Liberal Media- NBC's Brian Williams is NOW under fire

The meetings at NBC are said to center, now, on how they're going to bring back Williams after some as yet undefinied "time out". No thought at all being given to firing him. Just enough time off so the stench wafts gently away.

Which will if we let it.
Brain Williams is being punished for Iraq?

You're out of your mind

Look- The lefties like to cry about guns and war, yet they reap in the $$$$ with their films depicting just that. And now, we have a lefty reporter who felt the void left by being a coward....

So he lied about it. BW felt he needed to lie to cover up his personal failure and remorse in never serving his country.

Bush lied and hundreds of thousands died....

Hundreds of thousands? Really? How about the Democrats in Congress who voted for the war and are on Obama's cabinet?

Yes, dumbass:

Half-Million Iraqis Died in the War New Study Says
Yet another angle --
This is from down Canal Street toward the RIver. You're standing on the Quarter side of Canal Street. The Walgreen's pictured earlier is at the upper left...


From the layout I'd say this is taken from the front door of the Marriott Hotel.

(this is from a from this page about the New Orleans Hornets -- the NBA team that had to play two seasons in Oklahoma CIty because of damage done by Hurricane Katrina.)

Two. Years.

Now Denialists, all together, click your heels three times and repeat after me...

"There was no flooding in the Quarter..."
"There was no flooding in the Quarter..."
"There was no flooding in the Quarter..."
"There was no flooding in the Quarter..."
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>> Even after the storm passed, floodwaters continued to rise under clear blue skies. Why? Because a surge as vast as Katrina's does not immediately flow back to the sea once the hurricane passes; rather, it slowly works its way back, and continues to spill through deep ruptures in floodwalls and levees, stopping only when outside and inside water levels equalize.

By the morning of Aug. 30, the flood reached as far uphill as Canal at Bourbon Street, on terrain 2 feet above normal sea level.

By the afternoon of Aug. 31, the deluge crested at Royal/St. Charles Avenue, 3 feet above sea level. I captured a photograph at 1:17 p.m., showing a large inflatable raft floating right in front of Rubenstein's clothing store.

As for the French Quarter, during those two days and probably into Sept. 1, up to 2 feet of brackish water covered 100-400 North Rampart, 100-300 Burgundy, 100-200 Dauphine, and the 100 block of Bourbon, not to mention all of Iberville Street lakeside of the 800 block and all of Canal lakeside of the 700 block.

Williams, at the Ritz Carlton, would have found himself surrounded by the uppermost edge of the flood footprint, and it was deep enough all around to float small boats. <<​

--- Brief History of French Quarter Flooding

" flooding in the Quarter..."
" flooding in the Quarter..."
" flooding in the Quarter..."
" flooding in the Quarter..."
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global warming hoax
Boston has gotten 70 inches of snow in 17 days. Unprecedented.
Yep. The world is certainly warming up. Boston is proof of it. LoL
Yes, it is proof. The reason they are getting so much snow is because of the warmer ocean temperature. Cold air + warmer water = snow.

Boston is getting 70 inches of snow in 15 days, yet their temperatures are normal. Care to explain that?

>> Hotel properties suffered greatly during Katrina and in the months following. Frank Zumbo, GM of the Renaissance Pere Marquette Hotel, said his hotel was one of the most damaged in the city.

“This hotel sustained some pretty substantial flood damage,” Zumbo said. “We’re talking about 2 or 3 feet of standing water in the lobby for three or four weeks, so the entire first floor was completely gutted. All the laundry downstairs, the engineering, the electrical had to be rebuilt.”
Hotel properties suffered greatly during Katrina and in the months following. Frank Zumbo, GM of the Renaissance Pere Marquette Hotel, said his hotel was one of the most damaged in the city.

“This hotel sustained some pretty substantial flood damage,” Zumbo said. “We’re talking about 2 or 3 feet of standing water in the lobby for three or four weeks, so the entire first floor was completely gutted. All the laundry downstairs, the engineering, the electrical had to be rebuilt.”

The Ritz-Carlton New Orleans also experienced difficulties during Katrina, according to GM Myra deGersdorff. The hotel was fortunate to be hosting a convention of infectious disease physicians when Katrina hit; about 20 of the doctors could not get out of the city, and the hotel served as a miniature medical unit. At one point, a team needed to cross the flooded street to get medical supplies and drugs from Walgreens.

“It was pretty interesting to see our catering director and a couple of others float across Canal Street in a laundry bin,” she said. <<
That's the Walgreen's in the Houston Chronicle photo, reposted below.

The Père Marquette referenced above is not in the Quarter--- it's about a block away from the Ritz Carlton. You're looking in that direction here.


This one was not captioned but from the scene it looks like Esplanade Avenue down near the River -- the opposite (south) side of the Quarter:


" flooding in the Quarter..."
" flooding in the Quarter..."
" flooding in the Quarter..."
" flooding in the Quarter..."
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^ stolen directly from the DailyKos.

'Nuff said.
Did O'Lielly indeed lie about combat duty? Pretty simple question - will you punt?

We know he lied about growing up in Levittown. What else has he lied about?

O'Reilly never said he served in the military. He said he was exposed to combat fire when in South America. The latter may have been a lie, but it isn't one about serving in the military.
Williams didn't claim to serve in the military, either.

That's correct. He just lied about his helicopter being shot.
And because military men have lost their lives in helicopter accidents or shoot downs, Williams's war story is nothing more than Stolen Valor. That's his crime.
"Saddam has WMDs that could be used in as little as 45 minutes"

THAT'S a lie that got over 5,000 Americans killed.
Another wag in another thread wondered out loud, if Williams saw a body floating why didn't they get a shot (camera shot) of it? Which serves as a reminder that Federal officials were muzzling the media on reporting this aspect. For two weeks - by which time the waters had long since receded. CNN had to sue for media to be able to cover body retrieval. They got a TRO on September 11th -- 13 days after the storm.

Which just demonstrates part of the problem in writing history when the news gets censored. Fortunately there are those of us who remember and will not tolerate revisionism.

Everybody who returned to their dwelling found one of these on their house --


Many of them can still be seen today, a stark reminder of what the raw reality was.

But yanno what, let's forget about all this and play political touch football.

Williams stated he was in the French quarters when he saw a body float by. It was a total lie unless a body can float in two inches of water.
More than 2 inches, dumbass.
Another wag in another thread wondered out loud, if Williams saw a body floating why didn't they get a shot (camera shot) of it? Which serves as a reminder that Federal officials were muzzling the media on reporting this aspect. For two weeks - by which time the waters had long since receded. CNN had to sue for media to be able to cover body retrieval. They got a TRO on September 11th -- 13 days after the storm.

Which just demonstrates part of the problem in writing history when the news gets censored. Fortunately there are those of us who remember and will not tolerate revisionism.

Everybody who returned to their dwelling found one of these on their house --


Many of them can still be seen today, a stark reminder of what the raw reality was.

But yanno what, let's forget about all this and play political touch football.

Williams stated he was in the French quarters when he saw a body float by. It was a total lie unless a body can float in two inches of water.

You are a fucking idiot. Read the damn thread. Go see the pictures I posted all over it.
Go see these and these.

"Two inches of water" my fucking ASS. Go fuck yourself. Hard.

And by the way MORON it's "French Quarter" not "quarters". It's an entire section of the city, not a dormitory --- ya ignorant wankjob. What time does the clue store open?

This look like "two inches", moron? That's a shot from the same hotel Williams was in.


That hotel had to close for over a year to repair flood damage. Does "two inches" do that, moron? That look like "two inches"? Your blind dates must be thrilled.

Fucking IDIOT :fu:

Two inches of water.

Where's the picture of the floating body?

Are you telling me a news crew wouldn't have taken a photo of a floating body?

Looks to me like you are the idiot.

NBC News anchor Brian Williams comments about dead bodies Hurricane Katrina starting to gain attention draw scrutiny News The New Orleans Advocate mdash New Orleans Louisiana

But the French Quarter, the original high ground of New Orleans, was not impacted by the floodwaters that overwhelmed the vast majority of the city.

Notice the picture moron!! He's standing on Canal Street at the corner of Canal and Barrone, right in front of the Walgreens.

Fucking moron - that's the same story that's been discredited throughout this merged thread. All three of them. The same story that backed away from it even before it was posted here, yet it got posted anyway. The same story where I got THAT PHOTO DIRECTLY ABOVE which IS the French Quarter. And btw there's no such thing as the "New Orleans Advocate". It calls itself that but it's in Baton Rouge. We did that too. Guess you didn't notice where it says "Original story" at the heading of the one you want to believe --- after it says "
New details: Katrina photos show water did surround Ritz-Carlton, where NBC anchor Brian Williams stayed

"New details" that I pointed out WAY back in this thread everybody in New Orleans has known for TEN YEARS. Because that's how old these photos are.

Fucking DUH.

The Walgreens, you mean the Walgreen's at Canal and Baronne, across the street from the hotel? The one at 900 Canal across from the Ritz at 921? THIS WALGREEN'S??


THIS Canal Street?


"Don't go out there-- it's two inches!"

But you're willing to argue with history. Go figure.

To paraphrase an old saw, morons who can't be bothered to read the thread are condemned to repeat it.
And dig themselves deeper and deeper in shit. I am continuously stupefied that there are those so swimming in the soup of partisan hackery that they're willing to make themselves look like this much of an idiot. Not a course I'd choose, but that's me.

"High ground". In New Orleans. What a fucking self-inflated doofus.

Ankle deep water. pfft
Why don't you quit while you are totally humiliated? Maybe you can show up again next week and nobody will remember what a dumbass you are?
Williams stated he was in the French quarters when he saw a body float by. It was a total lie unless a body can float in two inches of water.

You are a fucking idiot. Read the damn thread. Go see the pictures I posted all over it.
Go see these and these.

"Two inches of water" my fucking ASS. Go fuck yourself. Hard.

And by the way MORON it's "French Quarter" not "quarters". It's an entire section of the city, not a dormitory --- ya ignorant wankjob. What time does the clue store open?

This look like "two inches", moron? That's a shot from the same hotel Williams was in.


That hotel had to close for over a year to repair flood damage. Does "two inches" do that, moron? That look like "two inches"? Your blind dates must be thrilled.

Fucking IDIOT :fu:

Two inches of water.

Where's the picture of the floating body?

Are you telling me a news crew wouldn't have taken a photo of a floating body?

Looks to me like you are the idiot.

NBC News anchor Brian Williams comments about dead bodies Hurricane Katrina starting to gain attention draw scrutiny News The New Orleans Advocate mdash New Orleans Louisiana

But the French Quarter, the original high ground of New Orleans, was not impacted by the floodwaters that overwhelmed the vast majority of the city.

Notice the picture moron!! He's standing on Canal Street at the corner of Canal and Barrone, right in front of the Walgreens.

Fucking moron - that's the same story that's been discredited throughout this merged thread. All three of them. The same story that backed away from it even before it was posted here, yet it got posted anyway. The same story where I got THAT PHOTO DIRECTLY ABOVE which IS the French Quarter. And btw there's no such thing as the "New Orleans Advocate". It calls itself that but it's in Baton Rouge. We did that too. Guess you didn't notice where it says "Original story" at the heading of the one you want to believe --- after it says "
New details: Katrina photos show water did surround Ritz-Carlton, where NBC anchor Brian Williams stayed

"New details" that I pointed out WAY back in this thread everybody in New Orleans has known for TEN YEARS. Because that's how old these photos are.

Fucking DUH.

The Walgreens, you mean the Walgreen's at Canal and Baronne, across the street from the hotel? The one at 900 Canal across from the Ritz at 921? THIS WALGREEN'S??


THIS Canal Street?


"Don't go out there-- it's two inches!"

But you're willing to argue with history. Go figure.

To paraphrase an old saw, morons who can't be bothered to read the thread are condemned to repeat it.
And dig themselves deeper and deeper in shit. I am continuously stupefied that there are those so swimming in the soup of partisan hackery that they're willing to make themselves look like this much of an idiot. Not a course I'd choose, but that's me.

"High ground". In New Orleans. What a fucking self-inflated doofus.

Ankle deep water. pfft
Why don't you quit while you are totally humiliated? Maybe you can show up again next week and nobody will remember what a dumbass you are?

I couldn't figure that one out either. Apparently he likes being humiliated. Never was able to wrap my head around that shit.

Oh that reminds me, speaking of New Orleans, hey LL, you want the number for David Vitter's diaper fetish call girl?

I could hook you up. I'm serious too.
Best fit for Brian Williams would be for Fox News to hire him so he can report findings from those 751 No Go Zones our friends on the right have been duped into believing exist in France.
Brain Williams is being punished for Iraq?

You're out of your mind

Look- The lefties like to cry about guns and war, yet they reap in the $$$$ with their films depicting just that. And now, we have a lefty reporter who felt the void left by being a coward....

So he lied about it. BW felt he needed to lie to cover up his personal failure and remorse in never serving his country.

Neither you nor anyone else on the right has 'proven' Williams is a 'liberal,' or that 'the media' are 'liberal,' for that matter; where your errant, subjective opinion isn't 'proof.'
Neither you nor anyone else on the right has 'proven' Williams is a 'liberal,' or that 'the media' are 'liberal,' for that matter; where your errant, subjective opinion isn't 'proof.'

None so blind as those who refuse to see.

Even when it's on the TV inches from their eyes.
Pimp much?

Not much. But things cross my path. You now how it is. Amazing what you find out about your own neighbors.

Fantastic you were able to turn that to commercial advantage.

The power of private enterprise at work in America!

Oh no, I don't take a cut. Noooo I don't want any part of dealings with that woman. She's a right wacko.
I wuz just doing Bonestar a favor. He seems to like humiliation, she can do it.

It's my good deed for the day. :eusa_angel:
Brain Williams is being punished for Iraq?

You're out of your mind

Look- The lefties like to cry about guns and war, yet they reap in the $$$$ with their films depicting just that. And now, we have a lefty reporter who felt the void left by being a coward....

So he lied about it. BW felt he needed to lie to cover up his personal failure and remorse in never serving his country.

Neither you nor anyone else on the right has 'proven' Williams is a 'liberal,' or that 'the media' are 'liberal,' for that matter; where your errant, subjective opinion isn't 'proof.'

That's why they have to keep babbling the desperate mantra. "Liberal media! Liberal media! Liberal media!" :blahblah:

That's why "there was no flooding in the Quarter" is working out as well as it is. Practiced techique.

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