Liberal Boycott of a Restaurant Fails Once Again. LOL This is CLASSIC!!!

You have no idea what you are talking about here. They lost their customers because they showed hatred and bigotry. Now they are staying alive with the help of others giving them charity. They can't make it on their own now and you come up that lame comment.
Nice try fool!
Probably gained customers there, it's Indiana.

Look at the Democrats on parade.

Historically most KKK members were Democrats. Some even elected to Congress.
Yes, the Dems are well aware that Southern racists used to vote for them, and now they vote for the GOP. Congrats on that.

The other thing you Libtard Democrats conveniently forget is that percentage wise more Republicans voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act than Democrats.
Probably gained customers there, it's Indiana.

Look at the Democrats on parade.

Historically most KKK members were Democrats. Some even elected to Congress.
Yes, the Dems are well aware that Southern racists used to vote for them, and now they vote for the GOP. Congrats on that.

The other thing you Libtard Democrats conveniently forget is that percentage wise more Republicans voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act than Democrats.

Yes, that's correct. Nothing wrong with being open about our history. The GOP used to be great champions of Civil Rights, until they secured the southern voting block and relocated the Republican base down south.
When the northeastern wing of the Republican Party died, the ideals of men like Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt seemed to die with it. Social conservatism took over the GOP.

Here's a pretty good rule of thumb: whichever party the south consistently votes for is the party that will have a 'civil rights' image issue with mainstream America.
Yes, that's correct. Nothing wrong with being open about our history. The GOP used to be great champions of Civil Rights, until they secured the southern voting block and relocated the Republican base down south.
When the northeastern wing of the Republican Party died, the ideals of men like Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt seemed to die with it. Social conservatism took over the GOP.

Here's a pretty good rule of thumb: whichever party the south consistently votes for is the party that will have a 'civil rights' image issue with mainstream America.

Remember that it was a Southern Democrat (LBJ) that came up with his infamous "I'll have those Niggras voting Democrat for the next 100 years" strategy"
Yes, that's correct. Nothing wrong with being open about our history. The GOP used to be great champions of Civil Rights, until they secured the southern voting block and relocated the Republican base down south.
When the northeastern wing of the Republican Party died, the ideals of men like Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt seemed to die with it. Social conservatism took over the GOP.

Here's a pretty good rule of thumb: whichever party the south consistently votes for is the party that will have a 'civil rights' image issue with mainstream America.

Remember that it was a Southern Democrat (LBJ) that came up with his infamous "I'll have those Niggras voting Democrat for the next 100 years" strategy"

Same LBJ who as a Senator voted against Civil Rights Act.
Remember that it was a Southern Democrat (LBJ) that came up with his infamous "I'll have those Niggras voting Democrat for the next 100 years" strategy"

Yep, you're right. That doesn't change the fact that the parties evolved over time to have actually switched its social political positions. The Democratic Party was also the party of 'states government over federal government'. Lincoln and TRoosevelt were two of the most pro-fed gov presidents we've ever had. Things change over time. It's super interesting, when you think about it.
That's why laws are necessary. Because that sort will always subvert the market in favor of their beliefs.
Liberals have unjustly attacked and through their threats of violence forced a pizzeria to shut down. A fund was established to support these innocent people. The goal was $25K

Support Memories Pizza Fund Raises 35 000 in Just Four Hours - Cortney O Brien

In just one day it is now over $100K! Give it a week and more publicity and it will be over $1 mil in no time! When the inevitable liberal mind goes onto the next faux outrage, these people will be able to expand their establish and will have developed a loyal and far reaching clientele!

How does it make you liberals feel knowing you made this man and his daughter millionaires that have increased their clientele 1000 fold overnight?

When conservatives unit, liberals always lose. Since most conservatives are generous, caring and support in Christian values (I support Christian values even though I am a Jew).

I donated to their cause and I think everyone here should also!

Maybe you should donate to the cause of a dictionary. Liberals don't "threaten violence".

Of course they do. They threaten violence all the time. And they deliver.

Uh -- do dey now?


Can you say, "Ferguson, Missouri"?

Can you read posts posted that already answered your post before you posted it?

Dafuck does "Ferguson, Missouri" have to do with "Liberals" anyway?

What is the atmosphere of your planet laced with, LSD?
$28,000 since this thread was started. How about that.
These dollars that make you so happy, all show why gays need protection here.

Stop it, I'm enough drunk now, stop now it.

Not sure I'm understanding the phrase "enough drunk". Does not compute.

I take a shot each time a liberal lies.

At this point I'm worried about alcohol poisoning.

Oh hell I would be pickled .................

Pop is always pickled. I think that's what makes him so frigging hilarious.

Look at the Democrats on parade.

Would just like to point out that the KKK was born in the south and based on southern principles of the time.

Considering the voting trends of the states in recent decades, I'd say the Republicans get to claim to be the party of the offspring of this group. At the very least, the two parties can share them. Or, if you're up for playing a game of risk, you can just let the current KKK choose which party they want to back.

Spoilers: It's not Obama's party. :wink_2:

I'd say you are full of shit. Obama is a Democrat, and they were Democrats.

They were social conservatives, and the current GOP are social conservatives. No point in fighting it. Logic is on my side. But keep in mind I wasn't trying to convince you of anything, just trying to be informative to the others here on the off chance they believe the, eh..interesting positions you hold.

The term "social conservative" in liberal parlance just means a bigot. According to your definition even Wilson was a so-called "social conservative." The bottom line is that they were all Democrats.
Remember that it was a Southern Democrat (LBJ) that came up with his infamous "I'll have those Niggras voting Democrat for the next 100 years" strategy"

Yep, you're right. That doesn't change the fact that the parties evolved over time to have actually switched its social political positions. The Democratic Party was also the party of 'states government over federal government'. Lincoln and TRoosevelt were two of the most pro-fed gov presidents we've ever had. Things change over time. It's super interesting, when you think about it.

I'm going to start a new drinking game where we take a shot every time this ridiculous talking point is spewed.
278k and change.

With that kind of money, they'll barely be able to recoup the loss of this fiasco. Never mind the cost of starting a new business if this one fails.

Do any of you even know how much it costs just to start a business, not including running one? 278k won't cut it.

Talk some more clueless shit buddy, have opened and successfully run 2 business that were set up for a lot less than that and were damn lucrative to the point the were profitable when sold.

But you just keep thinking those poor ole folks are going to be SOL with $300,000 ..................

What an ignorant moron ..................
Well, I guess I can count you out as a liar then. When did you allegedly start and operate these businesses, 1935? What a idiot.

Depends on where you are. You can certainly open a small restaurant in most parts of Tucson for $300,000.
Look at the Democrats on parade.

Historically most KKK members were Democrats. Some even elected to Congress.
Yes, the Dems are well aware that Southern racists used to vote for them, and now they vote for the GOP. Congrats on that.

The other thing you Libtard Democrats conveniently forget is that percentage wise more Republicans voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act than Democrats.

Yes, that's correct. Nothing wrong with being open about our history. The GOP used to be great champions of Civil Rights, until they secured the southern voting block and relocated the Republican base down south.
When the northeastern wing of the Republican Party died, the ideals of men like Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt seemed to die with it. Social conservatism took over the GOP.

Here's a pretty good rule of thumb: whichever party the south consistently votes for is the party that will have a 'civil rights' image issue with mainstream America.

Yes, we kicked all the fascists out of the party. Now they're all Democrats.
These dollars that make you so happy, all show why gays need protection here.

Stop it, I'm enough drunk now, stop now it.

Not sure I'm understanding the phrase "enough drunk". Does not compute.

I take a shot each time a liberal lies.

At this point I'm worried about alcohol poisoning.

Oh hell I would be pickled .................

Pop is always pickled. I think that's what makes him so frigging hilarious.

Maybe you should donate to the cause of a dictionary. Liberals don't "threaten violence".

Of course they do. They threaten violence all the time. And they deliver.

Uh -- do dey now?


Can you say, "Ferguson, Missouri"?

Can you read posts posted that already answered your post before you posted it?

Dafuck does "Ferguson, Missouri" have to do with "Liberals" anyway?

Those that burned the businesses, looted and pillaged were.

You really needed it spelled out? You've become a disappointment

Sure as shit wasn't CONSERVATIVES cheering those thugs on and applauding and making excuses for them.
Remember that it was a Southern Democrat (LBJ) that came up with his infamous "I'll have those Niggras voting Democrat for the next 100 years" strategy"

Yep, you're right. That doesn't change the fact that the parties evolved over time to have actually switched its social political positions. The Democratic Party was also the party of 'states government over federal government'. Lincoln and TRoosevelt were two of the most pro-fed gov presidents we've ever had. Things change over time. It's super interesting, when you think about it.
Hmmmmm, . . . Wrong. the Republican party has never endorsed the racist policies that your party revelled in.
Profiting off of religious beliefs is disgusting imo. This pizza owner has so far made more money in the last twenty four hours off of donations than his entire pizza parlor made in an entire year. Three times as much to be exact.

Now he's talking about "remodeling"
Taking advantage of the generosity of others is ugly.

What's ugly about it? Did the owner trick the reporter into coming to his business?
What's ugly about it is the American people's amazing charity is making one family rich instead of actually helping those in need.

Dude, conservatives already donate tons of money voluntarily to all manner of charitable causes. And it's really none of your business to approve or disapprove of what people feel is worthy of spending their own money on. I loathe hearing self-righteous twaddle about "better spent here". No one's spending their money in the hopes of gaining your approval.
Profiting off of religious beliefs is disgusting imo. This pizza owner has so far made more money in the last twenty four hours off of donations than his entire pizza parlor made in an entire year. Three times as much to be exact.

Now he's talking about "remodeling"
Taking advantage of the generosity of others is ugly.

What's ugly about it? Did the owner trick the reporter into coming to his business?
What's ugly about it is the American people's amazing charity is making one family rich instead of actually helping those in need.

It's sending a message to the queer Gestapo.
Bullshit. It's sending a big bank statement to someone who didn't earn it.

This constant need to make people pay or sue is ridiculous

That's why it's called a "gift". If it's earned, it's called a "salary".
What's ugly about it? Did the owner trick the reporter into coming to his business?
What's ugly about it is the American people's amazing charity is making one family rich instead of actually helping those in need.

It's sending a message to the queer Gestapo.
Bullshit. It's sending a big bank statement to someone who didn't earn it.

This constant need to make people pay or sue is ridiculous

You might want to take up that issue with the queers. They're the ones who are always suing people. Furthermore, no one is being forced to contribute to this fund. You complaints are entirely groundless.

Some fucking "Christian" you are.

You and those like you are the reason I left the faith. It's all bullshit to suit an agenda & fill the coffers.

You weren't much of a Christian, then, because you missed the teaching about looking to God, not to other people.
It's sending a message to the queer Gestapo.
Bullshit. It's sending a big bank statement to someone who didn't earn it.

This constant need to make people pay or sue is ridiculous

You might want to take up that issue with the queers. They're the ones who are always suing people. Furthermore, no one is being forced to contribute to this fund. You complaints are entirely groundless.

Some fucking "Christian" you are.

You and those like you are the reason I left the faith. It's all bullshit to suit an agenda & fill the coffers.

I'm not a Christian. I'm an atheist.

There is simply no basis for attacking this guy. You're having a hissy fit because straight people choose to support him. It's their way of saying "fuck you" to the queers.
Hoping & demanding that this person shows some integrity is not a hissy fit.

Hoping that someone would exercise some good judgment is never a bad thing.

Who elected YOU Grand High Arbiter of Integrity, and when?

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