liberal college professor can't do basic math/etc-afraid of cops

....she says her life ''is more in danger in their presence''' = idiot/very stupid/doesn't know the facts/etc .....same with blacks --you hear it all the time = ''I'm afraid for my son/myself/etc when cops are around'' =IDIOTS!! blacks murder blacks at MUCH MUCH MUCH higher rates
than cops/whites do ---the math-truth is undeniable, so don't try to deny it, or you will look silly ....blacks and this idiot should be more afraid of blacks than cops--DUH

That Kid should have been expelled from school and put on a list that would prevent him from ever attending another school again. Then he can suffer the consequences of poverty and know what it’s like to be a minority.

Despite all that, he still gets to keep his “white card” and will never have to fear of systemic racism and police brutality.

Hopefully the teacher finds a position at a more prestigious College, such as an Ivy League school

God forbid he exercise his First Amendment right
King James describes the 1st amendment best

“Yes, we do have freedom of speech,” James said. “But at times, there are ramifications for the negative that can happen when you’re not thinking about others, when you only think about yourself.”

Lebron added: “So many people could have been harmed, not only financially but physically, emotionally, spiritually. So just be careful what we tweet and what we say and what we do. Even though yes, we do have freedom of speech, it can be a lot of negative that comes with it.”

Only because you don't like it. Fuck off, Fruitcake
Perfect example for when free speech shouldn’t be allowed

....she says her life ''is more in danger in their presence''' = idiot/very stupid/doesn't know the facts/etc .....same with blacks --you hear it all the time = ''I'm afraid for my son/myself/etc when cops are around'' =IDIOTS!! blacks murder blacks at MUCH MUCH MUCH higher rates
than cops/whites do ---the math-truth is undeniable, so don't try to deny it, or you will look silly ....blacks and this idiot should be more afraid of blacks than cops--DUH

That Kid should have been expelled from school and put on a list that would prevent him from ever attending another school again. Then he can suffer the consequences of poverty and know what it’s like to be a minority.

Despite all that, he still gets to keep his “white card” and will never have to fear of systemic racism and police brutality.

Hopefully the teacher finds a position at a more prestigious College, such as an Ivy League school

God forbid he exercise his First Amendment right
King James describes the 1st amendment best

“Yes, we do have freedom of speech,” James said. “But at times, there are ramifications for the negative that can happen when you’re not thinking about others, when you only think about yourself.”

Lebron added: “So many people could have been harmed, not only financially but physically, emotionally, spiritually. So just be careful what we tweet and what we say and what we do. Even though yes, we do have freedom of speech, it can be a lot of negative that comes with it.”

Only because you don't like it. Fuck off, Fruitcake
Perfect example for when free speech shouldn’t be allowed

I am don't fear you fruit loops. Pity yes, fear no
....she says her life ''is more in danger in their presence''' = idiot/very stupid/doesn't know the facts/etc .....same with blacks --you hear it all the time = ''I'm afraid for my son/myself/etc when cops are around'' =IDIOTS!! blacks murder blacks at MUCH MUCH MUCH higher rates
than cops/whites do ---the math-truth is undeniable, so don't try to deny it, or you will look silly ....blacks and this idiot should be more afraid of blacks than cops--DUH

And it's such a big deal that it got picked up in the UK, but not here.
....she says her life ''is more in danger in their presence''' = idiot/very stupid/doesn't know the facts/etc .....same with blacks --you hear it all the time = ''I'm afraid for my son/myself/etc when cops are around'' =IDIOTS!! blacks murder blacks at MUCH MUCH MUCH higher rates
than cops/whites do ---the math-truth is undeniable, so don't try to deny it, or you will look silly ....blacks and this idiot should be more afraid of blacks than cops--DUH

And it's such a big deal that it got picked up in the UK, but not here.
yes yes--the US MSM is very anti-white/anti-cop-unjustifiably
....she says her life ''is more in danger in their presence''' = idiot/very stupid/doesn't know the facts/etc .....same with blacks --you hear it all the time = ''I'm afraid for my son/myself/etc when cops are around'' =IDIOTS!! blacks murder blacks at MUCH MUCH MUCH higher rates
than cops/whites do ---the math-truth is undeniable, so don't try to deny it, or you will look silly ....blacks and this idiot should be more afraid of blacks than cops--DUH

That Kid should have been expelled from school and put on a list that would prevent him from ever attending another school again. Then he can suffer the consequences of poverty and know what it’s like to be a minority.

Despite all that, he still gets to keep his “white card” and will never have to fear of systemic racism and police brutality.

Hopefully the teacher finds a position at a more prestigious College, such as an Ivy League school

God forbid he exercise his First Amendment right
King James describes the 1st amendment best

“Yes, we do have freedom of speech,” James said. “But at times, there are ramifications for the negative that can happen when you’re not thinking about others, when you only think about yourself.”

Lebron added: “So many people could have been harmed, not only financially but physically, emotionally, spiritually. So just be careful what we tweet and what we say and what we do. Even though yes, we do have freedom of speech, it can be a lot of negative that comes with it.”
Lebron!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hhHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH another jackass
..a cop saves a BLACK girl's life and he's upset about it
....she says her life ''is more in danger in their presence''' = idiot/very stupid/doesn't know the facts/etc .....same with blacks --you hear it all the time = ''I'm afraid for my son/myself/etc when cops are around'' =IDIOTS!! blacks murder blacks at MUCH MUCH MUCH higher rates
than cops/whites do ---the math-truth is undeniable, so don't try to deny it, or you will look silly ....blacks and this idiot should be more afraid of blacks than cops--DUH

And it's such a big deal that it got picked up in the UK, but not here.
so you think injustice is not a big deal!!!!!!!???????
....she says her life ''is more in danger in their presence''' = idiot/very stupid/doesn't know the facts/etc .....same with blacks --you hear it all the time = ''I'm afraid for my son/myself/etc when cops are around'' =IDIOTS!! blacks murder blacks at MUCH MUCH MUCH higher rates
than cops/whites do ---the math-truth is undeniable, so don't try to deny it, or you will look silly ....blacks and this idiot should be more afraid of blacks than cops--DUH

And it's such a big deal that it got picked up in the UK, but not here.
so you think injustice is not a big deal!!!!!!!???????
Lmao!! What I think is you wouldn't recognize"injustice" if it backed over you in the car park.
That "teacher" was just talking to be talking.

If she were ever walking down the street, and some entity threatened to sucker punch her, she would whip out her phone and call the cops in a New York minute.

Something similar recently happened in Portland or Seattle (I forget which crazy city). A real cop-hating elected official got into an argument with a ride share driver. What did she do? Immediately called the cops for help!

That teacher is just one of many silly women who are so liberal -- until they are not.
....she says her life ''is more in danger in their presence''' = idiot/very stupid/doesn't know the facts/etc .....same with blacks --you hear it all the time = ''I'm afraid for my son/myself/etc when cops are around'' =IDIOTS!! blacks murder blacks at MUCH MUCH MUCH higher rates
than cops/whites do ---the math-truth is undeniable, so don't try to deny it, or you will look silly ....blacks and this idiot should be more afraid of blacks than cops--DUH

And it's such a big deal that it got picked up in the UK, but not here.
so you think injustice is not a big deal!!!!!!!???????
Lmao!! What I think is you wouldn't recognize"injustice" if it backed over you in the car park.
LMAO--more babble crap from you
..the OP is airtight---blacks MURDER over 8 blacks everyday and she's afraid of cops!!!!!! = dumbass
....she says her life ''is more in danger in their presence''' = idiot/very stupid/doesn't know the facts/etc .....same with blacks --you hear it all the time = ''I'm afraid for my son/myself/etc when cops are around'' =IDIOTS!! blacks murder blacks at MUCH MUCH MUCH higher rates
than cops/whites do ---the math-truth is undeniable, so don't try to deny it, or you will look silly ....blacks and this idiot should be more afraid of blacks than cops--DUH

And it's such a big deal that it got picked up in the UK, but not here.
so you think injustice is not a big deal!!!!!!!???????
Lmao!! What I think is you wouldn't recognize"injustice" if it backed over you in the car park.
LMAO--more babble crap from you
..the OP is airtight---blacks MURDER over 8 blacks everyday and she's afraid of cops!!!!!! = dumbass
OP is idiocy, but you already know that.
....she says her life ''is more in danger in their presence''' = idiot/very stupid/doesn't know the facts/etc .....same with blacks --you hear it all the time = ''I'm afraid for my son/myself/etc when cops are around'' =IDIOTS!! blacks murder blacks at MUCH MUCH MUCH higher rates
than cops/whites do ---the math-truth is undeniable, so don't try to deny it, or you will look silly ....blacks and this idiot should be more afraid of blacks than cops--DUH

People have rights, and responsibilities, to address their own fears. Regardless of source, bias or rationale.

If an irrational disproportionate fear of snakes, or flying, or guns truly affects you, that is your reality.

Just don't make other people responsible for agreeing with you.

The solutions that work for you don't necessarily work for other people, who have their own problems and solutions.

If we can respect each other, all people are free to solve our problems our own ways.

We don't have to agree on the same problems, solutions or angles. We can organize around the ones we choose, and make those work, without imposing on other people with a different approach!
thats the best job of tap-dancing around the obvious that I have heard recently

Can we agree that the teacher is a moron?
yes, what exactly are you saying emily?
There are two different issues here
1. People have rights to their own feelings, beliefs, fears as part of individual rights and religious freedom and expression
2. The problem is with LEGISLATING those beliefs or fears and making "other people responsible" for believing the same things THROUGH GOVT

A lot of this fighting is over people projecting their individual beliefs and biases ONTO Public Policy THROUGH GOVT.

It seems the first step to stop the mutual fears or projection of biases is to agree to separate what are Individual rights/beliefs/fears from Govt role in making and enforcing Public Policy that requires consent of the public especially taxpayers affected.

Are we getting any closer to this realization of why our Constitutional laws state from the very First Amendment NOT to allow Govt to "establish or prohibit" freedom of speech and exercise of religion/beliefs?

This is why.

Collective policy by Govt cannot possibly expect to regulate individual beliefs because people believe different things and won't consent to Govt legislating one person's or group's beliefs over theirs.

That is why "rights reserved to the people" (and states) are separated from Federal Govt.

Can we just agree to quit projecting our personal fears, biases, and political beliefs onto Govt and this whole idea that central authority needs to legislate policies "that other people don't believe in."

When do we get to that level of agreement only to use Central Govt for policies the whole Public agrees belong in federal govt as national policy collectively for the whole population?

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