Liberal ignorance of Biology

Expect this sort of thing to be brought up regularly during the coming election season. Will people vote for a candidate who doesn't know the difference between a boy and a girl?

And actually, for the record, sex isn't determined at birth, it's determined at conception. But then, Democrats don't think it's a baby until AFTER it's born, so...
Interviewed all 50mm of them?
"Opinions are like aholes, everybody has one"
Ah! So Marty is attempting to reason that because Gay people don't have sex with people of the other sex (most of them do or at least have btw) they are biologically inferior to straights? If so, we've been down this rabbit hole with him before.

Anything that leads you to be less likely to pass your DNA down to future generations is biologically "bad". Not wanting to have sex with members of the opposite sex in a species that uses sexual reproduction makes you less likely to pass down your DNA.

Just like my nearsightedness makes me less likely to survive too long and pass on my DNA if I didn't have access to the technology of corrective lenses.

This has nothing to do with morality, just straight biology.
Yes you've tried that one before and logically failed. LOL

No, you just think I am going to use it as a basis for some moral argument about homosexuality, which i will not.

That you need to ignore basic biology to justify being OK with homosexuality is pretty weird.
I wish you the best, sincerely

I see tough thinking is hard for you. Going against the "rightthink" of the group......

are they going to take away your progressive shill discount card if you don't toe the party line?
Ah, being gay is evidence of being a progressive? LOL
Expect this sort of thing to be brought up regularly during the coming election season. Will people vote for a candidate who doesn't know the difference between a boy and a girl?

And actually, for the record, sex isn't determined at birth, it's determined at conception. But then, Democrats don't think it's a baby until AFTER it's born, so...
Actually, sex is not determined at conception. That happens later, but before birth. All fetuses are sexless, until a certain point in their development.
There was a feature on this third sex in National Geographic recently, but I can't find it right now, probably grandson took it to school or whatever, but I know native Americans and other cultures have accepted a third sex, and not treating them like freaks like we do in this country with all it's freedoms. I post one link below on subject.

Interactive Map: Gender-Diverse Cultures

Why only three then? Why not 333? If a third sex can be made up out of thin air, I'm sure we could "find" more.

Because in the end a desire to not have sex with a member of the opposite sex is detrimental to continuing your DNA line to future generations, which is the overall purpose of any reproducing organism.

Owning 50 guns doesn't do that.

that is the dumbest thing you've ever posted.

You believe for the sake of the greater good we should discriminate against childless adults?

Where did you get that from?

What I posted is about biology and continuation of a species. How is homosexuality ?
Why is "a beneficial biological trait on the scale of an individual" relevant to the thread or for that matter anything? LOL

We are talking about biology in this thread.

And the mind functions via the brain, which is a human organ, which makes it biological.

You want to tell people exactly what they can or cannot think, believe, feel, or do, based strictly on their genital configuration.
That is stupid.

Do you also feel that way about their race and species? Do you want to tell people what they can think or cannot think, feel, or do based upon their race or species?

Where does it end?

Not only do these stupid Moon Bats not know anything about Economics, History, Ethics, Climate Science or the Constitution but they are ignorant of basic Biology.. LOL!

Poll: 77% of Democrats with 4-Year Degrees Think Sex Not Determined at Birth

Poll: 77% of Democrats with 4-Year Degrees Think Sex Not Determined at Birth

Three out of four college-educated Democrats seem to believe that a man can be a woman if he just says so, regardless of his biology, genetics, and genitalia, according to a skewed survey conducted by the Pew Research Center.

Stupid Republicans

Sex is not determined at birth

It is determined at conception

How can THAT be?

More than a few leftardz claim that it's not even an organism at conception.

Future human being

Like an acorn is a future oak tree
And your points are?
I'm just trying to understand your thoughts. I give up. Have a nice whacko day. LOL

No, just unwilling to put up with bullshit you've tried before. If you have anything new, I'm open to listening.

lazy AND close minded, what a tag-team.
So you are again arguing that non-procreative sex is evidence of inferiority?

Since a species cannot survive without it, I would say that would be a big yes.

Not only do these stupid Moon Bats not know anything about Economics, History, Ethics, Climate Science or the Constitution but they are ignorant of basic Biology.. LOL!

Poll: 77% of Democrats with 4-Year Degrees Think Sex Not Determined at Birth

Poll: 77% of Democrats with 4-Year Degrees Think Sex Not Determined at Birth

Three out of four college-educated Democrats seem to believe that a man can be a woman if he just says so, regardless of his biology, genetics, and genitalia, according to a skewed survey conducted by the Pew Research Center.

Stupid Republicans

Sex is not determined at birth

It is determined at conception

How can THAT be?

More than a few leftardz claim that it's not even an organism at conception.

Future human being

Like an acorn is a future oak tree

We all know Acorns turn into voter fraud.
Not only do these stupid Moon Bats not know anything about Economics, History, Ethics, Climate Science or the Constitution but they are ignorant of basic Biology.. LOL!

Poll: 77% of Democrats with 4-Year Degrees Think Sex Not Determined at Birth

Poll: 77% of Democrats with 4-Year Degrees Think Sex Not Determined at Birth

Three out of four college-educated Democrats seem to believe that a man can be a woman if he just says so, regardless of his biology, genetics, and genitalia, according to a skewed survey conducted by the Pew Research Center.


The OP needs to look before he leaps, something most kids learn by First Grade

Human Chromosomal Abnormalities:  Sex Chromosome Abnormalities

Babies born on the sliding sex scale

Intersex - Wikipedia

Sad how bigotry supersedes one's curiosity and impedes their ability to do some research before exposing their ignorance.
Not only do these stupid Moon Bats not know anything about Economics, History, Ethics, Climate Science or the Constitution but they are ignorant of basic Biology.. LOL!

Poll: 77% of Democrats with 4-Year Degrees Think Sex Not Determined at Birth

Poll: 77% of Democrats with 4-Year Degrees Think Sex Not Determined at Birth

Three out of four college-educated Democrats seem to believe that a man can be a woman if he just says so, regardless of his biology, genetics, and genitalia, according to a skewed survey conducted by the Pew Research Center.

Stupid Republicans

Sex is not determined at birth

It is determined at conception

How can THAT be?

More than a few leftardz claim that it's not even an organism at conception.

Future human being

Like an acorn is a future oak tree

We all know Acorns turn into voter fraud.

Only when outed by fake republican pimps
The logical, and scientific, fault in the "gays are inferior biologically" myth is this. IF procreation weeds out weakness, why have gays been around since .. thousands of years if not even from the beginning of life? We evolved from something, fi not monkeys .. who btw act gay. Marty's argument that he would not pass down some weak trite, like nearsightedness, is a non-starter because gayness has survived. If it were a weakness, why didn't it go the way of the neaderthals? The answer: gayness is not incompatible with being homo sapiens.

The survival of the species argument is also an obvious non-starter .. since gays survive. And the whole argument is based upon a misunderstanding of sexuality: gay men have been having kids with women for thousands of years, and gay women likewise reproduce. There simply aren't many people who never have sex with the opposite sex, even if their predominantly preferred sex is with their own sex. If someone never procreates outside his/her sex, they won't procreate ... of course people have also been celibate for ...... thousands of years.

One might try go with the argument "well, people needed a lot of kids because so many kids died." But of course, gays never prevented human kind form having enough kids to survive ... in fact, they procreated, see above. And any biologist would tell you that having too few children is not likely to do us in today, while the opposite may be true. So, if we're talking evolution .... maybe gays have an "upper hand." (-:

But you see, the "gays are inferior" folks are NOT TALKNG ABOUT BIOLOGY. Rather they attempt to support their religious myths with misstatements about biology.
Not only do these stupid Moon Bats not know anything about Economics, History, Ethics, Climate Science or the Constitution but they are ignorant of basic Biology.. LOL!

Poll: 77% of Democrats with 4-Year Degrees Think Sex Not Determined at Birth

Poll: 77% of Democrats with 4-Year Degrees Think Sex Not Determined at Birth

Three out of four college-educated Democrats seem to believe that a man can be a woman if he just says so, regardless of his biology, genetics, and genitalia, according to a skewed survey conducted by the Pew Research Center.

Stupid Republicans

Sex is not determined at birth

It is determined at conception

How can THAT be?

More than a few leftardz claim that it's not even an organism at conception.

Future human being

Like an acorn is a future oak tree

Baaaaha haha

Total biology fail.

Herp derp
Expect this sort of thing to be brought up regularly during the coming election season. Will people vote for a candidate who doesn't know the difference between a boy and a girl?

And actually, for the record, sex isn't determined at birth, it's determined at conception. But then, Democrats don't think it's a baby until AFTER it's born, so...
Well, here is a democrat that sais sex is determined at conception and it is a baby after the first cell division. What I think is funny is how republicans think their republican reps are ever going to do anything about abortion. how long have ya owned the supreme court now? They just use abortion to get yuo to vote against your wallet. I would like to see abortion disappear personally. I believe you should know the risks when ya put that dick in, and if you are not willing to take responsibilty after you should have jacked off instead. You play you pay. Quit your fucking stereo typing. One size does not fit all Dems. nor does one size fit all Republicans
Anything that leads you to be less likely to pass your DNA down to future generations is biologically "bad". Not wanting to have sex with members of the opposite sex in a species that uses sexual reproduction makes you less likely to pass down your DNA.

Just like my nearsightedness makes me less likely to survive too long and pass on my DNA if I didn't have access to the technology of corrective lenses.

This has nothing to do with morality, just straight biology.
Yes you've tried that one before and logically failed. LOL

No, you just think I am going to use it as a basis for some moral argument about homosexuality, which i will not.

That you need to ignore basic biology to justify being OK with homosexuality is pretty weird.
I wish you the best, sincerely

I see tough thinking is hard for you. Going against the "rightthink" of the group......

are they going to take away your progressive shill discount card if you don't toe the party line?
Ah, being gay is evidence of being a progressive? LOL

No, your inability to go outside the groupthink makes you a progressive.
Yes you've tried that one before and logically failed. LOL

No, you just think I am going to use it as a basis for some moral argument about homosexuality, which i will not.

That you need to ignore basic biology to justify being OK with homosexuality is pretty weird.
I wish you the best, sincerely

I see tough thinking is hard for you. Going against the "rightthink" of the group......

are they going to take away your progressive shill discount card if you don't toe the party line?
Ah, being gay is evidence of being a progressive? LOL

No, your inability to go outside the groupthink makes you a progressive.
LOL. You equate homosexuality with having no testicles or a gene making your legs one foot long.
Not only do these stupid Moon Bats not know anything about Economics, History, Ethics, Climate Science or the Constitution but they are ignorant of basic Biology.. LOL!

Poll: 77% of Democrats with 4-Year Degrees Think Sex Not Determined at Birth

Poll: 77% of Democrats with 4-Year Degrees Think Sex Not Determined at Birth

Three out of four college-educated Democrats seem to believe that a man can be a woman if he just says so, regardless of his biology, genetics, and genitalia, according to a skewed survey conducted by the Pew Research Center.

Stupid Republicans

Sex is not determined at birth

It is determined at conception

How can THAT be?

More than a few leftardz claim that it's not even an organism at conception.

Future human being

Like an acorn is a future oak tree

Baaaaha haha

Total biology fail.

Herp derp

These idiot Moon Bats should have attacked the validity of the study but instead the morons are trying to defend what the dumbass Democrats said, which just further substantiates their ignorance of biology..

One thing about it, these Moon Bats are not exactly the best and the brightest. Of course you expect this level of stupidity from the idiots that elected Obama and voted for Crooked Hillary, wouldn't you?
Expect this sort of thing to be brought up regularly during the coming election season. Will people vote for a candidate who doesn't know the difference between a boy and a girl?

And actually, for the record, sex isn't determined at birth, it's determined at conception. But then, Democrats don't think it's a baby until AFTER it's born, so...
Well, here is a democrat that sais sex is determined at conception and it is a baby after the first cell division. What I think is funny is how republicans think their republican reps are ever going to do anything about abortion. how long have ya owned the supreme court now? They just use abortion to get yuo to vote against your wallet. I would like to see abortion disappear personally. I believe you should know the risks when ya put that dick in, and if you are not willing to take responsibilty after you should have jacked off instead. You play you pay. Quit your fucking stereo typing. One size does not fit all Dems. nor does one size fit all Republicans
There's no real debate that the physical sex of a embryo is determined when then two sets of DNA combine. Marty's biblical insistence that gays are inferior is by and large merely a trip down an old rabbit hole. (-: And one without any scientific support, btw.

However, the OP fails to account for the known fact that when sets of identical twins are raised separately sometimes they have different sexual orientations. So, as a simple matter of fact, we know that sexual orientation is partially genetic/hereditary and partially learned behavior.

The OP's intent is to argue that transgender is somehow bogus, but for thousands of years some people have felt a need to identify as a sex to which they were not born with the "correct" physical equipment. The OP contends biologically that's "wrong." But biology has repeated that same outcome over thousands of years. The OP may contend that sex reassignment is "wrong." I don't think we have any data to prove that one way or the other. I suspect we'll see studies trying to determine if sex reassignment makes people more psychologically "happy" with the sexual orientation/identification they have.
Not only do these stupid Moon Bats not know anything about Economics, History, Ethics, Climate Science or the Constitution but they are ignorant of basic Biology.. LOL!

Poll: 77% of Democrats with 4-Year Degrees Think Sex Not Determined at Birth

Poll: 77% of Democrats with 4-Year Degrees Think Sex Not Determined at Birth

Three out of four college-educated Democrats seem to believe that a man can be a woman if he just says so, regardless of his biology, genetics, and genitalia, according to a skewed survey conducted by the Pew Research Center.

Stupid Republicans

Sex is not determined at birth

It is determined at conception

How can THAT be?

More than a few leftardz claim that it's not even an organism at conception.

Future human being

Like an acorn is a future oak tree

Baaaaha haha

Total biology fail.

Herp derp

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