Liberal ignorance of Biology

Oh really? Mental illness is just as prevalent in other nations. Even if you consider terrorist attacks mental illness I dare you to find any other developed nation that has mass fatalities by violence at a ratio of nearly 1 a day as is the case in the US. Feel free to use attacks by transport vehucles,knives,whatever.

I agree, we live in a violent society. Now, why is that? Why are black americans in our inner cities murdering each other at such a high rate? Could it be that the liberal give away programs that discourage the family unit have failed? Could it be that the teachers union is not teaching these kids how to provide for themselves in the real world? Could it be that the ghetto culture in the music industry makes heroes out of thugs and abusers of women?

This crap is not as simple as electing more democrats, as you seem to think.

Our culture has been lost, our sense of right and wrong has been distorted, our laws are not being enforced. We are all to blame for letting it happen. Pointing fingers will not fix it.

Teacher's unions don't teach. You can retract that from your statement.

but they tell the teachers what to teach, mostly BS PC

Oh, come on! Where did you dig up that bullshit?

Teacher's unions have NOTHING to do with the curriculum taught in schools.

You should be so embarrassed by making such an asinine statement.
Black people are not mudering others a higher rate. When you standaridize poverty, whites are actually slightly more likely to murder.

Poverty, and imprisoning people in a ghetto creates crime. More whites actually receive aid the only difference is is that they are not imprisoned into ghettoes. This difference, heavily studied, is crucial. When you pack people into high density, high poverty areas, you get crime. It is true all over the world and indifferent to race. A person who has done a minimal amount of research into this topic would know that.

These answers are actually quite available. Try reading something rather than spinning bullshit from your own mind.

Seems like you have never read a journal article in your entire life.

lets see if I understand this-------------enforcing the law encourages law breaking. Duh, sure, ok. did you miss your meds this morning?
Not only do these stupid Moon Bats not know anything about Economics, History, Ethics, Climate Science or the Constitution but they are ignorant of basic Biology.. LOL!

Poll: 77% of Democrats with 4-Year Degrees Think Sex Not Determined at Birth

Poll: 77% of Democrats with 4-Year Degrees Think Sex Not Determined at Birth

Three out of four college-educated Democrats seem to believe that a man can be a woman if he just says so, regardless of his biology, genetics, and genitalia, according to a skewed survey conducted by the Pew Research Center.


Wow. . . At least they are consistent with their ignorance.
I agree, we live in a violent society. Now, why is that? Why are black americans in our inner cities murdering each other at such a high rate? Could it be that the liberal give away programs that discourage the family unit have failed? Could it be that the teachers union is not teaching these kids how to provide for themselves in the real world? Could it be that the ghetto culture in the music industry makes heroes out of thugs and abusers of women?

This crap is not as simple as electing more democrats, as you seem to think.

Our culture has been lost, our sense of right and wrong has been distorted, our laws are not being enforced. We are all to blame for letting it happen. Pointing fingers will not fix it.

Teacher's unions don't teach. You can retract that from your statement.

but they tell the teachers what to teach, mostly BS PC

Oh, come on! Where did you dig up that bullshit?

Teacher's unions have NOTHING to do with the curriculum taught in schools.

You should be so embarrassed by making such an asinine statement.

curriculum is determined for the most part by local school boards, members of the teachers union sit on most local school boards.

the asininity is yours. or is it simple ignorance?

There you go again! I am serious when I say that you are simply making shit up as you go to justify your post.

Teacher's unions members are teachers. They are specifically barred from school boards because it is a conflict of interest.

Do you have any other dumb ass shit to post that I can correct in your mind?

Wrong, but maybe where you live, where is that?
I agree, we live in a violent society. Now, why is that? Why are black americans in our inner cities murdering each other at such a high rate? Could it be that the liberal give away programs that discourage the family unit have failed? Could it be that the teachers union is not teaching these kids how to provide for themselves in the real world? Could it be that the ghetto culture in the music industry makes heroes out of thugs and abusers of women?

This crap is not as simple as electing more democrats, as you seem to think.

Our culture has been lost, our sense of right and wrong has been distorted, our laws are not being enforced. We are all to blame for letting it happen. Pointing fingers will not fix it.

Teacher's unions don't teach. You can retract that from your statement.

but they tell the teachers what to teach, mostly BS PC

Oh, come on! Where did you dig up that bullshit?

Teacher's unions have NOTHING to do with the curriculum taught in schools.

You should be so embarrassed by making such an asinine statement.
Black people are not mudering others a higher rate. When you standaridize poverty, whites are actually slightly more likely to murder.

Poverty, and imprisoning people in a ghetto creates crime. More whites actually receive aid the only difference is is that they are not imprisoned into ghettoes. This difference, heavily studied, is crucial. When you pack people into high density, high poverty areas, you get crime. It is true all over the world and indifferent to race. A person who has done a minimal amount of research into this topic would know that.

These answers are actually quite available. Try reading something rather than spinning bullshit from your own mind.

Seems like you have never read a journal article in your entire life.

lets see if I understand this-------------enforcing the law encourages law breaking. Duh, sure, ok. did you miss your meds this morning?

Huh? I am saying when you pack poor people into a dense area and, such as a ghettoe where they are essentially imprisoned, you get crime.

Its not unique to America it happens everywhere. I am not talking about actual prisons.

This stuff has been studied and replicated so many times that to not know the answer is frankly embarassing.
Teacher's unions don't teach. You can retract that from your statement.

but they tell the teachers what to teach, mostly BS PC

Oh, come on! Where did you dig up that bullshit?

Teacher's unions have NOTHING to do with the curriculum taught in schools.

You should be so embarrassed by making such an asinine statement.
Black people are not mudering others a higher rate. When you standaridize poverty, whites are actually slightly more likely to murder.

Poverty, and imprisoning people in a ghetto creates crime. More whites actually receive aid the only difference is is that they are not imprisoned into ghettoes. This difference, heavily studied, is crucial. When you pack people into high density, high poverty areas, you get crime. It is true all over the world and indifferent to race. A person who has done a minimal amount of research into this topic would know that.

These answers are actually quite available. Try reading something rather than spinning bullshit from your own mind.

Seems like you have never read a journal article in your entire life.

lets see if I understand this-------------enforcing the law encourages law breaking. Duh, sure, ok. did you miss your meds this morning?

Huh? I am saying when you pack poor people into a dense area and, such as a ghettoe where they are essentially imprisoned, you get crime.

Its not unique to America it happens everywhere. I am not talking about actual prisons.

This stuff has been studied and replicated so many times that to not know the answer is frankly embarassing.

what elements of our system put a lot of poor people in a dense area? Could it be welfare and government housing? The things you support cause the problems that you are lamenting.
Teacher's unions don't teach. You can retract that from your statement.

but they tell the teachers what to teach, mostly BS PC

Oh, come on! Where did you dig up that bullshit?

Teacher's unions have NOTHING to do with the curriculum taught in schools.

You should be so embarrassed by making such an asinine statement.

curriculum is determined for the most part by local school boards, members of the teachers union sit on most local school boards.

the asininity is yours. or is it simple ignorance?

There you go again! I am serious when I say that you are simply making shit up as you go to justify your post.

Teacher's unions members are teachers. They are specifically barred from school boards because it is a conflict of interest.

Do you have any other dumb ass shit to post that I can correct in your mind?

Wrong, but maybe where you live, where is that?

I have a Master's degree in Educational Leadership. We study school systems nationwide. I have also taught in two states and for the federal government, and had children attend schools in three other states. If your school district is dumb enough to have teacher's unions sitting as members of the school board, you are either extremely confused or you have a good court case on your hands.

In every state, the state Board of Education or its equivalent usually sets the curriculum. How do you think we got into all of these discussions about Common Core?
but they tell the teachers what to teach, mostly BS PC

Oh, come on! Where did you dig up that bullshit?

Teacher's unions have NOTHING to do with the curriculum taught in schools.

You should be so embarrassed by making such an asinine statement.
Black people are not mudering others a higher rate. When you standaridize poverty, whites are actually slightly more likely to murder.

Poverty, and imprisoning people in a ghetto creates crime. More whites actually receive aid the only difference is is that they are not imprisoned into ghettoes. This difference, heavily studied, is crucial. When you pack people into high density, high poverty areas, you get crime. It is true all over the world and indifferent to race. A person who has done a minimal amount of research into this topic would know that.

These answers are actually quite available. Try reading something rather than spinning bullshit from your own mind.

Seems like you have never read a journal article in your entire life.

lets see if I understand this-------------enforcing the law encourages law breaking. Duh, sure, ok. did you miss your meds this morning?

Huh? I am saying when you pack poor people into a dense area and, such as a ghettoe where they are essentially imprisoned, you get crime.

Its not unique to America it happens everywhere. I am not talking about actual prisons.

This stuff has been studied and replicated so many times that to not know the answer is frankly embarassing.

Welfare doesn't. But hell yeah if you are referring to the policy that threw blacks into ghettoes under the guise of affordable housing you bet your bottom dollar.
but they tell the teachers what to teach, mostly BS PC

Oh, come on! Where did you dig up that bullshit?

Teacher's unions have NOTHING to do with the curriculum taught in schools.

You should be so embarrassed by making such an asinine statement.
Black people are not mudering others a higher rate. When you standaridize poverty, whites are actually slightly more likely to murder.

Poverty, and imprisoning people in a ghetto creates crime. More whites actually receive aid the only difference is is that they are not imprisoned into ghettoes. This difference, heavily studied, is crucial. When you pack people into high density, high poverty areas, you get crime. It is true all over the world and indifferent to race. A person who has done a minimal amount of research into this topic would know that.

These answers are actually quite available. Try reading something rather than spinning bullshit from your own mind.

Seems like you have never read a journal article in your entire life.

lets see if I understand this-------------enforcing the law encourages law breaking. Duh, sure, ok. did you miss your meds this morning?

Huh? I am saying when you pack poor people into a dense area and, such as a ghettoe where they are essentially imprisoned, you get crime.

Its not unique to America it happens everywhere. I am not talking about actual prisons.

This stuff has been studied and replicated so many times that to not know the answer is frankly embarassing.

what elements of our system put a lot of poor people in a dense area? Could it be welfare and government housing? The things you support cause the problems that you are lamenting.

I dont support those programs in the way they were carried out at all. Why would I support throwing people into ghettoes?

There is a complex history of racism, segregation, well intentioned failures, etc, that has put them there.

There are solutions to solve them easily.

Sitting here judging the behavior of someone who grew up in a ghetto is moronic.

Also, corporations are the biggest criminals around and get away with murder. End corporate welfare and you can solve the ghetto problem in 5 seconds.

A big problem is morons like you support corporate welfare and instead focus your venom on poor people, just as the wealthy have manipiulated you to do.

You can help by educating yourself.
but they tell the teachers what to teach, mostly BS PC

Oh, come on! Where did you dig up that bullshit?

Teacher's unions have NOTHING to do with the curriculum taught in schools.

You should be so embarrassed by making such an asinine statement.

curriculum is determined for the most part by local school boards, members of the teachers union sit on most local school boards.

the asininity is yours. or is it simple ignorance?

There you go again! I am serious when I say that you are simply making shit up as you go to justify your post.

Teacher's unions members are teachers. They are specifically barred from school boards because it is a conflict of interest.

Do you have any other dumb ass shit to post that I can correct in your mind?

Wrong, but maybe where you live, where is that?

I have a Master's degree in Educational Leadership. We study school systems nationwide. I have also taught in two states and for the federal government, and had children attend schools in three other states. If your school district is dumb enough to have teacher's unions sitting as members of the school board, you are either extremely confused or you have a good court case on your hands.

In every state, the state Board of Education or its equivalent usually sets the curriculum. How do you think we got into all of these discussions about Common Core?
To not have members of the teachers union sitting on a school board would be moronic, like you.
There was a feature on this third sex in National Geographic recently, but I can't find it right now, probably grandson took it to school or whatever, but I know native Americans and other cultures have accepted a third sex, and not treating them like freaks like we do in this country with all it's freedoms. I post one link below on subject.

Interactive Map: Gender-Diverse Cultures
Breitbart, LOL are you serious? Anyone who can take serious that site is a troll or just simply a moron. 'Dark Money' pays for it and they in turn bow to that money with distraction and stupidity.

Oh and why does sex confuse you righties? Are you not facing your true self?

Breitbart News’ Worst Headlines

2 big takeways from a scandalous report on internal Breitbart documents

Breitbart News helped elect Donald Trump. Can it survive his presidency?

Down the Breitbart Hole


Haven't you heard, *Breitbart's staff is investigating plans even more diabolical than religious laws, they and the National Inquirer uncovered people living in the center of the earth who come out at night and take over media stations and farms. According to contacts at Breitbart, these broadcasts are about fair wages and free healthcare for all. And even growing organic foods. On top of that space ships from Pluto have landed near Las Vegas and since they are more advanced than humans will soon take over the earth with all their winnings. These Plutoponians claim their homeland is the best hiding place for money, even better than Switzerland. More to follow, please stay tuned, Breitbart and the Inquirer have become the trusted sources of information for conservatives and republicans who believe they have finally found a source of knowledge that's more in line with their intelligence. Bright people read Breitbart. More great investigative reporting to follow.
what part of this has to do with liberals being gender confused all the time?
Some people are collectors. And what does numbers have to do with anything?

Having your brain tell you you are not the right gender isn't a good thing biologically, plain and simple. it's an aberration.

Because you used numbers to determine that gender identity that doesn't match genitals is abnormal.

It's funny how you people who preach liberty all the time want to turn around and persecute, demean, discriminate against people for exercising their liberty.

I use biology. If you aren't comfortable with your genitals you probably won't want to use them as much, and thus have a lower chance of passing your DNA down to future generations.

These people can do whatever they want themselves, they just don't get to take me along for the ride if I don't want to go.

Some guy with 50 guns in his den isn't asking me to validate he decision to have 50 guns by calling him "Gun Master B"

When some idjit expects me to call them he/she/ze/ve whatever and gets pissy about it they can go to hell.

As I said, your brain is part of your biology. Why do want to let businesses discriminate against gay people?

Why do you want to force people to bake a cake they don't want to?

Because it pisses off Conservatives

Get out a my shop, you fag....we don't serve gays here

Actually it was never about that, it was about the ceremony, but your bluster makes it sound more "righteous" on your side.
There are FAR more homosexuals in this country than there are collectors of massive numbers of firearms.

Why would the former be 'abnormal' and the latter be perfectly 'normal'?

Because in the end a desire to not have sex with a member of the opposite sex is detrimental to continuing your DNA line to future generations, which is the overall purpose of any reproducing organism.

Owning 50 guns doesn't do that.

that is the dumbest thing you've ever posted.

You believe for the sake of the greater good we should discriminate against childless adults?

Where did you get that from?

What I posted is about biology and continuation of a species. How is homosexuality ?
Why is "a beneficial biological trait on the scale of an individual" relevant to the thread or for that matter anything? LOL

We are talking about biology in this thread.
Because you used numbers to determine that gender identity that doesn't match genitals is abnormal.

It's funny how you people who preach liberty all the time want to turn around and persecute, demean, discriminate against people for exercising their liberty.

I use biology. If you aren't comfortable with your genitals you probably won't want to use them as much, and thus have a lower chance of passing your DNA down to future generations.

These people can do whatever they want themselves, they just don't get to take me along for the ride if I don't want to go.

Some guy with 50 guns in his den isn't asking me to validate he decision to have 50 guns by calling him "Gun Master B"

When some idjit expects me to call them he/she/ze/ve whatever and gets pissy about it they can go to hell.

As I said, your brain is part of your biology. Why do want to let businesses discriminate against gay people?

Why do you want to force people to bake a cake they don't want to?

Because it pisses off Conservatives

Get out a my shop, you fag....we don't serve gays here

Actually it was never about that, it was about the ceremony, but your bluster makes it sound more "righteous" on your side.

That's both irrelevant and untrue.
Because you used numbers to determine that gender identity that doesn't match genitals is abnormal.

It's funny how you people who preach liberty all the time want to turn around and persecute, demean, discriminate against people for exercising their liberty.

I use biology. If you aren't comfortable with your genitals you probably won't want to use them as much, and thus have a lower chance of passing your DNA down to future generations.

These people can do whatever they want themselves, they just don't get to take me along for the ride if I don't want to go.

Some guy with 50 guns in his den isn't asking me to validate he decision to have 50 guns by calling him "Gun Master B"

When some idjit expects me to call them he/she/ze/ve whatever and gets pissy about it they can go to hell.

As I said, your brain is part of your biology. Why do want to let businesses discriminate against gay people?

Why do you want to force people to bake a cake they don't want to?

Because it pisses off Conservatives

Get out a my shop, you fag....we don't serve gays here
You let him get away with irrelevancy and false equivalency.... which btw seems to be about the only thing the Moore Suckers have left going for them.

And your points are?
Do any of you nuts realize that the BRAIN is part of one's 'biology'?

The brain telling you your gender is something other than what you were born with is a abnormality.

Maybe so is wanting to own 50 guns.
No, owning 50 guns is a constitutional right, while having a dick with boobs isn't. It is a choice, even though it is a very bad choice. Mentally ill people(liberals) need to be put in a place where they wont hurt other people or themselves...

"I knew that the magnitude would be high, but I did not think the suicide attempt numbers would be that high," Knudson said. That 41 percent suicide rate among transgender people is more than 25 times the rate of the general population, which is 1.6 percent.


We're talking about abnormality. Is it abnormal for a woman to dress in man's clothing?

Nope. But, if she thinks she is a man because she puts on mens clothes, then she has a problem.


If she wants to think shes a man fine, but forcing me to say and think she's a man is too far to stretch.
There are FAR more homosexuals in this country than there are collectors of massive numbers of firearms.

Why would the former be 'abnormal' and the latter be perfectly 'normal'?

Because in the end a desire to not have sex with a member of the opposite sex is detrimental to continuing your DNA line to future generations, which is the overall purpose of any reproducing organism.

Owning 50 guns doesn't do that.

that is the dumbest thing you've ever posted.

You believe for the sake of the greater good we should discriminate against childless adults?

Where did you get that from?

What I posted is about biology and continuation of a species. How is homosexuality ?
Why is "a beneficial biological trait on the scale of an individual" relevant to the thread or for that matter anything? LOL

We are talking about biology in this thread.

And the mind functions via the brain, which is a human organ, which makes it biological.

You want to tell people exactly what they can or cannot think, believe, feel, or do, based strictly on their genital configuration.
That is stupid.
Do any of you nuts realize that the BRAIN is part of one's 'biology'?

The brain telling you your gender is something other than what you were born with is a abnormality.

Maybe so is wanting to own 50 guns.
No, owning 50 guns is a constitutional right, while having a dick with boobs isn't. It is a choice, even though it is a very bad choice. Mentally ill people(liberals) need to be put in a place where they wont hurt other people or themselves...

"I knew that the magnitude would be high, but I did not think the suicide attempt numbers would be that high," Knudson said. That 41 percent suicide rate among transgender people is more than 25 times the rate of the general population, which is 1.6 percent.


We're talking about abnormality. Is it abnormal for a woman to dress in man's clothing?

my wife sometimes sleeps in my T shirts, but not because she thinks she is a man.

It is abnormal for a biological woman to dress and act like a man, or vice versa.

lol, so the Amish and the fundamentalist Muslims got it right, and mainstream America has it wrong?
I use biology. If you aren't comfortable with your genitals you probably won't want to use them as much, and thus have a lower chance of passing your DNA down to future generations.

These people can do whatever they want themselves, they just don't get to take me along for the ride if I don't want to go.

Some guy with 50 guns in his den isn't asking me to validate he decision to have 50 guns by calling him "Gun Master B"

When some idjit expects me to call them he/she/ze/ve whatever and gets pissy about it they can go to hell.

As I said, your brain is part of your biology. Why do want to let businesses discriminate against gay people?

Why do you want to force people to bake a cake they don't want to?

Because it pisses off Conservatives

Get out a my shop, you fag....we don't serve gays here

Actually it was never about that, it was about the ceremony, but your bluster makes it sound more "righteous" on your side.

That's both irrelevant and untrue.

They never said they denied point of sale items, just the cake for the ceremony.
Because in the end a desire to not have sex with a member of the opposite sex is detrimental to continuing your DNA line to future generations, which is the overall purpose of any reproducing organism.

Owning 50 guns doesn't do that.

that is the dumbest thing you've ever posted.

You believe for the sake of the greater good we should discriminate against childless adults?

Where did you get that from?

What I posted is about biology and continuation of a species. How is homosexuality ?
Why is "a beneficial biological trait on the scale of an individual" relevant to the thread or for that matter anything? LOL

We are talking about biology in this thread.

And the mind functions via the brain, which is a human organ, which makes it biological.

You want to tell people exactly what they can or cannot think, believe, feel, or do, based strictly on their genital configuration.
That is stupid.

No, I don't care what they think, they just can't make me think the same thing they do, no matter how hard they want to be a real boy/girl with the wrong parts.

The suffer from a mental defect, plain and simple.
Do any of you nuts realize that the BRAIN is part of one's 'biology'?

The brain telling you your gender is something other than what you were born with is a abnormality.

Maybe so is wanting to own 50 guns.
No, owning 50 guns is a constitutional right, while having a dick with boobs isn't. It is a choice, even though it is a very bad choice. Mentally ill people(liberals) need to be put in a place where they wont hurt other people or themselves...

"I knew that the magnitude would be high, but I did not think the suicide attempt numbers would be that high," Knudson said. That 41 percent suicide rate among transgender people is more than 25 times the rate of the general population, which is 1.6 percent.


We're talking about abnormality. Is it abnormal for a woman to dress in man's clothing?


So a woman in jeans and a flannel shirt and work boots is abnormal.

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