Liberal Extremists Offering Bounties On USSC Justices

Modern technology: Automated systems, robotics, artificial intelligence, self-driving vehicles, nanotechnology, powerful computer systems..etc, replaces a significant % of wage-labor and eventually all wage-labor, hence the market shrinks because without wage-labor there are no paying consumers. Consumers will always exist, but not paying ones. Paying consumers need money to pay and consume, and the way they acquire money is through something called a "job". Jobs pay a wage. See the cycle?


If the capitalists are the pillars of a capitalist economy, the working-class or wage labor is the foundation upon which the capitalist pillars rest. Eliminate the wage labor with technology, you pull the foundation from under their feet. There's no more market hence no more capitalism. The billionaires are stumped:

The big money capitalists are smart, they're not dumb. They see the writing on the wall. That's why they're becoming "compassionate". You can search on YouTube for "compassionate capitalism" hehehe. The big money capitalists are now compassionate and humble. They're offering the working-class a "UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME" i.e. UBI. The government becomes the savior of capitalism, by sending everyone a monthly income. "Free Money". Genuine Marxists, don't want a UBI, the billionaires can keep it. UBI is capitalism on life-support. Capitalists trying to hold on to power, and keep their privileged social status and control. They need to keep capitalism on life-support, being funded by the government with UBI. They create an artificial market, by conjuring up paying consumers, allowing capitalists to survive.

Our solution is simply employing advanced technology to produce everything we consume, without wage-labor or capitalists. We democratize, socialize production and organize labor around the monitoring of the technology. Human participation and work will still be necessary, but it will be voluntary and to support the system that provides us all with a very high standard of living. Everyone will have food, housing, transportation, personal computers, everything you could ever want, but our work will be organized differently. We'll work maybe 20 hours a week, and if we work more it's voluntary. We develop the modern infrastructure to mine the raw materials, process the materials, transport the materials to the factories..etc. Each person constributes to the system, to support it.

Democracy in the workplace, not just in politics. Yes, that's right. You will work in an environment where production-team-leaders are elected by elected officials within the factory. There's a worker's council or "soviet". The members of the worker's council are elected by us (you and I). The soviet then elects the team-leaders. So everyone is accountable to each other. It's not like working under a capitalist fief-lord. Accountability is important in a democratic, socialist society. This is not communism yet, this is socialism which is the process that leads to communism.

Communism according to Marx, is a stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money. The Soviet Union was socialist, not communist. A communist society at a national scale has never existed. How do we get to communism? In about 100 or 200 years, when the individual consumer has absolute control, ownership over the technology of production. You no longer need anyone, not even your comrades to help you produce the products you consume. You'll have acccess to ATOMIC PRECISION MANUFACTURING MACHINES:

Socialism is the process that leads to communism. We call ourselves "communists", because we want to remind ourselves (and others) of what the objective is. We identify ourselves with the objective or goal. Communism. However, what will be established first is socialism. We democratize, and socialize the production process. It's no longer in the hands of the capitalists or the rich. The means of production and the state is in the hands of the working-class, not the super-PACs or bankers. Marx calls it the "dictatorship of the proletariat". What is that? It means "democracy", the rule of the people. The people dictate how to organize society, production, and all of our resources. With modern technology, we can have a direct democracy. No one will lord themselves over another, or exploit and abuse others. No more human lords or masters. We elect our leaders and the people remain armed.



Marx never taught that the people should be disarmed. Never. Show me where in any of his writings, did he call for the disarming of the populace? Never.


The people should remain armed. That way if anyone is foolish enough to betray their trust, they will be quickly dispatched. Hung from the nearest tree or put in front of a firing squad. The American people will always remain armed. So who's going to take your house away? Are the bad communists coming to take your house? No no no. If you're paying a mortgage now, you will not have to pay anyone a mortgage once the people's state is established. That house you live in now will become yours forever. You and your progeny will own that home you live in now. The bankers will no longer own your home. When did Marx ever say that people can't own their homes? Never. You can own your home. Truly own it, because as communists we believe housing is a human right and if you already have a home, why should you lose it? You just stay there where you are now.

Don't drink the capitalist cold war Kool-Aid propaganda against communism. We are for the American People.

Our first objective in the communist front is to establish communities or what we call "colonies". The United Soviet Colonies Of America.

The word "colombia" is not English. The word, America is not English. The word Soviet, is not English. It means "council". When the shit hits the fan and there is mass unemployment and civil strife, you are all welcome to live in our colonies and become part of the USCA or you can reach out to us for assistance, and if we can help you we will. The communist front is the political activist arm of the USCA.

Everyone is welcome, regardless of their religion.



I've attached some PDF ebooks for more information on socialism and communism.


  • 51Rtcq7nDaL._SY346_.jpg
    21 KB · Views: 12
  • Another view of Stalin - Martens, Ludo.pdf
    2.9 MB · Views: 11
  • Socialism Betrayed_ Behind the - Thomas Kenny.pdf
    1.4 MB · Views: 9
  • Why Marx Was Right - Eagleton, Terry.pdf
    850.4 KB · Views: 11
  • The Principles of Communism - Friedrich Engels.pdf
    224.7 KB · Views: 15
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Modern technology: Automated systems, robotics, artificial intelligence, self-driving vehicles, nanotechnology, powerful computer systems..etc, replaces a significant % of wage-labor and eventually all wage-labor, hence the market shrinks because without wage-labor there are no paying consumers. Consumers will always exist, but not paying ones. Paying consumers need money to pay and consume, and the way they acquire money is through something called a "job". Jobs pay a wage. See the cycle?


If the capitalists are the pillars of a capitalist economy, the working-class or wage labor is the foundation upon which the capitalist pillars rest. Eliminate the wage labor with technology, you pull the foundation from under their feet. There's no more market hence no more capitalism. The billionaires are stumped:

The big money capitalists are smart, they're not dumb. They see the writing on the wall. That's why they're becoming "compassionate". You can search on YouTube for "compassionate capitalism" hehehe. The big money capitalists are now compassionate and humble. They're offering the working-class a "UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME" i.e. UBI. The government becomes the savior of capitalism, by sending everyone a monthly income. "Free Money". Genuine Marxists, and Socialists, don't want their UBI, they can keep it. UBI is capitalism on life-support. Capitalists trying to hold on to power, and keep their privileged social status and control. They need to keep capitalism on life-support, being funded by the government with UBI. They create an artificial market, by conjuring up paying consumers, allowing capitalists to survive.

Our solution is simply employing advanced technology to produce everything we consume, without wage-labor or capitalists. We democratize, socialize production and organize labor around the monitoring of the technology. Human participation and work will still be necessary, but it will be voluntary and to support the system that provides us all with a very high standard of living. Everyone will have food, housing, transportation, personal computers, everything you could ever want, but our work will be organized differently. We work maybe 20 hours a week, and if we work more it's voluntary. We develop the modern infrastructure to mine the raw materials, process the materials, transport the materials to the factories..etc. Each person constributes to the system, to support it.

Democracy in the workplace, not just in politics. Yes, that's right. You will work in an environment where production-team-leaders are elected by elected officials within the factory. There's a worker's council or "soviet". The members of the worker's council are elected by us (you and I). The soviet then elects the team-leaders. So everyone is accountable to each other. It's not like working under a capitalist fief-lord. Accountability is important in a democratic, socialist society. This is not communism yet, this is socialism which is the process that leads to communism.

Communism according to Marx, is a stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money. The Soviet was socialist, not communist. A communist society at a national scale has never existed. How do we get to communism? In about 100 or 200 years, when the individual consumer has absolute control, ownership over the technology of production. You no longer need anyone, not even your comrades to help you produce the products you consume. You'll have acccess to ATOMIC PRECISION MANUFACTURING MACHINES:

Socialism is the process that leads to communism. We call ourselves "communists", because we want to remind ourselves (and others) of what the objective is. We identify ourselves with the objective or goal. Communism. However, what will be established first is socialism. We democratize, and socialize the production process. It's no longer in the hands of the capitalists or the rich. The means of production and the state is in the hands of the working-class, not the super-PACs or bankers. Marx calls it the "dictatorship of the proletariat". What is that? It means "democracy", the rule of the people. The people dictate how to organize society, production, and all of our resources. With modern technology, we can have a direct democracy. No one will lord themselves over another, or exploit and abuse others. No more human lords or masters. We elect our leaders and the people remain armed.

Marx never wrote that the people should be disarmed. Never. Show me where in any of his writings, did he call for the disarming of the populace? Never.

The people should remain armed. That way if anyone is foolish enough to betray their trust, they will be quickly dispatched. Hung from the nearest tree or put in front of a firing squad. The American people will always remain armed. So who's going to take your house away? Are the bad communists coming to take your house? No no no. If you're paying a mortgage now, you will not have to pay anyone a mortgage once the people's state is established. That house you live in now will become yours forever. You and your progeny will own that home you live in now. The bankers will no longer own your home. When did Marx ever say that people can't own their homes? Never. You can own your home. Truly own it, because as communists we believe housing is a human right and if you already have a home, why should you lose it? You just stay there where you are now.

Don't drink the capitalist cold war Kool-Aid propaganda against communism. We are for the American People.

Our first objective in the communist front is to establish communities or what we call "colonies". The United Soviet Colonies Of America.

The word "colombia" is not English. The word, America is not English. The word Soviet, is not English. It means "council". When the shit hits the fan and there is mass unemployment and civil strife, you are all welcome to live in our colonies and become part of the USCA or you can reach out to us for assistance, and if we can help you we will. The communist front is the political activist arm of the USCA.

I've attached some PDF ebooks for more information on socialism and communism.

EVERY retarded Marxist rEvOlUtIoN that occurred in the 20th century needed MASS MURDER to come to fruition. How's THAT fit in with your pathetic ambitions?????

In 2014, the SC struck down a Mass. law that created a buffer zone around abortion clinics saying in their decision that anti abortion protesters free speech rights were being violated.

Sooooooo, if we apply that decision to pro abortion protesters they have every right to protest against primma donna SC justices like Kavanaugh who struck down Roe. They don't like it, tough shit. The law applies to every one, including SC justices who think they're priviledged. Boo hoo hoo.
According to the FBI practically all of the terrorism committed in the United States in the last five years has been right-wing terrorism:

Right-wing terrorism. If the protests were as bad as you claim, all of those cities would've been burned to the ground. That didn't happen. So this line of argumentation is just silly and desperate. You can't debate leftists on principles or policies so you resort to accusing them of being violent. You ignore your own violence and pretend your side consists of innocent little lambs. Sure sure, whatever. Delude yourselves into thinking you're a little victim.

No one needs to debate you. We know all you do is tear down, because everything you seek to build is a failure. Communism. Fails. Everywhere.

We build, sweetheart. We build, then like babies, you whine because some people don't get what they want, so they tear down.

Nothing new under the sun
No one needs to debate you. We know all you do is tear down, because everything you seek to build is a failure. Communism. Fails. Everywhere.

We build, sweetheart. We build, then like babies, you whine because some people don't get what they want, so they tear down.

Nothing new under the sun

Capitalism will soon be replaced by socialism, as technology replaces wage-labor. You will be a communist one day, you'll see.
Modern technology: Automated systems, robotics, artificial intelligence, self-driving vehicles, nanotechnology, powerful computer systems..etc, replaces a significant % of wage-labor and eventually all wage-labor, hence the market shrinks because without wage-labor there are no paying consumers. Consumers will always exist, but not paying ones. Paying consumers need money to pay and consume, and the way they acquire money is through something called a "job". Jobs pay a wage. See the cycle?


If the capitalists are the pillars of a capitalist economy, the working-class or wage labor is the foundation upon which the capitalist pillars rest. Eliminate the wage labor with technology, you pull the foundation from under their feet. There's no more market hence no more capitalism. The billionaires are stumped:

The big money capitalists are smart, they're not dumb. They see the writing on the wall. That's why they're becoming "compassionate". You can search on YouTube for "compassionate capitalism" hehehe. The big money capitalists are now compassionate and humble. They're offering the working-class a "UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME" i.e. UBI. The government becomes the savior of capitalism, by sending everyone a monthly income. "Free Money". Genuine Marxists, don't want a UBI, the billionaires can keep it. UBI is capitalism on life-support. Capitalists trying to hold on to power, and keep their privileged social status and control. They need to keep capitalism on life-support, being funded by the government with UBI. They create an artificial market, by conjuring up paying consumers, allowing capitalists to survive.

Our solution is simply employing advanced technology to produce everything we consume, without wage-labor or capitalists. We democratize, socialize production and organize labor around the monitoring of the technology. Human participation and work will still be necessary, but it will be voluntary and to support the system that provides us all with a very high standard of living. Everyone will have food, housing, transportation, personal computers, everything you could ever want, but our work will be organized differently. We'll work maybe 20 hours a week, and if we work more it's voluntary. We develop the modern infrastructure to mine the raw materials, process the materials, transport the materials to the factories..etc. Each person constributes to the system, to support it.

Democracy in the workplace, not just in politics. Yes, that's right. You will work in an environment where production-team-leaders are elected by elected officials within the factory. There's a worker's council or "soviet". The members of the worker's council are elected by us (you and I). The soviet then elects the team-leaders. So everyone is accountable to each other. It's not like working under a capitalist fief-lord. Accountability is important in a democratic, socialist society. This is not communism yet, this is socialism which is the process that leads to communism.

Communism according to Marx, is a stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money. The Soviet Union was socialist, not communist. A communist society at a national scale has never existed. How do we get to communism? In about 100 or 200 years, when the individual consumer has absolute control, ownership over the technology of production. You no longer need anyone, not even your comrades to help you produce the products you consume. You'll have acccess to ATOMIC PRECISION MANUFACTURING MACHINES:

Socialism is the process that leads to communism. We call ourselves "communists", because we want to remind ourselves (and others) of what the objective is. We identify ourselves with the objective or goal. Communism. However, what will be established first is socialism. We democratize, and socialize the production process. It's no longer in the hands of the capitalists or the rich. The means of production and the state is in the hands of the working-class, not the super-PACs or bankers. Marx calls it the "dictatorship of the proletariat". What is that? It means "democracy", the rule of the people. The people dictate how to organize society, production, and all of our resources. With modern technology, we can have a direct democracy. No one will lord themselves over another, or exploit and abuse others. No more human lords or masters. We elect our leaders and the people remain armed.

Marx never taught that the people should be disarmed. Never. Show me where in any of his writings, did he call for the disarming of the populace? Never.

The people should remain armed. That way if anyone is foolish enough to betray their trust, they will be quickly dispatched. Hung from the nearest tree or put in front of a firing squad. The American people will always remain armed. So who's going to take your house away? Are the bad communists coming to take your house? No no no. If you're paying a mortgage now, you will not have to pay anyone a mortgage once the people's state is established. That house you live in now will become yours forever. You and your progeny will own that home you live in now. The bankers will no longer own your home. When did Marx ever say that people can't own their homes? Never. You can own your home. Truly own it, because as communists we believe housing is a human right and if you already have a home, why should you lose it? You just stay there where you are now.

Don't drink the capitalist cold war Kool-Aid propaganda against communism. We are for the American People.

Our first objective in the communist front is to establish communities or what we call "colonies". The United Soviet Colonies Of America.

The word "colombia" is not English. The word, America is not English. The word Soviet, is not English. It means "council". When the shit hits the fan and there is mass unemployment and civil strife, you are all welcome to live in our colonies and become part of the USCA or you can reach out to us for assistance, and if we can help you we will. The communist front is the political activist arm of the USCA.

Everyone is welcome, regardless of their religion.

I've attached some PDF ebooks for more information on socialism and communism.

All you need to read of this is right here:

Human participation and work will still be necessary, but it will be voluntary

So in your fantasy, people who have 'everything' will work....voluntarily.

You cannot possibly be even close to 30 years old. At least, I hope not.
EVERY retarded Marxist rEvOlUtIoN that occurred in the 20th century needed MASS MURDER to come to fruition. How's THAT fit in with your pathetic ambitions?????

War is not necessarily MASS MURDER. It's just war. Communists didn't start two world wars, it was the retarded capitalists who you worship and serve. Communists didn't start WW2 but they ended it.
Capitalism will soon be replaced by socialism, as technology replaces wage-labor. You will be a communist one day, you'll see.

There is no place on Earth that actually practices Capitalism so that ship sailed long ago. Some like to pretend that we practice Capitalism but in reality we do not. Nowhere in Capitalism does one find the chapter where the government steps in and forces the people to bail out failed businesses.
All you need to read of this is right here:

Human participation and work will still be necessary, but it will be voluntary

So in your fantasy, people who have 'everything' will work....voluntarily.

You cannot possibly be even close to 30 years old. At least, I hope not.

Yes, when technology replaces wage-labor, production will be organized by society in such a way that everyone will still work, but not for a wage. You will work 20 hours weekly and if you want to work more, it will be voluntary. You will have food, your home (you can stay in your current home), and everything you need and would ever want. Technology will produce everything for us, with some human labor. Production will be fully socialized and democratized, no longer for a profit.
Capitalism will soon be replaced by socialism, as technology replaces wage-labor. You will be a communist one day, you'll see.

I'm guessing you don't even know that some Americans tried communism way back to Jamestown--and predictably, it failed. It failed because humans are not motivated by providing for "the greater good". They're motivated by providing for themselves and their loved ones, and from that direct overflow, then giving it away.

You see people less motivated and less advantaged, and you see people who have more and less, and cry "not fair"...and you think you can change human nature. You cannot. You won't. But you WILL kill a lot of people trying, if history repeats.
Yes, when technology replaces wage-labor, production will be organized by society in such a way that everyone will still work, but not for a wage. You will work 20 hours weekly and if you want to work more, it will be voluntary. You will have food, your home (you can stay in your current home), and everything you need and would ever want. Technology will produce everything for us, with some human labor. Production will be fully socialized and democratized, no longer for a profit.

I don't want to work 20 hours a week.

Now what.
There is no place on Earth that actually practices Capitalism so that ship sailed long ago. Some like to pretend that we practice Capitalism but in reality we do not. Nowhere in Capitalism does one find the chapter where the government steps in and forces the people to bail out failed businesses.

True. Free markets have never really existed, they've always needed the courts, laws, in other words, government. Technology will soon replace most of wage-labor and when that occurs that's the end of capitalism and the beginning of the socialist era of production.
War is not necessarily MASS MURDER. It's just war. Communists didn't start two world wars, it was the retarded capitalists who you worship and serve. Communists didn't start WW2 but they ended it.
Forced starvation of masses of people is NOT the same as "war", you dolt! Your premise that Marxist revolutions were noble in any sense is complete BULLSHIT!!!

Comply or DIE is the Marxist calling card, so go fuck yourself! :eusa_hand:
I'm guessing you don't even know that some Americans tried communism way back to Jamestown--and predictably, it failed. It failed because humans are not motivated by providing for "the greater good". They're motivated by providing for themselves and their loved ones, and from that direct overflow, then giving it away.

You see people less motivated and less advantaged, and you see people who have more and less, and cry "not fair"...and you think you can change human nature. You cannot. You won't. But you WILL kill a lot of people trying, if history repeats.

When technology makes production efficient enough, it will be simple to socialize and democratize production. Everyone will have a high standard of living and will work to maintain the system that supports them. It's as you say, a question of personal survival. Capitalism didn't replace slavery and feudalism overnight, it took centuries. Socialism also took centuries to replace capitalism, it didn't occur in a day. Now thanks to technology, we are entering the era of socialist production. Non-profit, socialized, democratized production.

As wage-labor is eliminated by technology, we will adopt socialism from necessity. Because we need to, whether we like it or not, it won't be a matter of choice. We will need to reorganize production.
True. Free markets have never really existed, they've always needed the courts, laws, in other words, government. Technology will soon replace most of wage-labor and when that occurs that's the end of capitalism and the beginning of the socialist era of production.

Hey Commie freak, I asked you a question. I don't want to work 20 hours a week. Now what?

Prison? You take the stuff away from me you just promised? What?
Forced starvation of masses of people is NOT the same as "war", you dolt! Your premise that Marxist revolutions were noble in any sense is complete BULLSHIT!!!

Comply or DIE is the Marxist calling card, so go fuck yourself! :eusa_hand:

It was war, people killing each other. War can cause famines, yes, but nonetheless, it was war. Class warfare.
Hey Commie freak, I asked you a question. I don't want to work 20 hours a week. Now what?

Prison? You take the stuff away from me you just promised? What?

Next time you get a letter from the court, telling you to appear for jury duty, tell them you don't feel like complying and see what happens. If there's a war and you get drafted, tell them "I don't feel like it" and see. If you live in society, you have certain civic obligations, whether you like it or not. As far as work, you will have a lot of options, as far as what you're going to do. You can choose what you want to work in. If you're an elderly person you don't have to work anymore.

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