Liberal Hypocrite Watch--Ground Zero Mosque vs. Glen Beck Rally

Beck said to tturn it back to god? Which one? The Mormon god or the Christian god?

Islam is a very interesting religion, but mormonism is
What he means is that America needs at the very least, a semblance of spirituality and religion in their lives again...since the Founders were guided by spiritual and religious principles in their daily lives.

I don't agree with religion playing a part in governmental decisions...but you have to admit secularism does nothing to advance a society.

Oh, yes, and before you label me, I can't stand Glenn Beck. But that doesn't mean honesty and facts should be overlooked, either.
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IN OTHER WORDS YOU'RE saying, that when it comes to the Beck Rally, THAT'S DIFFERENT!!!!!!!!!!!

No. I think most of you are hypocrites, right and left, when it comes to free expression. I think Glenn Beck is a piece of shit but he and his groupies have every right to peaceably assemble. And I'm not going to suggest infringing on that simply because I don't like him. Same goes for the mosque, regardless of whether it's "PC" to build it where they're building it or because someone associated with it exercised his right to free speech in a way that displeased you.

People like you are absurd.
I support the right of the Mosque to be built based on their rights of private property and their right to practice their Religion, the organizers went through the proper channels and should be allowed to build , I don't support them per se.

I support Beck's right to hold his rally and the rights of the people that attended, no one owns that day, the Lincoln Memorial is owned by America;not any one group and Beck went through the proper channels and was allowed to hold that rally, I don't support him per se.

To be consistent, support both people's rights, hypocrisy; to me at least; is the inconsistent behavior, in the Mosque threads, I call those who oppose that out on being hypocrites but on this issue, the left is.
Not to mention the Imam has denounced terrorist doctrine in Islam and his Islamic sect is HATED by terrorists.
Beck said to tturn it back to god? Which one? The Mormon god or the Christian god?

Islam is a very interesting religion, but mormonism is

All; Mormons,Islams, Protestants,Catholics etc. are or should be, equal under the law in America.

Personally, while believing in a higher power, I don't care for organized Religion of any stripe, it tends to cause more problems than it's worth,imho.

Who said they are not equal under the law in America?

Personally, I think islam is being slammed in America right now. They have the right to build where they want but its insensitive (even in middle america, where real mericans are and stuff)...blah blah blah.
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Not to mention the Imam has denounced terrorist doctrine in Islam and his Islamic sect is HATED by terrorists.

Why is it Fox fans (beck, hannity, bill o) shy away from the fact that the number two fox stock guy is a saudi.....
Beck said to tturn it back to god? Which one? The Mormon god or the Christian god?

Islam is a very interesting religion, but mormonism is

All; Mormons,Islams, Protestants,Catholics etc. are or should be, equal under the law in America.

Personally, while believing in a higher power, I don't care for organized Religion of any stripe, it tends to cause more problems than it's worth,imho.

Who said they are not equal under the law in America?

Personally, I think islam is being slammed in America right now. They have the right to build where they want but its insensitive...blah blah blah.

And that is where the right goes" hypocrite" and could have really seized the moment concerning property rights,religious freedom and tolerance,imho but at the same time, this thread is on the hypocrisy the left is showing and many; I can see in my mind; are beet red with anger,bitterness and yes;hypocrisy; concerning Beck, they could have seized the moment defending him and HIS rights instead.
Not to mention the Imam has denounced terrorist doctrine in Islam and his Islamic sect is HATED by terrorists.

Why is it Fox fans (beck, hannity, bill o) shy away from the fact that the number two fox stock guy is a saudi.....

Can't stand FOX personally except for Judge Napolitano and John Stossel, I can't think of anyone else I really like on there but that Saudi guy is an investor, he too has a RIGHT to invest how he chooses and;like the organizers of the Mosque; should be allowed to exercise those rights without accusations and threats of investigations arising. Too many are :dig: trying to spin their way out of hypocrisy, depending on which issue is being discussed.
All; Mormons,Islams, Protestants,Catholics etc. are or should be, equal under the law in America.

Personally, while believing in a higher power, I don't care for organized Religion of any stripe, it tends to cause more problems than it's worth,imho.

Who said they are not equal under the law in America?

Personally, I think islam is being slammed in America right now. They have the right to build where they want but its insensitive...blah blah blah.

And that is where the right goes" hypocrite" and could have really seized the moment concerning property rights,religious freedom and tolerance,imho but at the same time, this thread is on the hypocrisy the left is showing and many; I can see in my mind; are beet red with anger,bitterness and yes;hypocrisy; concerning Beck, they could have seized the moment defending him and HIS rights instead.

Who on the left said he didnt have the right to do what he did? I personally said I didnt think the word MLK and beck should be mentioned in the same sentance, but he had the right to have his rally anywhere he wanted as long as he had the permits. He had them, more power to him.
Not to mention the Imam has denounced terrorist doctrine in Islam and his Islamic sect is HATED by terrorists.

Why is it Fox fans (beck, hannity, bill o) shy away from the fact that the number two fox stock guy is a saudi.....

Can't stand FOX personally except for Judge Napolitano and John Stossel, I can't think of anyone else I really like on there but that Saudi guy is an investor, he too has a RIGHT to invest how he chooses and;like the organizers of the Mosque; should be allowed to exercise those rights without accusations and threats of investigations arising. Too many are :dig: trying to spin their way out of hypocrisy, depending on which issue is being discussed.

Dont get me wrong, I dont care that he is saudi, but that is a buzz word for the right and I like throwing this fact back in their faces. It makes me smile when I do that. :)

Of course he has the right to buy fox. Its america. Certain people are all about business and this guy can do it...but yet, they have a problem with someone buying that burlington coat factory building and putting in a cultural center for some reason.
Do you find it real interesting that an Imam who says America has blood on our hands wants to put a Mosque at Ground Zero?

You find it interesting that the left are all for this in the name of "religious tolerance," and "freedom of religious expression."

Why I have liberals on record here on this board saying they agree with the Imam's statements about America.

But Glen Beck holds a rally about turning back to God??????? :eek::eek::eek:

And liberals become UNGLUED!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why it's racism, and intolerance, and it's it's it's CHRISTIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Heaven's to Betsy get out the smelling salts liberals are going to faint at the "intolerance" of inviting muslims and jews, and Christians and buddists and whoever else wishes to turn to God at a rally open to all.

The religious INTOLERANCE of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do liberals even THINK of how ridiculously HYPOCRITICAL they appear on this?

Of course not, and even if they could (which they can't, that would take intelligence, which is something liberals don't have), they wouldn't care!

It's not about religious tolerance, it's about RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE.

The Ground Zero Imam HATES AMERICA and so do these lefties. That's what they have in common. The belief that America has blood on it's hands, etc etc etc. They HATE America as much as the Imam. So, OF COURSE, they are for the mosque.

BUT, Glen Beck LOVES AMERICA!!!!!!!! He wants to turn America back to God. Back to love of God and country!

LIBERALS HATE THAT!!!!!!!!!! That scares the crap out of them! :eek::eek::eek:

So, busted once again liberals. You claimed you were for religious tolerance, but your own rantings about the Glen Beck rally, proves that to be the ANOTHER LIBERAL PHONY LIE!!!!!!!!!!



I do find it interesting that you are an idiot and a liar.

You know that "Return to God" is a new chapter in "hate the gays". The niece of MLK was invited to speak. A woman who publicly compares gay marriage to "genocide" and has lied by saying that Coretta Scott King was against gay marriage, when she not only supported it, but spoke in faver at gay rallies back in the 90's.

You know that "Liberals don't necessarily support the Mosque, but what they support is the First Amendment". But Republicans have introduced 42 new amendments to the Constitution they claim to love.

And then you say this: "You find it interesting that the left are all for this in the name of "religious tolerance," and "freedom of religious expression." But don't believe it applies to Muslims.

You people have no minds to think with, no hearts to feel with and no soul to guide you. You should be ashamed, but don't know any better. I really feel sorry for you. You're dirty and don't even know it. Sad.
Where the liberals failed and showed their hypocrisy was embracing the RIGHT of the Mosque while denouncing Beck and his army of Christians and their RIGHT to hold this rally , it was a well played strategy on Beck's part,in my honest opinion.

The right can be called out on being hypocrites at times on other issues but the left owns this hill on this issue.

They own this one big time!


Who...denounced...."Beck and his army of Christians and their RIGHT to hold this rally"?

Seriously, who in here? I can point out who in here denounced the "mosque". By the way, I find it interesting how a mormon lead an army of Christians. Dont you?
Do you find it real interesting that an Imam who says America has blood on our hands wants to put a Mosque at Ground Zero?

You find it interesting that the left are all for this in the name of "religious tolerance," and "freedom of religious expression."

Why I have liberals on record here on this board saying they agree with the Imam's statements about America.

But Glen Beck holds a rally about turning back to God??????? :eek::eek::eek:

And liberals become UNGLUED!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why it's racism, and intolerance, and it's it's it's CHRISTIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Heaven's to Betsy get out the smelling salts liberals are going to faint at the "intolerance" of inviting muslims and jews, and Christians and buddists and whoever else wishes to turn to God at a rally open to all.

The religious INTOLERANCE of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do liberals even THINK of how ridiculously HYPOCRITICAL they appear on this?

Of course not, and even if they could (which they can't, that would take intelligence, which is something liberals don't have), they wouldn't care!

It's not about religious tolerance, it's about RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE.

The Ground Zero Imam HATES AMERICA and so do these lefties. That's what they have in common. The belief that America has blood on it's hands, etc etc etc. They HATE America as much as the Imam. So, OF COURSE, they are for the mosque.

BUT, Glen Beck LOVES AMERICA!!!!!!!! He wants to turn America back to God. Back to love of God and country!

LIBERALS HATE THAT!!!!!!!!!! That scares the crap out of them! :eek::eek::eek:

So, busted once again liberals. You claimed you were for religious tolerance, but your own rantings about the Glen Beck rally, proves that to be the ANOTHER LIBERAL PHONY LIE!!!!!!!!!!



I do find it interesting that you are an idiot and a liar.

You know that "Return to God" is a new chapter in "hate the gays". The niece of MLK was invited to speak. A woman who publicly compares gay marriage to "genocide" and has lied by saying that Coretta Scott King was against gay marriage, when she not only supported it, but spoke in faver at gay rallies back in the 90's.

You know that "Liberals don't necessarily support the Mosque, but what they support is the First Amendment". But Republicans have introduced 42 new amendments to the Constitution they claim to love.

And then you say this: "You find it interesting that the left are all for this in the name of "religious tolerance," and "freedom of religious expression." But don't believe it applies to Muslims.

You people have no minds to think with, no hearts to feel with and no soul to guide you. You should be ashamed, but don't know any better. I really feel sorry for you. You're dirty and don't even know it. Sad.

Well, this is pretty much on point.
IN OTHER WORDS YOU'RE saying, that when it comes to the Beck Rally, THAT'S DIFFERENT!!!!!!!!!!!

No. I think most of you are hypocrites, right and left, when it comes to free expression. I think Glenn Beck is a piece of shit but he and his groupies have every right to peaceably assemble. And I'm not going to suggest infringing on that simply because I don't like him. Same goes for the mosque, regardless of whether it's "PC" to build it where they're building it or because someone associated with it exercised his right to free speech in a way that displeased you.

People like you are absurd.

In other words, you concede that lefties are being hypocrites about this issue, but you just don't like it that conservatives are pointing it out.

So, you fall back to a one of the oldest liberal tactics. When you can't defend your own, you say "they all do it."

However, you haven't proved how conservatives are being hypocritical on this.

I'm still waiting.

I support the right of the Mosque to be built based on their rights of private property and their right to practice their Religion, the organizers went through the proper channels and should be allowed to build , I don't support them per se.

I support Beck's right to hold his rally and the rights of the people that attended, no one owns that day, the Lincoln Memorial is owned by America;not any one group and Beck went through the proper channels and was allowed to hold that rally, I don't support him per se.

To be consistent, support both people's rights, hypocrisy; to me at least; is the inconsistent behavior, in the Mosque threads, I call those who oppose that out on being hypocrites but on this issue, the left is.

I don't support the Mosque, because of the issue of where the money is coming from, and the Imam's Anti-American statements.
All; Mormons,Islams, Protestants,Catholics etc. are or should be, equal under the law in America.

Personally, while believing in a higher power, I don't care for organized Religion of any stripe, it tends to cause more problems than it's worth,imho.

Who said they are not equal under the law in America?

Personally, I think islam is being slammed in America right now. They have the right to build where they want but its insensitive...blah blah blah.

And that is where the right goes" hypocrite" and could have really seized the moment concerning property rights,religious freedom and tolerance,imho but at the same time, this thread is on the hypocrisy the left is showing and many; I can see in my mind; are beet red with anger,bitterness and yes;hypocrisy; concerning Beck, they could have seized the moment defending him and HIS rights instead.

Well, on that you're wrong.

Look if I live next to a daycare and I put up a strip club, do you think the community has the right to shut me down?

And if I buy a building that was partially destroyed on 9/11, pubicly say I won't turn down money from Iran, am a tax cheat, and has a Imam who says America has blood on it's hands, the community doesn't have the right to say, "BACK THE TRUCK UP, ABDUL?"

This is nonsense. Of course they do!
Not to mention the Imam has denounced terrorist doctrine in Islam and his Islamic sect is HATED by terrorists.

The Imam speaks with forked tongue as I have already documented in this very thread.

It might help if you were to provide sources other than Fox. They exist if you look hard enough. It appears that you take everything that Fox News says as gospel and dismiss anything else. That's not very balanced... and it makes you look as much of a drooling fool than the lefties.
Do you find it real interesting that an Imam who says America has blood on our hands wants to put a Mosque at Ground Zero?

You find it interesting that the left are all for this in the name of "religious tolerance," and "freedom of religious expression."

Why I have liberals on record here on this board saying they agree with the Imam's statements about America.

But Glen Beck holds a rally about turning back to God??????? :eek::eek::eek:

And liberals become UNGLUED!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why it's racism, and intolerance, and it's it's it's CHRISTIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Heaven's to Betsy get out the smelling salts liberals are going to faint at the "intolerance" of inviting muslims and jews, and Christians and buddists and whoever else wishes to turn to God at a rally open to all.

The religious INTOLERANCE of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do liberals even THINK of how ridiculously HYPOCRITICAL they appear on this?

Of course not, and even if they could (which they can't, that would take intelligence, which is something liberals don't have), they wouldn't care!

It's not about religious tolerance, it's about RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE.

The Ground Zero Imam HATES AMERICA and so do these lefties. That's what they have in common. The belief that America has blood on it's hands, etc etc etc. They HATE America as much as the Imam. So, OF COURSE, they are for the mosque.

BUT, Glen Beck LOVES AMERICA!!!!!!!! He wants to turn America back to God. Back to love of God and country!

LIBERALS HATE THAT!!!!!!!!!! That scares the crap out of them! :eek::eek::eek:

So, busted once again liberals. You claimed you were for religious tolerance, but your own rantings about the Glen Beck rally, proves that to be the ANOTHER LIBERAL PHONY LIE!!!!!!!!!!



I do find it interesting that you are an idiot and a liar.

You know that "Return to God" is a new chapter in "hate the gays". The niece of MLK was invited to speak. A woman who publicly compares gay marriage to "genocide" and has lied by saying that Coretta Scott King was against gay marriage, when she not only supported it, but spoke in faver at gay rallies back in the 90's.

You know that "Liberals don't necessarily support the Mosque, but what they support is the First Amendment". But Republicans have introduced 42 new amendments to the Constitution they claim to love.

And then you say this: "You find it interesting that the left are all for this in the name of "religious tolerance," and "freedom of religious expression." But don't believe it applies to Muslims.

You people have no minds to think with, no hearts to feel with and no soul to guide you. You should be ashamed, but don't know any better. I really feel sorry for you. You're dirty and don't even know it. Sad.

Who's lying when you deny that the left hasn't prefaced their argument on "freedom of religion?"

And who's lying when you deny the left has been REVILING the Glen Beck rally, and pulling out the extremely worn "racism" card?

And the racism card is the left's way to trying to INTIMIDATE any speech they think isn't politically correct, ESPECIALLY RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION THEY DON'T LIKE.

And then to top it all off, you bring up gay marriage as IF that's the trump card that gives you permission for any double standard.

Like the Imam for the Ground Zero Mosque would be for gay marriage??????????


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Where the liberals failed and showed their hypocrisy was embracing the RIGHT of the Mosque while denouncing Beck and his army of Christians and their RIGHT to hold this rally , it was a well played strategy on Beck's part,in my honest opinion.

The right can be called out on being hypocrites at times on other issues but the left owns this hill on this issue.

They own this one big time!


Who...denounced...."Beck and his army of Christians and their RIGHT to hold this rally"?

Seriously, who in here? I can point out who in here denounced the "mosque". By the way, I find it interesting how a mormon lead an army of Christians. Dont you?

I can't help it, if you are reading challenged when it comes to all the hysterical threads that have been on this board about the Beck rally, but it's pretty obvious, the lefties have their undies in a twist about it.


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