Liberal Amnesty/Path to Citizenship


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Liberal amnesty and path to citizenship is not the answer to our immigration problem. It fixes nothing but encourages more illegal immigration. Catch and release, amnesty and path to citizenship is the cause of the problem we are having now at the border. All those seeking asylum do not have legit reasons to asylum but if they get in the can stay because we will not look for them and deport them. And they know this. So the problem that the liberals want to fix with amnesty and open borders continue. And GOD help us if they are not stopped at the border.
The cost of amnesties to the American taxpayer is staggering.
According to a study by the Center for Immigration Studies, the total net cost of the IRCA amnesty (the direct and indirect costs of services and benefits to the ex-illegal aliens, minus their tax contributions) after ten years comes to over $78 billion. Why Amnesty Isn't the Solution | Federation for American Immigration Reform
Trump so manages the minds of conservatives today, humanity has gone out the door. Immigration is now the dog whistle of our modern age.

'Many white evangelicals see their religion not as a universal calling but as a heritage that sets them apart.'

'Trump’s Christian Apologists Are Unchristian - Polls show that on immigration, race, and poverty, white evangelical Protestants have surrendered moral judgment and social responsibility.'

Trump’s Christian Apologists Are Unchristian
Says a fake conservative
My conservatism has been shown by hundreds of OPs and over 26,000 posts, for 5 years in this forum. Your laughable comments aren't squat next to that.

And you don't even HAVE a political identity. That's how fake you are.
Right. Ask him his views on rent control.
Or Muslims masquerading as a religion.. Or immigration. Or affirmative action. Or abortion. Or gun-free zones. Or CCW. Or queers.

But talk idiocy if your really must. No law against it.
And yes, I'm for a little rent control when increases are extreme. And I'm one of the most conservative posters in this forum. Clearly. And you're one of the dumbest. :badgrin:
Right. Ask him his views on rent control.
Or Muslims masquerading as a religion.. Or immigration. Or affirmative action. Or abortion. Or gun-free zones. Or CCW. Or queers.

But talk idiocy if your really must. No law against it.
And yes, I'm for a little rent control when increases are extreme. And I'm one of the most conservative posters in this forum. Clearly. And you're one of the dumbest. :badgrin:

You conflate authoritarianism with conservatism. Most liberals do.
Liberal amnesty and path to citizenship is not the answer to our immigration problem. It fixes nothing but encourages more illegal immigration. Catch and release, amnesty and path to citizenship is the cause of the problem we are having now at the border. All those seeking asylum do not have legit reasons to asylum but if they get in the can stay because we will not look for them and deport them. And they know this. So the problem that the liberals want to fix with amnesty and open borders continue. And GOD help us if they are not stopped at the border.
The cost of amnesties to the American taxpayer is staggering.
According to a study by the Center for Immigration Studies, the total net cost of the IRCA amnesty (the direct and indirect costs of services and benefits to the ex-illegal aliens, minus their tax contributions) after ten years comes to over $78 billion. Why Amnesty Isn't the Solution | Federation for American Immigration Reform

How many illegal aliens are in the US?
Trump so manages the minds of conservatives today, humanity has gone out the door. Immigration is now the dog whistle of our modern age.

'Many white evangelicals see their religion not as a universal calling but as a heritage that sets them apart.'

'Trump’s Christian Apologists Are Unchristian - Polls show that on immigration, race, and poverty, white evangelical Protestants have surrendered moral judgment and social responsibility.'

Trump’s Christian Apologists Are Unchristian

The “Frontline” episode about Hate in America essentially confirms what you just said.
You conflate authoritarianism with conservatism. Most liberals do.
You just talk idiocy and bullshit. The conservatives in this forum know my politics. They seen my OPs and posts. You being a jerk doesn't change anything. And you don't have any politics. You're a non entity.
Right. Ask him his views on rent control.
Or Muslims masquerading as a religion.. Or immigration. Or affirmative action. Or abortion. Or gun-free zones. Or CCW. Or queers.

But talk idiocy if your really must. No law against it.
And yes, I'm for a little rent control when increases are extreme. And I'm one of the most conservative posters in this forum. Clearly. And you're one of the dumbest. :badgrin:
Baby steps man, baby steps.
The “Frontline” episode about Hate in America essentially confirms what you just said.
THIS is "HATE in America" >>

Right. Ask him his views on rent control.
Or Muslims masquerading as a religion.. Or immigration. Or affirmative action. Or abortion. Or gun-free zones. Or CCW. Or queers.

But talk idiocy if your really must. No law against it.
And yes, I'm for a little rent control when increases are extreme. And I'm one of the most conservative posters in this forum. Clearly. And you're one of the dumbest. :badgrin:

You conflate authoritarianism with conservatism. Most liberals do.
But only because they go hand in hand.

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