Liberal Dirty Tricks


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

I wanted to put together some of the most celebrated dirty tricks liberals have pulled and some of the ones that went under the radar.

    • The ole fired employee did it ploy - They've been talking about doing it for a faceless so-called former employee fulfilled their wildest dreams.

    • On Thursday night around 7 p.m. ET, the unthinkable happened: The Tweeter-in-Chief disappeared from his beloved platform.
      President Trump's verified @realDonaldTrump account briefly went offline. Anyone who navigated to his feed was given a generic blue landing page that read, "Sorry, that page doesn't exist!"

      And in a stunning plot twist, the world later learned it wasn't a glitch -- but the work of a Twitter employee on his or her last day at work.

      Initially, one of the social media site's verified accounts said Trump's feed was "inadvertently deactivated due to a human error." But a couple of hours later, Twitter announced further investigation revealed "a Twitter customer support employee ... did this on the employee's last day."

      Trump tweeted Friday morning, "I guess the word must finally be getting out-and having an impact." Twitter: Employee briefly shut down Trump's account on last day of work

    And if you believe this cock and bull story then you're dumb enough to vote Democrat.​

    • The two Russos
      In John F. Kennedyā€™s first run for Congress in 1946, his father, Joe Kennedy, to help his sonā€™s chances in the Democratic primary, allegedly paid a man named Joseph Russo to run ā€” greatly reducing the chances of the other Joseph Russo who was already running in the primary.


      ā€˜Canuckā€™ letter
      In 1972, just two weeks before the New Hampshire primary, a White House aide allegedly forged a letter to the editor of the Manchester Union Leader, purportedly written by candidate Edmund S. Muskie, that referred to French-Canadians derogatorily as ā€œCanucks.ā€ It was one of many such instances of trickery against Muskie.

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      Santorumā€™s Google problem
      Columnist and gay-rights activist Dan Savage, as revenge against Rick Santorum for the politicianā€™s comments against homosexuality, launched a website that defined ā€œSantorumā€ as ā€” well, as something unprintable ā€” and successfully campaigned to push the site near the top of Googleā€™s search results.


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      John McCainā€™s ā€˜other childā€™
      In 2000, false rumors were spread in South Carolina that John McCainā€™s adopted Bangladeshi daughter was his illegitimate offspring.

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      LBJ steals nomination
      In his first election to the Senate, Lyndon Baines Johnson overcame a 20,000-vote deficit in a primary runoff election thanks to votes that, as biographer Robert A. Caro and others have argued, were manufactured. Most famously, 202 Mexican-American voters, some already deceased, cast ballots in alphabetical order at the last minute on election day in Jim Wells County.

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      ā€˜Cuomo, Not Homoā€™
      In the New York City mayoral primary of 1977, which included challengers Ed Koch and Mario Cuomo, placards and posters appeared that said, ā€œVote for Cuomo, not the homo.ā€ Koch won.

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      Fake Tea Party
      Two Democratic Party officials in Michiganā€™s Oakland County admitted to putting fake Tea Party candidates on the ballot (not those pictured above) ā€” without those candidatesā€™ knowledge ā€” in an attempt to split the Republican vote.


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      Martin Van Burenā€™s corsets
      Folk hero Davy Crockett (right) wrote in 1836 that presidential candidate Martin Van Buren (left) ā€œis laced up in corsets, such as women in town wear, and, if possible, tighter than the best of them.ā€

      AP Photos

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      Hooverā€™s grudge
      J. Edgar Hooverā€™s agents allegedly spread rumors that the two-time Democratic presidential nominee Adlai Stevenson was gay.

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      Hackers for Gore
      On the eve of the 2000 presidential election, the Republican National Committeeā€™s website was hacked to display an anti-Bush message and a link to Al Goreā€™s campaign website.


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      Why Perot quit?
      Ross Perot said he quit his 1992 presidential campaign because, he alleged, the Bush campaign had threatened to smear his daughter with a doctored photo of her.

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      Vote for ā€˜Seen-clairā€™
      In the 1934 gubernatorial race in California, Socialist Party candidate Upton Sinclair, author of ā€œThe Jungle,ā€ was smeared in newsreels that played before movies, including one that showed an unkempt man who pledged his support to ā€œSeen-clairā€ because, ā€œHis system vorked vell in Russia, vy canā€™t it vork here?ā€

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      ā€˜The Morey Letterā€™
      A forged letter purportedly by James A. Garfield, claiming that he favored unrestricted Chinese immigration, was circulated during the 1880 presidential election.

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      The scandal that brought down President Richard Nixon and led to the conviction of 43 people began on June 17, 1972, when five people broke into the Democratic National Committee headquarters in the Watergate office complex.

  • 16 worst political dirty tricks
Obama used the DOJ to spy upon Trump.
That's worse than Nixon.
Obama was just like a third world despot and a threat to our democracy.
Mine's Bigger Than Yours


Obama hadn't even left office before he was busy setting up Donald J. Trump.

Obama made sure that white tarp covered every part of the scene at Trump's inauguration. Why? To show any empty areas when they had the parks service photograph was taken. Then they would release a side by side comparison so that Obama could do the most celebrated dick comparison in politics. This is the most classless act of an outgoing president in U.S. history.


The above picture showed a very full gallery during the Trump inauguration, but that's not the one that Obama had released to the press.

This is what they released to the press:


The actual times of the photos cannot be verified. However, I think this has to be the most classless dirty trick an outgoing president ever pulled on an incoming president in U.S. History.

This goes beyond removing 'W's from every keyboard in the Clinton White House, even though Bush is a good friend of the Clintons.

Liberals are such vindictive and nasty people, don't you think?

Hillary used her fake charity to money launder bribes.
How many laws did she break and why does the Press protect the dirty Clintons
Obama's Buddy Thwarts Travel Ban

CNN)A federal judge in Hawaii has blocked President Donald Trump's revised travel ban one day before it was set to take effect.

Judge Who Issued Travel Ban Ruling Is Obama Law School Classmate, Appointee
No coincidence there.

It's no coincidence that U.S. District Judge Derrick Kahala Watson, who just halted President Donald Trumpā€™s revised travel ban, is an Obama law school classmate and Obama appointee to the federal bench.

What's more, the former president was in Hawaii during his Harvard Law School classmate's ruling on Wednesday. Fox News adds details of the latest attempt to sabotage President Trump:

Watson, 50, was appointed by Obama in November 2012 and confirmed by the U.S. Senate in April 2013. Watson said in a June 2013 interview with the Honolulu Star-Advertiser that he never met Obama at Harvard and knew him only as head of the schoolā€™s law review.

President Trump's revised travel ban was put on hold Wednesday by a federal judge in Hawaii just hours before it was set to take effect after hearing arguments that the executive order discriminates on the basis of nationality.

Trump addressed the judgeā€™s move during a rally in Nashville, Tennessee calling it ā€œunprecedented judicial overreachā€ and vowed to fight.

"We're going to win. We're going to keep our citizens safe," Trump said. "The danger is clear. The law is clear. The need for my executive order is clear."

The ruling by U.S. District Court Judge Derrick Watson prevents the executive order from going into effect, at least for now. Hawaii had requested a temporary restraining order.

"Enforcement of these provisions in all places, including the United States, at all United States borders and ports of entry, and in the issuance of visas is prohibited, pending further orders from this Court," Watson wrote in his ruling.

In a statement released late Wednesday night the Department of Justice said they strongly disagreed with the ruling and called the move "flawed both in reasoning and scope."

"The Presidentā€™s Executive Order falls squarely within his lawful authority in seeking to protect our Nationā€™s security, and the Department will continue to defend this Executive Order in the courts," said DOJ Spokesperson Sarah Isgur Flores.

Essentially, the judge halted President Trump's lawful travel ban under the guise that it might prevent some Hawaii residents from receiving visits from relatives who hail from any of the six countries listed in the order. What's more, the state also says the ban would hinder its ability to recruit foreign students and workers as well as harm its tourism industry.

Seriously? Do refugees and would-be-terrorists really comprise an integral part of the state's tourist-base? Are any of the six Islamic strongholds listed on the ban known for churning out highly skilled workers? This is an affront to anyone whose primary goal is to keep Americans safe and who realize the truth: that this decision is solely about sabotaging our president, even at the expense of our nation's safety.

Judge Who Issued Travel Ban Ruling Is Obama Law School Classmate, Appointee

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