Liberal Insanity: Minnesota Schools Adopt Transgender Toolkit for Kindergartners

"These scholars are going to be so confused when their science teacher tries to explain all of nature has males and females except humans."

And except the extensive list of animals that aren't, like snails, slugs, certain sea stars, worms, clownfish, jellyfish, hamlet fish, gillifish, and not to mention all the plants.......
"These scholars are going to be so confused when their science teacher tries to explain all of nature has males and females except humans."

And except the extensive list of animals that aren't, like snails, slugs, certain sea stars, worms, clownfish, jellyfish, hamlet fish, gillifish, and not to mention all the plants.......

Some plants are dioecious, meaning that there are separate male and female plants.
"These scholars are going to be so confused when their science teacher tries to explain all of nature has males and females except humans."

And except the extensive list of animals that aren't, like snails, slugs, certain sea stars, worms, clownfish, jellyfish, hamlet fish, gillifish, and not to mention all the plants.......

Some plants are dioecious, meaning that there are separate male and female plants.

Yes, that was written to mean, "not to mention all the plants that are hermaphroditic....."
"These scholars are going to be so confused when their science teacher tries to explain all of nature has males and females except humans."

And except the extensive list of animals that aren't, like snails, slugs, certain sea stars, worms, clownfish, jellyfish, hamlet fish, gillifish, and not to mention all the plants.......
So, are you a proponent of the kindergarten transgender toolkit?
There is good reason that Liberalism is defined as a mental illness. ...... :cool:
"These scholars are going to be so confused when their science teacher tries to explain all of nature has males and females except humans."

And except the extensive list of animals that aren't, like snails, slugs, certain sea stars, worms, clownfish, jellyfish, hamlet fish, gillifish, and not to mention all the plants.......

Talk about science deniers. A vanishingly small less than .7% of animals are hermaphrodite all of which are lower life forms like liberals. In fact being divided into two sexes is one of the defining traits of eurkaryotes as opposed to bacteria and archaea. And of course many plants are divided into two sexes as well. Did you go to school?
And there are never more than two sexes. No zirs or zises. The norm is to be one of two sexes.
I know for a liberal the exception always trumps the rule but your make believe world should remain in your own mind and not bother normal people.
Gender dysphoria disorder is the product of a diseased or traumatized mind according to the 2013 (the latest) DSM-5 and encouraging children to develop diseased minds should be criminal. You should not be allowed around children.
Talk about science deniers. A vanishingly small less than .7% of animals are hermaphrodite all of which are lower life forms like liberals. In fact being divided into two sexes is one of the defining traits of eurkaryotes [sic] as opposed to bacteria and archaea. And of course many plants are divided into two sexes as well. Did you go to school?

You do know that plants are eukaryotes, right? And most plants are monoecious. The few animals that are either monoecious, or which completely lack a sexual cycle, are also eukaryotes, as are quite a few other forms of life that are also either monoecious or asexual.

Being dioecious is not a defining trait of eukaryotes.

Otherwise, I agree with your post.

And there are never more than two sexes. No zirs or zises. The norm is to be one of two sexes.
I know for a liberal the exception always trumps the rule but your make believe world should remain in your own mind and not bother normal people.
Gender dysphoria disorder is the product of a diseased or traumatized mind according to the 2013 (the latest) DSM-5 and encouraging children to develop diseased minds should be criminal. You should not be allowed around children.
Transgenderism is natural and millions of people are transgender...So I really don't understand why so many people hate these people.

Maybe not the best in Kindergarten but by 6th grade a person should be informed and educated on the subject.
You compared them to animals. I doubt there are transgender animals.
There are not millions. Highest estimates are in the low thousands and that is too high I'm sure.
Maybe next you will be encouraging another psychiatric disease...say schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is as natural as gender dysphoria and much more widespread... probably by a factor of ten or more. Even animals can develope a similar psychosis so there's that for your argument right?
The last eukaroke common ancestor was already using sex wasn't it? And yes I know plants are eukaryotes. That's why I didn't include them in bacteria or archean.
"These scholars are going to be so confused when their science teacher tries to explain all of nature has males and females except humans."

And except the extensive list of animals that aren't, like snails, slugs, certain sea stars, worms, clownfish, jellyfish, hamlet fish, gillifish, and not to mention all the plants.......
So, are you a proponent of the kindergarten transgender toolkit?

No, I was just pointing out your ignorance in believing that "all of nature has males and females." Clearly, it's not true.
No, I was just pointing out your ignorance in believing that "all of nature has males and females." Clearly, it's not true.

Clearly for all practical purposes in teaching kindergarten, and within orders of magnitude, it is true that animals are male or female.

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