Liberal Extremists Offering Bounties On USSC Justices

It was war, people killing each other. War can cause famines, yes, but nonetheless, it was war. Class warfare.
It was all MASS MURDER!!!!! Like I said, COMPLY OR DIE is how you hive minded insects roll! Communism doesn't work as it totally ignores Human nature. It has FAILED everywhere everytime it's been IMPLEMENTED!

Only the demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies have this willful ignorance of HISTORY!

Next time you get a letter from the court, telling you to appear for jury duty, tell them you don't feel like complying and see what happens. If there's a war and you get drafted, tell them "I don't feel like it" and see. If you live in society, you have certain civic obligations, whether you like it or not. As far as work, you will have a lot of options, as far as what you're going to do. You can choose what you want to work in. If you're an elderly person you don't have to work anymore.

Great, so I will go to a job "I get to select" but from which my performance is disconnected from any personal rewards I get. I get my nice house, fine living no matter what.

So everyone in your nice commie society will go to work and do the absolute bare minimum. What is their incentive to do anything else? Even now, look at customer service when employees know they won't be fired, due to the shortage of workers. What's going to happen when people are "forced" to work, do you think?

You're dreaming....but it's funny
It was all MASS MURDER!!!!! Like I said, COMPLY OR DIE is how you hive minded insects roll! Communism doesn't work as it totally ignores Human nature. It has FAILED everywhere everytime it's been IMPLEMENTED!

Only the demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies have this willful ignorance of HISTORY!


To be fair, this one seems very very young, maybe even VERY young, and believes an entire society of humans will be motivated to work 20 hours a week to support "the greater good".

So think about that...and consider
It was all MASS MURDER!!!!! Like I said, COMPLY OR DIE is how you hive minded insects roll! Communism doesn't work as it totally ignores Human nature. It has FAILED everywhere everytime it's been IMPLEMENTED!

Only the demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies have this willful ignorance of HISTORY!

It was all MASS MURDER!!!!! Like I said, COMPLY OR DIE is how you hive minded insects roll! Communism doesn't work as it totally ignores Human nature. It has FAILED everywhere everytime it's been IMPLEMENTED!

Only the demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies have this willful ignorance of HISTORY!


Capitalism doesn't seem to work either. At least no one actually wants to actually practice it.
To be fair, this one seems very very young, maybe even VERY young, and believes an entire society of humans will be motivated to work 20 hours a week to support "the greater good".

So think about that...and consider

Yes unlike you, most people will gladly work 20 hours weekly to support the system that provides them with everything. You won't because you're an ingrate, but most other people will.
Great, so I will go to a job "I get to select" but from which my performance is disconnected from any personal rewards I get. I get my nice house, fine living no matter what.

So everyone in your nice commie society will go to work and do the absolute bare minimum. What is their incentive to do anything else? Even now, look at customer service when employees know they won't be fired, due to the shortage of workers. What's going to happen when people are "forced" to work, do you think?

You're dreaming....but it's funny

No, if you're a member of society and you can work 20 hours weekly to contribute to the system you will do it. If not you will be punished like a little kid. You will be disciplined, like a little girl. Spanking.
Yes unlike you, most people will gladly work 20 hours weekly to support the system that provides them with everything. You won't because you're an ingrate, but most other people will.

Ooohhhh so now we come to it. Right-o.

So MOST people will just love your system and be oh so happy to work but 20 hours a week to support it. But then, you know, who really wants to WORK? And then Betty's snotty boss asked her to mop when it was ending time. So Betty figures, screw it. What does it matter anyway? She doesn't get any more or any less if she works hard or not.

So the next shift, she goes in but fluffs off most of the day. But she does share her thoughts with her coworkers, who agree (those who haven't figured it out yet). Why are they all working so hard? They don't get promoted. They don't get increased pay. Next time the boss asks them to do something, they say, "yeah, when I get around to it". Just enough to placate, never enough to get the work really done.

Sweetheart, you seem smart enough to string a lot of works together but exceedingly naïve. Your nation would be a dystopia in less than 10 years. It would slouch toward apathy and then worse, as you would have to roll out incentives/punishments that would make it look just like a meritocracy. That is: capitalism, but I guess without the money.

You just cannot outrun human nature.
No, if you're a member of society and you can work 20 hours weekly to contribute to the system you will do it. If not you will be punished like a little kid. You will be disciplined, like a little girl. Spanking.

"The beatings will continue until morale improves".

And then people will rebel and overthrow your utopia.

Gosh, I defeated your great system in like what, five posts?
Biden claimed Conservatives a bigger threat than Antifa, BLM, liberal domestic terrorists, or even Democrat politicians who have incited 2 assassination attempts, called for violence against USSC Justices, personally threatened USSC Justices, and openly called for Insurrection.

AOC and the WH defend publicly harassing Justices while Liberal Extremists are now offering bounties on the USSC Justices.

You shit flinging monkeys dont realize the can of worms you’ve opened, do you?

It gets better
Ooohhhh so now we come to it. Right-o.

So MOST people will just love your system and be oh so happy to work but 20 hours a week to support it. But then, you know, who really wants to WORK? And then Betty's snotty boss asked her to mop when it was ending time. So Betty figures, screw it. What does it matter anyway? She doesn't get any more or any less if she works hard or not.

So the next shift, she goes in but fluffs off most of the day. But she does share her thoughts with her coworkers, who agree (those who haven't figured it out yet). Why are they all working so hard? They don't get promoted. They don't get increased pay. Next time the boss asks them to do something, they say, "yeah, when I get around to it". Just enough to placate, never enough to get the work really done.

Sweetheart, you seem smart enough to string a lot of works together but exceedingly naïve. Your nation would be a dystopia in less than 10 years. It would slouch toward apathy and then worse, as you would have to roll out incentives/punishments that would make it look just like a meritocracy. That is: capitalism, but I guess without the money.

You just cannot outrun human nature.

The socialist workplace is democratized. Democracy. The worker's council is comprised of elected officials that you will elect. The council elects the production team leaders and there is plenty of accountability between management and subordinates. Unlike in the capitalist workplace, where you're working in an absolute dictatorship. We believe in democracy in the workplace and in government as well.
Ooohhhh so now we come to it. Right-o.

So MOST people will just love your system and be oh so happy to work but 20 hours a week to support it. But then, you know, who really wants to WORK? And then Betty's snotty boss asked her to mop when it was ending time. So Betty figures, screw it. What does it matter anyway? She doesn't get any more or any less if she works hard or not.

I would have loved to have had to only work 20 hours a week. That said, things aren't going to work like is being described but in the future it will be different than from today. How will it be exactly? I don't know exactly but our current set up is unsustainable forever.

The socialist workplace is democratized. Democracy. The worker's council is comprised of elected officials that you will elect. The council elects the production team leaders and there is plenty of accountability between management and subordinates. Unlike in the capitalist workplace, where you're working in an absolute dictatorship. We believe in democracy in the workplace and in government as well.

we are far afield of the thread topic but your "worker's council" will very quickly become task masters of the State. do not doubt that. Spankings, remember?
I would have loved to have had to only work 20 hours a week. That said, things aren't going to work like is being described but in the future it will be different than from today. How will it be exactly? I don't know exactly but our current set up is unsustainable forever.

You can try to figure out an alternative to democratizing the workplace and producing everything to meet human needs, but what would that be? People are just suffering from a bad case of cognitive dissonance, refusing to recognize that the solution has been with us for the last 160 years, it's called socialism and communism (socialism is the process that leads to communism). We need to socialize, democratize and personalize production. That's the answer, and people know it but they just can't get themselves to admit it, due to all of the negative cold war capitalist propaganda about socialism.
You can try to figure out an alternative to democratizing the workplace and producing everything to meet human needs, but what would that be? People are just suffering from a bad case of cognitive dissonance, refusing to recognize that the solution has been with us for the last 160 years, it's called socialism and communism (socialism is the process that leads to communism). We need to socialize, democratize and personalize production. That's the answer, and people know it but they just can't get themselves to admit it, due to all of the negative cold war capitalist propaganda about socialism.

Where Communism has been tried it didn't work any better than Capitalism. No, it will all be somewhere in the middle. Like I said, there are things that will happen that I haven't even conceived of so I'm not making any predictions of exactly how things will be but they will be different.
we are far afield of the thread topic but your "worker's council" will very quickly become task masters of the State. do not doubt that. Spankings, remember?

The state is democratic. The United States was the capitalist empire that would sanction and threaten socialist countries with war. The US invaded Russia after WW1 with 14 Western European countries to stop the Bolshevic revolution and it failed. The capitalist encirclement of socialist nations, those little flowers trying to grow in a field of capitalist weeds, always made it extremely difficult for a democracy to flourish in these besieged Marxist nations. Government authority will often centralize itself when under an existential threat.

America becoming socialist however will be a unique situation in history, due to the fact that it was always the primary adversary of socialist nations. When the American capitalist ruling class is finally defeated and the American working-class take control of their government and economy (production), there won't be a giant capitalist, imperialist adversary that will be able to effectively challenge it. Democracy will flourish in a socialist America. The American people are armed, and American communists like their guns too. We believe in democracy and we love our country.

So we will organize production to meet all of our needs. Democracy in government and in the workplace. Capitalism is the opposite of democracy, it's plutocracy in government and absolute tyranny in the workplace.
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I'd say the same thing about capitalism, so I guess it's a matter of perspective. Communism is coming, it's the inevitable result of technology replacing wage labor.
Long since proven wrong and debunked in other threads.

Communism is an inevitable failure and always will be it is not coming

The death of communism is coming it is goiun g to be left in the trash of history where it belongs.

BTW you are a liar. Marx did not describe it as a stateless classeless society he described it as a revolution, an ongoing process which included a long period of tyrannical violent and genocidal DICTATORSHIP.

He tricked weak minded fools like you into thinking that of the proletariate means a " nice " dictatorship " when it means precisely what you got in the USSR and China and other communist nations which are proven to all be more genodical than Nazi Germany.

They all failed due to inherent contradictory and flawed ideas of Marx

You are doomed to failure and technology will increase labor wages and capitalism that is fact
You can try to figure out an alternative to democratizing the workplace and producing everything to meet human needs, but what would that be? People are just suffering from a bad case of cognitive dissonance, refusing to recognize that the solution has been with us for the last 160 years, it's called socialism and communism (socialism is the process that leads to communism). We need to socialize, democratize and personalize production. That's the answer, and people know it but they just can't get themselves to admit it, due to all of the negative cold war capitalist propaganda about socialism.
Communism and socialism are failures worldwide,

Democracy in the workplace has been around for a long time and also consistently failed. Worker owned coops have been tried many times over and fail due to their own weakness.

They are simply not a good business model although you are free to try asnd start one. Democracy is tyranny by design which is why we are a republic.
Yes unlike you, most people will gladly work 20 hours weekly to support the system that provides them with everything. You won't because you're an ingrate, but most other people will.
No they will not but in fact like all good marxists you admit you support slavery

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