Lib school delays middle school election results bc too many whites won

"A handful of people who we'll say are all politically 'liberal' because why not do something dumb = ALL liberals are the most racist people on earth!"

The utter fucking stupidity from this forum's right wingers astounds me. Every single one of them is an idiot. Without exception.

Yet you support what this middle school did because the results aren't what they wanted.
I support it? Really? Care to quote the post in which I said that?
You called those who opposed it idiots every single one of them without exception.
"A handful of people who we'll say are all politically 'liberal' because why not do something dumb = ALL liberals are the most racist people on earth!"

The utter fucking stupidity from this forum's right wingers astounds me. Every single one of them is an idiot. Without exception.

Yet you support what this middle school did because the results aren't what they wanted.
I support it? Really? Care to quote the post in which I said that?
You called those who opposed it idiots every single one of them without exception.
No I did not. Learn to fucking read. I called this forum's conservatives idiots, and they continue to prove me right.

Unless you're claiming only conservatives disagree with this. Good luck proving that.
"A handful of people who we'll say are all politically 'liberal' because why not do something dumb = ALL liberals are the most racist people on earth!"

The utter fucking stupidity from this forum's right wingers astounds me. Every single one of them is an idiot. Without exception.

Yet you support what this middle school did because the results aren't what they wanted.
I support it? Really? Care to quote the post in which I said that?
You called those who opposed it idiots every single one of them without exception.
No I did not. Learn to fucking read. I called this forum's conservatives idiots, and they continue to prove me right.

Unless you're claiming only conservatives disagree with this. Good luck proving that.

Sure genius.
It was the white part of Obama that won, didn't you know that? LOL boy oh boy, the racist talk and interest confirms one thing, you can keep the chickens berating the darker chickens so the fox can leave the pen with the loot. If racists were anymore blind swamp land would be the next bubble.

"Let's start with an open secret: Republicans rely on racial entreaties to help win elections. In 2010, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, Michael Steele, acknowledged that "for the last 40-plus years we had a 'Southern Strategy' that alienated many minority voters by focusing on the white male vote in the South."! Steele was echoing the remarks of another head of the Republican National Committee, Ken Mehlman. In 2005, he used a speech before the NAACP to admit that his party had exploited racial divisions, and had been wrong to do so. "By the seventies and into the eighties and nineties:' Mehlman said from a prepared text, "Republicans gave up on winning the African American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization. I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong,">

These apologies at once confess to racial pandering and also implicitly promise to sin no more. This is a promise that the GOP will struggle to fulfill, for this party is now essentially defined by race: it is almost exclusively supported by and composed of whites. In the 2012 presidential election, 88 percent of the voters who pulled the lever for the GOP candidate were white.' That means that whites made up roughly nine out of every ten persons who threw in with Mitt Romney. Even more startling, among state-level elected Republican officials nationwide, 98 percent are white." Notwithstanding some prominent minority faces pushed to the fore to suggest otherwise, this is a party of white persons.

Yet this open secret receives surprisingly little attention. From conservatives, there's the occasional mea culpa, but much more typically there's a firm insistence that the GOP does not notice race, followed by the outraged retort that any suggestion otherwise is not only unfounded but a contemptible playing of the race card. From the Democratic Party, there's a resounding silence. Even from liberal commentators there's only murmured objections.... " p 1, 'Dog Whistle Politics: How Coded Racial Appeals Have Reinvented Racism and Wrecked the Middle Class' by Ian Haney López

I suppose since even you realize this woman's asshattery can't be defended you try to change the subject.
Teacher and Minority bash thread. A 2 FER!

I think this is a pretty legitimate story to be discussing. If this had happened at my son's school I'd be pretty upset about it. We wonder why our public schools don't compare to other industrial nations, well, when you have people like this principal in charge is it really that surprising?
"A handful of people who we'll say are all politically 'liberal' because why not do something dumb = ALL liberals are the most racist people on earth!"

The utter fucking stupidity from this forum's right wingers astounds me. Every single one of them is an idiot. Without exception.

Yet you support what this middle school did because the results aren't what they wanted.
I support it? Really? Care to quote the post in which I said that?
You called those who opposed it idiots every single one of them without exception.
No I did not. Learn to fucking read. I called this forum's conservatives idiots, and they continue to prove me right.

Unless you're claiming only conservatives disagree with this. Good luck proving that.

Sure genius.
I accept your concession.
"A handful of people who we'll say are all politically 'liberal' because why not do something dumb = ALL liberals are the most racist people on earth!"

The utter fucking stupidity from this forum's right wingers astounds me. Every single one of them is an idiot. Without exception.

Are you claiming that this behavior is NOT representative of liberalism today?

Please explain in what way it is not.
Ah, the old "here, prove this negative" argument.

Not really.

Show that modern liberalism supports diversity of OUTCOME and THOUGHT as opposed to just skin color and you could show that this educator was out of that mainstream.
"A handful of people who we'll say are all politically 'liberal' because why not do something dumb = ALL liberals are the most racist people on earth!"

The utter fucking stupidity from this forum's right wingers astounds me. Every single one of them is an idiot. Without exception.

Yet you support what this middle school did because the results aren't what they wanted.
I support it? Really? Care to quote the post in which I said that?
You called those who opposed it idiots every single one of them without exception.
No I did not. Learn to fucking read. I called this forum's conservatives idiots, and they continue to prove me right.

Unless you're claiming only conservatives disagree with this. Good luck proving that.

The libs that have showed up have attacked the conservatives, called them names, ect, but have NOT condemned this woman nor explained how she feel short of lib ideals.
"A handful of people who we'll say are all politically 'liberal' because why not do something dumb = ALL liberals are the most racist people on earth!"

The utter fucking stupidity from this forum's right wingers astounds me. Every single one of them is an idiot. Without exception.

Yet you support what this middle school did because the results aren't what they wanted.
I support it? Really? Care to quote the post in which I said that?
You called those who opposed it idiots every single one of them without exception.
No I did not. Learn to fucking read. I called this forum's conservatives idiots, and they continue to prove me right.

Unless you're claiming only conservatives disagree with this. Good luck proving that.

The libs that have showed up have attacked the conservatives, called them names, ect, but have NOT condemned this woman nor explained how she feel short of lib ideals.

Kobe says I can't prove he supports what happened. I can prove he didn't say a damn word about opposing it only calling all conservatives idiots.
Yet you support what this middle school did because the results aren't what they wanted.
I support it? Really? Care to quote the post in which I said that?
You called those who opposed it idiots every single one of them without exception.
No I did not. Learn to fucking read. I called this forum's conservatives idiots, and they continue to prove me right.

Unless you're claiming only conservatives disagree with this. Good luck proving that.

The libs that have showed up have attacked the conservatives, called them names, ect, but have NOT condemned this woman nor explained how she feel short of lib ideals.

Kobe says I can't prove he supports what happened. I can prove he didn't say a damn word about opposing it only calling all conservatives idiots.
Nor did I say I supported that. You concocted that all by your lonesome.
I support it? Really? Care to quote the post in which I said that?
You called those who opposed it idiots every single one of them without exception.
No I did not. Learn to fucking read. I called this forum's conservatives idiots, and they continue to prove me right.

Unless you're claiming only conservatives disagree with this. Good luck proving that.

The libs that have showed up have attacked the conservatives, called them names, ect, but have NOT condemned this woman nor explained how she feel short of lib ideals.

Kobe says I can't prove he supports what happened. I can prove he didn't say a damn word about opposing it only calling all conservatives idiots.
Nor did I say I supported that. You concocted that all by your lonesome.

THe obvious thing to do is to show up and denounce this woman and explain why she is NOT representative of your ideology.

But no libs have done that.

You have instead minimized, deflected, counter attacked, ect.

YOur actions demonstrate which side you are on.

Try to be less dishonest.
"A handful of people who we'll say are all politically 'liberal' because why not do something dumb = ALL liberals are the most racist people on earth!"

The utter fucking stupidity from this forum's right wingers astounds me. Every single one of them is an idiot. Without exception.

Are you claiming that this behavior is NOT representative of liberalism today?

Please explain in what way it is not.
Ah, the old "here, prove this negative" argument.

Not really.

Show that modern liberalism supports diversity of OUTCOME and THOUGHT as opposed to just skin color and you could show that this educator was out of that mainstream.
Literally nothing I present would be accepted. I already know this. Why waste my time?
You called those who opposed it idiots every single one of them without exception.
No I did not. Learn to fucking read. I called this forum's conservatives idiots, and they continue to prove me right.

Unless you're claiming only conservatives disagree with this. Good luck proving that.

The libs that have showed up have attacked the conservatives, called them names, ect, but have NOT condemned this woman nor explained how she feel short of lib ideals.

Kobe says I can't prove he supports what happened. I can prove he didn't say a damn word about opposing it only calling all conservatives idiots.
Nor did I say I supported that. You concocted that all by your lonesome.

THe obvious thing to do is to show up and denounce this woman and explain why she is NOT representative of your ideology.

But no libs have done that.

You have instead minimized, deflected, counter attacked, ect.

YOur actions demonstrate which side you are on.

Try to be less dishonest.
Fuck you.
While I don't agree with this woman's actions, I'm curious as to why overt denunciation is required before offering any other opinions; why demanding someone prove a negative is somehow an accepted debate practice here; and why refusal to jump through your pathetic little hoops = tacit approval of this woman's actions. But I already know the answer to all of those, methinks.
S.F. middle school delays election results because winners not diverse enough

Says school is 80% not white, so the results are unnacceptable though the school libs apparently caved after the story went public on how racist these liberal assholes are.

Can you imagine if a school were 80 percent white and non whites won the elections and the school delayed the results saying it wasn't diverse enough? Liberals would CELEBRATE that election result.

Liberals are not only hypocrites, they are by far the biggest racists in our society.
Freaking teachers, what a bunch of losers.
The principle is an overly-sensitive idiot. Not exactly a very good lesson to teach the children of her school.

Actually, might be the most important lesson they have yet learned.

Because that type of thinking is running this country. Right into the ground.
Hopefully the parents yank their kids from the school post haste.
On Thursday, nearly a week after the election, Van Haren sent out an e-mail to parents explaining her decision to withhold the election results.

“This is complex, but as a parent and a principal, I truly believe it behooves us to be thoughtful about our next steps here so that we can have a diverse student council that is truly representative of all voices at Everett,” she wrote,

I feel sorry for this woman's kid and she has no business in the position she is in. Sad situation she made worse by her actions
Middle school elections...that's what some posters have descended to now?

Isn't it great.

The left yells and screams about education.....

But when it comes to's just a Middle School.

You can't make this stuff up.
On Thursday, nearly a week after the election, Van Haren sent out an e-mail to parents explaining her decision to withhold the election results.

“This is complex, but as a parent and a principal, I truly believe it behooves us to be thoughtful about our next steps here so that we can have a diverse student council that is truly representative of all voices at Everett,” she wrote,

I feel sorry for this woman's kid and she has no business in the position she is in. Sad situation she made worse by her actions

She must be a descendant of Earl Warren. He was really good with that kind of "I know best" thinking.

I suspect some of Al "I know what's better for you than you do" Gore's blood runs in her veins too.

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