Liberal Extremists Offering Bounties On USSC Justices

GWV5903 writes:

That’s utterly ridiculous, in Minneapolis over 700 buildings were damaged, 12 were completely destroyed. Nationwide they did over $2BB in damages,


You're more worried about property damage than any injustice, pain, suffering, or death inflicted upon human beings by a corrupt, capitalist and in many ways, racist system. Where did you get the figure of 700 buildings damaged and 12 destroyed? To what extent were those 700 properties damaged? How exactly were the 12 buildings destroyed? How many buildings are there in the city of Minneapolis?

You're pretending that people who are protesting a genocidal, racist, imperialist system are committing worse acts of violence than the violence they're protesting against, because they're damaging buildings. When right-wingers strongly feel betrayed or violated they resort to violence as well. Violence in and of itself doesn't invalidate your cause or render your position false. You can be correct, just, and violent. This line of argumentation, where you point at violent acts in a desperate attempt to debunk your political opponents is just hypocritical and disingenuous. You right-wingers are just as prone to violence and to support violent acts when it serves you. To assert otherwise is just dishonest.

GWV5903 writes:

how do you equate this to “a few isolated incidents “? It’s understandable that the majority of the Progressives are easier to lead around by their nose’s, but how do you justify that 34 people were killed during this period of peaceful protest?


I don't have to "justify" those supposed 34 deaths, to a right-winger who is in support of government and economic policies that cause a lot more death and destruction than that. Assuming your figures are accurate, and you didn't just pull them out of your ass, what is the context of those deaths? People die when there's civil unrest, and protests, yes? Class struggle is quite deadly. I'm personally against taking firearms to protests, that's not the place for firearms. Unfortunately, there were both leftists and right-wingers in those protests armed to the teeth. That's just stupid. Firearms are for war not for protests. So I criticize both the left and right, who were arming themselves in those protests. Protestors should never arm themselves with weapons because it stops being a protest. It becomes a civil war.

GWV5903 writes:

Let’s be clear, you’re a Communist, we despise communism as a Capitalist country.


America isn't a capitalist country by default or nature, it's that way due to decades of propaganda and brainwashing. When you say "we", who are you referring to? More people than ever are now identifying as socialists so your assumption that the American public loves capitalism and hates socialism is preposterous and false. Socialism is the process that leads to communism. I identify as a communist because that's the final objective of my political activism, but I recognize the role socialism has in meeting that objective. Socialism is the process that socializes and democratizes capitalist production. Today tens of millions of Americans are socialists and are against capitalism, the fact you fail to recognize that shows how brainwashed you are by your capitalist fief-lords.

GWV5903 writes:

History has proven without a doubt that Capitalism is the best choice to date.


Actually the very opposite is true, especially today in the early 21st century. Capitalism is now in its final hour, due to technology replacing wage-labor.

GWV5903 writes:

Communism is an oppressive dictatorship....


According to Marx communism is a stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or a need for money. An actual communist society at a national level has never existed. The Soviet Union was a socialist state, not a communist one. Its very name identified it as such:

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
View attachment 668708

The term "communist state" is an oxymoron since communism eliminates the state. The means of production is placed in the hands of the individual consumer, in what we call "high communism" or industrialized, high-tech communism, hence the need for a state apparatus that protects the private property of a certain socioeconomic class is eliminated. In a high-communist society, there's so much abundance, that the idea of stealing other people's personal property is absurd. A governing body of people's councils might organize a police force, but it will be very small compared to what we have today. Anarchist and communist essentially want the same thing, the only difference is how we get to the final objective of a stateless, classless society without the need for money. The anarchist wants to get there overnight, by tearing down the state immediately with all of its institutions. Communists want to implement a process called socialism, where the state and the nation's production is gradually socialized, democratized, and personalized. The state is eventually eliminated.

GWV5903 writes:

a few select live like kings, there is no middle class.


That sounds more like capitalism. A few live like kings and the working class is gutted out and placed on the skillet. The common capitalist rhetoric is that in the Soviet Union the highest-ranking members of the communist party lived like kings while the average Soviet citizen lived in abject poverty and misery. That's simply not true. The politicians that actually live like kings and their constituents live in poverty are found mostly in capitalist-run nations, not socialist ones. Much of what you've heard about the Soviet Union is nothing more than Western, particularly American cold war propaganda. Nonsense.

I will attach a few free PDF ebooks to this post so that you can study the economy of the Soviet Union and its ideology. The truth is not what you've learned from Hollywood movies and from American media, politicians, and academia (often funded by the CIA). I watched this Hollywood film in 1985 in the movie theater when I was a young man and I loved it:

But unfortunately, it's bullshit. The Soviet boogieman had no intentions of invading us, not here or in Western Europe. Here are CIA agents admitting to all of the bullshit that they were tasked with spreading about socialism:

GWV5903 writes:

It is our socialist policies in America that continues to be the dependency for the underprivileged, do you need me to carve this in a piece of stone and hang it around your neck?


What "socialist policies" are those? Be more specific. In America what we have are capitalist policies designed to disempower the working-class and re-distribute wealth from the vast majority of people to a small minority of wealthy elites. We defund the government to the point that it can't as much as maintain our nation's vital infrastructure. We have bridges collapsing due to under-funded public works departments around the country not being able to adequately inspect and repair them.

GWV5903 writes:

The Progressives are the ones promoting division, our LMSM is the propaganda arm of the Communist / Socialist movement you so proudly aspire to.


How are we doing that? How do you define "division" in a social context? People defending their rights might create a divide between those who are indifferent to the injustice and those who are its victims. So what? Why would you assume all division is wrong? Some divisions are necessary and unavoidable.

GWV5903 writes:

The Democrats and many Republican politicians are the evil that suppresses citizens ability to succeed. The day is coming soon and you are on the wrong side, you know it’s a short boat trip to Cuba, they love Sheep like yourself….


Lift the sanctions off Cuba and stop committing crimes against nations that choose to apply socialism to their economies. What are you people so afraid of that you feel the need to sanction, threaten, bomb and invade countries that adopt socialism? Why not just allow socialism to fail on its own if it's supposedly so ineffective and worthless? The reason capitalists are unable to co-exist peacefully with socialist countries is because they're afraid that the American working-class will see other nations successfully applying socialism with great success, and may want to emulate those countries by adopting socialism. That's why socialism in America is demonized by the American ruling elite or co-opted by fake socialists like Bernie Sanders and "AOC".

Do you really believe the crap you post here? Seriously? Anyone that could view what Communism has done over the past sixty years and STILL see it as the ultimate goal is really clueless!
Do you really believe the crap you post here? Seriously? Anyone that could view what Communism has done over the past sixty years and STILL see it as the ultimate goal is really clueless!

I'd say the same thing about capitalism, so I guess it's a matter of perspective. Communism is coming, it's the inevitable result of technology replacing wage labor.
Biden claimed Conservatives a bigger threat than Antifa, BLM, liberal domestic terrorists, or even Democrat politicians who have incited 2 assassination attempts, called for violence against USSC Justices, personally threatened USSC Justices, and openly called for Insurrection.

AOC and the WH defend publicly harassing Justices while Liberal Extremists are now offering bounties on the USSC Justices.

liar lol....
I don't personally think ANYONE could be that the only other explanation is that you're someone trying to start trouble!
The leftoids are lighting fuses. The real BOOM! will go off under their asses one day.

This is the same DemonCrat Party since the 1830s, the van Buren Party to defend slavery. They haven't changed, a leopard cannot change its spots.

They crawled away in 1865, they were allowed to survive and reorganize. Over the many decades, they brought us black codes, Jim Crow, the KKK, lynchings, abortion on demand, etc.

They are out for blood same as they were in 1861. Only this time they must be utterly destroyed as Rome destroyed Carthage.

Carthage hasn't given the world a problem in over two millennia.
Carthaga delenda est.

It was, at the time, an exhortation to action with extreme prejudice.

It did work.
Biden claimed Conservatives a bigger threat than Antifa, BLM, liberal domestic terrorists, or even Democrat politicians who have incited 2 assassination attempts, called for violence against USSC Justices, personally threatened USSC Justices, and openly called for Insurrection.

AOC and the WH defend publicly harassing Justices while Liberal Extremists are now offering bounties on the USSC Justices.

Yep. No worries about a threat to their security by these tip rewards.

Let’s see this for what it is. An opportunity to plot and attempt assassinations. The perpetrators need to get rooted out and prosecuted.
GWV5903 writes:

That’s utterly ridiculous, in Minneapolis over 700 buildings were damaged, 12 were completely destroyed. Nationwide they did over $2BB in damages,


You're more worried about property damage than any injustice, pain, suffering, or death inflicted upon human beings by a corrupt, capitalist and in many ways, racist system. Where did you get the figure of 700 buildings damaged and 12 destroyed? To what extent were those 700 properties damaged? How exactly were the 12 buildings destroyed? How many buildings are there in the city of Minneapolis?

You're pretending that people who are protesting a genocidal, racist, imperialist system are committing worse acts of violence than the violence they're protesting against, because they're damaging buildings. When right-wingers strongly feel betrayed or violated they resort to violence as well. Violence in and of itself doesn't invalidate your cause or render your position false. You can be correct, just, and violent. This line of argumentation, where you point at violent acts in a desperate attempt to debunk your political opponents is just hypocritical and disingenuous. You right-wingers are just as prone to violence and to support violent acts when it serves you. To assert otherwise is just dishonest.

GWV5903 writes:

how do you equate this to “a few isolated incidents “? It’s understandable that the majority of the Progressives are easier to lead around by their nose’s, but how do you justify that 34 people were killed during this period of peaceful protest?


I don't have to "justify" those supposed 34 deaths, to a right-winger who is in support of government and economic policies that cause a lot more death and destruction than that. Assuming your figures are accurate, and you didn't just pull them out of your ass, what is the context of those deaths? People die when there's civil unrest, and protests, yes? Class struggle is quite deadly. I'm personally against taking firearms to protests, that's not the place for firearms. Unfortunately, there were both leftists and right-wingers in those protests armed to the teeth. That's just stupid. Firearms are for war not for protests. So I criticize both the left and right, who were arming themselves in those protests. Protestors should never arm themselves with weapons because it stops being a protest. It becomes a civil war.

GWV5903 writes:

Let’s be clear, you’re a Communist, we despise communism as a Capitalist country.


America isn't a capitalist country by default or nature, it's that way due to decades of propaganda and brainwashing. When you say "we", who are you referring to? More people than ever are now identifying as socialists so your assumption that the American public loves capitalism and hates socialism is preposterous and false. Socialism is the process that leads to communism. I identify as a communist because that's the final objective of my political activism, but I recognize the role socialism has in meeting that objective. Socialism is the process that socializes and democratizes capitalist production. Today tens of millions of Americans are socialists and are against capitalism, the fact you fail to recognize that shows how brainwashed you are by your capitalist fief-lords.

GWV5903 writes:

History has proven without a doubt that Capitalism is the best choice to date.


Actually the very opposite is true, especially today in the early 21st century. Capitalism is now in its final hour, due to technology replacing wage-labor.

GWV5903 writes:

Communism is an oppressive dictatorship....


According to Marx communism is a stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or a need for money. An actual communist society at a national level has never existed. The Soviet Union was a socialist state, not a communist one. Its very name identified it as such:

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
View attachment 668708

The term "communist state" is an oxymoron since communism eliminates the state. The means of production is placed in the hands of the individual consumer, in what we call "high communism" or industrialized, high-tech communism, hence the need for a state apparatus that protects the private property of a certain socioeconomic class is eliminated. In a high-communist society, there's so much abundance, that the idea of stealing other people's personal property is absurd. A governing body of people's councils might organize a police force, but it will be very small compared to what we have today. Anarchist and communist essentially want the same thing, the only difference is how we get to the final objective of a stateless, classless society without the need for money. The anarchist wants to get there overnight, by tearing down the state immediately with all of its institutions. Communists want to implement a process called socialism, where the state and the nation's production is gradually socialized, democratized, and personalized. The state is eventually eliminated.

GWV5903 writes:

a few select live like kings, there is no middle class.


That sounds more like capitalism. A few live like kings and the working class is gutted out and placed on the skillet. The common capitalist rhetoric is that in the Soviet Union the highest-ranking members of the communist party lived like kings while the average Soviet citizen lived in abject poverty and misery. That's simply not true. The politicians that actually live like kings and their constituents live in poverty are found mostly in capitalist-run nations, not socialist ones. Much of what you've heard about the Soviet Union is nothing more than Western, particularly American cold war propaganda. Nonsense.

I will attach a few free PDF ebooks to this post so that you can study the economy of the Soviet Union and its ideology. The truth is not what you've learned from Hollywood movies and from American media, politicians, and academia (often funded by the CIA). I watched this Hollywood film in 1985 in the movie theater when I was a young man and I loved it:

But unfortunately, it's bullshit. The Soviet boogieman had no intentions of invading us, not here or in Western Europe. Here are CIA agents admitting to all of the bullshit that they were tasked with spreading about socialism:

GWV5903 writes:

It is our socialist policies in America that continues to be the dependency for the underprivileged, do you need me to carve this in a piece of stone and hang it around your neck?


What "socialist policies" are those? Be more specific. In America what we have are capitalist policies designed to disempower the working-class and re-distribute wealth from the vast majority of people to a small minority of wealthy elites. We defund the government to the point that it can't as much as maintain our nation's vital infrastructure. We have bridges collapsing due to under-funded public works departments around the country not being able to adequately inspect and repair them.

GWV5903 writes:

The Progressives are the ones promoting division, our LMSM is the propaganda arm of the Communist / Socialist movement you so proudly aspire to.


How are we doing that? How do you define "division" in a social context? People defending their rights might create a divide between those who are indifferent to the injustice and those who are its victims. So what? Why would you assume all division is wrong? Some divisions are necessary and unavoidable.

GWV5903 writes:

The Democrats and many Republican politicians are the evil that suppresses citizens ability to succeed. The day is coming soon and you are on the wrong side, you know it’s a short boat trip to Cuba, they love Sheep like yourself….


Lift the sanctions off Cuba and stop committing crimes against nations that choose to apply socialism to their economies. What are you people so afraid of that you feel the need to sanction, threaten, bomb and invade countries that adopt socialism? Why not just allow socialism to fail on its own if it's supposedly so ineffective and worthless? The reason capitalists are unable to co-exist peacefully with socialist countries is because they're afraid that the American working-class will see other nations successfully applying socialism with great success, and may want to emulate those countries by adopting socialism. That's why socialism in America is demonized by the American ruling elite or co-opted by fake socialists like Bernie Sanders and "AOC".

Very long post. 🙄
So why didn't all of those cities burn down to the ground? Oh yes, because it was only a few isolated incidents, that's why.


The 'mostly peaceful' protests occurred in every major population center in the US, and there was criminal activity in more than 40 of them.

The right-wingers stormed the capitol building in DC and vandalized it. They were even threatening the lives of politicians.

And... ?
According to the FBI practically all of the terrorism committed in the United States in the last five years has been right-wing terrorism


The FBI never claimed that.
Right-wing terrorism. If the protests were as bad as you claim, all of those cities would've been burned to the ground. That didn't happen. So this line of argumentation is just silly and desperate.

What a strange bizarre weirdo argument

Terrorism isn't meaningful unless there's total destruction?

What planet are you from again?

You can't debate leftists on principles or policies so you resort to accusing them of being violent.

No, I accuse them of being STUPID.

The violence part is self evident.

You ignore your own violence and pretend your side consists of innocent little lambs. Sure sure, whatever. Delude yourselves into thinking you're a little victim.
Righties are reactive. Lefties are proactive. It's not about the violence, it's about the button pushing.
GWV5903 writes:

That’s utterly ridiculous, in Minneapolis over 700 buildings were damaged, 12 were completely destroyed. Nationwide they did over $2BB in damages,


You're more worried about property damage than any injustice, pain, suffering, or death inflicted upon human beings by a corrupt, capitalist and in many ways, racist system. Where did you get the figure of 700 buildings damaged and 12 destroyed? To what extent were those 700 properties damaged? How exactly were the 12 buildings destroyed? How many buildings are there in the city of Minneapolis?

You're pretending that people who are protesting a genocidal, racist, imperialist system are committing worse acts of violence than the violence they're protesting against, because they're damaging buildings. When right-wingers strongly feel betrayed or violated they resort to violence as well. Violence in and of itself doesn't invalidate your cause or render your position false. You can be correct, just, and violent. This line of argumentation, where you point at violent acts in a desperate attempt to debunk your political opponents is just hypocritical and disingenuous. You right-wingers are just as prone to violence and to support violent acts when it serves you. To assert otherwise is just dishonest.

GWV5903 writes:

how do you equate this to “a few isolated incidents “? It’s understandable that the majority of the Progressives are easier to lead around by their nose’s, but how do you justify that 34 people were killed during this period of peaceful protest?


I don't have to "justify" those supposed 34 deaths, to a right-winger who is in support of government and economic policies that cause a lot more death and destruction than that. Assuming your figures are accurate, and you didn't just pull them out of your ass, what is the context of those deaths? People die when there's civil unrest, and protests, yes? Class struggle is quite deadly. I'm personally against taking firearms to protests, that's not the place for firearms. Unfortunately, there were both leftists and right-wingers in those protests armed to the teeth. That's just stupid. Firearms are for war not for protests. So I criticize both the left and right, who were arming themselves in those protests. Protestors should never arm themselves with weapons because it stops being a protest. It becomes a civil war.

GWV5903 writes:

Let’s be clear, you’re a Communist, we despise communism as a Capitalist country.


America isn't a capitalist country by default or nature, it's that way due to decades of propaganda and brainwashing. When you say "we", who are you referring to? More people than ever are now identifying as socialists so your assumption that the American public loves capitalism and hates socialism is preposterous and false. Socialism is the process that leads to communism. I identify as a communist because that's the final objective of my political activism, but I recognize the role socialism has in meeting that objective. Socialism is the process that socializes and democratizes capitalist production. Today tens of millions of Americans are socialists and are against capitalism, the fact you fail to recognize that shows how brainwashed you are by your capitalist fief-lords.

GWV5903 writes:

History has proven without a doubt that Capitalism is the best choice to date.


Actually the very opposite is true, especially today in the early 21st century. Capitalism is now in its final hour, due to technology replacing wage-labor.

GWV5903 writes:

Communism is an oppressive dictatorship....


According to Marx communism is a stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or a need for money. An actual communist society at a national level has never existed. The Soviet Union was a socialist state, not a communist one. Its very name identified it as such:

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
View attachment 668708

The term "communist state" is an oxymoron since communism eliminates the state. The means of production is placed in the hands of the individual consumer, in what we call "high communism" or industrialized, high-tech communism, hence the need for a state apparatus that protects the private property of a certain socioeconomic class is eliminated. In a high-communist society, there's so much abundance, that the idea of stealing other people's personal property is absurd. A governing body of people's councils might organize a police force, but it will be very small compared to what we have today. Anarchist and communist essentially want the same thing, the only difference is how we get to the final objective of a stateless, classless society without the need for money. The anarchist wants to get there overnight, by tearing down the state immediately with all of its institutions. Communists want to implement a process called socialism, where the state and the nation's production is gradually socialized, democratized, and personalized. The state is eventually eliminated.

GWV5903 writes:

a few select live like kings, there is no middle class.


That sounds more like capitalism. A few live like kings and the working class is gutted out and placed on the skillet. The common capitalist rhetoric is that in the Soviet Union the highest-ranking members of the communist party lived like kings while the average Soviet citizen lived in abject poverty and misery. That's simply not true. The politicians that actually live like kings and their constituents live in poverty are found mostly in capitalist-run nations, not socialist ones. Much of what you've heard about the Soviet Union is nothing more than Western, particularly American cold war propaganda. Nonsense.

I will attach a few free PDF ebooks to this post so that you can study the economy of the Soviet Union and its ideology. The truth is not what you've learned from Hollywood movies and from American media, politicians, and academia (often funded by the CIA). I watched this Hollywood film in 1985 in the movie theater when I was a young man and I loved it:

But unfortunately, it's bullshit. The Soviet boogieman had no intentions of invading us, not here or in Western Europe. Here are CIA agents admitting to all of the bullshit that they were tasked with spreading about socialism:

GWV5903 writes:

It is our socialist policies in America that continues to be the dependency for the underprivileged, do you need me to carve this in a piece of stone and hang it around your neck?


What "socialist policies" are those? Be more specific. In America what we have are capitalist policies designed to disempower the working-class and re-distribute wealth from the vast majority of people to a small minority of wealthy elites. We defund the government to the point that it can't as much as maintain our nation's vital infrastructure. We have bridges collapsing due to under-funded public works departments around the country not being able to adequately inspect and repair them.

GWV5903 writes:

The Progressives are the ones promoting division, our LMSM is the propaganda arm of the Communist / Socialist movement you so proudly aspire to.


How are we doing that? How do you define "division" in a social context? People defending their rights might create a divide between those who are indifferent to the injustice and those who are its victims. So what? Why would you assume all division is wrong? Some divisions are necessary and unavoidable.

GWV5903 writes:

The Democrats and many Republican politicians are the evil that suppresses citizens ability to succeed. The day is coming soon and you are on the wrong side, you know it’s a short boat trip to Cuba, they love Sheep like yourself….


Lift the sanctions off Cuba and stop committing crimes against nations that choose to apply socialism to their economies. What are you people so afraid of that you feel the need to sanction, threaten, bomb and invade countries that adopt socialism? Why not just allow socialism to fail on its own if it's supposedly so ineffective and worthless? The reason capitalists are unable to co-exist peacefully with socialist countries is because they're afraid that the American working-class will see other nations successfully applying socialism with great success, and may want to emulate those countries by adopting socialism. That's why socialism in America is demonized by the American ruling elite or co-opted by fake socialists like Bernie Sanders and "AOC".

Another fucking delusional leftard. ^^^

Scuffy writes:




Scuffy writes:
The FBI never claimed that.

The FBI recognizes that most terrorist attacks in the United States are not Islamic or Leftist, but Right-Wing, White Supremacists.

I'm not the one relying on this line of argumentation where I point out how violent my opposition is. I don't even bother doing that. Violence in and of itself isn't wrong. There's good violence and there's bad violence.

Scuffy writes:

What a strange bizarre weirdo argument. Terrorism isn't meaningful unless there's total destruction?


It's only terrorism in your brain. To you a few buildings burning down is terrorism where a capitalist, imperialist, racist system of exploitation and oppression, isn't terrorism or extremely violent. You're more concerned with property damage than with the injustice and oppression, hence we don't care how you feel about it. We flippantly dismiss your complaints as you do ours.

Scuffy writes:
Righties are reactive. Lefties are proactive. It's not about the violence, it's about the button pushing.


Well thanks for the compliment.
Last edited:
Another fucking delusional leftard. ^^^

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Scuffy writes:




Bullshit. I accused you of honesty, but you're just another lying leftist fuckwit.

Scuffy writes:
The FBI never claimed that.

The FBI recognizes that most terrorist attacks in the United States are not Islamic or Leftist, but Right-Wing, White Supremacists.


I'm not the one relying on this line of argumentation where I point out how violent my opposition is. I don't even bother doing that. Violence in and of itself isn't wrong. There's good violence and there's bad violence.

There is nothing good about arson and looting.

There is nothing good about threatening my children.

There is nothing good about destroying small businesses in your own town, dimwitted leftard.

Scuffy writes:

What a strange bizarre weirdo argument. Terrorism isn't meaningful unless there's total destruction?


It's only terrorism in your brain. To you a few buildings burning down is terrorism where a capitalist, imperialist, racist system of exploitation and oppression, isn't terrorism or extremely violent. You're more concerned with property damage than with the injustice and oppression, hence we don't care how you feel about it. We flippantly dismiss your complaints as you do ours.

Hey you fucking asswipe, you leftards threatened my children, and I'm going to crawl right up your fucked up little asshole because of it. You can take you excuses and shove them far up your ass and rotate hard. Am I being perfectly clear? I'm not mincing words am I?

Scuffy writes:
Righties are reactive. Lefties are proactive. It's not about the violence, it's about the button pushing.


Well thanks for the compliment.

You still have nothing I want, and nothing I'm going to tolerate.
Bullshit. I accused you of honesty, but you're just another lying leftist fuckwit.


There is nothing good about arson and looting.

There is nothing good about threatening my children.

There is nothing good about destroying small businesses in your own town, dimwitted leftard.

Hey you fucking asswipe, you leftards threatened my children, and I'm going to crawl right up your fucked up little asshole because of it. You can take you excuses and shove them far up your ass and rotate hard. Am I being perfectly clear? I'm not mincing words am I?

You still have nothing I want, and nothing I'm going to tolerate.


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