Liberal Media- NBC's Brian Williams is NOW under fire


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Another leftist gets caught in a lie.... I mean.... mistake.

Brian only though he was on a helicopter that got shot down. Yea, and honest mistake. I thought I was on a plane once that crashed... Turned out not to be so.. Stuff happens. LMAO

I hope this ends that assholes career


NBC's Brian Williams Admits He Was Never On Helicopter Forced Down In Iraq

NEW YORK -- "NBC Nightly News" anchor Brian Williams said Wednesday that he had not been aboard a helicopter that was struck and forced down in Iraq in 2003, as he has previously claimed.

Williams recanted his original story to Star and Stripes, telling the military paper that he doesn't know "what screwed up in my mind that caused me to conflate one aircraft with another.”

NBC s Brian Williams Admits He Was Never On Helicopter Forced Down In Iraq
Another leftist gets caught in a lie.... I mean.... mistake.

Brian only though he was on a helicopter that got shot down. Yea, and honest mistake. I thought I was on a plane once that crashed... Turned out not to be so.. Stuff happens. LMAO

I hope this ends that assholes career


NBC's Brian Williams Admits He Was Never On Helicopter Forced Down In Iraq

NEW YORK -- "NBC Nightly News" anchor Brian Williams said Wednesday that he had not been aboard a helicopter that was struck and forced down in Iraq in 2003, as he has previously claimed.

Williams recanted his original story to Star and Stripes, telling the military paper that he doesn't know "what screwed up in my mind that caused me to conflate one aircraft with another.”

NBC s Brian Williams Admits He Was Never On Helicopter Forced Down In Iraq

These Fox journos are such liars.
Ahhhh what difference does it make? speaking of.....
Remember when liberal flabby ass **** lied in 2008 about being shot at?

Liberald are miserable piece of smelly shit.
No exceptions
Williams is a good example of why liberal journalists don't think they are biased: They actually believe their own fantasies.
Of course the lefty libnuts avoid coming to the rescue of one of their sounding boards. Instead they cast them aside like trash and move on to the next host. Just terrible

Why are you righties denying that Brian Williams was your boy?

Seriously, who do you think that's going to fool?

Your boy got caught lying. Don't compound the problem by lying more by claiming he's a liberal. Don't toss him under the bus. You taught him to lie, so own up to it.
Why are you righties denying that Brian Williams was your boy?

Seriously, who do you think that's going to fool?

Your boy got caught lying. Don't compound the problem by lying more by claiming he's a liberal. Don't toss him under the bus. You taught him to lie, so own up to it.
Like when Romney's daddy marched with Dr. King
Why are you righties denying that Brian Williams was your boy?

Seriously, who do you think that's going to fool?

Your boy got caught lying. Don't compound the problem by lying more by claiming he's a liberal. Don't toss him under the bus. You taught him to lie, so own up to it.

Why are you righties denying that Brian Williams was your boy?

Seriously, who do you think that's going to fool?

Your boy got caught lying. Don't compound the problem by lying more by claiming he's a liberal. Don't toss him under the bus. You taught him to lie, so own up to it.
he is a fucking LIBERLIAR !! :up:
Why are you righties denying that Brian Williams was your boy?

Seriously, who do you think that's going to fool?

Your boy got caught lying. Don't compound the problem by lying more by claiming he's a liberal. Don't toss him under the bus. You taught him to lie, so own up to it.
Like when Romney's daddy marched with Dr. King
Or when Obama claimed he was conceived under the Edmund Pettus Bridge while the famous civil rights march passed overhead?
Why are you righties denying that Brian Williams was your boy?

Seriously, who do you think that's going to fool?

Your boy got caught lying. Don't compound the problem by lying more by claiming he's a liberal. Don't toss him under the bus. You taught him to lie, so own up to it.
Like when Romney's daddy marched with Dr. King
Or when Obama claimed he was conceived under the Edmund Pettus Bridge while the famous civil rights march passed overhead?
Yeah, these guys in the elite public eye want to lie for a piece of the grandeur pie...
Another leftist gets caught in a lie.... I mean.... mistake.

Brian only though he was on a helicopter that got shot down. Yea, and honest mistake. I thought I was on a plane once that crashed... Turned out not to be so.. Stuff happens. LMAO

I hope this ends that assholes career


NBC's Brian Williams Admits He Was Never On Helicopter Forced Down In Iraq

NEW YORK -- "NBC Nightly News" anchor Brian Williams said Wednesday that he had not been aboard a helicopter that was struck and forced down in Iraq in 2003, as he has previously claimed.

Williams recanted his original story to Star and Stripes, telling the military paper that he doesn't know "what screwed up in my mind that caused me to conflate one aircraft with another.”

NBC s Brian Williams Admits He Was Never On Helicopter Forced Down In Iraq

No chance of him being fired. He will probably be admired for admitting he is a flat out lying POS. After all, who is the Democrat front runner for President in 2016? That would that shining star of truth and virtue, Hillary Clinton.

"In a speech in Washington on March 17 Clinton said of the Bosnia trip: "I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base."

She also told CNN last week: "There was no greeting ceremony and we were basically told to run to our cars. Now that is what happened."

Hillary Clinton calls Bosnia sniper story a mistake Reuters

That didn't happen!
Why are you righties denying that Brian Williams was your boy?

Seriously, who do you think that's going to fool?

Your boy got caught lying. Don't compound the problem by lying more by claiming he's a liberal. Don't toss him under the bus. You taught him to lie, so own up to it.
Wow, you are a complete dumbass. Thanks for proving it without a shadow of a doubt.
I actually heard a liberal blame bush and Cheney this morning for the pathetic lie.
Or when Obama claimed he was conceived under the Edmund Pettus Bridge while the famous civil rights march passed overhead?

So what's the point of lying that brazenly, Roadrunner? You had to know someone would call you on it.

I'm guessing that brazen lying is kind of like a gang initiation for conservatives. In order to get into the gang, they have to show they're willing to stoop to any tactic to support the gang.

Anyways, from all the raging, I'm getting the impression that the GOP won't invite Brian Williams to be their debate moderator again. He's not their favorite any more.

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