Liberal Extremists Offering Bounties On USSC Justices

Long since proven wrong and debunked in other threads.

Communism is an inevitabkle failure and always will be it is not coming

The death of communims is coming it is goiun g to be left in the trash of history where it belongs.

BTW you are a liar. Marx did not descrive it as a stateless classeless society he described it as a revolution, an ongoing process which included a long period of tyrannical violent and genocidal DICTATORSHIP.

He tricked weak minded fools like you into thinking that of the proletariate means a " nice " dictatorship " when it means precisely what you got in the USSR and China and other communist nations which are proven to all be more genodical than Nazi Germany.

They all failed due to inherent contradictory and flawed ideas of Marx

You are doomed to failure and thecnology will increase labor wages and capitalism that is fact


You don't have a clue of how Marx defined communism, apparently. The revolution stage is socialism. Communism is the objective and that is indeed a stateless, classless society without the need for money. Anyone can google it. Even Wikipedia admits this. So you're just setting yourself up to be exposed as a capitalist propagandist and whinner.
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You don't have a clue of how Marx defined communism, apparently. The revolution stage is socialism. Communism is the objective and that is indeed a stateless, classless society without the need for money. Anyone can google it. Even Wikipedia admits this. So you're just setting yourself up to be exposed as a capitalist propagandist and whinner.
I am spot on correct about how he defined it and you are projecting. Communism is not an objective it is the guiding philosophy of the revolution.

Communism is as he defined it slavery and oppression which is what all failed socialist nations built.

You are not enlightened with comprehension of what he wrote you are brainwashed and incapable of critical thought.
No they will not but in fact like all good marxists you admit you support slavery

Working 20 hours a week is slavery? Darn, you're lazy. Can't even supervise the robots for a few hours, yet you have a home, food, transportation, AR15 or AK19 (armed "slaves"), you have an ATV, a fishing boat, you have it all. You can't work 20 hours a week? Darn, what an ingrate.
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Working 20 hours a week is slavery? Darn, you're lazy. Can even supervise the robots for a few hours, yet you have a home, food, transportation, AR15 or AK19 (armed "slaves"), you have an ATV, a fishing boat, you have it all. You can't work 20 hours a week? Darn, what an ingrate.
By force yes that is slavery

You said it yourself do it or be punished. THAT IS slavery.
I am spot on correct about how he defined it and you are projecting. Communism is not an objective it is the guiding philosophy of the revolution.

Communism is as he defined it slavery and oppression which is what all failed socialist nations built.

You are not enlightened with comprehension of what he wrote you are brainwashed and incapable of critical thought.

Communism is indeed the objective and it's a stateless, classless society. That's the revolutionary goal, so you're not making any sense. Like always, you just spew capitalist bullshit.
Communism is indeed the objective of a stateless, classless society. That's the revolutionary goal, so you're not making any sense. Like always, you just spew capitalist bullshit.
The stateless classless sociiety is a goal but not the exclusive definition of communism even according to marx. Working toward that goal is also communism according to Marx. The stateless classless society is aldso a slave state.

Like always i am correcting you with facts which you hate but know to be correct.

Every socialist and communist nation failed to acheive that end but were still socialist and connunist nations despite their failures.

They were also universally genodidal slave states because they follwoed the vision of Marx. They failed because communsim always fails.
The right-wing Republicans do the exact same thing. You're all just as violent, if not more so than the Liberals. No one can claim to be peaceful or pacifistic here, so why even continue with this line of argumentation? You're arguing that the left is violent and the right is what? Peaceful? Hehehe sure OK.
Name any city where the right wing extreme:

Took over several major city blocks
Held protests and blocked city traffic
Burned down city buildings night after night
Tore down city property such as statues
Sit outside SCOTUS judges homes to protest their rulings
Put a bounty in information leading to making more of this possible

Any if this. Find it or fuck off
By force yes that is slavery

You said it yourself do it or be punished. THAT IS slavery.

No civic duties are not "slavery". We all have our civic duties. Those who can work, will work, in the field that they choose to work in. If there is need to staff people in a certain area, there will be hopefully enough people working in that field, if not measures can be taken to get volunteers or perhaps people will have to work in that field a few days a month. Supervising the mining robots or monitoring the convoys of self-driving trucks, full of raw materials from the mines, being transported to a processing center. Everyone will have work, a job. But the workplace will be democratized and you won't work long hours unless you want to. What is required is only four hours daily, five days a week. Two days off. You'll have a home, truck, motorcycle, appliances, computers, you'll have it all. You won't want to contribute not even 20 hours weekly to the system that provides you with a very high standard of living?

No civic duties are not "slavery". We all have our civic duties. Those who can work, will work, in the field that they choose to work in. If there is need to staff people in a certain area, there will be hopefully enough people working in that field, if not measures can be taken to get volunteers or perhaps people will have to work in that field a few days a month. Supervising the mining robots or monitoring the convoys of self-driving trucks, full of raw materials from the mines, being transported to a processing center. Everyone will have work, a job. But the workplace will be democratized and you won't work long hours unless you want to. What is required is only four hours daily, five days a week. Two days off. You'll have a home, truck, motorcycle, appliances, computers, you'll have it all. You won't want to contribute not even 20 hours weekly to the system that provides you with a very high standard of living?

Slavery is taking the labor of another by force regardless of how many hours one takes or what sort of stupid label like DUTY one puts on it.

Yes that is slavery and like Marx you demand universal slavery for all. we do not ALL have civic duties. Democratized workplaces fail which is why few people try them and slavery which you preach and wish for is immoral and illegal which is why communism will never work.

Even the working people who you and marx alaim to be representing reject your ideas and always have. Even in the great depressiuon communism grew but never took root because the working stiffs know better and reject the ideology.

NO BODY wants to contribute 20 hours or even twenty minutes because they are forced to. You wish to force it on them WHICH IS SLAVERY

You are so proving me correct and showing that I know more about marxism and communis than you
The stateless classless sociiety is a goal but not the exclusive definition of communism even according to marx. Working toward that goal is also communism according to Marx. The stateless classless society is aldso a slave state.

Like always i am correcting you with facts which you hate but know to be correct.

Every socialist and communist nation failed to acheive that end but were still socialist and connunist nations despite their failures.

They were also universally genodidal slave states because they follwoed the vision of Marx. They failed because communsim always fails.

Yes, we define all of our revolutionary activities in the present with the objective. Every single socialist nation was sanctioned, attacked, encircled..etc. They weren't "genocidal slave states" you're just a cheap capitalist polemicist. Anyone can read your bullshit and then compare it with what Marx actually wrote and what others have written about Marxism. You're just exposing yourself as a liar through your rhetoric. Keep posting your silly bullshit diatribes and fearmongering.
Slavery is taking the labor of another by force regardless of how many hours one takes or what sort of stupid label like DUTY one puts on it.

Yes that is slavery and like Marx you demand universal slavery for all. we do not ALL have civic duties. Democratized workplaces fail which is why few people try them and slavery which you preach and wish for is immoral and illegal which is why communism will never work.

Even the working people who you and marx alaim to be representing reject your ideas and always have. Even in the great depressiuon communism grew but never took root because the working stiffs know better and reject the ideology.

NO BODY wants to contribute 20 hours or even twenty minutes because they are forced to. You wish to force it on them WHICH IS SLAVERY

You are so proving me correct and showing that I know more about marxism and communis than you

Everyone has to work, sorry little boy. If you can work, you have to work.
You shit flinging monkeys dont realize the can of worms you’ve opened, do you?

It gets better
By returning self-governance to the states / people? You sheep have be ome so used to being control you are willing to loot, burn, bomb, and kill - while blaming others - to give yiur masters control again.
Yes, we define all of our revolutionary activities in the present with the objective. Every single socialist nation was sanctioned, attacked, encircled..etc. They weren't "genocidal slave states" you're just a cheap capitalist polemicist. Anyone can read your bullshit and then compare it with what Marx actually wrote and what others have written about Marxism. You're just exposing yourself as a liar through your rhetoric. Keep posting your silly bullshit diatribes and fearmongering.
Yes they were genocidal slave states exactly as Marx designed and defined. I am stating what Marx actually wrote You are not.

The USSR was proven to be a genocidal slave state far worse than the third reich which their own internal archives have proven. Communist china was worse and proven to be worse. Marx designed this crap and any one who reads his work critically know it.

Notice for example I quote him on the dictatorship of the proletariate while you have to spin and interpret what he meant WITHOUT quoting him.

He mean brutal despotic dictatorship which will last for a long time. He never qualified it as anything else.

His writings and all of history prove me correct and your claims of polemics blah blah blah are just a weak evasion of facts
Everyone has to work, sorry little boy. If you can work, you have to work.
Yes everyone has to work.

Under capitalism you decide when and where to work to benefit yourself. Under communism you are slave, forced to work for others.

That is the difference and why your ilk is foomed to defeat and eternal failure
Yes they were genocidal slave states exactly as Marx designed and defined. I am stating what Marx actually wrote You are not.

The USSR was proven to be a genocidal slave state far worse than the third reich which their own internal archives have proven. Communist china was worse and proven to be worse. Marx designed this crap and any one who reads his work critically know it.

Notice for example I quote him on the dictatorship of the proletariate while you have to spin and interpret what he meant WITHOUT quoting him.

He mean brutal despotic dictatorship which will last for a long time. He never qualified it as anything else.

His writings and all of history prove me correct and your claims of polemics blah blah blah are just a weak evasion of facts

Believe whatever toots your horn.
Believe whatever toots your horn.
Facts not belief.

Backed up by the very piece of trash MArx who you worship.

You should really develop better critical thinking skills. MArx was a fool and grifter his every theory has been disproven such as the labor theory of value. His every prediction has failed to materialize and in fact the opposite has happened. He hated humanity and everyone except factory workers who ironically make uo a small precentage of the proletariate who he universally despised ( with the exception of facotory workers ). This is why the working people suffer the most under communism where ever it is tried.

He hated every social consttruct including democracy. He wanted all social consttructs destroyed and regressive tyranny instead.

He wanted many of these things because he was a cheap grifter. He was a lazy dead beat bum who hated being called a lazy dead beat bum. He wanted a fantasy world where lazy deadbeat bums would be given respect.

He was a piece of trash and his ideology and philosophy s aq reflection of his diseased mind.

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