Liberal And Rino Panic: Donald Trump to Meet with Families of Victims of Illegal Immigrants


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
The way you beat a bully is to not back down and shove it back in their face. That’s why Trump is riding high in the polls. The American people are hungry for leaders who will tell it like it is. He certainly has the people of this country talking about illegal immigration. The elites are pissed because The Donald is defying them and fighting back against their attacks.

http://www.breThe way
GO trump go!!!! President Trump!!!!

Show these traitors for who they're and get the fucking illegals out of America. About time for someone to speak it how it is!
He keeps rising in the polls because people want these third world savages the fuck out of our country1!!!!!

Go trump!
He keeps rising in the polls because people want these third world savages the fuck out of our country1!!!!!

Go trump!

The other GOP candidates keep chastising him, they should be taking his example. The people want the vermin deported
I am so glad to have Trump in the race, just because he is not a Chicken Shit Politician. I don't know that I would vote for him, but it is so refreshing to have one of these son-of-a-bitches tell the truth as he sees it.

Best set of balls since Margaret Thatcher.*

* I hope this doesn't get me a ticket from the Homosexual Political Correctness Police. I don't see how it would, but you really never know these days.
"Liberal and RINO panic?"

Has Steve McGarrett said anything about any candidate that won anything nationally in the last 10 years?
Trump tells it like it is. Media don't like it. Just like the NYT Best Seller list shunned Cruz book.. and Levin's too.

"Liberal and RINO panic?"

Has Steve McGarrett said anything about any candidate that won anything nationally in the last 10 years?

Have "moderate" republicrats won anything in the last 10 years?
I didn't think Trump was a serious candidate, but I'm starting to believe he is as sick of these patronizing, pandering, bullshit spewing political whores as most people are.

I'd be willing to bet that millions of people who've never voted before will come out in droves to vote for the guy because he simply doesn't give a shit who is offended when he talks.

They might not even agree with him on everything, but the fact that he isn't kissing the asses of retarded PC thugs is refreshing to a lot of people I know who are disconnected with politics because of the bullshit.

Right. Because the only choices are "moderate" and "racist."



Liberal horse shit.

You're not a racist just because you don't kiss people's asses and suck up to bed wetters who don't have any real principles if they aren't trendy.

You nutters should prove you support Drumpf.

You know he won't get the nomination so you should get off your fat, entitled butts and mount an all out grass roots movement to get him to run as a Trump-O-Crat.

And if he won't do that, get others to write him him.

Oh, and remember how he and Palin shared a slice in NYC? They seemed to be birds of a feather ... Surely, there's a place for her in his campaign. Then, when he wins, she could hold an office in his admin.

C'mon - get your fat butts in gear and make it happen.

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