Liberal Cultural Wars Continue...Dumbest Idea For TV Ever

Naturally CNN applauded it and promotes its very existence. Liberals are dominating the spaces our children spend time at when they are not at school or in church/synagogue/mosque. Conservatives must stop this war of attrition against morality.
'Are You the One?': MTV debuts first sexually fluid reality TV show - CNN

Parents need to get a grip and take control. Sadly, some parents are stupid enough to actually agree with this stuff and they are destroying their childrens minds.
Naturally CNN applauded it and promotes its very existence. Liberals are dominating the spaces our children spend time at when they are not at school or in church/synagogue/mosque. Conservatives must stop this war of attrition against morality.
'Are You the One?': MTV debuts first sexually fluid reality TV show - CNN

Parents need to get a grip and take control. Sadly, some parents are stupid enough to actually agree with this stuff and they are destroying their childrens minds.
Exactly! Also, it’s time we place some parameters on Hollywood and liberal media that promotes this garbage.
Exactly! Also, it’s time we place some parameters on Hollywood and liberal media that promotes this garbage.

Right after something is done about that pesky First Amendment. Terri has it right - parental involvement. It is our responsibility as parents to teach our children and guide them to the time when they must decide for themselves.
Being genderfluid is not a philosophy of liberalism...
“Gender-fluid” is another term for “confused gay person.” Keep it to themselves, don’t push it into society. Democratic Party does this with their platform.
Being genderfluid is not a philosophy of liberalism...
“Gender-fluid” is another term for “confused gay person.” Keep it to themselves, don’t push it into society. Democratic Party does this with their platform.
They simply want equality which I have no problem with, as far as the rest of their issues they have a lot of work to do to get the final decision..
Naturally CNN applauded it and promotes its very existence. Liberals are dominating the spaces our children spend time at when they are not at school or in church/synagogue/mosque. Conservatives must stop this war of attrition against morality.
'Are You the One?': MTV debuts first sexually fluid reality TV show - CNN

The thing is, whether or not one believes in a supernatural Hell, we're all gonna find ourselves--sinner or saint--living in a hell on Earth if we do not turn back the tide of cultural insanity. Imagine that for a moment. Atheists recreating the Hell they claim not to believe in from the ruins of our civilization. Why, they'd be giving irony new meaning. Marshmallows optional . . .
Being genderfluid is not a philosophy of liberalism...

Bullshit. Its Liberal junk science just like the Nazis had junk science about Aryans.

Liberals have corrupted real science.
Yawn...They simply want to live without buttmunchers like you making it hard to live.Liberals believe in rights of humans yet conservatives do not that is the difference.
Naturally CNN applauded it and promotes its very existence. Liberals are dominating the spaces our children spend time at when they are not at school or in church/synagogue/mosque. Conservatives must stop this war of attrition against morality.
'Are You the One?': MTV debuts first sexually fluid reality TV show - CNN

The thing is, whether or not one believes in a supernatural Hell, we're all gonna find ourselves--sinner or saint--living in a hell on Earth if we do not turn back the tide of cultural insanity. Imagine that for a moment. Atheists recreating the Hell they claim not to believe in from the ruins of our civilization. Why, they'd be giving irony new meaning. Marshmallows optional . . .
With any social dilemma time must be taken to work out the solution.
Exactly! Also, it’s time we place some parameters on Hollywood and liberal media that promotes this garbage.

Right after something is done about that pesky First Amendment. Terri has it right - parental involvement. It is our responsibility as parents to teach our children and guide them to the time when they must decide for themselves.
Doesn't work that way anymore.... Most parents are (two parent working families), and they are having to trust outside forces to care for, educate, and prepare them for the future. They (our children), are in these people's care more so than ever now, and the poor parents who want a decent middle class life for them, are sacrificing so much in regards to this very thing. Problem is, is that the wolves have gained access to the chicken houses without any gardians of good stopping them these days, and the wolves are coming out of Hollyweird through technology etc. It's all a set up, and the wolves are making out like bandits in it all. The change in economic independence has left millions vulnerable to this mess.
Doesn't work that way anymore.... Most parents are (two parent working) families, and they are having to trust outside forces to care for, educate, and prepare them for the future. They are in these people's care more so than ever now, and the poor parents who want a decent middle class life for them, are sacrificing so much for this very thing. Problem is, is that the wolves have gained access to the chicken houses without any gardians of good stopping them. It's all a set up, and the wolves are making out like bandits in it all. The change in economic independence has left millions vulnerable to this mess.

While I can respect your point of view and understand the accuracy of it, I also believe - from first hand knowledge - that even under the two parents work - they can exert the principles they wish to teach their children. My first exposure to this was my own parents, who both worked to support the family. The second was myself and my ex-wife doing the same and raising to sons at the same time.

It is possible, but it does take commitment that can be difficult.
Being genderfluid is not a philosophy of liberalism...
“Gender-fluid” is another term for “confused gay person.” Keep it to themselves, don’t push it into society. Democratic Party does this with their platform.

who is forcing you or anyone else watch this show?
No one probably, but what about access gained by the young ones whom are exposed to it outside of the home, and outside the protection of their parental guidence at home ??? Would a young person have control of the message, TV or computer anywhere else but in their home ??

Hopefully the teaching early on works to guide the youth to just walk away or to take extreme caution, but that's not a garantee anymore at this point for many. Making bad things look cool is a major flaw with Hollyweird today.
Naturally CNN applauded it and promotes its very existence. Liberals are dominating the spaces our children spend time at when they are not at school or in church/synagogue/mosque. Conservatives must stop this war of attrition against morality.
'Are You the One?': MTV debuts first sexually fluid reality TV show - CNN

Parents need to get a grip and take control. Sadly, some parents are stupid enough to actually agree with this stuff and they are destroying their childrens minds.
Their choice-the ones whose minds are open and purposeful will rule over the others.
Being genderfluid is not a philosophy of liberalism...

Bullshit. Its Liberal junk science just like the Nazis had junk science about Aryans.

Liberals have corrupted real science.
Yawn...They simply want to live without buttmunchers like you making it hard to live.Liberals believe in rights of humans yet conservatives do not that is the difference.
This is bullshit, you guys impost shit all the time, you dont believe in any rights of an individual

you hate free speech
free exercise of religion
people owning guns
so much stuff.....dont be a liar.....
you guys blieve in sexual perversions and killing babies.....other than that, you want to control ever aspect of peoples lives.
Being genderfluid is not a philosophy of liberalism...

Bullshit. Its Liberal junk science just like the Nazis had junk science about Aryans.

Liberals have corrupted real science.
Yawn...They simply want to live without buttmunchers like you making it hard to live.Liberals believe in rights of humans yet conservatives do not that is the difference.
This is bullshit, you guys impost shit all the time, you dont believe in any rights of an individual

you hate free speech
free exercise of religion
people owning guns
so much stuff.....dont be a liar.....
you guys blieve in sexual perversions and killing babies.....other than that, you want to control ever aspect of peoples lives.
I have no ability to impost upon anyone so figure out who the hell you are talking to and every child I begat I raised so eat my shortz!

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