Liberal Boycott of a Restaurant Fails Once Again. LOL This is CLASSIC!!!

It's their money. They can do what they want with it. I don't care. I'm just trying to figure out how they think it might make a difference to anybody other than the recipients.

Sure is irritating the left wing nutters on this board.

Aggravating? No. Confusing? Sure. That's nothing new though. Right wingers behavior is often bizarre and confusing.

How is it confusing, a small business was threatened by violence and was being bullied because the owners opinion was different than others and all they did was speak an opinion. They didn't break a law, they didn't harm anyone, they had a different opinion than others. What is confusing is why people would be so upset that they would threaten violence for a different opinion.

What is confusing is why are so many are so upset because of someone else's opinion and why is it so important to them for everyone to agree and accept their opinion. It makes no sense. If their was a group that was supporting ideals that I'm offended by, I would stop frequenting them. I wouldn't threaten violence.

To be that upset over a difference of opinion, shows me someone is insecure in their position and themselves.

I never advocated violence, but I suggest you ask anti abortion protesters, or a lot of the right wingers here why they think violence is a good thing.

Don't even try it on, fucknut. Prolife protesters don't advocate violence, and are the first ones to denounce any whacko who steps over that line. This is in direct contradistinction to leftists, who applaud violence and looting for their causes, and write reams of approving articles, op eds, and Internet posts supporting it.

Aren't you supposed to do some sort of hand gesture when you try that old Jedi mind trick and try to make me believe all the false stuff you just said?

Look at the Democrats on parade.

Would just like to point out that the KKK was born in the south and based on southern principles of the time.

Considering the voting trends of the states in recent decades, I'd say the Republicans get to claim to be the party of the offspring of this group. At the very least, the two parties can share them. Or, if you're up for playing a game of risk, you can just let the current KKK choose which party they want to back.

Spoilers: It's not Obama's party. :wink_2:

I'd say you are full of shit. Obama is a Democrat, and they were Democrats.

They were social conservatives, and the current GOP are social conservatives. No point in fighting it. Logic is on my side. But keep in mind I wasn't trying to convince you of anything, just trying to be informative to the others here on the off chance they believe the, eh..interesting positions you hold.

EVERYONE back then was a social conservative compared to today's Democrat Party. That's not a high bar to clear.

You wouldn't know logic if it crawled up your pants leg and bit you on the left ass cheek.
Sure is irritating the left wing nutters on this board.

Aggravating? No. Confusing? Sure. That's nothing new though. Right wingers behavior is often bizarre and confusing.

How is it confusing, a small business was threatened by violence and was being bullied because the owners opinion was different than others and all they did was speak an opinion. They didn't break a law, they didn't harm anyone, they had a different opinion than others. What is confusing is why people would be so upset that they would threaten violence for a different opinion.

What is confusing is why are so many are so upset because of someone else's opinion and why is it so important to them for everyone to agree and accept their opinion. It makes no sense. If their was a group that was supporting ideals that I'm offended by, I would stop frequenting them. I wouldn't threaten violence.

To be that upset over a difference of opinion, shows me someone is insecure in their position and themselves.

I never advocated violence, but I suggest you ask anti abortion protesters, or a lot of the right wingers here why they think violence is a good thing.

Don't even try it on, fucknut. Prolife protesters don't advocate violence, and are the first ones to denounce any whacko who steps over that line. This is in direct contradistinction to leftists, who applaud violence and looting for their causes, and write reams of approving articles, op eds, and Internet posts supporting it.

Aren't you supposed to do some sort of hand gesture when you try that old Jedi mind trick and try to make me believe all the false stuff you just said?

I state facts. I wouldn't touch your peabrain even with Jedi powers.
So a pizza parlor came out and declared they would not service Gay weddings. Like who serves pizza at a wedding? Anyway, if they are going to limit their customers, why should I subsidize their dumb move? What difference does a person's sexual preference have to do with them? Not a thing! They don't have a horse in that race if they are straight. Leave people alone! The people who are sending them money are saps.

If you're going to make a judgment on someone else, it's going to come back on you two fold! Small minds...small people.

More confusion by Moon Bats.

The pizza place did not go out of business because they lost income by not catering to gay weddings. There was never any revenue source from that activity that they lost.

They went out of business because of harassment from the filthy ass homosexual community and their Libtard buddies. They were harassed because they stated a religious conviction. Here in the US you suppose to have freedom of religion but the Liberals don't understand that.

The out pouring of money by Americans to those people had nothing to do with subsidizing a bad business model. It was to fight the bullying of the homosexuals.

You Liberals didn't understand this when there was tremendous support for Chick Fil A and Hobby Lobby and you don't understand it now. You never will get it.

If there are any small minds in this it is the filthy ass homosexual community that thinks they can bully the American people.

Leftists are incapable of using the phrase "free market" correctly in a sentence, because they have no clue what it means.
This is the free market of ideas. The free market of our economy is regulated, for good reason. It's filled with morons like these pizza people who somehow believe what they do for a living is serving God, not customers. They are mistaken.
Aggravating? No. Confusing? Sure. That's nothing new though. Right wingers behavior is often bizarre and confusing.

How is it confusing, a small business was threatened by violence and was being bullied because the owners opinion was different than others and all they did was speak an opinion. They didn't break a law, they didn't harm anyone, they had a different opinion than others. What is confusing is why people would be so upset that they would threaten violence for a different opinion.

What is confusing is why are so many are so upset because of someone else's opinion and why is it so important to them for everyone to agree and accept their opinion. It makes no sense. If their was a group that was supporting ideals that I'm offended by, I would stop frequenting them. I wouldn't threaten violence.

To be that upset over a difference of opinion, shows me someone is insecure in their position and themselves.

I never advocated violence, but I suggest you ask anti abortion protesters, or a lot of the right wingers here why they think violence is a good thing.

Don't even try it on, fucknut. Prolife protesters don't advocate violence, and are the first ones to denounce any whacko who steps over that line. This is in direct contradistinction to leftists, who applaud violence and looting for their causes, and write reams of approving articles, op eds, and Internet posts supporting it.

Aren't you supposed to do some sort of hand gesture when you try that old Jedi mind trick and try to make me believe all the false stuff you just said?

I state facts. I wouldn't touch your peabrain even with Jedi powers.

The liberal establishment: you'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

(Speaking to an outraged liberal) These aren't the bigots you're looking for... move along, move along.
How is it confusing, a small business was threatened by violence and was being bullied because the owners opinion was different than others and all they did was speak an opinion. They didn't break a law, they didn't harm anyone, they had a different opinion than others. What is confusing is why people would be so upset that they would threaten violence for a different opinion.

What is confusing is why are so many are so upset because of someone else's opinion and why is it so important to them for everyone to agree and accept their opinion. It makes no sense. If their was a group that was supporting ideals that I'm offended by, I would stop frequenting them. I wouldn't threaten violence.

To be that upset over a difference of opinion, shows me someone is insecure in their position and themselves.

I never advocated violence, but I suggest you ask anti abortion protesters, or a lot of the right wingers here why they think violence is a good thing.

Don't even try it on, fucknut. Prolife protesters don't advocate violence, and are the first ones to denounce any whacko who steps over that line. This is in direct contradistinction to leftists, who applaud violence and looting for their causes, and write reams of approving articles, op eds, and Internet posts supporting it.

Aren't you supposed to do some sort of hand gesture when you try that old Jedi mind trick and try to make me believe all the false stuff you just said?

I state facts. I wouldn't touch your peabrain even with Jedi powers.

The liberal establishment: you'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

(Speaking to an outraged liberal) These aren't the bigots you're looking for... move along, move along.

You're saying there is a different set of bigots?
Thinking what would happen if pizza place owners donate all money to charity.

libslaunchedintosun.jpeg :D
Sure is irritating the left wing nutters on this board.

Aggravating? No. Confusing? Sure. That's nothing new though. Right wingers behavior is often bizarre and confusing.

How is it confusing, a small business was threatened by violence and was being bullied because the owners opinion was different than others and all they did was speak an opinion. They didn't break a law, they didn't harm anyone, they had a different opinion than others. What is confusing is why people would be so upset that they would threaten violence for a different opinion.

What is confusing is why are so many are so upset because of someone else's opinion and why is it so important to them for everyone to agree and accept their opinion. It makes no sense. If their was a group that was supporting ideals that I'm offended by, I would stop frequenting them. I wouldn't threaten violence.

To be that upset over a difference of opinion, shows me someone is insecure in their position and themselves.

I never advocated violence, but I suggest you ask anti abortion protesters, or a lot of the right wingers here why they think violence is a good thing.

Don't even try it on, fucknut. Prolife protesters don't advocate violence, and are the first ones to denounce any whacko who steps over that line. This is in direct contradistinction to leftists, who applaud violence and looting for their causes, and write reams of approving articles, op eds, and Internet posts supporting it.

Aren't you supposed to do some sort of hand gesture when you try that old Jedi mind trick and try to make me believe all the false stuff you just said?

Point out the false stuff
So a pizza parlor came out and declared they would not service Gay weddings. Like who serves pizza at a wedding? Anyway, if they are going to limit their customers, why should I subsidize their dumb move? What difference does a person's sexual preference have to do with them? Not a thing! They don't have a horse in that race if they are straight. Leave people alone! The people who are sending them money are saps.

If you're going to make a judgment on someone else, it's going to come back on you two fold! Small minds...small people.

More confusion by Moon Bats.

The pizza place did not go out of business because they lost income by not catering to gay weddings. There was never any revenue source from that activity that they lost.

They went out of business because of harassment from the filthy ass homosexual community and their Libtard buddies. They were harassed because they stated a religious conviction. Here in the US you suppose to have freedom of religion but the Liberals don't understand that.

The out pouring of money by Americans to those people had nothing to do with subsidizing a bad business model. It was to fight the bullying of the homosexuals.

You Liberals didn't understand this when there was tremendous support for Chick Fil A and Hobby Lobby and you don't understand it now. You never will get it.

If there are any small minds in this it is the filthy ass homosexual community that thinks they can bully the American people.

Leftists are incapable of using the phrase "free market" correctly in a sentence, because they have no clue what it means.
This is the free market of ideas. The free market of our economy is regulated, for good reason. It's filled with morons like these pizza people who somehow believe what they do for a living is serving God, not customers. They are mistaken.

In your opinion, which we all know is one of a raving loon.

Just sayin
Aggravating? No. Confusing? Sure. That's nothing new though. Right wingers behavior is often bizarre and confusing.

How is it confusing, a small business was threatened by violence and was being bullied because the owners opinion was different than others and all they did was speak an opinion. They didn't break a law, they didn't harm anyone, they had a different opinion than others. What is confusing is why people would be so upset that they would threaten violence for a different opinion.

What is confusing is why are so many are so upset because of someone else's opinion and why is it so important to them for everyone to agree and accept their opinion. It makes no sense. If their was a group that was supporting ideals that I'm offended by, I would stop frequenting them. I wouldn't threaten violence.

To be that upset over a difference of opinion, shows me someone is insecure in their position and themselves.

I never advocated violence, but I suggest you ask anti abortion protesters, or a lot of the right wingers here why they think violence is a good thing.

Don't even try it on, fucknut. Prolife protesters don't advocate violence, and are the first ones to denounce any whacko who steps over that line. This is in direct contradistinction to leftists, who applaud violence and looting for their causes, and write reams of approving articles, op eds, and Internet posts supporting it.

Aren't you supposed to do some sort of hand gesture when you try that old Jedi mind trick and try to make me believe all the false stuff you just said?

Point out the false stuff

Anti-abortion violence - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
So a bunch of bigots donating money to make a specific bigot rich is your idea of combatting violence? Like I said, that's confusing.

Your reading comprehension is really bad. Bigots threatened violence and tried to bully a pizza parlor owner for having a different opinion. I do realize liberals are not as liberal in giving money but to conservatives, giving is very much a part of them.

It's your money. Give what you want to who you want. I just haven't figured out your reason in this case. Do you think it will accomplish anything?

I didn't donate to them, but I understand why they are getting donations. The left wing nutters threatened violence and tried to bully them into agreeing with them. They left wing nazis tried to make them not have a differing opinion. This backlash whether you agree or understand is a backlash about liberal nut jobs forcing their opinions on others. That is a pretty simple reason.

So it's that easy to get right wingers to throw away their money? I'll make a point to remember that.

If you could figure out how to get people to give you money voluntarily, you wouldn't have to keep using the government to rob them.

Libturds don't do "voluntary."
The free market of our economy is regulated, for good reason. It's filled with morons like these pizza people who somehow believe what they do for a living is serving God, not customers. They are mistaken.

Most regulations are burdensome, abusive, unnecessary or just a mechanism for the filthy ass bureaucrats to raise taxes or participate in some form of corruption.

Whenever government screws with the free market we all get poorer or have our freedoms taken away. Obamacare is a great example of that.

The morons are the queers and Liberals that got in a hissy fit over a freedom of religion issue that was not even real. Kind of like the Blacks and Libtards getting all bent out of shape with the lie of "hands up don't shoot".
So a pizza parlor came out and declared they would not service Gay weddings. Like who serves pizza at a wedding? Anyway, if they are going to limit their customers, why should I subsidize their dumb move? What difference does a person's sexual preference have to do with them? Not a thing! They don't have a horse in that race if they are straight. Leave people alone! The people who are sending them money are saps.

If you're going to make a judgment on someone else, it's going to come back on you two fold! Small minds...small people.

More confusion by Moon Bats.

The pizza place did not go out of business because they lost income by not catering to gay weddings. There was never any revenue source from that activity that they lost.

They went out of business because of harassment from the filthy ass homosexual community and their Libtard buddies. They were harassed because they stated a religious conviction. Here in the US you suppose to have freedom of religion but the Liberals don't understand that.

The out pouring of money by Americans to those people had nothing to do with subsidizing a bad business model. It was to fight the bullying of the homosexuals.

You Liberals didn't understand this when there was tremendous support for Chick Fil A and Hobby Lobby and you don't understand it now. You never will get it.

If there are any small minds in this it is the filthy ass homosexual community that thinks they can bully the American people.

Leftists are incapable of using the phrase "free market" correctly in a sentence, because they have no clue what it means.
This is the free market of ideas. The free market of our economy is regulated, for good reason. It's filled with morons like these pizza people who somehow believe what they do for a living is serving God, not customers. They are mistaken.
Of course they do. They threaten violence all the time. And they deliver.

Uh -- do dey now?


Can you say, "Ferguson, Missouri"?

Can you read posts posted that already answered your post before you posted it?

Dafuck does "Ferguson, Missouri" have to do with "Liberals" anyway?

Those that burned the businesses, looted and pillaged were.

You really needed it spelled out? You've become a disappointment

Sure as shit wasn't CONSERVATIVES cheering those thugs on and applauding and making excuses for them.

Didn't say it was.

What, you think that's all there is?

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