Liberal Boycott of a Restaurant Fails Once Again. LOL This is CLASSIC!!!

Liberals have unjustly attacked and through their threats of violence forced a pizzeria to shut down. A fund was established to support these innocent people. The goal was $25K

Support Memories Pizza Fund Raises 35 000 in Just Four Hours - Cortney O Brien

In just one day it is now over $100K! Give it a week and more publicity and it will be over $1 mil in no time! When the inevitable liberal mind goes onto the next faux outrage, these people will be able to expand their establish and will have developed a loyal and far reaching clientele!

How does it make you liberals feel knowing you made this man and his daughter millionaires that have increased their clientele 1000 fold overnight?

When conservatives unit, liberals always lose. Since most conservatives are generous, caring and support in Christian values (I support Christian values even though I am a Jew).

I donated to their cause and I think everyone here should also!

So people are getting suckered into giving these people their money. It won't help them open their business back up so they can discriminate against gays. Funny thing about all of this is that they probably never would have been confronted with having to actually make that decision as wedding parties rarely have pizza for dinner, especially in such a small town. But no, the owner had to be a dick and open up his mouth about how he chose to be heterosexual and would refuse to service any homosexual. He got what he deserved.

How are they being "suckered"? They know EXACTLY what the donations are for, and they're choosing to make them of their own free will, for their own motivations.
Seems you lack the ability to grasp reality, the pizza place is taking charity!

Liberals have unjustly attacked and through their threats of violence forced a pizzeria to shut down. A fund was established to support these innocent people. The goal was $25K

Support Memories Pizza Fund Raises 35 000 in Just Four Hours - Cortney O Brien

In just one day it is now over $100K! Give it a week and more publicity and it will be over $1 mil in no time! When the inevitable liberal mind goes onto the next faux outrage, these people will be able to expand their establish and will have developed a loyal and far reaching clientele!

How does it make you liberals feel knowing you made this man and his daughter millionaires that have increased their clientele 1000 fold overnight?

When conservatives unit, liberals always lose. Since most conservatives are generous, caring and support in Christian values (I support Christian values even though I am a Jew).

I donated to their cause and I think everyone here should also!

Ya they took a hand out. It's difficult for those like you to understand the truth. Stay in denial. It looks horrible on you. Like the Emperor's
new clothes.

Freeloaders looking for a handout

Why don't you put dark sunglasses on them and hand them a cup?

I know you are talking tongue and cheek, because a red herring it all that can make you feel good about know this liberal crusade backfired rather rapidly.

They asked for nothing. As small business owners, their hard-work, risk and sacrifice is what provided for them and it was unjustly taken away by small-minded intolerant hypocrites. Second, this fund wasn't started by them, rather it was started by a third party that didn't want to see them being kicked around!

Third, did you donate yet? I would think a justice crusader like you would support the little guy being attacked by intolerant bullies!

Conservatives have no problem with REAL charity. We just reject your lazy, leftist faux charity via government redistribution. This is why we make more charitable donations than you do.
They are still sucking off the teat of charity and handouts if they take it. Right!
Despise them. They are loafers. They couldn't make it on their own.

If the owner had any integrity most of this money would be publicly given to a charity in need.

Why would the owner need to demonstrate integrity? Did he set up the fund? Did he ask the reporter to come to his business? The owner didn't instigate any of the events leading up to the money in this fund.
What kind of fucking cop out is that? Is this man a god damn "Christian" or a run of the mill get rich quick recipient?
Your need to insult the fags among us has clouded your fucking judgment
I can't think of anything about being a Christian that requires him to give the money away.

They did just fine until the Leftist Gestapo targeted them, so your attack leaves me unmoved.
Liberals have unjustly attacked and through their threats of violence forced a pizzeria to shut down. A fund was established to support these innocent people. The goal was $25K

Support Memories Pizza Fund Raises 35 000 in Just Four Hours - Cortney O Brien

In just one day it is now over $100K! Give it a week and more publicity and it will be over $1 mil in no time! When the inevitable liberal mind goes onto the next faux outrage, these people will be able to expand their establish and will have developed a loyal and far reaching clientele!

How does it make you liberals feel knowing you made this man and his daughter millionaires that have increased their clientele 1000 fold overnight?

When conservatives unit, liberals always lose. Since most conservatives are generous, caring and support in Christian values (I support Christian values even though I am a Jew).

I donated to their cause and I think everyone here should also!
Thank you for showing how the Right-Wing sheep are manipulated by the Right-Wing media.

These pizza owners have played you all for fools and will be able to retire by just saying the right words to make wingnut heads explode: "Liberals are attacking me!!!!"


Why don't you attack some nice Muslims? I'm sure your death threats would go over well with them....

HIDDEN CAMERA Gay Wedding Cake At Muslim Bakeries
First things first. Let's see if we can get the Christians to grow up, which they won't.


They like muslims because muslims hate Christians.


And America. Hating America is always a winner with leftists.
You gotta admit -- it's a lotta money flowing from an O'bama economy that up until yesterday had us all digging in the dumpster for dog food cans.

It's their money. They can do what they want with it. I don't care. I'm just trying to figure out how they think it might make a difference to anybody other than the recipients.

Sure is irritating the left wing nutters on this board.

Aggravating? No. Confusing? Sure. That's nothing new though. Right wingers behavior is often bizarre and confusing.

How is it confusing, a small business was threatened by violence and was being bullied because the owners opinion was different than others and all they did was speak an opinion. They didn't break a law, they didn't harm anyone, they had a different opinion than others. What is confusing is why people would be so upset that they would threaten violence for a different opinion.

What is confusing is why are so many are so upset because of someone else's opinion and why is it so important to them for everyone to agree and accept their opinion. It makes no sense. If their was a group that was supporting ideals that I'm offended by, I would stop frequenting them. I wouldn't threaten violence.

To be that upset over a difference of opinion, shows me someone is insecure in their position and themselves.

I never advocated violence, but I suggest you ask anti abortion protesters, or a lot of the right wingers here why they think violence is a good thing.

Don't even try it on, fucknut. Prolife protesters don't advocate violence, and are the first ones to denounce any whacko who steps over that line. This is in direct contradistinction to leftists, who applaud violence and looting for their causes, and write reams of approving articles, op eds, and Internet posts supporting it.
Sure is irritating the left wing nutters on this board.

Aggravating? No. Confusing? Sure. That's nothing new though. Right wingers behavior is often bizarre and confusing.

How is it confusing, a small business was threatened by violence and was being bullied because the owners opinion was different than others and all they did was speak an opinion. They didn't break a law, they didn't harm anyone, they had a different opinion than others. What is confusing is why people would be so upset that they would threaten violence for a different opinion.

What is confusing is why are so many are so upset because of someone else's opinion and why is it so important to them for everyone to agree and accept their opinion. It makes no sense. If their was a group that was supporting ideals that I'm offended by, I would stop frequenting them. I wouldn't threaten violence.

To be that upset over a difference of opinion, shows me someone is insecure in their position and themselves.

I never advocated violence, but I suggest you ask anti abortion protesters, or a lot of the right wingers here why they think violence is a good thing.

I don't advocate violence either.

You said you were confused, I just told you the reasoning, I never said or suggested you were violent.

Those that bullied the pizza parlor threatened violence. That is all, and others, instead of reacting in violence, donated to the pizza parlor owner.

So a bunch of bigots donating money to make a specific bigot rich is your idea of combatting violence? Like I said, that's confusing.

Well, you probably thought that the way to combat violence was for the President and Al Sharpton and their cohorts to make public speeches excluding looting and burning and beating people up. So it's obvious that you're confused a lot.
Really? You really believe this post has value? As satire it has no value, as truth it has no relation to truth, and as humor, not even of the gallows variety. It is garbage, doesn't even qualify as an ad hominem. In fact is accomplishes only one fact for all to see, you're a mega-bigot and a detestable person.

Yawn , shut the hell up. Idiot

No! Need a tissue?

An educated person would counter my post with a rebuttal, that the only tool in your possession is a childish ad hominem is sad. Feel free to continue to post worthless hate filled stuff, it provides more evidence that your side of the aisle is fueled by ignorance and hate; stuff which cannot be defended and has no substance or relationship to reality. Take drugs, they might make you a better person,. can't counter her with facts or logic. She will put you on ignore. Ad hominem attacks won't, just facts and logic.

No it's the obnoxious faggots such as you, right winger, paint and others who get put on ignore...................

Yes, facts and logic can be obnoxious to the ignorant. Much easier to ignore and attack.

Well, they say the first step to recovery is to recognize your problem, so I applaud your improvement.
LOL And now the florist the gaystapo picked on GoFundMe account is picking up steam...

Now an older donation fund for a little old lady who owns a florist shop is going through the roof. She's a 70-year old granny who got sued by gays, because due to her Christian beliefs, she declined to make flower arrangements for their same-sex wedding. She's in danger of losing her home, her business, and her savings over this.

The fund that a friend set up for her is a month old, and it's gotten more donations in the last 2 days than it did for the rest of the month.

Help Barronelle Arlene s Flowers by Tom Savage - GoFundMe
I don't advocate violence either.

You said you were confused, I just told you the reasoning, I never said or suggested you were violent.

Those that bullied the pizza parlor threatened violence. That is all, and others, instead of reacting in violence, donated to the pizza parlor owner.

So a bunch of bigots donating money to make a specific bigot rich is your idea of combatting violence? Like I said, that's confusing.

Your reading comprehension is really bad. Bigots threatened violence and tried to bully a pizza parlor owner for having a different opinion. I do realize liberals are not as liberal in giving money but to conservatives, giving is very much a part of them.

It's your money. Give what you want to who you want. I just haven't figured out your reason in this case. Do you think it will accomplish anything?

I didn't donate to them, but I understand why they are getting donations. The left wing nutters threatened violence and tried to bully them into agreeing with them. They left wing nazis tried to make them not have a differing opinion. This backlash whether you agree or understand is a backlash about liberal nut jobs forcing their opinions on others. That is a pretty simple reason.

So it's that easy to get right wingers to throw away their money? I'll make a point to remember that.

If you could figure out how to get people to give you money voluntarily, you wouldn't have to keep using the government to rob them.
Let's see how well the business goes forward after they get off the teat of welfare from others.
They cannot survive in free enterprise market with their philosophy of hatred.

They are still sucking off the teat of charity and handouts if they take it. Right!
Despise them. They are loafers. They couldn't make it on their own.

What kind of fucking cop out is that? Is this man a god damn "Christian" or a run of the mill get rich quick recipient?
Your need to insult the fags among us has clouded your fucking judgment
I can't think of anything about being a Christian that requires him to give the money away.

It does my heart good to see you so angry about some Christians you and the queer Mafia tried to destroy getting a little help. The fact that it makes you look so petulant and infantile is just icing on the cake.

Over half a million dollars and no signs of letting up. The libs are stewing in their own juices as yet another ill fated campaign blows up in their faces

You think this bigoted conservatophobe shitstorm you people have stirred up is the free market? Now THAT'S fucking funny.
So a bunch of bigots donating money to make a specific bigot rich is your idea of combatting violence? Like I said, that's confusing.

Your reading comprehension is really bad. Bigots threatened violence and tried to bully a pizza parlor owner for having a different opinion. I do realize liberals are not as liberal in giving money but to conservatives, giving is very much a part of them.

It's your money. Give what you want to who you want. I just haven't figured out your reason in this case. Do you think it will accomplish anything?

I didn't donate to them, but I understand why they are getting donations. The left wing nutters threatened violence and tried to bully them into agreeing with them. They left wing nazis tried to make them not have a differing opinion. This backlash whether you agree or understand is a backlash about liberal nut jobs forcing their opinions on others. That is a pretty simple reason.

So it's that easy to get right wingers to throw away their money? I'll make a point to remember that.

If you could figure out how to get people to give you money voluntarily, you wouldn't have to keep using the government to rob them.
Easy, all we have to do is have the government say how much it hates Faggots. You guys will jump to its defense, with your checkbooks.
Ya they took a hand out. It's difficult for those like you to understand the truth. Stay in denial. It looks horrible on you. Like the Emperor's
new clothes.

Freeloaders looking for a handout

Why don't you put dark sunglasses on them and hand them a cup?

I know you are talking tongue and cheek, because a red herring it all that can make you feel good about know this liberal crusade backfired rather rapidly.

They asked for nothing. As small business owners, their hard-work, risk and sacrifice is what provided for them and it was unjustly taken away by small-minded intolerant hypocrites. Second, this fund wasn't started by them, rather it was started by a third party that didn't want to see them being kicked around!

Third, did you donate yet? I would think a justice crusader like you would support the little guy being attacked by intolerant bullies!

Conservatives have no problem with REAL charity. We just reject your lazy, leftist faux charity via government redistribution. This is why we make more charitable donations than you do.
Yes...this was a real charity. Give more please.
However, dyke reporter Alix Bryan who is employed by CBS 6 out of Richmond Va decided to report the memories pizza gofundme for fraud "just in case".


The result is that her employer is faced with shitstorm of complaints, remain to see what they're going to do about it.

Dying to hear her reasoning as to how this is "fraud".
Liberals have unjustly attacked and through their threats of violence forced a pizzeria to shut down. A fund was established to support these innocent people. The goal was $25K

Support Memories Pizza Fund Raises 35 000 in Just Four Hours - Cortney O Brien

In just one day it is now over $100K! Give it a week and more publicity and it will be over $1 mil in no time! When the inevitable liberal mind goes onto the next faux outrage, these people will be able to expand their establish and will have developed a loyal and far reaching clientele!

How does it make you liberals feel knowing you made this man and his daughter millionaires that have increased their clientele 1000 fold overnight?

When conservatives unit, liberals always lose. Since most conservatives are generous, caring and support in Christian values (I support Christian values even though I am a Jew).

I donated to their cause and I think everyone here should also!

So people are getting suckered into giving these people their money. It won't help them open their business back up so they can discriminate against gays. Funny thing about all of this is that they probably never would have been confronted with having to actually make that decision as wedding parties rarely have pizza for dinner, especially in such a small town. But no, the owner had to be a dick and open up his mouth about how he chose to be heterosexual and would refuse to service any homosexual. He got what he deserved.

How are they being "suckered"? They know EXACTLY what the donations are for, and they're choosing to make them of their own free will, for their own motivations.
The motivation was, as usual, hatred. Bigot Bucks from Stupid Fucks.
However, dyke reporter Alix Bryan who is employed by CBS 6 out of Richmond Va decided to report the memories pizza gofundme for fraud "just in case".


The result is that her employer is faced with shitstorm of complaints, remain to see what they're going to do about it.

Dying to hear her reasoning as to how this is "fraud".

There is thread going on right now... LINK
So a pizza parlor came out and declared they would not service Gay weddings. Like who serves pizza at a wedding? Anyway, if they are going to limit their customers, why should I subsidize their dumb move? What difference does a person's sexual preference have to do with them? Not a thing! They don't have a horse in that race if they are straight. Leave people alone! The people who are sending them money are saps.

If you're going to make a judgment on someone else, it's going to come back on you two fold! Small minds...small people.

It was a reporter that came into the business and asked the question, the results of answering a hypothetical question resulted in threats of violence and some people said enough is enough. Those that made threats of violence should be ashamed of themselves.
Thank you for the info. But, if you have a business, you just can't be so judgmental. Granted, those who threatened violence were wrong.

Sure you can. Depending on who and what you're judging, and who your customer base is, you might even be successful. But that's really for the business owner to decide and live with, isn't it? It's not for a bunch of leftist bullies to decide for them.
So a pizza parlor came out and declared they would not service Gay weddings. Like who serves pizza at a wedding? Anyway, if they are going to limit their customers, why should I subsidize their dumb move? What difference does a person's sexual preference have to do with them? Not a thing! They don't have a horse in that race if they are straight. Leave people alone! The people who are sending them money are saps.

If you're going to make a judgment on someone else, it's going to come back on you two fold! Small minds...small people.

It was a reporter that came into the business and asked the question, the results of answering a hypothetical question resulted in threats of violence and some people said enough is enough. Those that made threats of violence should be ashamed of themselves.
Thank you for the info. But, if you have a business, you just can't be so judgmental. Granted, those who threatened violence were wrong.

Sure you can. Depending on who and what you're judging, and who your customer base is, you might even be successful. But that's really for the business owner to decide and live with, isn't it? It's not for a bunch of leftist bullies to decide for them.
Leftist bullies didn't change this law to protect the gays, the elected officials of Indiana did. Tale your anger and hatred up with them.
So a pizza parlor came out and declared they would not service Gay weddings. Like who serves pizza at a wedding? Anyway, if they are going to limit their customers, why should I subsidize their dumb move? What difference does a person's sexual preference have to do with them? Not a thing! They don't have a horse in that race if they are straight. Leave people alone! The people who are sending them money are saps.

If you're going to make a judgment on someone else, it's going to come back on you two fold! Small minds...small people.

More confusion by Moon Bats.

The pizza place did not go out of business because they lost income by not catering to gay weddings. There was never any revenue source from that activity that they lost.

They went out of business because of harassment from the filthy ass homosexual community and their Libtard buddies. They were harassed because they stated a religious conviction. Here in the US you suppose to have freedom of religion but the Liberals don't understand that.

The out pouring of money by Americans to those people had nothing to do with subsidizing a bad business model. It was to fight the bullying of the homosexuals.

You Liberals didn't understand this when there was tremendous support for Chick Fil A and Hobby Lobby and you don't understand it now. You never will get it.

If there are any small minds in this it is the filthy ass homosexual community that thinks they can bully the American people.

Leftists are incapable of using the phrase "free market" correctly in a sentence, because they have no clue what it means.
So a pizza parlor came out and declared they would not service Gay weddings. Like who serves pizza at a wedding? Anyway, if they are going to limit their customers, why should I subsidize their dumb move? What difference does a person's sexual preference have to do with them? Not a thing! They don't have a horse in that race if they are straight. Leave people alone! The people who are sending them money are saps.

If you're going to make a judgment on someone else, it's going to come back on you two fold! Small minds...small people.

More confusion by Moon Bats.

The pizza place did not go out of business because they lost income by not catering to gay weddings. There was never any revenue source from that activity that they lost.

They went out of business because of harassment from the filthy ass homosexual community and their Libtard buddies. They were harassed because they stated a religious conviction. Here in the US you suppose to have freedom of religion but the Liberals don't understand that.

The out pouring of money by Americans to those people had nothing to do with subsidizing a bad business model. It was to fight the bullying of the homosexuals.

You Liberals didn't understand this when there was tremendous support for Chick Fil A and Hobby Lobby and you don't understand it now. You never will get it.

If there are any small minds in this it is the filthy ass homosexual community that thinks they can bully the American people.

Number one. I am a conservative. Certainly we have religious freedom and the pizza parlor had a right to decide who their customers were according to the Bible. What I am saying, it was a poor business plan. It invites a backlash which did happen and finally made them close their store.

Certainly the outpouring of support was nice, but even that sum of money won't make them rich for long. A successful business was a more stable income.

It wasn't a business plan, numskull. How many times do you have to be told that?
Any time you make decisions such as they did, it becomes part of their business plan.
What "decision" did they make?

Talking to a leftist reporter. Always a bad choice.

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