Liberal College Profs How They Were Cowards During Vietnam War

Your average Vietnam vet is in their late 60s and early 70s. Wouldn't most of the college profs of that era be long since retired?
What’s that got to do with their encouragement of treason during Vietnam War? They helped birth the 2018 Democratic Party and Antifa terrorist organization.

How? They are all retired or dead!

Why do you keep looking for boogieman to blame liberalism upon?
During the 1960’s...can’t you read. The 1960’s was the beginnings of America’s decline and the ideological birthplace of 2018 liberalism. During the 1960’s millions of young people campus rhetoric put it, “liberated” from their parents. Liberal college professoriate took over the role of in loco parentis from teachers, preachers, college dons and deans. Soon these kids were chanting “Hey, hey, LBJ/ How many kids did you kill today?” and “Ho,Ho, Ho Chi Minh/ The NLF is going to win!” Meanwhile brave people their own age were serving their nation in Vietnam while the Democratic Party administration of Lyndon Johnson was holding them back by fighting a war of calculated restraint...instead of a total war that would lead to victory. Oh, and the liberal media backstabbed the troops as well. Walter Cronkite was a piece of shit.

A 30 year-old college professor in 1960 would be nearly 90 today! Why are you blaming today's problems on them? It makes no sense. That is the point you keep missing.
If you read my post and read what has been written, and have a fucking modicum of historical sense of continuity through time...these are the fuckers that started the absolutely retarded things we see today with leftist media control, campus control by liberals, Antifa, gay pride parades, the degenerate behavior of our culture...the “Americans are the bad guys” history. These lumps of shit started it. Goddamn get a brain man!

No. You have failed to prove any relationship. Why is that my fault, dumbass?
Your average Vietnam vet is in their late 60s and early 70s. Wouldn't most of the college profs of that era be long since retired?
What’s that got to do with their encouragement of treason during Vietnam War? They helped birth the 2018 Democratic Party and Antifa terrorist organization.

How? They are all retired or dead!

Why do you keep looking for boogieman to blame liberalism upon?
During the 1960’s...can’t you read. The 1960’s was the beginnings of America’s decline and the ideological birthplace of 2018 liberalism. During the 1960’s millions of young people campus rhetoric put it, “liberated” from their parents. Liberal college professoriate took over the role of in loco parentis from teachers, preachers, college dons and deans. Soon these kids were chanting “Hey, hey, LBJ/ How many kids did you kill today?” and “Ho,Ho, Ho Chi Minh/ The NLF is going to win!” Meanwhile brave people their own age were serving their nation in Vietnam while the Democratic Party administration of Lyndon Johnson was holding them back by fighting a war of calculated restraint...instead of a total war that would lead to victory. Oh, and the liberal media backstabbed the troops as well. Walter Cronkite was a piece of shit.

A 30 year-old college professor in 1960 would be nearly 90 today! Why are you blaming today's problems on them? It makes no sense. That is the point you keep missing.
World War 2 ended over 70 years ago...but we still have bases in Germany. Why? Because what happened in the past affects our future.

The reason we have bases in Germany has nothing to do with WWII, dumbass!
What’s that got to do with their encouragement of treason during Vietnam War? They helped birth the 2018 Democratic Party and Antifa terrorist organization.

How? They are all retired or dead!

Why do you keep looking for boogieman to blame liberalism upon?
During the 1960’s...can’t you read. The 1960’s was the beginnings of America’s decline and the ideological birthplace of 2018 liberalism. During the 1960’s millions of young people campus rhetoric put it, “liberated” from their parents. Liberal college professoriate took over the role of in loco parentis from teachers, preachers, college dons and deans. Soon these kids were chanting “Hey, hey, LBJ/ How many kids did you kill today?” and “Ho,Ho, Ho Chi Minh/ The NLF is going to win!” Meanwhile brave people their own age were serving their nation in Vietnam while the Democratic Party administration of Lyndon Johnson was holding them back by fighting a war of calculated restraint...instead of a total war that would lead to victory. Oh, and the liberal media backstabbed the troops as well. Walter Cronkite was a piece of shit.

A 30 year-old college professor in 1960 would be nearly 90 today! Why are you blaming today's problems on them? It makes no sense. That is the point you keep missing.
World War 2 ended over 70 years ago...but we still have bases in Germany. Why? Because what happened in the past affects our future.

The reason we have bases in Germany has nothing to do with WWII, dumbass!
Then how did we end up there?
How? They are all retired or dead!

Why do you keep looking for boogieman to blame liberalism upon?
During the 1960’s...can’t you read. The 1960’s was the beginnings of America’s decline and the ideological birthplace of 2018 liberalism. During the 1960’s millions of young people campus rhetoric put it, “liberated” from their parents. Liberal college professoriate took over the role of in loco parentis from teachers, preachers, college dons and deans. Soon these kids were chanting “Hey, hey, LBJ/ How many kids did you kill today?” and “Ho,Ho, Ho Chi Minh/ The NLF is going to win!” Meanwhile brave people their own age were serving their nation in Vietnam while the Democratic Party administration of Lyndon Johnson was holding them back by fighting a war of calculated restraint...instead of a total war that would lead to victory. Oh, and the liberal media backstabbed the troops as well. Walter Cronkite was a piece of shit.

A 30 year-old college professor in 1960 would be nearly 90 today! Why are you blaming today's problems on them? It makes no sense. That is the point you keep missing.
World War 2 ended over 70 years ago...but we still have bases in Germany. Why? Because what happened in the past affects our future.

The reason we have bases in Germany has nothing to do with WWII, dumbass!
Then how did we end up there?

I am sorry, but I try not to insult the mentally handicapped.

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