Liberal for a day


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Liberal for a day.

I am a liberal in this thread only. Ask me any question on any topic, and I will defend it from a liberal point of view.

And I will prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that I can defend any liberal position better than any real liberal.

So try me on any subject, abortion, homosexuality, immigration, gun crime, terrorism, the environment, global warming and I will engage you.

I am ready to be a liberal.
I will defend most, if not all, liberal positions on the issues based on this concept: the ideal population of the Earth is 500 million people, and we should implement policies to get the population down to that level.

What is the Ideal Population of the Earth?

In my opinion, this explains almost everything liberals believe.
Great. Here's a question for you. Why do religious nuts insult and degrade anyone who doesn't believe exactly as they do? Is it because they suck dicks at the truck stop on weekends, and they need something to try to help regain their self respect?
OK, I'll begin.

The Earth is in a crisis, with population expected to reach 10 billion within the next few decades. Clearly, something drastic must be done to save the Earth, and to save the human race from extinction if the Earth is rendered unsuitable for human habitation.

The governments of the world, or preferably a one-world government controlled by an unelected body of intellectuals and scholars, need to implement drastic policies to reduce the population of Earth to an ideal number of 500 million people.

The way to do that is to, obviously, encourage women to have as many abortions as possible, and to expand the definition of "fetus" to include children up to one year old so that they may also be terminated. Gradually, as the public accepts that drastic population control is needed, the legal allowable age for child termination can be increased, so that eventually any dependent minor can be terminated upon the instructions of its parent or guardian.

To further hinder population increases, family formation should be discouraged through tax penalties and regulations. Marriage between heterosexual couples should be taxed heavily so that only the wealthiest (or genetically superior) couples can form families and conceive children in the normal way. The non-desirable portion of the population (minorities, the poor, the white working class) should be encouraged to adopt non-traditional lifestyles, like homosexuality, transgenderism, and other alternatives so as to prevent them from breeding normally.

To further reduce population, the economies of the world should be forced to de-industrialize so that excessive populations can no longer be supported. A reduction of technology levels in the agricultural industry will ensure that farms are less productive, and less able to feed the billions currently inhabiting the planet. This will lead to widespread famine, but that is a necessary to reduce populations to the target number of 500 million. Central planners will ensure that government leaders, intellectuals, and other members of the elite have enough food to survive, and even have excess food for themselves and the servants chosen to survive with them.

Naturally drastic policies that lead to deindustrialization and widespread famine will be considered genocide by some backwards thinking people, and there will be resistance, possibly violent resistance. That is why it is necessary, prior to the implementation of this policy, to disarm the population, especially so-called "law abiding citizens" who would form the core of any resistance to progress.
Liberal for a day.

I am a liberal in this thread only. Ask me any question on any topic, and I will defend it from a liberal point of view.

And I will prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that I can defend any liberal position better than any real liberal.

So try me on any subject, abortion, homosexuality, immigration, gun crime, terrorism, the environment, global warming and I will engage you.

I am ready to be a liberal.

Has anyone told you that you were smart who wasn't licking a window?
OK, I'll begin.

The Earth is in a crisis, with population expected to reach 10 billion within the next few decades. Clearly, something drastic must be done to save the Earth, and to save the human race from extinction if the Earth is rendered unsuitable for human habitation.

The governments of the world, or preferably a one-world government controlled by an unelected body of intellectuals and scholars, need to implement drastic policies to reduce the population of Earth to an ideal number of 500 million people.

The way to do that is to, obviously, encourage women to have as many abortions as possible, and to expand the definition of "fetus" to include children up to one year old so that they may also be terminated. Gradually, as the public accepts that drastic population control is needed, the legal allowable age for child termination can be increased, so that eventually any dependent minor can be terminated upon the instructions of its parent or guardian.

To further hinder population increases, family formation should be discouraged through tax penalties and regulations. Marriage between heterosexual couples should be taxed heavily so that only the wealthiest (or genetically superior) couples can form families and conceive children in the normal way. The non-desirable portion of the population (minorities, the poor, the white working class) should be encouraged to adopt non-traditional lifestyles, like homosexuality, transgenderism, and other alternatives so as to prevent them from breeding normally.

To further reduce population, the economies of the world should be forced to de-industrialize so that excessive populations can no longer be supported. A reduction of technology levels in the agricultural industry will ensure that farms are less productive, and less able to feed the billions currently inhabiting the planet. This will lead to widespread famine, but that is a necessary to reduce populations to the target number of 500 million. Central planners will ensure that government leaders, intellectuals, and other members of the elite have enough food to survive, and even have excess food for themselves and the servants chosen to survive with them.

Naturally drastic policies that lead to deindustrialization and widespread famine will be considered genocide by some backwards thinking people, and there will be resistance, possibly violent resistance. That is why it is necessary, prior to the implementation of this policy, to disarm the population, especially so-called "law abiding citizens" who would form the core of any resistance to progress.

So that's what Rush is telling you are widespread liberal positions? If liberals were as you think we are, I would hate them myself..........idiot
In order to better control the population, it will be better that the vast majority of the population be ignorant and uneducated. Therefore, the dysfunction of public schools in minority neighborhoods would be expanded so that even white children will be deprived the opportunity to read, write, and do simple arithmetic sums. These ignorant and uneducated people will not be able to obtain jobs, so they will be supported through massive government assistance programs designed to cow the population and make them subservient to the elites. Private education will be allowed only for the children of government leaders, intellectuals, and artists and entertainers who meet certain criteria of loyalty to the state and its ideals of an all powerful state controlling all aspect of people's lives.

Gradually, of course, this excess population of welfare recipients would be reduced by targeted reduction of welfare benefits that gradually increase hunger over time, until populations begin to dwindle through malnutrition and disease. The goal is a population of 500 million people who have proven they deserve to live, either because they are genetically superior, or because they have proven loyalty to liberal ideals.

Obviously, a free press and freedom of religion would have to be abolished to achieve the kind of total control necessary to implement these drastic population reduction goals. It will be necessary to crush all opposition, whether political or religious, and to do so in the most ruthless means possible. Only total ruthlessness will acheive the ends of saving Earth from the overpopulation crisis we face.
In order to better control the population, it will be better that the vast majority of the population be ignorant and uneducated. Therefore, the dysfunction of public schools in minority neighborhoods would be expanded so that even white children will be deprived the opportunity to read, write, and do simple arithmetic sums. These ignorant and uneducated people will not be able to obtain jobs, so they will be supported through massive government assistance programs designed to cow the population and make them subservient to the elites. Private education will be allowed only for the children of government leaders, intellectuals, and artists and entertainers who meet certain criteria of loyalty to the state and its ideals of an all powerful state controlling all aspect of people's lives.

Gradually, of course, this excess population of welfare recipients would be reduced by targeted reduction of welfare benefits that gradually increase hunger over time, until populations begin to dwindle through malnutrition and disease. The goal is a population of 500 million people who have proven they deserve to live, either because they are genetically superior, or because they have proven loyalty to liberal ideals.

Obviously, a free press and freedom of religion would have to be abolished to achieve the kind of total control necessary to implement these drastic population reduction goals. It will be necessary to crush all opposition, whether political or religious, and to do so in the most ruthless means possible. Only total ruthlessness will acheive the ends of saving Earth from the overpopulation crisis we face.

Well, of course, gradually. Duh.
Veterans, especially those with combat experience in Iraq, Afghanistan, or elsewhere, would have to be rounded up and placed in relocation camps prior to the implementation of these population reduction policies. Those that can be retrained to an enlightened way of thinking will be retrained, then armed and used against the population as shock troops and riot police. Those that cannot be retrained will be quietly and humanely exterminated.
Liberal for a day.

I am a liberal in this thread only. Ask me any question on any topic, and I will defend it from a liberal point of view.

And I will prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that I can defend any liberal position better than any real liberal.

So try me on any subject, abortion, homosexuality, immigration, gun crime, terrorism, the environment, global warming and I will engage you.

I am ready to be a liberal.
I think Muslims, Jews, and gay people should all be slaughtered. You're a liberal in this thread right? Convince me that I'm wrong.
While it is preferably to destroy all religious faith in the people, since religious institutions can form the backbone of a resistance movement, the Islamic faith might be granted a certain amount of tolerance since it fosters the kind of ignorance and lack of respect for education that we would like to see in the undesirable populations targeted for eventual population reduction. Muslims have proven they are easy to control by their religious leaders, and we can recruit Muslim religious leaders to encourage their followers to self-implement such population reduction policies like voluntary abortion and homosexuality. Gradually, of course, abortion and homosexuality would become mandatory, but by then, through breakdown of moral standards, the resistance of the people to these policies will be reduced to minimal levels.
Out of Character: I am not joking about any of this, and none of it is an exaggeration. This is what liberals really want, read their scholarly journals and magazines.

Back in Character: Don't believe anything Blackrook is telling you. He's gone completely loco!!!
My question to liberals:
Why are you so angry all the time?
Why should we care about the Ukraine's civil war?
And what should the US do about it?
(I can't get a real liberal to actually answer that)

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