Liberal Lawyer Turley to Represent House in Lawsuit Against Obama Administration


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
In an interesting twist, a liberal lawyer has agreed to represent the House of Representatives in their lawsuit against the Obama administration's unconstitutional acts regarding the PPACA, aka Obamacare.

Jonathan Turley, a liberal law professor and attorney, announced on his blog Tuesday he will be representing the House of Representatives in its lawsuit against the Obama administration. Here's Turley:

As many on this blog are aware, I have previously testified, written, and litigated in opposition to the rise of executive power and the countervailing decline in congressional power in our tripartite system. I have also spent years encouraging Congress, under both Democratic and Republican presidents, to more actively defend its authority, including seeking judicial review in separation of powers conflicts. For that reason, it may come as little surprise this morning that I have agreed to represent the United States House of Representatives in its challenge of unilateral, unconstitutional actions taken by the Obama Administration with respect to implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)...

Liberal Lawyer to Represent House of Representatives Against Obama The Weekly Standard

Tell me something I don't know. Being a libertarian, I think I know a thing or two about that.

Then why do you insist on constantly pigeonholing everyone else into your liberal/conservative paradigm when it suits your argument?
The thread isn't exactly original.

Nor are you, I might add.
Witty, for someone who started a duplicate thread.

Coming from a troll, that's funny.
Asshole, you made a fool of yourself. Take your bs insults and jam them up your ass.

Look who's talking. Getting mad because you were demolished in two posts. Go back to the underside of the bridge whence you came.

Then why do you insist on constantly pigeonholing everyone else into your liberal/conservative paradigm when it suits your argument?

Maybe because I want to show the two sides up? I think it's funny that people believe there are only two sides. It's funny to expose the pointless bickering and whining they engage in. For example, Republicans extending the Patriot Act, or John Gruber calling people stupid. However, in Washington, the hyper partisanship yields only two sides, not three, four, or ten. Maybe out here in the grassroots there might be more than one, but I'm not talking grassroots.

Then why do you insist on constantly pigeonholing everyone else into your liberal/conservative paradigm when it suits your argument?

Maybe because I want to show the two sides up? I think it's funny that people believe there are only two sides. It's funny to expose the pointless bickering and whining they engage in. For example, Republicans extending the Patriot Act, or John Gruber calling people stupid. In hyper partisan Washington, there are only two sides, not three, four, or ten. Maybe out here in the grassroots there might be more than one, but I'm not talking grassroots.

In reality, there are no sides or teams.

The nonsense that goes on in Washington isn't reality, it's just a show.

Then why do you insist on constantly pigeonholing everyone else into your liberal/conservative paradigm when it suits your argument?

Maybe because I want to show the two sides up? I think it's funny that people believe there are only two sides. It's funny to expose the pointless bickering and whining they engage in. For example, Republicans extending the Patriot Act, or John Gruber calling people stupid. In hyper partisan Washington, there are only two sides, not three, four, or ten. Maybe out here in the grassroots there might be more than one, but I'm not talking grassroots.

In reality, there are no sides or teams.

The nonsense that goes on in Washington isn't reality, it's just a show.

Precisely. And thus why I post what I do. It is nothing but pure entertainment for me.
As a side note, how does framing your thread as a call out to the other side "showing up the two sides"?

Looks to me that you're only targeting one "side"....
The world isn't divided into just "liberals" and "conservatives".

Tell me something I don't know. Being a libertarian, I think I know a thing or two about that.

Then why do you insist on constantly pigeonholing everyone else into your liberal/conservative paradigm when it suits your argument?

Maybe because I want to show the two sides up? I think it's funny that people believe there are only two sides. It's funny to expose the pointless bickering and whining they engage in. For example, Republicans extending the Patriot Act, or John Gruber calling people stupid. In hyper partisan Washington, there are only two sides, not three, four, or ten. Maybe out here in the grassroots there might be more than one, but I'm not talking grassroots.

In reality, there are no sides or teams.

The nonsense that goes on in Washington isn't reality, it's just a show.

Precisely. And thus why I post what I do. It is nothing but pure entertainment for me.

How does labelling Turley a "liberal" in the first word of your thread title meant to "show up" "both" sides?

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