CDZ Liberal/Conservative Labels Miss the Point

The adoption of Liberal or Conservative positions is based more on personal psychology than it is on political philosophy. It has been said that politics is the religion of the Left, but this observation misses an essential point: One's political affinity is really based on which area of the brain is most activated by this subject area.

If one views politics as a problem solving (right brain) activity, the resulting answers will tend to be more "conservative." If one views politics as a therapeutic (left brain) activity, a more "liberal" orientation will emerge. In other words, Conservatives seek answers, while Liberals seek personal ratification. Thus, "never the twain shall meet."

Well you're close... Conservatism is merely the recognition and defense of, the respect for and adherence to the observed principles of nature that govern human behavior... which is typical of the masculine perspective.

While the need for protection, to require others to bear the responsibilities for one's existence, to demand the property of others on the basis of one's subjective need is the feminine perspective.

Conservatism, OKA: Americanism... is the only sustainable means for people to govern themselves... and since the United States rests entirely upon that foundation and we, the Americans reject anything else, refusing any further compromise with the Feminine perspective, in terms of government, we'll be PLAYING THROUGH the Ideological Left, returning the US Culture to its soundly reasoned foundation.

Sadly, in the very near future, the Left's sabotaging of the US Economy will come to fruition... and civil war will likely come as a result of it as the feminized idiots burn down everything around them, through their rage as they watch everything they 'foolishly 'trusted' as truth... turn to dust before their very eyes. They're RIGHTS to the property of others, by virtue of their existence... will finally be seen by them as the fool's errand which is has always been.

I wish that their species of reason had a rational component and I wish that such was not so readily subject to being afflicted by evil... but such is not the case.

Brace yourselves... 'cause we're about to be set upon by a shit-storm the likes of which few of the living have ever witnessed.

Conservatism is "masculine"?

Yuh huh. I'm not clear then on what the "feminine" cognate is. Your next post seems to conflate liberal with leftist, so I doubt you know how to answer that...
In other words, Conservatives seek answers, while Liberals seek personal ratification. Thus, "never the twain shall meet."

actually conservatives since Aristotle and Jefferson have sought freedom from govt while liberals have sought huge magical welfare govt. Your answers/ratification dichotomy is 100% irrelevant.
In other words, Conservatives seek answers, while Liberals seek personal ratification. Thus, "never the twain shall meet."

actually conservatives since Aristotle and Jefferson have sought freedom from govt while liberals have sought huge magical welfare govt. Your answers/ratification dichotomy is 100% irrelevant.

1) conservatives don't seek answers, they know the answer. It is freedom.
2) liberals do seek personal ratification but this is because they lack the intelligence to understand freedom just as someone might lack the intelligence to understand calculus. Yes they are personally ratified and feel morally superior because they support welfare but this does not make it a legitimate political position.
In other words, Conservatives seek answers, while Liberals seek personal ratification. Thus, "never the twain shall meet."

you might say a conservative gets personal ratification from supporting freedom and capitalism while a liberal gets personal radification from supporting welfare entitlement programs. Then what?
In other words, Conservatives seek answers, while Liberals seek personal ratification. Thus, "never the twain shall meet."

actually conservatives since Aristotle and Jefferson have sought freedom from govt while liberals have sought huge magical welfare govt. Your answers/ratification dichotomy is 100% irrelevant.

1) conservatives don't seek answers, they know the answer. It is freedom.
2) liberals do seek personal ratification but this is because they lack the intelligence to understand freedom just as someone might lack the intelligence to understand calculus. Yes they are personally ratified and feel morally superior because they support welfare but this does not make it a legitimate political position.

"Gratification"... Liberals seek gratification. The Liberal is about nothing if not soothing their base instincts. They're the closest thing humanity has to 'animal'.

In post apocalyptic world, the few surviving individuals we know of as Liberals today, will be known as 'property', akin to livestock. This without regard to their race, hair color, eye color or favorite color... . This because they simply do not possess the means to reason soundly, thus do not possess the minimal requirement to live free.

Now, as for me... I intend to be a good steward of my charges... feeding them regularly, at least weekly and only the best in terms of sustenance... anything the dogs won't eat is reserved for them!

And housing? Its high times... they will be chained to the best palms for its shade and for those that behave, coconut palms... and they'll be entitled to .01% of the coconut fruit that hits the ground and 100% of the coconuts the crack their skulls.
In other words, Conservatives seek answers, while Liberals seek personal ratification. Thus, "never the twain shall meet."

you might say a conservative gets personal ratification from supporting freedom and capitalism while a liberal gets personal radification from supporting welfare entitlement programs. Then what?

Which is an example of what I had been saying. Both philosophies are emotionally driven and based in fantasy. Neither philosophy works in practice because they both assume human beings are a non-issue.

As to freedom, that is nonsense. Conservatives are no more interested in freedom than liberals.
As to freedom, that is nonsense. Conservatives are no more interested in freedom than liberals.

Which side is fighting the good fight for restoring the right to free association? Liberals favor oppression, conservatives favor human rights.
As to freedom, that is nonsense. Conservatives are no more interested in freedom than liberals.

Would you provide one example wherein the recognition, respect, defense and adherence to the law of nature that govern human behavior has ever failed anyone?

I ask because the truth is that such is incapable of failure... it simply is not possible. So imagine my surprise where you were to prove it otherwise by showing valid examples of a failure which cannot exist.
. Both philosophies are emotionally driven and based in fantasy.

what? according to our most ingenious thinkers: Aristotle and Jefferson, conservatism is based in cold hard ingenius logic. Yes, they support it emotionally as any human being would and intellectually too.

Now do you follow?

Liberalism is based in pure marxist ignorance so is nothing but emotion and ignorance.
In other words, Conservatives seek answers, while Liberals seek personal ratification. Thus, "never the twain shall meet."

actually conservatives since Aristotle and Jefferson have sought freedom from govt while liberals have sought huge magical welfare govt. Your answers/ratification dichotomy is 100% irrelevant.

Speaking of morons with no clue as to what Liberal means -- heeeeere's Special Ed, the inventor of the idea that Jefferson started the Republican Party -- 28 years after he was dead. :rolleyes:
. Both philosophies are emotionally driven and based in fantasy.
what? according to our most ingenious thinkers: Aristotle and Jefferson, conservatism is based in cold hard ingenious logic. Yes, they support it emotionally as any human being would and intellectually too.

Now do you follow?

Liberalism is based in pure Marxist ignorance so is nothing but emotion and ignorance.
In other words, Conservatives seek answers, while Liberals seek personal ratification. Thus, "never the twain shall meet."

actually conservatives since Aristotle and Jefferson have sought freedom from govt while liberals have sought huge magical welfare govt. Your answers/ratification dichotomy is 100% irrelevant.

Speaking of morons with no clue as to what Liberal means -- heeeeere's Special Ed, the inventor of the idea that Jefferson started the Republican Party -- 28 years after he was dead. :rolleyes:

Jefferson's Republican Party was started in 1793 by Jefferson and Madison out of shock that the Federalist Party had turned out to be very very liberal.
In other words, Conservatives seek answers, while Liberals seek personal ratification. Thus, "never the twain shall meet."

actually conservatives since Aristotle and Jefferson have sought freedom from govt while liberals have sought huge magical welfare govt. Your answers/ratification dichotomy is 100% irrelevant.

1) conservatives don't seek answers, they know the answer. It is freedom.
2) liberals do seek personal ratification but this is because they lack the intelligence to understand freedom just as someone might lack the intelligence to understand calculus. Yes they are personally ratified and feel morally superior because they support welfare but this does not make it a legitimate political position.

"Gratification"... Liberals seek gratification. The Liberal is about nothing if not soothing their base instincts. They're the closest thing humanity has to 'animal'.

In post apocalyptic world, the few surviving individuals we know of as Liberals today, will be known as 'property', akin to livestock. This without regard to their race, hair color, eye color or favorite color... . This because they simply do not possess the means to reason soundly, thus do not possess the minimal requirement to live free...

What a complete crock of Bolshoi.

Liberalism -- which invented this country -- is completely about people, specifically We the People That is, the idea that "we" are in charge of ourselves.... not some royalty, not some church, not some upper class aristocracy. That was the whole idea of this noble experiment.
In other words, Conservatives seek answers, while Liberals seek personal ratification. Thus, "never the twain shall meet."

actually conservatives since Aristotle and Jefferson have sought freedom from govt while liberals have sought huge magical welfare govt. Your answers/ratification dichotomy is 100% irrelevant.

Speaking of morons with no clue as to what Liberal means -- heeeeere's Special Ed, the inventor of the idea that Jefferson started the Republican Party -- 28 years after he was dead. :rolleyes:

Jefferson's Republican Party was started in 1793 by Jefferson and Madison out of shock that the Federalist Party had turned out to be very very liberal.

Wrong again Peewee. Jefferson and Madison were Liberals -- part of the movement that founded this country on the principle that the people owed their allegiance to no higher authority than themselves. And the Republican Party was founded not in the 18th century but 1854 -- a fact I've already led you to, quoting the website of the Party itself. To which your reaction as always was...

"Gratification"... Liberals seek gratification. The Liberal is about nothing if not soothing their base instincts. They're the closest thing humanity has to 'animal'.

sadly this is true. A liberal can no more understand how freedom works than a goldfish can understand calculus. Its easy to prove. Just ask a liberal to say something intelligent in defense of liberalism.

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