Liberal policy continues to create failure worldwide


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
It's funny how liberals worship socialist/communist nations like China and those in Europe. Yet those who actually live in those nations leave and come to the U.S. to escape liberal policy for opportunity:

Despite her lack of experience in the market for mobile applications, Silje Vallestad created a business that developed two apps designed to promote children's safety. Vallestad, who initially attempted to grow her business in Norway, said the largest challenge so far has been getting funding. "Norway does not have mature venture funding or angel communities, and getting funding is hard when there is no ecosystem for that," according to Vallestad, who said she should have come to the U.S. earlier.

Entrepreneur Makes it Big Creating Safe Applications |
I don't blame Norway for being cautious with funding. They just look at Sweden and their recent Muslim immigration projects that have ended up in making the country a first world war zone, and the rape capital of the west.

They rather not have a rape capital.
These regressive pukes are dangerously stupid. We have to keep them marginalized politically. If that meat puppet faggot acquired the sort of power Hugo Chavez managed to get, people in Baltimore would be eating their pit bulls for Christmas Dinner too.
Nothing ends in failure, poverty, and misery like left-wing policy...
“Portland has seen a 10% increase in homelessness in just the last two years” - 60 Minutes (01/14/18)
A double-digit increase at a time when conservative policy has the U.S. flourishing like few times in history. Inexcusable. Borderline criminal. People are suffering because of the stubbornness, immaturity, and ideology of progressives.

The left would rather see people homeless and starving than admit that conservatives have been right all along.
I literally burst out laughing when I read the headline. You know progressive policy is the worst when even people from war-torn, third-world nation’s flee from it.
At least seven families, citing the high cost of living, the low quality of housing and concerns about their safety, have left or plan to leave this summer, many of them headed to Michigan.
Nothing ends in catastrophic failure like idiotic left-wing policy...

They fled war in Syria, now many refugees are leaving Paterson
Conservative policies have made these other nations go broke. Republican actions and devises cause all societies to collapse. The idea that wealth is distributed by trickle down is a joke at worst and obtuse at best. Capitalist nations take over other countries and make them go broke by taking everything they have and then leave them with nothing but a few living people.
Conservative policies have made these other nations go broke. Republican actions and devises cause all societies to collapse. The idea that wealth is distributed by trickle down is a joke at worst and obtuse at best. Capitalist nations take over other countries and make them go broke by taking everything they have and then leave them with nothing but a few living people.
That is written like a 5th grader and thought out like a 3rd grader. :lmao:

You’re refusal to reconcile reality with what you were conditioned to believe is problematic at best and tragic at worst.
It never works. It always ends in catastrophic failure and perpetual poverty.
After all, socialism is the leading man-made cause of death and misery in human existence. Whether implemented by a mob or a single strongman, collectivism is a poverty generator, an attack on human dignity and a destroyer of individual rights.
Only an idiot and a parasite supports collectivism.

Sorry If You're Offended, but Socialism Leads to Misery and Destitution
First Fidel Castro admits that socialism doesn’t work. And now Nicolas Maduro admits that socialism doesn’t work.
Caracas (AFP) - Under-fire Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro admitted his economic model has "failed" in the wake of food and medicine shortages and public service paralysis, such as Tuesday's power failure that affected 80 percent of Caracas.
And yet idiots progressives - who don’t understand basic economics and refuse to study history - demand that we bring this failed model to the U.S.

Venezuela's president admits economy has failed
Idiotic left-wing policy always ends in extreme poverty, loss of liberty, and universal misery.
San Juan de los Morros (Venezuela) (AFP) - Power blackouts are daily fare, running water comes only once a month, cash machines are empty and waiting for a bus can take hours. Welcome to San Juan de los Morros in Venezuela, where nothing works.
No power? No water? Sounds like California. This is the insanity that progressives want to bring here to the U.S.

San Juan: The Venezuelan city where nothing works anymore
It never works. It never has worked. It never will work.
A Canadian province has decided to scrap its universal basic income pilot after lawmakers decided it was “quite expensive” and “not sustainable,” The Guardian reported.
And yet idiots progressives - who don’t understand basic economics and refuse to study history - demand that we bring this failed model to the U.S.

Canadian province scraps ‘not sustainable’ basic income program pilot
Conservative policies have made these other nations go broke. Republican actions and devises cause all societies to collapse. The idea that wealth is distributed by trickle down is a joke at worst and obtuse at best. Capitalist nations take over other countries and make them go broke by taking everything they have and then leave them with nothing but a few living people.
Yeah, I'm convinced

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