decision is “bad,” so ignorant twerps like you mindlessly invoke that Chant.
Actually the immunity decision was crap. Nowhere is immunity granted by the constitution. And this goes way beyond mere sovereign immunity.

As was asked, it gives the president the power to send seal team six, to assassinate his political rivals, without consequence.
As people have been trying to drive into your single neuron of a brain. The delegates are free to choose whomever they want as a replacement.
As intelligent people have tried to explain to you imbeciles, your claim is untrue. The delegates were told who the nominee would be. They baaaaah’ed like good little sheep and the anointed one became the standard bearer.
They were on video conference, so there was no-one in the room with them to twist their arms.

They were told. They submissively complied. And Kamalalala still hasn’t gotten one single vote from the voters to be the Party nominee.
Oh yes he does! The President is a king now, thanks to the SCOTUS Immunity decision. You sleep in the bed you made.
You saying it doesn’t make it true.

As usual, you’re wrong. Brainwashed and stupid, as you are, you accept what you’ve been told to believe.

Assholes like you can’t even understand the words in the immunity decision. Odds are you never even tried to read it.
As intelligent people have tried to explain to you imbeciles, your claim is untrue. The delegates were told who the nominee would be.
And when you were told by many people here that you're an absolute moron, you didn't listen either.

See how that works?
Actually the immunity decision was crap. Nowhere is immunity granted by the constitution. And this goes way beyond mere sovereign immunity.

As was asked, it gives the president the power to send seal team six, to assassinate his political rivals, without consequence.
Clearly, like many of your brother and sister libtards, you are incapable of understanding the immunity decision.

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