Liberal ignorance of Biology

So, other than this where you go to the bathroom thing, that you people are obsessed with,

what exactly is the importance of forcing people to identify as one gender or another based on the organs in their pants...

(btw, should we even allow women to wear pants? Aren't pants a male thing?)

OK, lets play that game. If a person can choose their sexual identity, can they also choose their race? How about their species?

If not, why not?

Do any of you nuts realize that the BRAIN is part of one's 'biology'?

The brain telling you your gender is something other than what you were born with is a abnormality.

Maybe so is wanting to own 50 guns.
No, owning 50 guns is a constitutional right, while having a dick with boobs isn't. It is a choice, even though it is a very bad choice. Mentally ill people(liberals) need to be put in a place where they wont hurt other people or themselves...

"I knew that the magnitude would be high, but I did not think the suicide attempt numbers would be that high," Knudson said. That 41 percent suicide rate among transgender people is more than 25 times the rate of the general population, which is 1.6 percent.


We're talking about abnormality. Is it abnormal for a woman to dress in man's clothing?

Nope. But, if she thinks she is a man because she puts on mens clothes, then she has a problem.

Do any of you nuts realize that the BRAIN is part of one's 'biology'?

Since you are obviously one of these confused dumbass Moon Bats I will make this real simple for you.

If you have a penis you are a male.

If you have a vagina then you are a female.

Go look it up. It is in every biology book.

You Moon Bats are as ignorant of biology as you are ignorant of just about everything else.
Do any of you nuts realize that the BRAIN is part of one's 'biology'?

The brain telling you your gender is something other than what you were born with is a abnormality.

Maybe so is wanting to own 50 guns.
No, owning 50 guns is a constitutional right, while having a dick with boobs isn't. It is a choice, even though it is a very bad choice. Mentally ill people(liberals) need to be put in a place where they wont hurt other people or themselves...

"I knew that the magnitude would be high, but I did not think the suicide attempt numbers would be that high," Knudson said. That 41 percent suicide rate among transgender people is more than 25 times the rate of the general population, which is 1.6 percent.


We're talking about abnormality. Is it abnormal for a woman to dress in man's clothing?

Do any of you nuts realize that the BRAIN is part of one's 'biology'?

The brain telling you your gender is something other than what you were born with is a abnormality.

Maybe so is wanting to own 50 guns.
No, owning 50 guns is a constitutional right, while having a dick with boobs isn't. It is a choice, even though it is a very bad choice. Mentally ill people(liberals) need to be put in a place where they wont hurt other people or themselves...

"I knew that the magnitude would be high, but I did not think the suicide attempt numbers would be that high," Knudson said. That 41 percent suicide rate among transgender people is more than 25 times the rate of the general population, which is 1.6 percent.


We're talking about abnormality. Is it abnormal for a woman to dress in man's clothing?


LOL, now we're getting somewhere.
Not only do these stupid Moon Bats not know anything about Economics, History, Ethics, Climate Science or the Constitution but they are ignorant of basic Biology.. LOL!

Poll: 77% of Democrats with 4-Year Degrees Think Sex Not Determined at Birth

Poll: 77% of Democrats with 4-Year Degrees Think Sex Not Determined at Birth

Three out of four college-educated Democrats seem to believe that a man can be a woman if he just says so, regardless of his biology, genetics, and genitalia, according to a skewed survey conducted by the Pew Research Center.

Your sex is determined at birth

Your sexuality is not


Gender is not a "Social Construct", it is an outgrowth of biological reality.


So what are the legal limitations we should put on females for being female?
The brain telling you your gender is something other than what you were born with is a abnormality.

Maybe so is wanting to own 50 guns.

Totally different things, but nice try.
You are right they are completely different things. The rights ideoligy of being against gun control cause thousands of deaths anually in the US. The lefts ideoligy of letting people be themselves sexually, if it doesn't hurt anybody, causes those people to be happy.

mental illness causes thousands of deaths annually in the US, not guns. If not guns, the mentally ill use bombs, cars, trucks, knives, or hammers.
Oh really? Mental illness is just as prevalent in other nations. Even if you consider terrorist attacks mental illness I dare you to find any other developed nation that has mass fatalities by violence at a ratio of nearly 1 a day as is the case in the US. Feel free to use attacks by transport vehucles,knives,whatever.

I agree, we live in a violent society. Now, why is that? Why are black americans in our inner cities murdering each other at such a high rate? Could it be that the liberal give away programs that discourage the family unit have failed? Could it be that the teachers union is not teaching these kids how to provide for themselves in the real world? Could it be that the ghetto culture in the music industry makes heroes out of thugs and abusers of women?

This crap is not as simple as electing more democrats, as you seem to think.

Our culture has been lost, our sense of right and wrong has been distorted, our laws are not being enforced. We are all to blame for letting it happen. Pointing fingers will not fix it.
Do any of you nuts realize that the BRAIN is part of one's 'biology'?

The brain telling you your gender is something other than what you were born with is a abnormality.

Maybe so is wanting to own 50 guns.
No, owning 50 guns is a constitutional right, while having a dick with boobs isn't. It is a choice, even though it is a very bad choice. Mentally ill people(liberals) need to be put in a place where they wont hurt other people or themselves...

"I knew that the magnitude would be high, but I did not think the suicide attempt numbers would be that high," Knudson said. That 41 percent suicide rate among transgender people is more than 25 times the rate of the general population, which is 1.6 percent.


We're talking about abnormality. Is it abnormal for a woman to dress in man's clothing?

my wife sometimes sleeps in my T shirts, but not because she thinks she is a man.

It is abnormal for a biological woman to dress and act like a man, or vice versa.
Maybe so is wanting to own 50 guns.

Totally different things, but nice try.
You are right they are completely different things. The rights ideoligy of being against gun control cause thousands of deaths anually in the US. The lefts ideoligy of letting people be themselves sexually, if it doesn't hurt anybody, causes those people to be happy.

mental illness causes thousands of deaths annually in the US, not guns. If not guns, the mentally ill use bombs, cars, trucks, knives, or hammers.
Oh really? Mental illness is just as prevalent in other nations. Even if you consider terrorist attacks mental illness I dare you to find any other developed nation that has mass fatalities by violence at a ratio of nearly 1 a day as is the case in the US. Feel free to use attacks by transport vehucles,knives,whatever.

I agree, we live in a violent society. Now, why is that? Why are black americans in our inner cities murdering each other at such a high rate? Could it be that the liberal give away programs that discourage the family unit have failed? Could it be that the teachers union is not teaching these kids how to provide for themselves in the real world? Could it be that the ghetto culture in the music industry makes heroes out of thugs and abusers of women?

This crap is not as simple as electing more democrats, as you seem to think.

Our culture has been lost, our sense of right and wrong has been distorted, our laws are not being enforced. We are all to blame for letting it happen. Pointing fingers will not fix it.

Teacher's unions don't teach. You can retract that from your statement.
Totally different things, but nice try.
You are right they are completely different things. The rights ideoligy of being against gun control cause thousands of deaths anually in the US. The lefts ideoligy of letting people be themselves sexually, if it doesn't hurt anybody, causes those people to be happy.

mental illness causes thousands of deaths annually in the US, not guns. If not guns, the mentally ill use bombs, cars, trucks, knives, or hammers.
Oh really? Mental illness is just as prevalent in other nations. Even if you consider terrorist attacks mental illness I dare you to find any other developed nation that has mass fatalities by violence at a ratio of nearly 1 a day as is the case in the US. Feel free to use attacks by transport vehucles,knives,whatever.

I agree, we live in a violent society. Now, why is that? Why are black americans in our inner cities murdering each other at such a high rate? Could it be that the liberal give away programs that discourage the family unit have failed? Could it be that the teachers union is not teaching these kids how to provide for themselves in the real world? Could it be that the ghetto culture in the music industry makes heroes out of thugs and abusers of women?

This crap is not as simple as electing more democrats, as you seem to think.

Our culture has been lost, our sense of right and wrong has been distorted, our laws are not being enforced. We are all to blame for letting it happen. Pointing fingers will not fix it.

Teacher's unions don't teach. You can retract that from your statement.

but they tell the teachers what to teach, mostly BS PC
Totally different things, but nice try.
You are right they are completely different things. The rights ideoligy of being against gun control cause thousands of deaths anually in the US. The lefts ideoligy of letting people be themselves sexually, if it doesn't hurt anybody, causes those people to be happy.

mental illness causes thousands of deaths annually in the US, not guns. If not guns, the mentally ill use bombs, cars, trucks, knives, or hammers.
Oh really? Mental illness is just as prevalent in other nations. Even if you consider terrorist attacks mental illness I dare you to find any other developed nation that has mass fatalities by violence at a ratio of nearly 1 a day as is the case in the US. Feel free to use attacks by transport vehucles,knives,whatever.

I agree, we live in a violent society. Now, why is that? Why are black americans in our inner cities murdering each other at such a high rate? Could it be that the liberal give away programs that discourage the family unit have failed? Could it be that the teachers union is not teaching these kids how to provide for themselves in the real world? Could it be that the ghetto culture in the music industry makes heroes out of thugs and abusers of women?

This crap is not as simple as electing more democrats, as you seem to think.

Our culture has been lost, our sense of right and wrong has been distorted, our laws are not being enforced. We are all to blame for letting it happen. Pointing fingers will not fix it.

Teacher's unions don't teach. You can retract that from your statement.
Hey you ran away from other thread? Poor little baby lost a debate a tuck tailed and ran!!!

BTW, God disagrees with you morons on gender:

“There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:27-28)
From the torah:

“The Lord does not see as mortals see; they look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart” (1Samuel 16:7).

God defends eunuchs and welcomes all such outcasts to the temple: “For thus says the Lord, ‘To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths, who choose the things that please me and hold fast my covenant, I will give, in my house and within my walls, a monument and a name better than sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off’” (Isaiah 56:4-5). Jesus quotes this same chapter of Isaiah when he clears the temple, saying “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples” (Isaiah 56:7, Mark 11:17).
  • Zachar/זָכָר: This term is derived from the word for a pointy sword and refers to a phallus. It is usually translated as “male” in English.

  • Nekeivah/נְקֵבָה: This term is derived from the word for a crevice and probably refers to a vaginal opening. It is usually translated as “female” in English.

  • Androgynos/אַנְדְּרוֹגִינוֹס: A person who has both “male” and “female” sexual characteristics. 149 references in Mishna and Talmud (1st-8th Centuries CE); 350 in classical midrash and Jewish law codes (2nd -16th Centuries CE).

  • Tumtum/ טֻומְטוּם A person whose sexual characteristics are indeterminate or obscured. 181 references in Mishna and Talmud; 335 in classical midrash and Jewish law codes.

  • Ay’lonit/איילונית: A person who is identified as “female” at birth but develops “male” characteristics at puberty and is infertile. 80 references in Mishna and Talmud; 40 in classical midrash and Jewish law codes.

  • Saris/סריס: A person who is identified as “male” at birth but develops “female” characteristics as puberty and/or is lacking a penis. A saris can be “naturally” a saris (saris hamah), or become one through human intervention (saris adam). 156 references in mishna and Talmud; 379 in classical midrash and Jewish law codes.
You are right they are completely different things. The rights ideoligy of being against gun control cause thousands of deaths anually in the US. The lefts ideoligy of letting people be themselves sexually, if it doesn't hurt anybody, causes those people to be happy.

mental illness causes thousands of deaths annually in the US, not guns. If not guns, the mentally ill use bombs, cars, trucks, knives, or hammers.
Oh really? Mental illness is just as prevalent in other nations. Even if you consider terrorist attacks mental illness I dare you to find any other developed nation that has mass fatalities by violence at a ratio of nearly 1 a day as is the case in the US. Feel free to use attacks by transport vehucles,knives,whatever.

I agree, we live in a violent society. Now, why is that? Why are black americans in our inner cities murdering each other at such a high rate? Could it be that the liberal give away programs that discourage the family unit have failed? Could it be that the teachers union is not teaching these kids how to provide for themselves in the real world? Could it be that the ghetto culture in the music industry makes heroes out of thugs and abusers of women?

This crap is not as simple as electing more democrats, as you seem to think.

Our culture has been lost, our sense of right and wrong has been distorted, our laws are not being enforced. We are all to blame for letting it happen. Pointing fingers will not fix it.

Teacher's unions don't teach. You can retract that from your statement.

but they tell the teachers what to teach, mostly BS PC

Oh, come on! Where did you dig up that bullshit?

Teacher's unions have NOTHING to do with the curriculum taught in schools.

You should be so embarrassed by making such an asinine statement.
mental illness causes thousands of deaths annually in the US, not guns. If not guns, the mentally ill use bombs, cars, trucks, knives, or hammers.
Oh really? Mental illness is just as prevalent in other nations. Even if you consider terrorist attacks mental illness I dare you to find any other developed nation that has mass fatalities by violence at a ratio of nearly 1 a day as is the case in the US. Feel free to use attacks by transport vehucles,knives,whatever.

I agree, we live in a violent society. Now, why is that? Why are black americans in our inner cities murdering each other at such a high rate? Could it be that the liberal give away programs that discourage the family unit have failed? Could it be that the teachers union is not teaching these kids how to provide for themselves in the real world? Could it be that the ghetto culture in the music industry makes heroes out of thugs and abusers of women?

This crap is not as simple as electing more democrats, as you seem to think.

Our culture has been lost, our sense of right and wrong has been distorted, our laws are not being enforced. We are all to blame for letting it happen. Pointing fingers will not fix it.

Teacher's unions don't teach. You can retract that from your statement.

but they tell the teachers what to teach, mostly BS PC

Oh, come on! Where did you dig up that bullshit?

Teacher's unions have NOTHING to do with the curriculum taught in schools.

You should be so embarrassed by making such an asinine statement.
Black people are not mudering others a higher rate. When you standaridize poverty, whites are actually slightly more likely to murder.

Poverty, and imprisoning people in a ghetto creates crime. More whites actually receive aid the only difference is is that they are not imprisoned into ghettoes. This difference, heavily studied, is crucial. When you pack people into high density, high poverty areas, you get crime. It is true all over the world and indifferent to race. A person who has done a minimal amount of research into this topic would know that.

These answers are actually quite available. Try reading something rather than spinning bullshit from your own mind.

Seems like you have never read a journal article in your entire life.
mental illness causes thousands of deaths annually in the US, not guns. If not guns, the mentally ill use bombs, cars, trucks, knives, or hammers.
Oh really? Mental illness is just as prevalent in other nations. Even if you consider terrorist attacks mental illness I dare you to find any other developed nation that has mass fatalities by violence at a ratio of nearly 1 a day as is the case in the US. Feel free to use attacks by transport vehucles,knives,whatever.

I agree, we live in a violent society. Now, why is that? Why are black americans in our inner cities murdering each other at such a high rate? Could it be that the liberal give away programs that discourage the family unit have failed? Could it be that the teachers union is not teaching these kids how to provide for themselves in the real world? Could it be that the ghetto culture in the music industry makes heroes out of thugs and abusers of women?

This crap is not as simple as electing more democrats, as you seem to think.

Our culture has been lost, our sense of right and wrong has been distorted, our laws are not being enforced. We are all to blame for letting it happen. Pointing fingers will not fix it.

Teacher's unions don't teach. You can retract that from your statement.

but they tell the teachers what to teach, mostly BS PC

Oh, come on! Where did you dig up that bullshit?

Teacher's unions have NOTHING to do with the curriculum taught in schools.

You should be so embarrassed by making such an asinine statement.

curriculum is determined for the most part by local school boards, members of the teachers union sit on most local school boards.

the asininity is yours. or is it simple ignorance?
It's funny to see RWnuts try to write their own dictionary, and their own 'science'.

mental illness has been addressed and defined by the medical community for many years. When your brain is out of sync with you body, you are mentally ill. If that describes you, I am sorry for you and hope that you will seek medical counsel and help.
Oh really? Mental illness is just as prevalent in other nations. Even if you consider terrorist attacks mental illness I dare you to find any other developed nation that has mass fatalities by violence at a ratio of nearly 1 a day as is the case in the US. Feel free to use attacks by transport vehucles,knives,whatever.

I agree, we live in a violent society. Now, why is that? Why are black americans in our inner cities murdering each other at such a high rate? Could it be that the liberal give away programs that discourage the family unit have failed? Could it be that the teachers union is not teaching these kids how to provide for themselves in the real world? Could it be that the ghetto culture in the music industry makes heroes out of thugs and abusers of women?

This crap is not as simple as electing more democrats, as you seem to think.

Our culture has been lost, our sense of right and wrong has been distorted, our laws are not being enforced. We are all to blame for letting it happen. Pointing fingers will not fix it.

Teacher's unions don't teach. You can retract that from your statement.

but they tell the teachers what to teach, mostly BS PC

Oh, come on! Where did you dig up that bullshit?

Teacher's unions have NOTHING to do with the curriculum taught in schools.

You should be so embarrassed by making such an asinine statement.

curriculum is determined for the most part by local school boards, members of the teachers union sit on most local school boards.

the asininity is yours. or is it simple ignorance?

There you go again! I am serious when I say that you are simply making shit up as you go to justify your post.

Teacher's unions members are teachers. They are specifically barred from school boards because it is a conflict of interest.

Do you have any other dumb ass shit to post that I can correct in your mind?

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